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Many times when I talk to people they tell me they are busy and they don’t know how to stop. They have to take the kids here and here and here. Or work is keeping them overtime. Or they have to attend so many meetings.
The biggest difference I’ve noticed between the "too busy" and the "not ... Views: 1266
It is that time of year again where you reflect on your year and ask yourself how you did. When you look back over your year, are you satisfied with the progress you have made? Or is this just another year where you feel like you have really worked hard, have once again given your all, but you ... Views: 2501
I began my coaching career in my late twenties and I was very aware that I seemed to be one of the youngest guns in the bunch. When I went to professional networking meetings, I acted like my normal outgoing and fun self. When I was teaching a live seminar or communicating in my ezine I did my ... Views: 1401
Being confident in our own skin is important to our happiness. There are many causes for lack of confidence and low self-esteem, ranging from recurrent disapproval from adults in your formative years, being demeaned in front of others, and not to mention your own internal critic routinely ... Views: 1094
The ability to be self-confident is tremendously vital in every feature of our existence; however so many of us find it hard to obtain it. Basically, persons who have non-existent self-confidence will find it problematic to become the successful individual they want to be. The point is how many ... Views: 2010
Once I say yes, I don’t like to say no. If I make a decision, I like to stick with it. If I make a commitment to you, I’m going to keep it. If you’re my client, I want to give you all the support you need.
But what if I change my mind?
The act of saying no, can be one of the most ... Views: 1367
Man, when I want something really bad, you better not get in my way. I get my focus locked on it like a bull going after the cape. When I’m in this state of mind, I always get my desired end result. Always.
Has that been your experience, too? If not, you better read on, because I have the ... Views: 1662
Begin with the end in mind.
Stephen R. Covey, Leadership Authority
What is the first thing we make sure we do, once we get on a taxi? Naturally, we tell the driver where we want to go (after we greet him of course)!
Would you ever take a taxi without having a specific destination in ... Views: 1348
Apply Coaching to Your Life and Realize Your True Potential
Coaching is a form of teaching, with the directive of instructing and training a person to develop a specific ability. There may be many abilities involved under one broad category in this training, for example, athleticism or ... Views: 922
What do you do to meet your goals?
Try to imagine asking this question randomly and you’ll probably get a variety of reactions.
Anyone who’s ever wanted more will have probably laid out a plan to achieve what they want.
Personal goals are of course closest to the heart of any dreamer or ... Views: 758
The Law of Attraction, What is it?
The Law of Attraction is a powerful universal law that affects everything in your life and the lives of those around you. It is similar to gravity, it is always there, it is working in your life right now. You probably have heard the Law of Attraction ... Views: 1551
Random acts can be compared with purposeful behaviors in that the latter is intentional, while the former is pointless. Dreams are fulfilled when activities not pertinent to their accomplishment are eliminated and replaced by focused efforts. William Jennings Bryan opined, "destiny is not a ... Views: 1248
Focus is much like the wind. If harnessed and channeled, the wind can create electricity, expedite the flight of an airplane or the movement of a ship and pump water from a well. You cannot stop the wind, change its intensity or at times destructive forces, but when harnessed, it is useful, ... Views: 1289
A Deeper Look at the Comfort Personality.
Joel and I were talking the other day about some of his personality traits. A few of them are holding him back. Our talk focused on why he has no goals and, so, no direction. He’s busing tables in a restaurant now, but wants to move on to a “real” ... Views: 1479
"The person who makes a success of living is the one who see his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication." -Cecil B. DeMille
If you've ever worked with a life coach, project manager, or anyone else involved in taking an idea from inception to implementation then you'll ... Views: 1524
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, is that one size does not fit all, and I don’t mean clothes-wise, I mean, people-wise. We get into new relationships with certain expectations, only to be disappointed (some times.) - Why? Because ONE size doesn’t fit all. Not one person fulfills all your ... Views: 816
Almost every company, organization or sport team utilize smart goal setting to achieve their targets and objectives.
