Everyone is born to think big. Just stroll down your memory lane and try to recall when you are younger in age, have you ever dream to become a pilot, doctor or other great positions in the society? When you are older, you must have dream of starting your own business, driving your favorite posh ... Views: 1298
Expect Nothing and Nothing Will Disappoint You
You can shun disappointments by not having any expectations with regards to your honour. If you expect nothing, then nothing can disappoint you and therefore nothing will be taken from you. In order to be a contented person, you must do something ... Views: 1324
Improve Love Relationship by Learning the Reality of Married Life
"Be careful and discreet; it is much easier to get married than unmarried. If you have the right mate, it is heavenly, but if not, you will live in a 24 hour daily hell that clings constantly to you, it can be one of the most ... Views: 2592
Self Empowerment by Controlling Anger
Let's start off with a story that interpret the danger of anger. Once there live a rich woman that is well known in high society for her benevolence who had a maid that was faithful and diligent. One day, out of curiosity, the maid decided to test her ... Views: 1748
Self Improvement by Learning and overcoming Frustration in Love
In this world, no one can escape the torture of frustration because it is mission impossible for all our desires to be satisfied. This applies to anyone, regardless whether you are rich or poor, man or woman, old or young, you ... Views: 1420
Self Growth by Knowing and Coping with Stress
Have you ever wondered how this word - "Stress" come from? The word stress is actually acquired from physics and engineering where it has a specific meaning. It is a force of adequate magnitude to distort or deform. In related to human, Stress has ... Views: 1136
Self growth by learning to forgive and forget
Taking revenge on trouble makers or enemies will only create more problems and disturbance to you. You must realize that negative emotion and hostile actions can only bring harm and suffering to both of you and your enemies. In order to perform ... Views: 1430
Self Improvement by Gaining Control Over Your Moods
In our daily life, everyone is being influenced by their moods to some extent. We should try to better understand our moods in order to take control and by doing this, we can avoid doing things that we might regret in the future. At ... Views: 1530
Knowing the danger of selfishness empower you to gain personal growth
You must know the danger of selfishness because IT kills one's personality and spiritual growth if you are unaware. A self centered and selfish lives only for himself. He does not know beauty of loving and respecting others, ... Views: 1813
Self Empowerment by learning how to get out of the bad emotional state instantly
Do you usually or sometimes feel bad about everything that is happening to you and get agitated easily by tiny little thing in the world? If so, this post can act as a guide to you to overcome this problem. First ... Views: 1874
Grow Yourself By Learning how to win argument in a positive way
There are always times in our life when we have differed in our opinions, thinkings and decisions with our people around us, like our loved ones, personal friends and colleagues at work. This is all how dis-agreement happens and ... Views: 1946
Empower Yourself by Getting and Staying Motivated
Have you ever set a Goal (like slimming regime, business plan) at one point and find yourself losing motivation at the other? If you recall, in life, you will be facing this type of happenings numerous times because giving up or quitting has ... Views: 1391
Knowing the danger of selfishness empower you to gain personal growth
You must know the danger of selfishness because IT kills one's personality and spiritual growth if you are unaware. A self centered and selfish lives only for himself. He does not know beauty of loving and respecting ... Views: 2800
Self Empowerment to Overcome The Cause of Jealousy - Selfishness
Now, you know the dangers of selfishness and it is the cause of jealousy, while jealousy nurtures selfishness.
Let's begin by a story of a snake. Once the tail and the head of a snake quarreled and fought over who should be ... Views: 4565
Self Improvement by Overcoming Worry
In this modern society, we are always being filled with negative energy like fear, stress, anxiety and worry. These energies will cause us to live in a tension and pressurized world and this is inescapable for anyone in the earth but the good news is that we ... Views: 1207
Be Self Empowered To Overcome Procrastination Caused By Being Indecisive
There are many factors that can cause people to procrastinate and one critical one among them is being indecisive in your decision making. Many people simply use up too much time trying to figure out and making decision on ... Views: 3950
Grow yourself with time management
Are you always late for work, miss project or task dateline? Are you always rushing and spending your day in frenzy activities, but at the end, you are always wondering why you did not achieve much? If this description fits you, then it is time for you to ... Views: 1273
Self empowerment by empowering yourself with assertiveness
Firstly, let’s look at what is assertiveness?
