I write a lot about the soul – getting to know your soul, reconnecting with your soul, loving your soul, etc. Because of this, you might think that I’ve had a wonderful relationship with my soul for my entire life. Would you be surprised if I told you that it’s only in the last couple of years ... Views: 1347
One day I woke up.
On this day, I realized that I had been asleep for a very long time – years, actually. Somewhere in my late teens, I decided that life was too scary and difficult to handle, and so I flipped my life switch to auto pilot and crawled back into bed.
Every once in awhile, I ... Views: 1497
At some point in your life, you will realize that it’s time to start pushing.
You will realize that your dreams are just on the other side of your fear and trepidation and insecurity and all of that gunk that you really don’t want to deal with and just wish would go away. At some point in ... Views: 1540
I’m never going to be like you.
I could try and try with every ounce of my being, but I still would be a lesser version of you than you already are. I could put all of my focus into acting like you, talking like you, writing like you, being like you – and you would still be better at being ... Views: 1234
Why is it so hard to step into our own power? Why do so many of us have such a hard time claiming our talents and shouting them from the rooftops? We have no problem tooting our loved ones’ horns, yet when it comes to tooting our own, we suddenly become mute.
On what page in the “How to be ... Views: 1396
I was watching Oprah’s Lifeclass the other night and author and speaker Iyanla Vanzant was talking about changing the stories that we tell ourselves.
Oftentimes these stories are true. They are parts of our life and parts of our past that happened. Yes, you have been hurt and mistreated and ... Views: 1197
Oftentimes, when we take a leap and step into the life that we feel we are meant to live, we feel afraid and unsure and unsettled.
We wonder if we have made the right choice. We look around us, and it seems that everyone else is confident and entirely sure of themselves and their choices. And ... Views: 1367
Oh my, this fear within me runs deeper than I realized. This part of me that wants to keep playing small and hiding behind everything and anything takes up more space inside of me than I thought.
One foot moves forward, ready and oh, so willing to take that leap once and for all. To soar into ... Views: 1113
I’ve noticed lately more than ever that giving is considered virtuous. The more you give, the better you are. So guess what we all do? We give and give and give even more. I am certainly guilty of this. I love to give. I love working with others who also have generous spirits. It feels good to ... Views: 1383
Is it just me, or do you also sometimes feel like while time may be linear, your life definitely isn’t – you instead are spinning around and around, going in endless circles.
I will be the first to admit that keeping up with it all and still managing to find time for myself is one of my ... Views: 1104
This post is a continuation of my previous article, Making Room for Your Dream, where I wrote about making room for your dream. (If you haven’t read it yet, I would definitely recommend reading it before reading on.)
Now that we have each taken some time and visualized our dream, sat with it, ... Views: 1514
We all have dreams. They start with a simple idea and soon grow into a possibility. And as time goes on, they begin to feel more and more real. We even start to believe that they could actually happen. We really begin to see ourselves living our dreams. We can almost taste them they seem so ... Views: 1181
I started writing a post about organization. And in it I talked about how in my ideal life everything flowed beautifully and life was magical. And then I started talking about my actual life and how things truly weren’t running as seamlessly as I would like them to. I talked about the endless ... Views: 1430
I watched The Secret several years ago, and (like so many of you) immediately wanted to learn more about the Law of Attraction. I was fired up and inspired knowing that we have the power to create our ideal lives simply by changing our thoughts. Wow. Amazing. An aha moment for sure.
I ... Views: 1454
Have you ever wanted to be there – wherever that was? The only requirement for there is that it is far from here.
There is a place where things just seem to work out. A place you have long dreamed of going to. A place where the puzzle pieces of your life somehow fit together.
There is a ... Views: 1440
Have you ever gone down a path in life that didn’t feel quite right on a soul level, but it felt comfortable and secure on an ego level?
For instance, what if you always knew that you wanted to be a writer, but you had been told so often that writing would never pay your bills: you would have ... Views: 1190
We have all had a moment in life (or several of them) where things didn’t go according to plan. We set up a scenario in our mind. We visualized the outcome happening exactly how we would like it to. And we waited for everything to unfold beautifully.
