Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. ~Don Miguel Ruiz
One of the most powerful shifts that you can make is to reclaim ... Views: 998
Life is ripe with opportunity, isn’t it?
Especially in the decomposition of your old life. Have you noticed that the disintegration of relationships, loss of work or health challenges are actually portals to potential?
What if instead of resisting change you welcomed it? What if instead ... Views: 873
Identify the most important things that ever happened to you from as far back as you can remember. Transport yourself to that moment in time and recall how these incidents felt. Record the minutest details.
Write about food – the taste, memories, or experiences associated with it.
Write an ... Views: 1446
The year is ALMOST over ...
Are you ready to take advantage of the next virtual summit, giveaway, radio show or expert interview opportunity that comes your way...
Or are you still waiting to figure out how to break into the joint venture playground?
If you want to fast track your ... Views: 911
Have you ever dreamed of being an author? Let’s face it, times have changed, and if you have a message – and one of the ways you share your message is writing – then it’s a PERFECT time to publish your own book.
Today you can publish your own book and become an author. Publishing your own ... Views: 2381
Building a business is the best personal development training you'll ever experience. Everything that is in the way of your business, is in YOUR way. Though it can be both exhilarating and frustrating, it's a fantastic adventure that will create extraordinary opportunities for growth and ... Views: 1171
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer
Have you recently experienced the kindness of strangers? There’s something especially ... Views: 1054
Once upon a time things felt solid, sure, certain. . . Oh wait a minute, that’s a story I’m working on. Ah . . . the story! We do get caught up in it.
The truth is that my life has always been cycles of change, chaos and high powered energy. There’s always been a clarion call to something ... Views: 931
One of the biggest mistakes that I see when coaching Conscious Entrepreneurs is they go for the safe, surface message.
It’s not completely your fault, you know. You’ve been trained to fit in, to morph, to conform to systems and standards. If you made it out of your home, or through the ... Views: 1051
That’s a question I’ve been hearing a lot lately, so I decided to get the goods from my friend and colleague, Ellen Britt of Marketing Qi. I mentored with Ellen to learn how to produce and host telesummits, and she’s hosted 12 events herself. There’s no one that knows more about free telesummits ... Views: 2633
Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly what your clients really want? You could serve them easily, no bumbling and fumbling around. No hit or miss programs and services. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works.
However, there is a way for you to find out more about your clients and customers. A ... Views: 1017
The internet has created an educated consumer with a staggering number of choices of where to invest time and attention, energy and money.
How will YOU connect with the folks you’re here to serve if you haven’t honed in on who they are?
If you haven’t spelled out who you serve and what you ... Views: 886
Ever wonder how to flip the switch from 3D human to transformative energy agent?
Who you are being dictates the spectrum of potential and possibility that is available to you in any given moment. How you view the world is filtered through the lens of your level of engagement.
These levels ... Views: 734
One of the most intensive playgrounds of transformation is the shifting from outer to inner vision. It’s one thing to be at a workshop, retreat or course and experience yourself as an open and vibrant being. It’s quite another to BE the open spaciousness and vibrancy of transformation once you ... Views: 776
Ever have one of those days when you’re just dragging and you can’t quite spark up much energy for even the most mundane activity? Whether it’s lethargy in your body or just a fuzzy-headed feeling, here are six quick energy amplifiers:
1. Peppermint Essential Oil
To experience a quick ... Views: 1611
Sometimes as much as you’d like for things to be other than what they are, they aren’t.
You can negotiate, reorient, delay the inevitable or even use your favorite feel good strategy and it won’t make a difference. You may even pull out your favorite books by your most beloved authors and ... Views: 822
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~Melody Beattie
Have you ever noticed that some people seem to navigate challenges and difficulties gracefully? No matter what’s happening around them, their energy illuminates everything and things ... Views: 861
You don’t have to do anything, you have just to sit silently doing nothing, because any kind of doing is going to take you away from yourself. When you are not doing anything, the whole energy gathers inside; it is not invested anywhere.
