For some writers, the word “outline” is akin to a four-letter word. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Yes, there are successful authors—and I do mean best-selling authors—whose practice is to let their fingers fly and write by the seat of their pants (known as pantsers), but they are few in ... Views: 1442
You’ve probably read or heard that you should have your manuscript edited. Do you agree or disagree with that statement?
I’ll get to the editing part in a moment. There’s something else to cover first. Something you really need to know, especially if you’re a novice author. You see, it’s the ... Views: 1292
All fiction writers have much to pay attention to in order to create a reader-worthy novel. Something significant new fiction writers sometimes forget to pay attention to are the details.
Let’s go back in time a bit. Many of us played make-believe as children. We’d come up with an idea then ... Views: 1271
If you’ve heard this advice for new writers before, it bears repeating: Read novels by other authors, especially, but not solely, in your genre. This is beneficial, but there’s something else you could or should do while you read, to help you improve your writing vocabulary.
We all have a ... Views: 1362
You’ve completed the first draft of your novel. Now you’re supposed to follow that pesky rule that requires you do something called a revision—more than once. How can you make this easier?
The first thing you need to know is that there are no real shortcuts when it comes to the revision ... Views: 1380
You’re likely aware there are ghostwriters (I love the movie, The Ghost Writer, with Ewan McGregor), but are you aware there are ghost rewriters who provide services as well? Let’s look at what they can do for authors.
You seldom see the term “ghost rewriter” used, if you’ve ever seen it at ... Views: 1432
Let’s start with what is for some writers akin to a four-letter word: Outline. Yes, there are successful authors—and I do mean best-selling authors—whose practice is to let their fingers fly and write by the seat of their pants (known as pantsers), but they are few in number. These authors may ... Views: 1288
How gratifying it is to read a book that grabs your interest from the start and keeps you turning pages. Such books cause you to forget you’re reading; you become fully engaged with the story and characters. The movie in your mind is fluid. No matter the genre, such an experience is pure bliss ... Views: 1167
There is a lot to keep in mind when you write a novel, memoir, or other non-fiction book. Enthusiasm is great to have and necessary for getting that first draft and subsequent revisions done. But here are some common issues I frequently see in manuscripts from clients. Are any of them ones you ... Views: 1270
If you’ve never worked with an editor and you’re wondering things like what’s involved, how much it will cost, how long it will take, and other such aspects, here are some helpful facts for you to know. The more informed you are, the easier the editing process will be for you.
First, it’s ... Views: 1049
Scene setting, whether that’s for fiction or non-fiction, which includes memoir, is all-important to give readers a sense of time and place as they read. And, you want to provide setting early in each scene or segment, and as you go.
You can provide scene setting through narrative, as well as ... Views: 1311
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Writing Tense - by Joyce Shafer, L.E.C., Author, Publisher--State of Appreciation, Services for Writers
Writing tense doesn’t refer to how tense a writer may feel when writing, but is instead about the tense the story is written in. There are a few no-no’s about this that writers, especially new writers, should be aware of.
It doesn’t occur often, but occasionally a client sends me a ... Views: 1149
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Characters and Dialogue - by Joyce Shafer, L.E.C., Author, Publisher--State of Appreciation, Services for Writers
A novel, and even a memoir, will have characters and dialogue. You want to make sure dialogue is easy to read, sounds natural, and does what it’s meant to.
Good character development in fiction includes making characters’ voices so distinctive that readers can tell who’s talking without ... Views: 1314
Setting is where the story and each scene take place, which you know. But do you grasp that setting can set the tone and mood readers experience, and can reveal and or trigger characters’ moods? You want to give enough (not too much) description for each scene to set the appearance, atmosphere, ... Views: 3380
A writer, especially a new writer, is understandably excited and eager to get his/her manuscript to an agent for consideration or self-published. But, it’s imperative you submit writing that shows an agent there’s reason to be interested in you as a promising writer, or make certain it’s ready ... Views: 1018
What makes suspense work in a novel? There’s quite a lot to know about this, but here are some highlights.
Every story benefits from some level of suspense. Plot relies on it. For suspense to work well, readers have to care about or be curious about what will happen to one or more characters. ... Views: 4849
What makes plot development work in a novel? There’s quite a lot to know about this, but here are some high-points.
