We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
My company, the Confident Solutions Coach, works with entrepreneurs to develop systems in their business. I spent the last five years learning how to do this in my own business, and it is really fun to go out there and help other people get this done.
The first thing you have to do is ... Views: 1881
Today is the day to start setting YOUR goals. I’ve been setting and achieving goals my entire life and here are some of the best tips I can suggest to help you be successful.
#1. WRITE THEM DOWN. The most powerful tool that you can have for goal achievement it is this: A ... Views: 817
When it comes to learning how to motivate yourself to success, which is better? Using rewards or punishment? Is one better than the other? Will rewarding yourself when you succeed produce better results than punishing yourself when you fail? You might be surprised at the answer, but the truth is ... Views: 3871
Vision boards have transformed the lives of celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Oprah Winfrey – and they have the power to transform your life too. They are a modern manifestation method combining concepts taken from creative hobbies like scrapbooking with motivational mind-mapping and ... Views: 6599
When starting a fitness program, it's important to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Fitness goal setting should be one of the first things you do. You may want to improve your health, lose weight, build endurance or learn a new skill. No matter what your motivation, setting ... Views: 783
Do you know how to visualize truly as if it is real?
Do you know the easy way to make your visualization more like real?
Visualization is an important factor of getting what you want. If you really want something you must know what this exactly is. You have to force your brain to know ... Views: 1977
The moment you determine what your goals are, you would need to start with the process of doing your best to achieve them. Set aside a few hours now to develop a goals program. A goals program is a step-by-step, time-bound plan designed to track your progress.
The first thing you would need ... Views: 1145
Have you ever spent the day just running errands, picking up kids, making sure dinner is prepared, and getting little jr. to his baseball game? At the end of the day as you’re finally sitting down relaxing, have you wondered where the day went to? We as women try to squeeze in everything into ... Views: 1865
Have you seen the show Hoarders, Buried Alive? Many people are entranced by it. It’s reminds me of when you drive down the road and pass an accident… it’s hard to turn away. I’ve heard people say that they are amazed at how “those people” live. Can’t “they” understand the difference between ... Views: 3718
Do you reach all your goals? If not, have you ever wondered why you didn't? Your goals can be reached, but you need a plan of action to be successful.
Some of us set goals that seem almost impossible to obtain. We get very discouraged when our progress seems to be at a stand still. ... Views: 743
Bad memories put boundaries to your future plans. Before taking a step forward, don’t think about your previous mistakes at first. This may not sound correct but that doesn’t mean that you will never consider your mistakes before making a decision. When you remember the past and project it to ... Views: 1567
Want to start an online business, but find the whole process confusing, frustrating and time-consuming?
It's actually a lot easier than you might think.
You just need to have three simple building blocks in place.
Here are the three critical components you'll need to start your own ... Views: 776
For some people, struggle gives purpose, which is why people who are not rich, stay that way because if there is a struggle to survive, they have a purpose in their life. There is nothing worse than a life with no purpose and any purpose will do. Survival is a good purpose, so they maintain ... Views: 2663
Growing up I changed my mind several times what I wanted to be when I grow up. I am sure everyone might have gone through this. As far back as I can remember I always wanted to work outside the home. While some other little girls may dream of being a mother and a wife having children and stay ... Views: 1215
When your to-do list is longer than a child's holiday wish list, it is time to make some changes. There are several steps you can take to increase your chance of getting more things done. First, get your to-dos out of your head and onto paper or into your task list. When you are creating your ... Views: 1197
I’ve coined a new phrase and philosophy called “Living Life to the Nines.” Doesn’t that conjure up all sorts of positive connotations? We’ve all heard the phrase “dressed to the nines,” which means being dressed extraordinarily well. How about “cloud nine” – that blissfully happy place on top of ... Views: 2330
The pursuit of happiness always starts with a dream and a decision doesn’t it? Making that decision is a process and likely one that doesn’t come overnight. Once a seed is planted it needs to germinate before it gets to the point of blossoming into an actual decision for most of us. For me, it ... Views: 1547
How many times have you set out to do something, and when it doesn’t work out after the 1st or 2nd attempt, you decide that you’re a failure, you’re not good at it, you’ll never learn how to do it, or it’s not for you?