Smart Goal SettingPrior to every rugby season I will sit down with the other coaches and all the players, and set goals of what we’d like to achieve individually and ... Views: 772
You may have heard about the importance of writing down and setting your goals for the future. And as the famous quote says, “if you fail to plan you plan to fail!”
Consider the following questions however:
Are your goals aligned with what you are truly passionate about?
Are your goals just ... Views: 702
Peak performance. A buzz word used by coaches, trainers and athletes. What if that was only a small part of a bigger picture? By solely seeking peak performance athletes might be missing an even greater endeavor. High performance.
Sounds similar, but different in quality and approach. Peak ... Views: 1453
Everyone who owns a business has expertise that will be hugely appreciated by their customers. So why aren’t more business owners loud and proud about who they are and what they bring to the market place? I have a few hunches and my plan to stop this type of crime.
I began my coaching ... Views: 1700
In most cases the fear of failure 'intimidates' people and this is why it can turn so many away from their intentions or goals! On the other hand this same fear can also help strengthen or renew your motivation as well! People often use the benefits they will experience if they successfully ... Views: 1512
Use our amazing strategies and tools that can push your business in the right direction. Staring a new business is very demanding by having the right tools you can cut your stress level and time in half.
The best kind of business is a business that has been will plan out and loved. Doing ... Views: 876
As we near the end of another year; are you any closer to realising your goals this time round? Or do you feel disillusioned, where you feel like you have given your all, spent the year frantically busy, but your results indicate that you have, just been spinning your wheels, yet again. You feel ... Views: 1723
General review of current world
In current era, gradually every degree, certificate and profession is going on the phase of saturation. This is because of the increasing population and awareness among people of the latest studies and their outcomes after getting certification. Most of the ... Views: 2923
Goals and objectives are always related to the planning for successful life. It is important to know the definition and the concepts of these two words for you to have a better and improved life plans.
Goal is a long-term target that you wish to achieve. It is always broad and has no specific ... Views: 1363
“There is no reason not to follow your heart.” ~ Steve Jobs
When Steve Jobs died, I knew very little about him except that he was the co-founder and former chairman and CEO of Apple, and that his store has always been the highlight of our family visits to the mall.
Usually, when my ... Views: 1249
When you were little, were you afraid of the dark? It is okay to admit you were. Many of us have had fears about something we could not see, or we imagined to be real. Hallows Eve brings back memories of witches brew, candied apples, ghosts and ghouls, and everything in between. But for some of ... Views: 1420
“Life is too short to be little.” - Disraeli
Have you heard the story of the circus elephant? When the baby elephants are small and weak, they get chained to an immovable stake. As they grow larger and more powerful, they continue to stand chained to the same stake even though they could ... Views: 759
Have you ever been on a date with someone at a restaurant that is too noisy that you can't hear your date speak? Well, that's what it's like to have an inner critic (a.k.a., the judge, saboteur, gremlin, mental monster, etc.) that never shuts up.
When your inner critic talks nonstop, it ... Views: 758
The Welsh health minister, Lesley Griffiths, will explain Labour’s plans for the future of NHS Wales today, in a statement to AMs. The local health boards are in the process of finalising proposals for reorganising services before plans are reviewed by the National Clinical Forum. ... Views: 470
A client of mine recently said to me “I have to work on my time management, but I never get to it!” Does this sound familiar? Problems with time management seem to lie at the heart of the difficulties faced by many adults with ADHD and it is perhaps one of the least appreciated of the challenges ... Views: 2960
Everybody knows the importance of personal goal setting. It basically drives you to do well in life, gives you direction, and most of the time, helps you become a better person. In fact, kids who have been taught the value of goals tend to become more successful in the future as well.
But ... Views: 1653
Multi-tasking is a way of life for many, while others try to avoid doing more than one thing at a time. For some of us, it is something we must tolerate in order to maintain some sense order and accomplishment in our daily lives. By definition, multi-tasking is simply the action of completing ... Views: 1229
When it comes to making decisions that positively affect your life, there is only one thing to do. First, ask yourself how you feel about the opportunity. Do you get butterflies because you’re excited or does your gut feel heavy or weighed down, as if you’ve got a feeling that something bad is ... Views: 1794
I recently had to take my princess to get a piece of clothing for home coming since my wife had an event out of town. Being a well trained male shopper, I set up shop in the food court until she was finished.