Assertiveness is the capability to express how one feel and defend/fight for his rights while respecting the feelings and rights of others. Assertiveness is also often associated with ... Views: 1348
Personal development by learning positive self talk
Have you ever wonder the reasons why some people are optimistic and some are pessimistic? The powerful influence that impacts one’s attitude and personalities is what you say to yourself and believe it. It is not what happens to you, but it ... Views: 1383
Gain Personal Growth By Learning to Manage Stress
Firstly, let us learn what stress is. Stress is the emotional and physical strain that is being triggered by our reaction towards the forceful pressure from our surrounding people and events. Some of the usual stress reactions comprise of ... Views: 1316
Empower yourself by learning the technique of effective eye contact
To begin with, ask yourself one question, “What is the function of your eyes?” For me, the 2 inbuilt eyes from birth are intended to be used far more than the daily routine and inert viewing of objects, people and happenings ... Views: 2266
Detect Lies through Body Language
Be self empowered to become a walking lie detector
Before you proceed to read on this post, please kindly choose an option below:
a. Do you want to know more about lie detecting techniques and accept the fact that there are a lot of liars around you in ... Views: 2933
Self Empowerment by establishing network, building friendship and creating intimacy
Before we start, ask yourself this question, “Are you afraid of starting a conversation with a total stranger or even shiver when you think of it?” If you are, do not worry, you are not the only one in this ... Views: 1859
Gaining Personal Growth in Learning the Empowering Techniques of Dealing with Difficult People
In our daily life, conflict and disagreements are unavoidable and there are often difficult people out there for you to deal with. Can you still recall when is the last time you deal with a difficult ... Views: 1551
Self Empowerment by knowing the DO’S and DON’Ts of shaking hand
Never underestimate a simple gesture like a handshake can play a major role in the influence on how other people look at you and in creating a positive first impression which impact the subsequent meeting.
Basically, everyone ... Views: 2156
Persuasive Language – Convince me
In our everyday conversation, you are always engaged with the persuasion process no matter what you are doing. You will learn to appreciate the importance of the basic techniques of using persuasive language to success. Let’s go through the empowering ... Views: 2737
Self Empowerment by learning how to love someone
Do you know how to love someone? If your answer is “Yes”, think carefully again whether is it you feel that the other party felt loved? For example, if you say the 3 magic words “I Love you” to your wife/girlfriend, you might feel that she will ... Views: 1199
Empower other people to empower yourself
To empower people means to motivate and encourage them
In this world, do you think you can become very successful without the help of the others? Of course not, you definitely need them. There are mainly 3 types of people you will need to fill them ... Views: 1859
Self empowerment by handling objection and rejection effectively
In everyday life, we tend to receive more objections than acceptance, so it is important to learn how we can handle these negative feedbacks and turn it into a positive and empowering pointer in life. 5 empowering techniques to ... Views: 1324
Empower yourself by controlling your anger before it control you
Anger simply is an emotion signal send to you when negative or unfavorable events fall upon you and this happen too often in our daily life, either personal life or at work. Do you know what will be the consequence if you have ... Views: 1426
One of the key contributing factor of Procrastination – Indolence
First of all, let’s understand what indolence is. It simply means laziness or disinclined to complete a task or activity, for instance, when you want to lose weight by doing routine exercise, you will delay this task by finding ... Views: 3773
What exactly is Self Confidence?
Self-confidence is the conviction that you can cope with a particular situation correctly. Self-confidence is to know that you don’t lack of any of the necessary skills in order to successfully complete a task. How do we achieve it?
Self Empowerment by ... Views: 1255
Using Criticism to be successful
How do you deal with criticism when it happened to you? Do you feel like a sword piercing through your heart or feel empowered to accept the criticism and reflect the sword? Criticism is just like an intimidating double edge sword that can do harm or do good to ... Views: 1189
First of all, Secret of Self Empowerment will like to take this chance to wish all readers a Happy New Year and an empowering fruitful year 2011 ahead. Time flies, a year has passed and have you pondered over what you have achieve over the past one year, are all your goals achieved with the ... Views: 2173
Empower yourself by learning NLP Anchoring
Firstly, what is Anchoring? It is simply defined as a procedure where your memory and emotion bank are associated/anchored with some other resources in your sub-conscious mind, just like a ship being anchored to to a certain location. An anchor is ... Views: 2075
Self Empowerment by recognizing and avoiding negative body language signal
Our body language mystically reveals far more information about our feeling than it is possible to convey verbally through conversation. All of the physical gestures we make are subconsciously interpreted by others and ... Views: 2037
Empowering yourself to conquer procrastination
What exactly is procrastination? Why can’t I follow Nike’s slogan “Just do it!”? When we fail to do something that we yearned to do but did not, we ask ourselves the question “Why can’t I just move my butt and DO it?” It just means the act of ... Views: 1633
Self Empowerment to be decisive to achieve success
First of all, judge yourself and conclude what type of person you are. Are you one who make up a decision fast or someone who think for a long while but still cannot make up his mind? If you are in the later category, you have to change in ... Views: 1339
Self Empowerment with the Art of Communication
Every communication that we make or bring across to the other parties is an ACTION, so communication is POWER. With this empowering tool of power, you can use it to influence people thought, feeling and action and win them over. Your level of ... Views: 2235
Self Empowerment by negotiating to success
In a nutshell, Negotiation simply means to coerce or persuade the other parties, either one person or many to nod and say “Yes”. It is an art of persuasion that can create significant value out from this course of action, for example if you are asking ... Views: 2305