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As I write this article I write it knowing that setting and keeping goals is my own personal weakness. I have a definite sense of direction and work diligently but I know that if I wrote my goals down and followed a systematic plan to accomplish them I would do much better. When you break your ... Views: 1247
Making well-defined resolutions is the cornerstone in getting ahead. The quality and success of your resolutions depend on your willingness to stay committed to them.
How is a resolution related to getting ahead? A resolution is defined as a formal expression or intention to make a decision ... Views: 899
Summer isn’t just for sitting by the pool. If you intend to go to college, how you spend your summer can influence your college options. Yes, by all means, have fun by the pool with your friends, but make your summers count, too.
Take note, soon-to-be freshmen, sophomores and juniors — ... Views: 847
A personal development plan is a very useful tool for getting a “handle” on your time management and relieving stress. While it is common to set goals and plans for a business, it is more important to set goals and plans for your life. Many times, however, a life plan such as this is ... Views: 1123
What holds you back from your dreams?
It is usually not lack of ability or talent.
Often, what holds us back is fear.
Fear of failing.
Fear of being successful.
Fear of not knowing how to attain our goals.
If you can think of achieving your goal not as one big action but as a series ... Views: 879
There are two types of overwhelm: the type that’s triggered by external events and the type you self-impose. Both can be managed with the same technique.
“I’m overwhelmed,” was my client’s first comment. You’ve been in that state of mind, and so have I. And, that’s what’s important to ... Views: 6665
Recently, I registered for a three-day marketing event intending that I would walk away with a new and brilliant tagline for my company. I felt that the tagline would solve several of my marketing issues. I was straight up desperate.
I filled my notebook with tons of next steps during that ... Views: 1387
Whether it’s 12 Step Program, Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig, the power to achieve in a group what is difficult to accomplish individually, is impossible to deny. This is the principle of a Mastermind Group and successful Conscious Entrepreneurs know that they are essential to turbo charge ... Views: 744
Motivation needs goal setting to accomplish anything in life. You cannot have one without the other. You can be really motivated, but if you do not know why you are motivated then you not accomplish anything.
Goal setting needs motivation too because you cannot set a goal and stop at that ... Views: 1575
When creating a life plan, many people get so stuck in looking at the "Big Picture" that they forget about the instrumental daily steps that change their overall trajectory of life. This article gives you five tips for altering your trajectory daily, so you can accomplish your big picture ... Views: 2018
If you do not use a daily planner then you are losing time and not accomplishing your goals.
A daily planner can be as simple a lined sheet of paper with each hour broken down starting at 6am to 9pm. During these hours write down what you did or plan to do.
The power of writing ... Views: 1643
Most people don’t set goals. In fact, it is said that less than three percent of people set goals, with everyone else relying on chance, luck and circumstance to get them to where they want to be.
Goals are the beacons that light the way towards our dreams. So if we aren’t consciously ... Views: 688
In the early 19th century, when boxing was quite popular, one who wished to challenge a boxer would throw his hat into the ring. This was probably necessitated by the crowds and noise at such events; you'd be missed if you simply tried to shout out a challenge or push your way through the crowd ... Views: 1719
Whether it is business or personal there are certain key success factors that must come into play for you to achieve your goals. Becoming successful is much more a matter of mental preparation then it is luck as some are led to believe.
Let's look at 5 critical components that must come ... Views: 663
When the objectives we set are large or complex, we often need a plan of some sort to ensure we reach them. However, planning is just half of the story: you also need to take action. Before implementation of any plan, it's useful to check where you are both physically and mentally. Achieving our ... Views: 1285
Ever wonder why goals seem so impossible to reach at times?
Last month I travelled to Peru to hike the Inca Trail and visit Machu Picchu. It has been a personal goal of mine for some time to visit the ruins, hike the trail and to fully experience the country and its people.
To hike the ... Views: 1481
When you have a goal or dream in mind, do you ask yourself where the best place to start is? The answer is in the question: Where you’re going.
