We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
All our dreams are seem impossible to achieve that’s why it’s called a dream first. After you achieve it, it becomes a common reality for you. But along that road to achievement you must have an idea on how to achieve the seemingly impossible dreams. Start by taking these ideas into reality. ... Views: 1815
With all due respect to many seeking online success as a business entrepreneur it is all too common for people to set goals outside their reach! When this occurs, as ambitious and admirable as it may appear to be on the surface, the lack of smart goal setting can actually sabotage a persons ... Views: 663
The United States of America is the greatest country on earth, but unfortunately it is not perfect. Our economy is falling short of what it is purported to be doing: making a well-paying job for everybody who wants a job.
To generate careers, we require a stop to bad trade deals, better ... Views: 1066
Most people wander through their entire life believing they are in the drivers seat …
But are they really?
Are you???
When you are driving your vehicle, you have your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road, your foot on the gas (ready to brake if necessary) and most important of all ... Views: 2007
How are you coming with those New Year’s resolutions and goals and how many promises did you make to yourself for staying on target this time? Well, don’t despair as there might be just a few suggestions here to help you along your path. While listening to a web video by Bob Proctor, best ... Views: 1148
Time to take Action!
"Don't wait. The time will never be just right."
~ Napoleon Hill
"You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great."
~ Les Brown
How many times have you had a SUPER idea pop into your head and for whatever reasons you let it go ... Views: 1262
Networking is an important part of business and every business woman must conduct networking in order to do well in their organization. Due to other commitments, some women find it harder to network during the evening and hence prefer to attend functions during the day.
There are many ... Views: 606
In the last blog post, we talked about making a complete list of all of the achievements of your life and putting it on paper. Hopefully you have done that and taken the time to relax and enjoy all that you have accomplished. Did you ever stop to think how much you have achieved? It feels ... Views: 1281
It’s a well known fact that your ability to set goals and make plans for their accomplishment is a foremost skill of success. Developing this ability and embedding it as a habit will do more to assure continued success and achievement in your life than any other skill you can possibly ... Views: 2366
The problem starts day one and the situation is nearly always the same. A new sales manager, fresh from the sales pit, takes over a business development team and, instinctively they begin to coach and mentor the sales representatives in the same way that their old sales manager taught them - to ... Views: 2654
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Reaching one’s goals and dreams is a common desire for everyone. Unfortunately, for many possible reasons such as the competitiveness of society, only a fraction of the population actualize their deepest desires in life. But why wait while ... Views: 566
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Live a powerful goal-driven life simply by letting the full power of your mind come out. Do you know that people only use 10% of the brain’s full abilities in everyday life? The gifted ones use only a little bit more. And already, the world ... Views: 1008
Do you know what your ideal life would look like?
If you truly want to change your life, that’s a big goal and you are probably well aware that until you define that goal and all its elements, your chances of attaining it are slim to none.
A life-changing goal is much like a recipe: there ... Views: 4990
You know how you want more time and money? And what about slimming down or handling that bum knee of yours? You said you wanted to spend more quality time with those you care about, too.
To all of you who want to change something very important in your life, stop making excuses. I know life ... Views: 1260
Do you make New Years resolutions, resolutions to make you happier, healthier, perhaps a better person or similar? Many people do, but unfortunately many people abandon them within a few weeks. There are many reasons for this, the biggest one being unreasonable expectation or goals, and most ... Views: 798
Any time of year is a good time to make healthy lifestyle changes, but the beginning of a new year is a time when most of us are filled with hope and enthusiasm to make the coming year even better than the previous one. Each January is a great time to set new intentions because it offers an ... Views: 959
Without goals you are essentially dead in the water. You need to have goals in order to obtain your dreams in life. Here are four reasons why you need to have goals.
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.” ~ Thomas Carlyle
If you do not have goals then you ... Views: 972
Goals are powerful tools that you can use in order to realize your dreams. The act of setting goals is good but you can increase the effectiveness by writing your goals down. Here are reasons why it is important to write your goals down.