And then reality set in. The universe had ... Views: 1171
I am in the process of writing a book. It’s a different kind of book than the Soulful Journals that my husband, Dan, and I have written. It’s a full-length book about pushing through fear to live the life of our dreams. It really gets to the heart of who I am – my soul has begun to emerge ... Views: 1195
We’ve all had moments where nothing seems to be going our way. Your day just isn’t working out the way you had hoped it would. In fact, when you really start to think about it, you realize that it’s not just that your day or week or year that isn’t working out: your life isn’t working out. And ... Views: 1895
Why is it so hard to slow down – to take ourselves off of the treadmill of our busy lives and just be still?
Why are we not welcoming stillness and peace and serenity? Why are we instead choosing chaos and imbalance and busyness?
I had planned on taking a day off this weekend. I had big ... Views: 1264
Sometimes you just don’t feel like going within and centering yourself and slowing down. Sometimes you feel as though you truly don’t have time for it. Your life doesn’t allow for these seemingly frivolous breaks of journaling, meditating, and soulfulness. What does this have to do with the real ... Views: 983
Do you ever feel pressure to be someone you aren’t? Have you ever felt that if you showed the world the true you, you wouldn’t be truly accepted?
We are all under a tremendous amount of pressure each and every day – pressure to look the right way, do our job the right way, perform to a ... Views: 1123
Have you ever looked at someone else’s life and wondered how they managed to do everything so smoothly and seamlessly?
Their Life
Looking in, it appears that they have everything completely under control. You assume that their house is immaculate; their office is organized with ... Views: 931
Do you believe in signs and synchronicity – messages from the universe?
Certain events have occurred over the past year that have made me a believer.
I believe in the universe, faith, divinity, and love. I believe that there is a power guiding each of us. I believe that we each see ... Views: 1345
It’s not always easy to open up. To be raw. To be vulnerable. To let others see the real you – to let yourself see the real you. To tell it like it truly is. To let go of any pretenses. To step out without a mask. To show your soul.
And yet – what is the alternative? Living a life that isn’t ... Views: 1162
I am excited to introduce you to an amazing woman today. Marilyn Tam has such a strong spirit, and even the toughest challenges couldn’t stop her from fulfilling her life purpose: to make a positive difference in the world.
To say that Marilyn’s childhood was far from ideal is an ... Views: 1976
We all want to be loved.
We all want to be liked.
We all want to fit in.
We all want to be understood.
We just do.
We are social beings.
We thrive in groups.
We live in tribes.
We have leaders and followers and pecking orders
and those at the top and those at the bottom.
And ... Views: 1282
Take a look at your life right now. Look at where you live, who you spend time with, how you support yourself financially, your level of stress, your state of mind, your health – all of it. Is this the life that you want to be living? Is this a life that you consciously created or is this a life ... Views: 2185
Have you ever gotten out of the driver’s seat and allowed your higher self to take over?
Have you ever gotten out of your own way and surrendered to your own higher power?
Have you ever let go of your lower self – your human self – your ego – your conscious mind and allowed your higher self – ... Views: 1496
I wouldn’t consider myself a team player.
I have always been the type of person who would rather just do something myself than have someone else assist me. I thought that bringing in another person with their own set of expectations about how things should be done complicated things, and I ... Views: 1229
Have you ever wondered how others see you?
Have you ever stepped back from your life and looked at it as though you were an objective bystander?
Have you ever felt stuck and asked a loved one to offer guidance and perspective?
A few months ago, Dan and I were on a call with a wonderful life ... Views: 1258
Have you ever felt called to a higher level of existence, but you resisted because you were afraid to take that leap of faith?
Have you ever had a dream that conveyed a message – a powerful message that you knew needed to be listened to and acted upon?
Did you answer the call and act on ... Views: 1312
The only person we can truly change is ourselves.
What a hard lesson this is to learn, right?
And while I truly thought I have worked through my own need to meld someone else into my version of who they should be, I learned the other day that I may still need to work on this. I have a cat, ... Views: 1219
Do you ever think about what were you like as a child?
