We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Have you ever asked your friend, the one who is only a long boarder, tips for riding a big wave on a short board? "Hey Fred, I know you love long boarding, but can you teach me how to surf on this short board?" You probably got some good tips and coaching instructions. Even better, have you ... Views: 3835
Conscious discipline is all about how to approach multidisciplinary behavior. This conscious discipline is different from approaches that are used for only certain behaviors and it’s different from the nurodevelopmental model of the human brain that we already know of.
To have a conscious ... Views: 1123
Goal Setting is one of those important aspects of life that I never did single or married. I have always just gone with the flow. Not saying that is a bad; it is I just didn't have any focus and just moved along with life events as they unfolded. After my divorce with my life in complete array, ... Views: 963
Disrupt your life, business, relationships, or even your body, and engage in the power of a new year!
You may have noticed that we as human beings have a limited ability to pay attention – you know, really be present – which is why we benefit from declaring publicly what we will pay attention ... Views: 1295
Success has different meanings to different people. Whether you strive for success in your career, family or personal life, you must exercise discipline and delayed gratification to accomplish your goals.
To be successful in any area of your life, you have to set goals, and work hard to ... Views: 2174
Sometimes we have a great idea, but never follow our plan. This can be destructive and cause us to not reap the benefits of our hard work. It is important to move forward and to stop overanalyzing ideas in order to create more success in life.
Have you ever had an idea for a business or an ... Views: 1380
12 Things to Do for 2012
It’s that time of year again…people are taking stock of where their lives are, what they have accomplished in the past year, and setting goals for the new year. What’s on your list this year? What will make a difference to actually seeing your goals come to ... Views: 1868
There was a time in my life that every New Year's I would set resolutions. For me, they seemed to be focused more around my health: Lose weight, exercise more, break a bad habit. Sound familiar? I found that they were focused more around what I should NOT be doing versus who I should strive ... Views: 1155
Why bother to make resolutions and then feel disappointed or guilty for breaking them? Do you get excited and resolve to change, but within days or weeks lose interest and can’t motivate yourself? Wonder why you get sidetracked by distractions or become easily discouraged when quick results ... Views: 2419
Its feels really bad when someone steels something that you own. I still remember how bad I felt the last time my car’s rear sign was stolen and am sure you felt really bad the last time someone stole something from you too.
But if something as little a 100 dollars or a car sign can make us ... Views: 1359
2012 is nearly upon us and it that time of year when most of us try to make promises or resolutions that we want to make for the next 12 months. These promises can be easily made, but we often find that it's harder to keep them. Statistics show that the success rate for keeping resolutions can ... Views: 1177
When it comes to buildings, many of us know that in order for the structure to last, it has to have a strong foundation. You wouldn't want to build a house on quicksand! Well, the same concept applies to having a happy, fulfilling life. In order to be happy (consistently), you have to ensure ... Views: 735
With the dawn of each new year comes the ritual of making resolutions. It should come as no surprise that the top three New Year goals focus on losing weight, better money management, and developing healthy habits. These resolutions often have their roots in frustration, fear, or emotional ... Views: 1271
It has to be stated that if you suffer from lack of self-esteem is the difference between feeling all- powerful and feeling like a little frightened rabbit that is powerless in how it controls its emotions. It's the awareness of yourself that has a massive influence on how other individuals see ... Views: 1340
Dreaming and Wishing
You and I can dream all day long. We can wish for something for as long as we have breath in our bodies. But all the dreaming and all the wishing in the world won’t ever get us the thing(s) we dream about or wish for.
Dreaming and wishing isn’t at all unimportant. ... Views: 1212
Like most, when you think back to the beginning of this year I bet you set yourself many New Year goals.
Maybe this was the year where you were finally going to lose weight and get fit, start your own business, get promotion at work, or possibly meet your dream partner.
Well, with this ... Views: 864
The New Year is here and already some are having doubts about their ability to stick to their resolutions. The problem with most resolutions is that they start out good and strong, but eventually wane and fade within a few weeks.