You’ve seen floor plan maps in public places like large malls, stores, or office buildings that let you see where shops, offices, or sections are ... Views: 1110
Yesterday was an extraordinary day! It was our 10-year anniversary of living in America.
Ten years ago I had a dream. It was a BIG dream, which would rigorously change the lives of my five kids, my husband, and me literally overnight. My soul told me we were going to leave Holland. Can you ... Views: 1057
Have you set yourself goals at work for this year? If you haven’t, go away and set some and then come back and read this.
Done it? Good. Now read on to see whether you’ve set the right sort of goals or whether you might be selling yourself short…
What’s the point of setting goals at work? ... Views: 950
Annuities and your retirement may sound like a mismatch but the truth is an annuity is the only product available that will pay a monthly check for life. No other investment vehicle can make this guarantee.
Before I launch into an explanation on annuities I need to make a disclosure. I own an ... Views: 1075
When looking for quality music sample packs online there are a few key pieces of information that will help you succeed in your effort. The first is to know what type of music you are looking for. Be familiar with the types of instruments that are typically associated with that particular style. ... Views: 852
If you’re in business or know anything about business, you’ve undoubtedly heard about business plans or strategic plans, right? No self-respecting business would operate without one, right? Right! So why do we?
“I’m not a business!” you say? Well, humans are very much like businesses. We have ... Views: 1241
When you set out to develop a personal development plan, you want to take a few factors into consideration. Here are ten easy steps that give you a good start:
STEP ONE - TAKE INVENTORY OF YOUR LIFE NOW: First thing to do when setting out to make change is to evaluate where you are right ... Views: 1719
Richard Bach said, “You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.” Are you working on your dream, or feel too stuck to move?
There are three keys for goal setting and getting. When something other than achievement or accomplishment is the result, one or more ... Views: 1090
It's hard to believe but 2011 is already more than half over. Back in January, many people made New Year’s Resolutions to finally get in shape, eat better, make more money and be a better spouse, employee and parent. Now that the year is already more than half over, it’s time to see how far ... Views: 1957
One of the most common problems faced by students while studying for an IIT entrance exam is severe anxiety or nervousness. Since the result of the exam can totally change your future, so the very process of preparing for the IIT entrance exam can be a stressful experience. Any delays in the ... Views: 3195
Having clearly defined goals are essential whether they are pertaining to your personal or your professional life. If you fail to have clear goals you would wind up confused regarding what it is you wish to achieve and you could end up simply stagnating. Such goals can provide you with the ... Views: 1608
It seems like I always had a goal I was working for but it always took a long time. Sometimes I would get distracted and not even complete it. Then I would start something else. And it went the same way.
What was the problem?
My problem was that I didn't know how to set dynamic goals. What ... Views: 1755
One thing that I believe that all successful people have in common is that they have established a daily routine of good habits which serves to keep them on top. We are trained at a young age to do our homework after school. If you ask me this is the most basic building block to success. Those ... Views: 1399
The morning begins with grand visions of being able to cross off many of your most important action items by the day’s end. By noon you think that if you’re able to accomplish one thing off the list it’ll be a miracle.
So many tasks, so little time.
There are several strategies for ... Views: 1329
Does any of this sound familiar?
“I have too much classwork/homework to do right now. I’ll get to the college stuff later”
“I have a big project/vacation/job/play production/sports season going on right now. I’ll get to my college stuff after it’s over”
“It’s summer. I’ll think about ... Views: 887
A groundswell is building when it comes to acknowledging that the engaged workforce is one of the keys to success in the 21st Century. Research is everywhere connecting the dots of engagement, productivity and profitability.