What did you like to do for fun?
Did you like playing indoors or outdoors?
Did you have a lot of friends or just a few close friends?
What did you spend your time thinking about?
What did you want to be when you were all grown ... Views: 1252
Are you living an authentic life?
When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you know and like who you see?
Is there anything that you aren't being truly honest about with yourself or others?
Is the "you" that you represent to the world the "you" that you really are?
I thought it ... Views: 1701
Sometimes in life we have to make tough choices if we want to grow and live the life we know we are meant to live. We may have to give up a part of ourselves that we have grown comfortable with, even if we know that it isn't the self we want to bring on our journey.
I was watching Peter ... Views: 1314
Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions. - Einstein
This is one of my favorite quotes because it's so true.
We all have active imaginations, and we are all thinking a million thoughts each day - many of which we aren't even aware of. Have you ever had someone ask you ... Views: 1418
What you deserve and what you think you deserve sometimes have completely different answers.
It all comes down to our thoughts, our beliefs about ourselves, and our self worth.
To give an example - imagine you are looking for a life partner. All you have ever wanted in life is to find ... Views: 1236
This is a really important (and sometimes really hard) question to answer.
In an ideal world, we are living for ourselves and only doing things that make us feel great and are on our authentic path.
But...it doesn't always work this way. It's normal to want to please others. It's normal ... Views: 1139
I first learned about saying affirmations many years ago after reading Louise Hay's books. She is an expert on them, and they were a huge part of her recovery from cancer.
They can be both powerful and life changing.
If you haven't said affirmations before, it might feel a bit strange at ... Views: 1668
Life is busy - that's just the way it is.
We all have so many things to do - so much to keep track of on a daily basis. Many of us tend to be overscheduled, overworked, and overexhausted. We're just trying to make it all work - make sure we keep up with everything - make sure things don't ... Views: 1104
Do you ever wake up from a dream that felt so vivid, so real, and so powerful?
Do you ever feel like it was trying to tell you something - a message from your soul?
Have you ever experienced a dream that turned out to be a premonition?
There are all kinds of dreams - some are merely a ... Views: 1348
Have you ever had a moment where you wanted to change in some way, but you didn't because it seemed too crazy, too out of the box, too "not you"?
The labels we give ourselves are really powerful.
They can define us - and this can be empowering or stifling depending on where the label came ... Views: 1488
Have you ever received a compliment and gotten flustered
because you weren't sure how to respond?
Your mind starts whirling with questions:
Did you deserve such a nice compliment?
Would you seem too full of yourself if you agreed?
Should you simply look away and say a quick thank you ... Views: 1138
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to do your best.
But what happens when wanting to do your best keeps you from living your best life?
Have you ever had a project that you wanted to start - you had really great ideas - and great hopes of what the finished project would look like ... Views: 1290
I woke up this morning thinking about the many unfinished projects I needed to do, emails I wanted to send, and the seemingly endless pile of papers that needed to be filed.
Not always the best way to wake up. I immediately felt tired and overwhelmed.
But then I remembered a wonderful cd ... Views: 1180
I was watching Oprah last night, and she had Nadya Suleman as a guest. She had octuplets a couple of years ago and, as you might imagine, was feeling extremely overwhelmed and worried about how she was going to continue to care for her family.
In this show, Oprah talked about how our society ... Views: 2733
Let's schedule an entire day where we pamper ourselves and
do exactly what we want.
Let's spend the day replenishing our energy and nourishing our soul.
Let's declare it to our loved ones. Let's let them know ahead of time that this is our day.
On this day, let's wake up when we want, ... Views: 1235
There is something very empowering about realizing that we control our own life.
When we recognize that our thoughts become our reality,
we also recognize that we have the power to create the exact life that we want.
This can be a wonderful feeling - and it can also be a scary feeling. ... Views: 1402
I was reading last night about how energy is contagious - just like the common cold.
And while we take many precautions to protect ourselves from getting sick when we come in contact with others (such as washing our hands), we don't always take precautions to protect ourselves from taking on ... Views: 1036