We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
It's been over six months since New Year's Resolutions were made. How are you doing with your commitment to take better care of yourself this year or are you "over it" because they don't work out anyway? If your heart is in the right place, but you are simply not managing to make the changes ... Views: 1383
I talked about solo-preneurs, coaches, consultants, healers and spiritual teachers who are struggling, and frustrated to get to the bottom of why they’ve been hiding out, playing small and repeatedly attracting the same kinds of negative people and situations in their businesses. If some or all ... Views: 2056
Are you already decided on what you really want to do with your life? If yes, are you prepared now to venture into another new job or just about to jumpstart into your first job or career ever? Okay, so you might haven’t precisely set your heart into something definite yet, but whatever that is, ... Views: 956
o you want to lose weight--you’ve set your own weight loss goals. The question is, do you have realistic weight loss goals? It’s easy enough to set your own targets and objectives, especially most people out there who are fat, chubby, or those…obese (ugh!) really and seriously make this as their ... Views: 687
Do you know what your career goals are? This is perhaps the most often asked question and the most imperative. You’ll be surprised that even though this is just a simple question, very few can really answer it with conviction. Interestingly, several career individuals in the workforce actually ... Views: 754
Everybody has a Time Dictator inside them. This is the person who when you want to goof off and be totally unproductive, wags their finger at you and says ‘This must be done... NOW!’
I think the Time Dictator is a close friend of the Tidiness Dictator, who always makes sure you put the ... Views: 2168
It’s the day of the big exam. You’ve spent weeks cramming. You walk into the classroom, receive your test and pick up your pencil. You look down at the paper and…your mind goes blank.
Hopefully that’s never happened to you. It’s a common nightmare, though. It stalks the minds of students from ... Views: 2774
I’m sure you’ve heard the question many times and perhaps you are still pondering the answer! I am often asked by women “how do I figure out my purpose?” Is there a process? Is there a formula? Am I supposed to just know what ’it’ is? And how can I make money at it?
“Every individual has a ... Views: 1459
Credit card debt has increased drastically throughout the past several years and it does not look like many people are yet realizing just how bad this problem is. If you are struggling each month, trying to figure out how in the world you will ever have the ability to pay all of your credit card ... Views: 604
Of course, it’s only human nature to think and aspire the best for themselves. Setting personal goals is good and makes us more disciplined so that we can identify and zero in on what we really aim for. Well, it’s not only at the beginning of a year (creating New Year’s Resolutions—only to break ... Views: 783
Setting effective goals—how do you go about in achieving them? Perhaps you hoped to eat healthily from now on, start going back to the gym or be more patient with other people. But these are just wishes, not goals. Yes, the aspiration to improve ourselves for the better is there and it’s ... Views: 687
Everyone, no matter how successful, has some area in their life that hasn’t quite reached up to their ideal. It can be frustrating, especially when every other area of your life seems to be going so well. The first instinct for most people is to blame their situation. Whether it’s the boss at ... Views: 2055
In order to achieve success, you need to start setting smart goals. In short you must have a plan; a decisive strategy of reaching your goals. The strategy must be comprehensive and must provide proper guidance in all situations so that you always know what to do, when and how to do it.
When ... Views: 1568
Do you have a fear of goal setting? Have you set goals in the past that did not work out how you wanted? Are you disheartened as a result? Or maybe you are afraid to set goals in case you fail and you know how awful that feels so end up staying safe instead. Some people are afraid to set a ... Views: 1691
You want to be successful who doesn't? why don't you start to set a goal for it?. Of course, almost all of us wanted to progress in life. It’s the main target of many. But the big question here is how, right? People look in various ways on how to be an achiever and get what they really want like ... Views: 727
Even you’re not the very goal-oriented type, I’m sure you’ve got your own goals or anything you want to be in the near future, or whatever you want in life. That’s why it’s still important to have your own goal setting planning. It’s true that it’s all in the attitude if you want to have a good ... Views: 803
"If you don't really know where you want to go, it makes no difference which road you take."