The moment you pass your mind, all the energy that was ... Views: 805
You most likely have heard of the ‘Mozart Effect.’ There’s been plenty of research that Mozart’s music delivers all kinds of benefits, from improved creativity and clarity to raising your IQ. In the field of positive psychology there have also been some interesting studies. Gratitude also has ... Views: 1415
Want to instantly upgrade your energy? Go where there are concentrated doses of goodness!
Environments are key in shifting your energy from ‘absence of’ to ‘appreciation for.’ When you’re feeling fizzled out and need to recharge with some gratitude vibes, shift your playground.
There’s no ... Views: 1333
Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides. Rita Mae Brown
Words are way more than a means of communication; they shape your beliefs, behaviors, feelings and ultimately your actions.
Written or spoken, words continuously propel you through life. They make you or break you. They ... Views: 1177
There are SO many immediate benefits of a gratitude practice – a positive outlook, affirmation of your abundance, feeling good – that it’s not even a question of why, but when to practice. Researchers in the field of Positive Psychology have discovered, in recent studies that gratitude ... Views: 969
At last count there were 58 million search results on the word ‘gratitude’ in Google. Clearly, gratitude is something that is relevant to many. Whether your perspective is from the Law of Attraction, or your own spiritual practice, gratitude is undoubtedly a ‘gift of the spirit.’
Yes, it can ... Views: 1365
Have you ever found it difficult to accept someone’s expression of gratitude? It’s not that uncommon, so don’t go beating yourself up about it.
How do you navigate this tricky terrain? First, let’s explore what might be happening underneath the rumbling of your hesitant response.
Here are ... Views: 873
Gratitude is the “forgotten factor” in happiness research. Robert Emmons
Spiritual traditions have long embraced the power of gratitude as a devotional tool and an integral element of wholeness.
Science is now confirming what perennial wisdom has touted for ages: a gratitude practice, and ... Views: 851
We were doing an exercise at the TEI Arizona intensive. We were witnessing each other’s magnificence.
Does that sound corny, silly, and unrealistic? Well . . . it literally brought tears to my eyes and created such a sensation of overflowing joy that I was momentarily overcome with emotion ... Views: 943
Joint venture strategies and tactics aren’t rocket science. They’re not difficult to grasp, or even implement, though they may take some elbow grease.
Navigating the inner landscape is another story. More often what holds you back in approaching a potential JV partner is the perception that ... Views: 953
1. Living a Programmed Life. You won’t find this one on most lists, but part of the problem is that you’re not living YOUR life. You’re living a life that is mostly on automatic pilot. Moments of awareness and connection are fleeting. You know there’s more yet you fear to step up, be who you are ... Views: 1015
Have you noticed that one of the habits that trips up your intentions is getting stuck in the disempowering stories? Those stories can be so overwhelming that sometimes it may seem as if they were the ONLY truth.
However, most of what you remember of an event is filtered through a collection ... Views: 1077
What if your fixed view of reality were a strategy to make you feel safe, to conform to consensus and to harness your vital essence? I don’t usually consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but the more I have stepped outside the box of consensus reality the more that I have come to question ... Views: 1017
Forgiveness is vital to personal evolution and impacts abundance, or the lack of it, in your world. When you choose to withhold forgiveness, you open yourself to blame, anger, resentment or even guilt, and you block the flow of what is naturally available to you.
Ironically, when those ... Views: 950
Most of us had the phrase ‘thank you’ drilled into us as a basic social concept. It seemed to me to be more about the appropriateness of the action than the energy behind it. But just like so many of the mundane habits that are part of our software programming the meaning behind this powerful ... Views: 1050
The more aware we become of our bodies, the more aware our bodies become.
I recently heard a commercial on the radio about ‘the body’s natural aging process’ and my whole body jerked in reaction to it. What a bunch of hooey! That is SO not true; there is NOTHING natural about the aging ... Views: 910
Partnership is the currency of the new economy and the shortest path to sharing your message with more people, in less time.
It will take you months, maybe even years, to create the massive visibility that one Juicy Joint Venture delivers.