I often hear a story similar to this from women when I first meet ... Views: 1147
You decided to choose, the fast and the biggest reward! So what’s wrong?
Why can’t you reach your desires?
Do you want to reach your desires?
Do you know the right way to them?
Everyone has desires but unfortunately not everybody succeeds. There are some cross roads on the way and it ... Views: 1194
Smart goal setting is the subject I will be dealing with today. It is something that, if only given proper attention, could change people's lives around. It is well known that a lack of specific aims in your life will have you going nowhere fast.
So why is that goal setting helps? Because the ... Views: 1765
During this challenging period of world wide changes, people I work with seem to be struggling more than ever. I see clients that are finding it difficult to find work, other’s who are going through horrible divorces, and many that are dealing with health crisis’s. The emotions that seem to be ... Views: 1637
How do we find opportunities from ideas and what separates the two? There are millions of ideas a day but what are these opportunities that can lead to business success? An opportunity is an idea that’s passed the test of planning. It has potential. You can implement it. It is something that can ... Views: 1349
The Cost of Adventure
How Much Do You Need? Recently I wrote about why you need not fear making a change to your lifestyle simply because your financial situation is uncertain. Today I am writing about what living a more adventurous lifestyle will really cost you. My family has traveled to ... Views: 1136
Right, so you want to know how you can lose weight and get a more toned body without having to splash out on a monthly gym membership or personal trainer? How to maximise your fitness/workout plan to reach your goals on time?
Well, here are some vital points that can be utilised to produce an ... Views: 640
Do you feel like your life has been more stressful? Your dreams and goals unfulfilled? Sometimes it takes a gentle nudge in the right direction and other times a serious shove is required. At times life is not easy, and some scholars will tell you it is not meant to be; it is through the ... Views: 2058
I often start my Wellness On The Go™ workshops with information about the importance of setting goals. By a show of hands, I ask the audience to demonstrate how many of them have goals, and whether or not these goals have been documented. Throughout the course of my workshops I have come to ... Views: 3255
This is the story about how a small, practically unknown town in the pine barrens of New Jersey got the name: Double Trouble. They say this small cluster of houses, barns, sawmills and sheds in a crossroads village in the backwoods of the flat pine barrens (near present day Toms River) got its ... Views: 1655
As entrepreneurs, we wear many hats, juggle many balls, and any other crazy-busy metaphor you can come up with. You write website copy and ezine articles, work with clients, speaking, design new programs, create a product, hire people, fire people, bookkeeping, professional development... Even ... Views: 859
All of us have bad habits that we know we shouldn’t be doing but we do them anyway. Or, more accurately, we have a list of things we should be doing but we aren’t doing them!
You know the ones I’m talking about – regular visits to the gym, a healthy diet, dealing with an awkward customer ... Views: 1466
One of the most daunting aspects of setting and achieving goals for achieving financial independence is everything seems so darn overwhelming. Not to mention the major worries that may stand in your way. It's enough to make any entrepreneur or solo professional scream for a break!
As ... Views: 724
Whatever changes you want to make in your life you will find some aspects of change easy and some aspects of change difficult.