"Employee engagement has emerged as a critical driver of business ... Views: 1857
Success is a positive result of the fulfilment of our goals. The measure of success is a subjective view of success. Success for me as an individual, personal success, success for my family, success for my company, a state, success for humanity, success for history and success for the future ... ... Views: 4471
Life Coaching is a process that facilitates the performance, learning and development of the client. Sessions, whether face to face, by email or by phone involves a conversation between the coach and the client, which encourages the client to explore and work a way through an aspect of the ... Views: 786
What is self-esteem? Well, self-esteem is the contrast between the sensation of being very confident and powerful in all you do, and the emotion of being scared witless. How you perceive yourself has a huge bearing on how others observe you. The fact is, the more self-esteem you have, the more ... Views: 980
By Robin Crow
One of my favorite quotes is: “A leader’s job is to look into the future and see the company, not as it is, but as it should be.” In The Essence of Leadership, Mac Anderson wrote about Howard Shultz, the founder of Starbucks, and how he turned his vision into reality.
Early on, ... Views: 1098
In our time more and more people live without concrete targets. These people let themselves be driven and lead an inactive life. These are people in unemployment and with social support, but even people with good jobs who are trapped in a hamster wheel. Thus, they are no longer active, but go ... Views: 1468
All people have goals that they want to reach even the ones who don’t move towards them. I kept searching for reasons that motivate people to reach their goals and ones that prevent others from reaching them and I found one interesting thing.
People who write their goals are more likely to ... Views: 1131
What obstacles are preventing you from achieving your goal? What must you do to overcome them?
Knowing what you must achieve is not enough. You have to anticipate the challenges you are likely to face. Think about what you can do to deal with those challenges and perhaps turn them into ... Views: 4663
Success is not something that is haphazard or that happens quickly in life. People who are successful generally find success after they have worked hard and persevered through many trying times. The thing that makes people successful is when opportunity meets hard work.
Many people find ... Views: 3211
I was playing Pictionary the other night with my husband and picked the word, incubate. I drew test tubes, a beaker, and a thermometer to show the heat. While weren't able to guess it before the time ran out, it did get us thinking about the other meanings of the word.
The meaning that stuck ... Views: 1214
What are the resources that can help you achieve your goal?
Look in your immediate circle of influence and identify the people that you already know that can help you achieve your goals. Try to get clarity on exactly how you would like them to assist you. Approach them with a clear request for ... Views: 1344
While it's great to spend most of our time in the present moment and truly be mindful of what's happening right now, it's also fun to have something to look forward to - something on the horizon that we are excited about - something we can think about and dream about and make plans to realize. ... Views: 1127
Setting goals is not the simplest task to do.
Oftentimes people do not trust themselves enough to achieve whatever it is they hope to achieve, and along the way they may also encounter problems that lead them to discouragement and failure.
Although certain goal setting techniques are ... Views: 675
Lingering thoughts about revenue can evoke stress even in those who are financially sound. It’s natural to set targets for bigger revenue generation. But when you contemplate the possibility of not making the goal, all chaos breaks lose in your mind. It’s even worse when your bank account is ... Views: 1362
Are you short on time and long on things to do? Do you run out of energy long before you run out of things on your "to do" list? Then it is time to take a look at your surroundings and make sure it is providing you the energy you need to have a great day, not just a barely make-it day.
Nine ... Views: 2129
It’s interesting that the Founding Fathers didn’t describe our inalienable rights as life, liberty and happiness, but the pursuit of happiness. They were onto something.
It’s while you’re in the process of getting what you want that you have the most profound experience of life flowing ... Views: 1232
Making goals for yourself is one thing; making your goals actually happen is another thing entirely. Many people get frustrated for not being able to hit their goals. Here’s one way of making sure you achieve your goals: Take your realistic target and double it.
For example, if you aim to ... Views: 3982
Almost every entrepreneur I know started their business because of a Big Dream! What is the dream, the vision and the passion that inspired you to be become an entrepreneur?
For many entrepreneurs, at some point you find that you are no longer facing or feeling your Big Dream, the fire of ... Views: 802
It takes as much energy to set a large goal that will stretch you, as it does to set a very small goal that does not challenge you at all. When you set worthwhile goals they should feel a little daunting and require a stretch to achieve. An effectively set goal is one that clearly states the ... Views: 1213