How many of us are walking down roads that are leading nowhere? How many of us have a feeling that our lives could be happier and more prosperous but our current circumstances are holding us back and ... Views: 1045
Welcome back! In part 1, you will have learned the first 5 reasons why your visualization may not be effective and how to turn this around so your Vision Board will indeed coming to fruition in incredible ways you never thought possible. Let me explain the other 5 important reasons ... Views: 3061
So here you are; you have created your very own Vision Board with fantastic goals and dreams on it. You are excited about it, however it’s been a while since you put it together and none of your goals have actually made it into your reality yet. You may be feeling like you are doing everything ... Views: 2996
My sons, Eric and Josh, graduated from middle school last week. I had a conversation with them about moving onto high school. I expected to hear "I'm looking forward to high school," "I'm nervous" and "I hope there isn't that much more homework" but, after all of the complaints I heard this ... Views: 4501
Goals must not necessarily be modest be modest to be realizable. What determines the feasibility of a goal or otherwise is not the perceived magnitude but has to do with you and your readiness to take on that goal. You must set goals that, given your experience and belief, you can attain. To set ... Views: 645
"Our intention creates our reality." - Wayne Dyer
The process of setting intentions is a powerful way to design and create your life in exact accord with your desires. In the process of identifying your desires and then focusing the Energy of your thoughts in that direction, you are applying ... Views: 731
If you are a writer and you write one page a day, in 30 days you’ll have 30 pages. Duh! Yes, I’m being obvious, but there’s a point. Taking this very same logic to get even faster results, if you write 2 pages a day you’ll have doubled your output.
To look at this in a different way, if you ... Views: 1135
I was having lunch with a friend of mine today. It seems our lunches and get-togethers happen less frequently because his day job keeps him busier every day. As he acquires new and better skills more tasks seems to be handed to him and more of his day is consumed staying above the learning curve ... Views: 1347
Do you know what your goals are but can't seem to make them come true? Is your life going in the direction you'd like it to? It may be time to take some action, any action! As Will Rogers said, "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
Most of us feel ... Views: 1757
For most of us achieving calmness in our lives is a worthy and desirable, albeit somewhat lofty goal. A friend shared with me the following formula to achieving inner peace, something she heard on a popular TV show. “The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and ... Views: 3334
Six months into your fiscal year is a half way point for many small business owners to assess their performance compared to the goals and objectives that they set at the beginning of the year. This intermediate assessment acts as a pivotal point in time to determine whether or not your plans ... Views: 2257
Throughout history, those living above the ordinary, those exceptional, auspicious individuals who have been fortunate enough to have developed their talent and creative ability-have enlisted the help of coaches. Why? Coaches help them to stay on top of their game. High achievers recognize they ... Views: 1941
Have you ever found yourself bored with life, of the “same ol" thing, or the repetition of a job that just does not make your engine rev? Did you know that there are many people plagued with the same challenge? The quest for how to make life more exciting. Surprisingly, the same answer works for ... Views: 2757
In the search for what excites you in life, there is no thing to do or possess, no place to go, nothing at all that can replace the essential need and ultimate foundation of good companionship to make life in general more interesting and satisfying.
Certainly, we can be very happy alone, and ... Views: 2066
America's independence did not come on a silver platter. In a similar way our personal successes would not materialize if we are not willing to pay the prize for their attainment. In the Audio book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill,it is stated that in spite of the fact that we all remember ... Views: 1842
I’m an artist by nature, and one of the most effective tools I employ when I set out to achieve a goal is creative imagining. Creative imagining is simply the process of using visuals to bring out your desired outcome. It’s an extremely pleasant way to help you enjoy goal setting.
Being able ... Views: 1596
Goal setting is one of the more important things that most people do not do. Effective goal-setting or lack there of, is the difference between doing and not doing. Simple as that. If you do not set goals for yourself, more than likely, you will run in place for most of your life. Goal setting ... Views: 1110
Are you ready to sit down and lay out your goals... be they for the New Year, for a project or just to get a fresh start on your life? I'd like to share my thoughts and experiences about goal setting that might provide you with some new perspectives on this important ritual.