1-Eliminate Distractions. Written goals help you to ... Views: 7105
When going after your goal set realistic expectations. This will protect you from unnecessary disappointments. So often we unintentionally sabotage ourselves because we set the bar so high. A goal should be believable and measurable.
Break it Down
As you map out your plan you should be ... Views: 1094
Just do it! ~ Nike Commercial Yes, you CAN begin in February.
I've offered you dozens and dozens of ideas throughout the month of January so that you could make a plan for 2011 to accomplish Being the Change this year. I'd love for you to become healthier, wealthier, happier and more ... Views: 690
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Every salesman has a sales goal, but not every salesman reaches that goal. But the number of those who do shows us that it is possible. If you are one of those who does not seem to reach your sales quota and get higher profits, then the problem ... Views: 812
With the extent of crime across the nation seemingly getting worse, it's arduous for owners to disregard the need for sufficient security for their homes. Especially for those who live in the suburbs or in the country areas that are not so effectively populated one side of securing the home that ... Views: 868
Well, it's been a month since you made your New Year’s resolutions. How's it going? Are you making steady progress? Or, like most of us, have you given up on them?
When you made your New Year’s resolutions for this year, you might have used the formula that is very popular these days among ... Views: 1238
Well, it's been a month since you made your New Year’s resolutions. How's it going? Are you making steady progress? Or, like most of us, have you given up on them?
When you made your New Year’s resolutions for this year, you might have used the formula that is very popular these days among ... Views: 1238
Sometimes we get frustrated because things do not move fast enough or we are too close to the situation that we cannot see any progress, even if we know that things do not just happen overnight.
We have to concentrate on building a good solid and strong foundation and learn as you go. Life ... Views: 5694
Some inspiring words that my hubby’s grandfather told him, words that are simple yet influential. He shared his story of life – his mistakes, his regrets and a lot more. He said whatever mistakes I made just don’t make those mistakes. It’s certain that you will have your share of mistakes based ... Views: 2511
Motivation is a funny thing. It seems to come and go. But when you know the secret of how to motivate yourself, life gets a lot easier. It becomes less of a challenge. When you use the 3 goal setting strategies that follow, you can be sure that staying motivated will no longer be a ... Views: 1401
We all get stuck at one point or another. Even the most creative, outgoing and resourceful individuals are at risk of finding themselves caught in the dangerous area known as ‘the comfort zone.’
Why do we get stuck? Frequently, we get trapped in the same line of thinking or behaving. ... Views: 1243
“The only constant thing in life is change” I don’t remember when was the first time I heard that, yet I clearly recall that I did not like it at first. Now I realize that I was not alone and that that feeling of resistance towards change is a natural reaction. As humans we tend to like the ... Views: 1203
The third key to success is to be prepared. I think that way too often we are so consumed with ‘doing,’ that we forget what it is that we really want. We engage in relationships when what we really want is security. We settle for jobs we no longer love, when what we really want is to be ... Views: 1199
Did you know that you have something in common with Percy Shaw? What! I can 'hear' you saying. Who was Percy Shaw and why do I have something in common with him?
Well, for those of you who don't know, the late Percy Shaw O.B.E. invented 'cats-eye road studs'. What a wonderful idea that was! ... Views: 768
When you talk about life insurance with your customer, use a Bell Curve illustration to aid him visually to understand the concept of the life cycle and the way it relates for the changing need for life insurance. The need for insurance along with the benefit amounts should increase or decrease ... Views: 916
Today it is time to start setting your self improvement goals for 2011. To help you get started on those goals, take out your journal and do the following:
1. Determine where you need improvement
Decide what areas of your life need the most improvement. Are you reading at least 10 pages a ... Views: 4013
Here is a list of top tips to help you manage change and transition either in your personal life or your professional life;
• Have realistic goals – and keep moving towards them
• Give your plan structure but be flexible
• Look for opportunities for self discovery
... Views: 1213
Networking is one of the easiest and most important way by which you can build your clientele. If you are a woman in small business or large; having a good networking list and taking care of your network will help you in decide what to do next. If you already have goals in mind, your network ... Views: 549
When I was growing up, we weren’t really taught how to manage money – let alone how to think about money. I knew that my parents were not ‘rich’ by any means, as my father was in the military and my Mom was a stay-at-home mother with 7 children under foot.