The quickest way to create massive impact is to ... Views: 796
Remember the last time you were angry . . . How would your life be different if you could access that energy to inform your actions? Many of us were trained to believe that anger is a negative emotion. It was something to be denied, suppressed, or ignored. We were taught to hide it from others ... Views: 802
An intention or a desire naturally manifests an impulse to take some kind of action that will lead you to the realization of your desire. It’s a built in mechanism, like your desire to eat when you’re hungry or sleep when you’re tired. It doesn’t matter whether that desire is a new job, more ... Views: 828
I’ve been reviewing my copy of Thomas Leonard’s The 28 Laws of Attraction (formerly, The Portable Coach), and relishing the simplicity of creating a vibrantly attractive life.
That doesn’t mean it won’t take some ‘work’ on your part to consider these timeless invitations. Habits do require ... Views: 1065
Fear is an adventure in expanding limitation. Think about it. Normally you experience fear when you are at the edge of your experience. You are about to venture off the familiar path, and explore the new.
Take a moment to find the fear in your body right now. Where do you feel the edge that ... Views: 929
Things are changing everywhere, all the time — in the economy, government, online. And it doesn’t look like the rate of change is going to slow down any time soon. Whether you look at the global or the local landscape, your personal or professional life, change is on the menu.
You can easily ... Views: 973
Menopause is a time of metamorphosis. Our bodies require a break, a time to reflect, to weigh in; it’s a time to transition from nurturing others to taking ownership of ourselves. At mid-life more of our life energy becomes available to us. Life is looking to partner with us. Its organic energy ... Views: 801
Ever find yourself in a situation where something was required of you but you didn’t want to do it? Did you do it or did you push it away, avoid the task, or postpone and procrastinate? Sometimes it’s not about outsourcing. Sometimes there is something in the energy of resistance that is calling ... Views: 878
Life is a field of unlimited possibilities. ~Deepak Chopra
Everyone has their own experience of how to tap into the abundant flow of possibilities. Have you thought about yours?
Think of a time when your juice was low and you experienced an infusion of inspiration that moved you into action. ... Views: 862
There’s ONE thing that you can do which will totally change your relationship to abundance… Take responsibility for it!
That doesn’t mean you go full steam with any Type A tendencies. Instead, choose to consciously partner with life and how YOU can be the architect of abundance in your ... Views: 902
It doesn’t matter your country of origin, socio-economic background, or political point of view, no one escapes the pulsating pull of money.
However you slice it, you are in some kind of relationship to money, whether it’s a good one or a bad one. You’re either after it, saving it, hoarding ... Views: 848
Are you stressed out about your cash flow? Are you cutting back on things you normally do because ‘times are tough?” Have you relinquished your overflow feel and settled into deliberate downsizing?
Oddly enough, its times like these when radical self care is exactly what will shift your point ... Views: 848
When you come right down to it there’s only ONE thing you need to ‘do’ to experience boundless abundance… give generously. It’s an energetic principle that never fails.
Giving is an indicator of abundance, since you can’t give what you don’t have. It signals that you are an awakened ... Views: 789
Because money is a major psychic symbol of security, every thought that you have that endorses your insecurity affects your money making abilities. ~Stuart Wilde
It’s easy to get swept away by the charisma and confidence of someone at the top of their game. Clarity and certainty engender ... Views: 970
If you find yourself worn out by worry, sick of scarcity and wondering when your next ‘cup runneth over’ moment will occur you might be experiencing the ebb and flow… of your flow.
It can seem easier, at first, to be seduced by a scarcity mindset than to direct your attention to where there ... Views: 1001
Have you ever taken the time to capture the ongoing commentary about money, or the lack thereof, that reverberates through your inner world on an ongoing basis?
Many of the beliefs that run your world can sometimes be found just below your level of awareness. Others, however, you will easily ... Views: 791
One of the paradoxes of abundant cash flow is that the more you ‘need’ money, the less it graces your world. The more you focus on money as your outcome, the less that money manifests in your world. That’s because something is seriously flawed with this model of abundance.
Let’s say you want ... Views: 795