Yet, despite all that, a few individuals will actually succeed ... Views: 1488
This is the time of year many professionals set goals and resolutions for the coming year in hopes of making the coming year better than the year before.
Unfortunately, most goals are forgotten within a short period of time.
Often this is due to trying to do too much with too little.
Here ... Views: 1441
Molly wanted to take her business to the next level, but she knew she couldn’t reach her sales goals with her present staff. It was time to build her sales force.
So she invested time in hiring and training a promising new salesperson. Then, at the last minute, he received a better offer from ... Views: 1395
One of the main reasons why most New Year’s resolutions fail is because we don’t look at them as making life changes. When we give our resolutions the title of “life-changing” events, we need to approach them in a different way. We should set them as goals, and make plans to reach these goals. ... Views: 1380
Here's part II of "New Year Resolutions: where you've been going wrong". If you haven't read part I yet, make sure you do that first!
Mistake #6 Failing To Plan
We say we want to do things, but often we leave it to chance, or to God… to actually get us to do them. I believe nothing ... Views: 2000
It is that time of the year when a lot of us reminisce about what we have accomplished over the past 12 months, and, start thinking about new goals and objectives for 2012.
We’ve been making New Year Resolutions since as far back as the year 153 B.C. and yet, we still have trouble with ... Views: 2063
Effective leaders are able to devise a strategy which will lead to organizational success and then motivate the organization to follow that strategy. The ability to think strategically comes easier for some people than others, but Beeson believes that following certain guidelines can build a ... Views: 3601
Success seldom, if ever arrives unannounced on your doorstep and breaks down your door, demanding that you accept it. Long term sustainable success, is the result of investing energy into creating a process, which starts with desire, is turned into possibility through planning and design and ... Views: 1323
Activity without fulfilment is just passing time while your body decays. It does not fulfil the emotional needs. Only by creating according to your own personal nature can fulfil that. If there is no channel for you to be creative, then the energy that is available for that must be used ... Views: 1327
Have you sat and wondered why you seem trapped in a never ending cycle of knowing what you want, yet nothing seems to ever begin the process of moving your life in that direction? The reason you have not managed to realise your goals until now, is that your dreams and fantasies are defined by a ... Views: 1426
We have a new year coming at us, and it will be here shortly. Think of all the possibilities. Think of all the good things waiting for you. Think of all the things you’re going to accomplish over the next twelve months. I’m sure you have a list of resolutions already prepared.
All too often, ... Views: 1765
Anthony Robbins' Ultimate Success Formula enable you to Achieve Anything You Want in Life
Have you wonder why some people achieve success in their life? Want factors contribute to their success and why 95% of other people fail to achieve success in their life?
There are many factors ... Views: 3725
If you, like me are about to set your goals for 2012 then its important to first take a step back and pull as much life experience out of 2011 as possible. This way you can get the greatest results from your strategic planning and goal setting. In this article I am going to give you a couple ... Views: 681
If you want to go to college it’s important that you develop a plan for it., like with any goal having a plan will allow you to make the most of your time and increase your chances to achieve it. I will present you with some questions for you to really ponder and think about. The plan for your ... Views: 747
I was sitting here thinking about the holidays and how it seems that we have to spend a lot of money for gifts. I have always been a firm believer that the holidays are about spending time with family and friends. With so many Americans out of work and struggling to put food on their table, ... Views: 870
No matter how determined we are at planning, resourcing and achieving all those wondering things we want for ourselves, or even others, sometimes we need a little nudge in the right direction. Or maybe its a framework to guide our thought process. Just something to help you get from A to B. You ... Views: 2879
Let's face it. New Year's Resolutions are bogus. Who invented these instruments of torture anyway? Was it some evil Cardinal in the Catholic Church who used the practice of writing down the faults we wish to change as a method of selling more indulgences to the peasants?