I did know, and learn from them, ... Views: 1239
So you've spent over a year building your website, done a whole lot of testing, re-designs and obstacles to overcome...and you're ready to launch your new website when the fear takes over.
If you have or are currently suffering from "launch fear" I'm guessing you are or have found yourself at ... Views: 672
One thing I absolutely love about a new year, or a new day for that matter, is that it gives us a fresh start to set new goals and implement new plans to pursue and achieve. I have recently set some new goals that have been keeping me very busy, motivated, and excited. One of my many goals ... Views: 1724
Every day holds the possibility of a miracle. ~ Elizabeth David
This year, let's prepare for success with the right New Year's goals.
How many times have you made New Year's resolutions and then experienced disappointment because you let your commitment to change old habits fall by the ... Views: 602
So you want to be an accountant? Successful accountants don’t only have the educational background to make it big but most also have a few qualities that should make him stand out from the rest. If you want to be a successful accountant, then make sure that you have the following abilities:
... Views: 1820
Why is it that some people seem to have the ability to attract wealth and are seemingly successful in everything that they do while the majority of us drift along. making a living but never making any money?
Is it luck? Do these people know something you don't? Of course they do! For ... Views: 741
Have you ever read those stories where someone goes up to the attic in their house and finds an old chest they never knew they had? Then, when they open that chest, they find something valuable – say a painting – that may be worth millions?
Now, suppose for a minute, you somehow knew there ... Views: 1037
Put Your Goals Out There!
By Dave Ferguson, 01/02/2011
Happy New Year! Thanks for reading my weekly column in 2010. The last few months we really covered a lot of ground around goal setting, planning, and strategizing. Hopefully, you have yours ready. Once you ... Views: 821
Are you letting your fears hold you back and keep you from reaching your goals? Then you are not alone. Fear of one sort or another is usually the basic factor in your lack of success in any area of your life. In fact, fear is the biggest dream killer I know of. But it doesn't have to be that ... Views: 1642
So many people spend their lives wanting to “Live their Dream," and yet they do nothing to move toward that. Our lives are what we make of them. Sure we have some things that have gotten in the way, some things that have turned us down the wrong path, but these “Things” are just that, things. ... Views: 1962
Goals and dreams have the power to keep you young at heart well beyond your 50’s. Unfortunately very few people get much further than stating their goals and too often become trapped in the reality between their plan and the boundaries of their comfort zone.
According to Psychology Today 45% ... Views: 1168
How Not to Achieve Your Goals in 2011
By Dave Ferguson, 12/19/2010
Over the past few months, we’ve talked about how were going to tackle our goals and dreams drastically different in 2011. Now, lets talk about why some people fail to achieve their goals (so it doesn’t ... Views: 1105
We can all live with purpose because there is so much to live for. There are things we can pursue, discover, or accomplish that fill our lives with meaning and purpose. We can have vision for our lives, dream dreams, and fulfill our callings. There is always something for us to do. Pursuing ... Views: 1501
Low self-esteem is an aspect of the human condition that affects millions of lives negatively. If you suffer from low self esteem and need to gain some confidence, here are some steps you can take to find your way to a high self concept!
Get Fit
Physical fitness is a great way to ... Views: 1813
O for Opportunity
R for Relax
G for Generate
A for Arrange
N for Next
I for Idle
Z for Zest
E for Execute versus eventually
It is a new year and an OPPORTUNITY to organize your self and your space.
RELAX as you go into the process of identifying what you value in ... Views: 1289
Are You Ready to Put Your Purpose Into Action?
Taking action in life is the key to success, joy, and fulfillment. We can have plenty of dreams, goals, passions, and desires, but if we don’t take proactive steps that lead us in the direction of manifesting those things, we will remain ... Views: 1730