The easy bit is working out that you need to change. That increasing sense of frustration, that growing sense of unease or just a general awareness of unhappiness, ... Views: 1415
Clarifying you vision is the first step to achieving your dream. It will be difficult to step into your life dream if you don’t have a definite vision of what that is. Creating a unique vision means clearing away all the doubt and fears you may harbor about accomplishing your dream. If you ... Views: 2443
7 Secrets to Living the Good Life
Know the 7 Secrets. There really are 7 “Secrets” that you need to know and understand before you can successfully transform your life from where it is now to where it needs to be. These 7 Secrets require that you change your long-held attitudes, your ... Views: 1450
Picture it... you're cruising down the road on a beautiful spring day. The top is down, the breeze is in your hair, the birds are singing and all is right with the world. As you come around the curve you suddenly see a fork in the road. You stop, confused- which way do I go? A stranger is ... Views: 1516
If you're like me, you're almost always on the go. Whether you're juggling projects at work, balancing your personal and professional lives, or being there for the people you love, your available time may constantly be stretched to the limits. When was the last time you really took some time ... Views: 1037
Yes sir (or ma’am), you are not doing it right. You are running around in circles; never coming to a point where you understand where you are or where you are going. You are not doing it right. What is it that you are NOT doing? You are not setting concrete goals that will take you from one step ... Views: 1244
Goal setting and the corresponding use of a goal book has been a known cure for apathy and personal dissatisfaction for some time. It is a time-tested and proven method for getting more from life. However, there are known side effects for this “cure.”
Potential side effects of using a goal ... Views: 990
The power of self talk
Depression, sadness, killing, rape, insult, cancer, assassination, betrayal, hell, torment, rape, crying, bitterness, volcano, pain, suffering, earthy quake, poverty…
What kind of emotions do you feel now after reading these words? Do you feel some kind of pain in ... Views: 1210
Many people are focused on finding their true purpose. They spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to find their true purpose, but never get it no matter what methods they try.
My best advice is to forget it and give up because you will never find your true purpose. This entire ... Views: 1472
Nowadays, it seems that many people are experiencing some sort of change such as moving to a new state, loss or creation of a job, personal issues coming to the forefront or maybe family challenges. These are all changes that happen as a result of something. The challenge is how to successfully ... Views: 1297
I remember I had this really great guy in my English class when I was in high school. He used to get all the teachers mad. He was the kind of person who knew exactly what he wanted from life and let nobody tell him otherwise. I really admired him and I knew he will achieve all that which he was ... Views: 8252
There is a depressing number of people who have become so caught up in the mundane trivialities of day-to-day existence, that they’ve completely lost sight of the idea of goal setting (or perhaps they never saw it to begin with.) It’s a startling idea to me that some people live their lives ... Views: 1275
People from all types of background have gone on to achieve success at staggering heights. We've all heard this song and dance before; that it doesn't matter where you are from or what your circumstances were, but rather, where you are going.
Since success and background are independent, it ... Views: 1671
Everyone has goals, but the difference between those who have mastered goal setting and those who simply wish for their goals to come true comes down to simply how they choose to phrase their goal! But wait, I can hear you saying. How can the way a goal be phrased influence whether or not it is ... Views: 1283
B: Benefit from being an optimist. Benefits and blessings are yours when you see the benefits and blessings that flow from a particular situation. Better outcomes are yours when you choose to look for all the benefits and blessings in each situation.
L: Look on the ... Views: 1692
Can a simple statement really get you motivated to start, do, or improve something you’re putting off? Let’s find out.
Think of something you desire to be different, or feel challenged about following through on. See or feel it in your mind’s eye. Really connect with it. Now, say to yourself, ... Views: 1277
Some time ago, I was asked this question, "How do you discover your life purpose?" The person who asked this question was in his late forties, and can be considered to be reasonably successful financially. Yet, to him, there was something else that seemed to be missing in his life. He thought ... Views: 2015
“Why?” you ask. “Why does money always seem to be an issue for me?”
Let me soothe your money feathers. It’s an issue for MOST people. Some of you focus on the issue more than others, but if I poke around a bit I can find places of resistance in most people. And this includes myself!
Now, I ... Views: 936
Are you struggling with whether or not to do something? Sometimes it can feel like you are at a crossroad. You might feel:
• Confused about what you are feeling and why.
• Stuck in a work situation or relationship.
• Overwhelmed and stressed by recent events.
You may have blind spots ... Views: 1404