Okay, now I'm making ... Views: 2460
With the beginning of December under our belts and a buzz about what 2012 could hold, it really is time to get intentional about what to bring in to your life - if you haven't set your vision already. If your stomach is sinking, relax! Here's for a frank admission: Being an optimist with a ... Views: 2322
Corporate goal setting is an integral part of business planning. It is a very effective technique to increase individual as well as organizational productivity and efficiency. It acts as a powerful source of motivation and brings out the best in everyone. It plays a key role in the long-term ... Views: 760
I used to care about leaving a legacy behind. I thought having that focus would source some BIG thing from me and I like to think big. The truth is, I just want to make sure I don’t wimp out on things I feel inspired to experience or create in my world.
Even when I say I like to think BIG, I ... Views: 1665
One of the first things you are told as a business owner is that you must have a business plan. I agree. I’m a fan of long-term and right now plans. But that doesn’t guarantee you profits or growth. Many people file that puppy in a drawer or stash it in the depths of their computer. Then it’s ... Views: 1312
There are numerous things in life which are learnt with the assistance of another individual. Teachers and professors teach at schools and universities whereas there are various other individuals who teach various aspects on life. There are numbers of people all around the world who think that ... Views: 865
In the 15-years I have been a Feng Shui practitioner, I have come across many types of clients and seen powerful results from applying Feng Shui to their goals. But even more interesting to me is talking with people who have never heard of Feng Shui before or trying to convert the skeptics out ... Views: 1849
And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, ... Views: 870
If there’s one piece of advice I’d like to give any aspiring person in any walk of life it would be to go after your dreams.
Dreams are the spark that ignites our lives. They are the seeds of our future.
As Victor Hugo said "There is nothing like a dream to create the ... Views: 892
In this article I will give you some tips on how to reveal your true self and break out of your shell to improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is how you estimate, and respect yourself. How do you estimate, and respect yourself?
Ask yourself these five questions:
1. Do I like who I am?
2. ... Views: 1386
How has 2011 turned out for you? Are you satisfied with the results you have managed to achieve this year? If you are like the majority of people you are reaching the end of another year, where you feel worn out and frustrated. You have tried really hard, worked long hours and yet the meaningful ... Views: 1479
Are you planning to make changes in your life, aim for new goals, and begin the New Year with a bang?
Is 2012 finally going to be the year in which you make the self changes you’ve thought about for so long?
There’s no doubt one of the best ways to fast track change is to have a Life ... Views: 4075
“For of All Sad Words of Tongue and Pen, the Saddest are These, It Might Have Been…..” John Greenleaf Whittier
Regret is one of the heaviest emotions you can carry around, and can be released in countless ways: through forgiveness, through spiritual practices, or, in many cases, some healthy ... Views: 1302
Planning for success in whatever the target of your focus may be begins with setting goals, having a plan and taking action! Of course the goals and/or objectives you do establish need to fill 3 criteria if you hope to actually achieve them!
Let's have a look at the 3 things you absolutely ... Views: 884
No matter how tough things may have been in the past, you have a spotless future. As you wake up to this bright new day, the canvas of your life is blank. This new beautiful day offers you an opportunity to begin painting any picture you want for your future. Anything that may have happened in ... Views: 1381
In case you don’t already know, a comfort zone is the boundaries within which you feel comfortable. This can mean mental, physical or habitual or all three.
The reason a comfort zone is called a comfort zone, is that when you step beyond the boundaries, you start to feel a bit uncomfortable… ... Views: 1650
I love the month of December. Many years ago, I decided to give up any aspects of the holidays that caused stress or a feeling of "I don't want to be doing this!" As a result, I gave up shopping for gifts, attending any parties or events that I truly didn't want to attend, and sitting in ... Views: 1097
We all need goals in life. Big goals, small goals, life-changing goals or seemingly pointless ones. Having something to achieve, something to aim for, is an extra reason to get out of bed in the morning and wear your game face. Whether your goal is to see a movie people keep telling you about or ... Views: 886