I have a ... Views: 5608
What are your goals and dreams? What do you aspire to or hope for? Goals help turn these “wishes” into reality. You can have what you desire with some planning and that is what goal setting is all about. Goal setting gives you the necessary confidence you need to know that you can have ... Views: 2249
Using feasibility studies to manage your time involves technical details and a lot of logical questions regarding a projected plan. Business establishments, organizational developments, and personal studies involve a kind of study or plan that will create timetables, projections, and strategies ... Views: 2914
How knowledgeable are you?
Are you knowledgeable? Do you have the essential knowledge to excel at your job? Do you try to learn new things and gain knowledge daily?
Knowledge is power and the more essential knowledge you have, the more you will become successful and happy. Deep knowledge ... Views: 2391
Your goals say a lot about you– they express who you are and what you stand for. Empowering goals take you into life where you want to be. They bring you purpose, passion and a sense of accomplishment.
People often, confuse empowering goals with expectations. A goal is a mission that you set ... Views: 1520
I. The Ten Commandments: The Simple Way to Organize Your Household
A. The First Commandment
You must not have other plans or possible distractions.
Q. What does this mean?
A. We must clean out, sort, make piles, organize junk and trust yourself ~otherwise hire a Professional. ... Views: 5184
Some years ago we were traveling through Boston Airport. On the wall, and it was a huge wall, there was a colossal American flag. Whiling away the time before our flight, this obviously caught the imagination of one of the children. ‘What’ they said in a loud voice that seemed to fill one of ... Views: 4918
Why won't my kid behave? What makes him so angry? How can I control his angry behavior? Why is his behavior rude and obnoxious? How can we teach respect and responsibility? Are all kids his age lazy? What am I doing wrong?
These are common questions that come up in parenting classes I teach ... Views: 2596
OK here it is, in a simple, easy to understand format! I have used this same system (notice I call this system "A step by step approach that is set to getting somebody from point A to point B! Not just article of what I/people think may or may not work e.g. guess work...).
OK here it is, in a ... Views: 1128
There is a great danger in the whole idea that thoughts are things and we create what we think. This danger is to people who do not fully understand what that principle means, how it works, and how it can be confused with guidance and intuition. That danger lies in the ego which thinks it knows ... Views: 1511
These days, it seems like we are being pulled in so many different directions. Priorities compete with each other, and it just seems like we can’t get everything done, doesn’t it?
What’s worse, it seems like our daily “to do” lists grow much faster than our abilities to check them off. No ... Views: 1632
How to achieve your goals through action?
Do you know someone who has great knowledge yet doesn’t put this knowledge into action? Do you know someone who keeps complaining and doesn’t do anything about his current situation?
When I used to take singing lessons, I used to spend half of the ... Views: 778
What does it take to live the life you desire? Definitely, having goals you are passionate about, focus, and self-discipline give you a good start. Also there are stages in life that are natural times for thinking about living the life you desire. Many of these times signal a transition which ... Views: 1288
You pick a goal and hit it. You’re supposed to feel good or great, even amazing—but, you don’t. Hmm . . .
You followed the formula: picked a goal, made a plan, worked your plan. You succeeded, but you don’t feel the way you thought you would. What happened?
You aimed at the wrong target. ... Views: 1531
Every time I embark on doing something big, I get sick to my stomach. My hands get sweaty and butterflies start swirling around like I'm lying in the middle of a pasture on a bright sunny day. The feeling sucks. But believe it or not, it is one that I have actually started forcing myself to ... Views: 1849
If anyone was going to succeed at retirement it is was Al. An accomplished artist, we first met at a Christmas party of a mutual friend. He was eagerly awaiting retirement as an administrator from a large California university. He was looking forward to entering a new career as an artist. ... Views: 2431