There was this mother and her children paying for their goods. Of the three ... Views: 976
You’ve been making choices every day since you were a child, yet sometimes it can feel like you are the most inexperienced decision-maker in the world. You feel uncertain about which choice to make and how your decision will ultimately affect your life. When faced with a decision that could ... Views: 1410
“There just isn’t enough time in the day!”
It is a common frustration I hear. Or this one:
“I have too much to do – I will never be caught up!”
Sound familiar?
I tend to get stuck in these patterns of thinking, too. That time is the enemy. That there is never enough and so I ... Views: 946
While discussing life problems when in the company of fellow iPhone users, you’re bound to hear, “I bet there’s an app for that!” And there usually is an application that will help solve whatever issue or bad habit you want to correct.
The same is true for your business. Name any irritation ... Views: 1212
Many times when I talk to people they tell me they are busy and they don’t know how to stop. They have to take the kids here and here and here. Or work is keeping them overtime. Or they have to attend so many meetings.
The biggest difference I’ve noticed between the "too busy" and the "not ... Views: 963
Getting there isn’t half the fun – it’s all the fun.
~ Robert Townsend
Labor Day has passed and it’s time to GET SERIOUS! Only 4 months left to hit your numbers for the year.
But first, I digress: the thought of working in a focused, driven way when the temperature is in the 90’s, ... Views: 1462
“The joy of a spirit is the measure of its power.”
~Ninon de Lenclos
As you first open your eyes in the morning, where does your mind go? Are you thinking about what “they” are saying in the news? Are you thinking about why you can’t do or have? Are you wondering why you have to ... Views: 1225
“Lasting happiness can and needs to be independent of our circumstances.” Marci Shimoff
In preparing to write this article, I wondered – what does prosperity even mean? I pulled out my trusty Thesaurus and my eyes were opened. Prosperity ranges from abundance to well-being, and, there were ... Views: 1356
Goal setting can be overwhelming and difficult for many people. We read stories about all the steps to make sure you are setting goals properly. If you find goal setting difficult then I want to give you a surefire three-step goal setting process.
Step #1 Write What You Want
Writing down ... Views: 2198
What steps do you deliberately take each day to ensure that you stay or track? Do you even know what 'on track' means to you? Do you know what you want to achieve? Do you know what makes you happy? Do you know where you want to go in life? Or are you just happy to go with the flow?
The ... Views: 1707
Some people just don’t get it. You watch them and internally you roll your eyes, throw up your hands and get exasperated. Unfortunately, some of those people are your current customers.
There is only one way to whip them into shape…okay, I’m kidding. Put down the whip. You have to educate ... Views: 1223
What does the Law of Attraction have to do with Vision Boards?
Vision Boards are powerful goal-setting tools that increase your emotional state, or energetic vibration, through use of a visual collection of your goals and dreams.
Any teacher, or student, of the “Law of ... Views: 4001
Sometimes barriers block your path to success, but many of these obstacles are easily overcome. Your most significant barrier might be you. If your fears take over, you could stand in your own way. Follow these steps to remove those hurdles.
A few years back I went to a goal setting seminar ... Views: 1325
Education is a process of transferring knowledge, abilities, values and skills from one person to another. It is a social activity which helps to develop a personality of a person. In this activity person becomes able to find clear picture and right directions of his life. And can also play a ... Views: 30754
This post is a continuation of my previous article, Making Room for Your Dream, where I wrote about making room for your dream. (If you haven’t read it yet, I would definitely recommend reading it before reading on.)
Now that we have each taken some time and visualized our dream, sat with it, ... Views: 1523
Most people feel like at least one area of their lives is a mess.You may be successful in your career, but notice that your relationships are not up to par. You may have an amazing spouse or partner, but are struggling with your health or finances. You may be that woman who appears to have it ... Views: 630