A strong novel writer causes readers to feel they experience a slice of someone else’s (one or more characters) “real” life. Even Science Fiction and Fantasy must accomplish ... Views: 1113
People fall in love with novels because of the characters. This means it’s imperative for you to know how to develop them, and why.
Plot development is important, but action and events, alone, cannot hold readers’ interest or keep them interested in a series that involves one or more ... Views: 1150
To abbreviate or not to abbreviate—that is the question. In this day and age of texting, people are becoming adept at using abbreviations. However, this is not appropriate, for the most part, when writing fiction or nonfiction, unless your characters have dialogues that involve texting. You have ... Views: 4742
Best-selling author James Michener said, “I’m not a very good writer, but I’m an excellent rewriter.”
Many writers impede their progress and stifle their creativity by not doing two particular “somethings” while writing their first draft and once their draft is completed—and waste time and ... Views: 1099
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Costs of Becoming a Writer - by Joyce Shafer, L.E.C., Author, Publisher--State of Appreciation, Services for Writers
There’s a lot involved in becoming a self-published or traditionally published author, but there’s nothing like seeing your efforts in a paperback or hardback copy you hold in your hands. Your dream becomes your reality, and it’s a feeling of accomplishment you don’t soon forget. But it’s also a ... Views: 1286
Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or a memoir you’re writing, a good story is deemed good when it is told well. There are things to keep in mind to assure this is your result. As a writer, do you understand the basics about storytelling? Shouldn’t you just write what you feel like writing? ... Views: 1071
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Some Basics for New Writers - by Joyce Shafer, L.E.C., Author, Publisher--State of Appreciation, Services for Writers
I love new writers. I really do (I was one, once upon a time). They are my favorite clients because they need the most assistance and guidance, and usually have tremendous enthusiasm about moving forward. They also don’t know what they don’t know.
Some new writers have a fair understanding ... Views: 1105
In the 75 poems that reflect on life transitions and moments of keen awareness, found in Out of the Kiln: Vessels of Hope, accomplished poet Wendi Romero writes so that words no longer remain on the page but merge with the “tissues and bones” of the reader. Romero captures texture and substance ... Views: 1787
Walking through life with resentment is like walking through ankle-deep molasses. You move, but not well, not far, and not fast. Forgiveness, resentment, resistance… let’s look at them.
Here’s something about forgiveness from two sources: One old, one new. The Bible, in its various versions ... Views: 1404
Do you ever say or get the response to the question about how things are going, “Same old, same old,” or something similar? What does this really mean?
I woke and, still under the covers, said my statement of “Good morning. Thank you for another day.” My ego-mind followed with the thought, ... Views: 1361
What we choose not only influences us in the moment, but beyond it. How well or often do you practice the power of choice?
I was walking along on a beautiful morning, while my ego-mind was busy playing old tapes and imagining unpleasant future moments, when I noticed that I was allowing this ... Views: 1814
Like any emotion, stress is an individual, personal experience. But there’s one KEY stressor we’d benefit from knowing more and doing something about.
One stressor all of us have in common is the stories we tell ourselves and others that tend to be based on our interpretation of the facts of ... Views: 1452
If you ever feel your focus is faulty, check your commitment. But, also look at what else is going on in your life.
It was a Sunday, a day I’d planned to relax and do as little as I could get away with. There were good programs and movies on, and I wanted to slounge (sleep and lounge) the ... Views: 1736
I once wrote that beliefs change, Truths never do. But how can we know which is which; and, why should we concern ourselves with the difference?
Belief Systems, which author David Brown humorously (and somewhat accurately, when you think about it) referred to as BS, are concepts we cling to ... Views: 1292
What do you believe confidence is? Maybe you’re right, and maybe you’ll be surprised.
Maybe you, like many, confuse confidence with competence. And that’s understandable because you’re advised to enhance your skills, knowledge, and expertise, and presto: The confident you will emerge and ... Views: 1538
Do you ever wonder if or wish there was an On-Off switch when it comes to negative thinking? Maybe if you know what causes it, you can find the switch and flip it.
What we usually notice about negative thinking first is the Effect, not the Cause, of it. In fact, we may not even be aware that ... Views: 8899
You can choose joy as easily as you can choose any emotion. But you won’t enjoy your life as much as you could unless you include one key ingredient.
Do you enjoy what you have: your key relationships, material items, spiritual awareness and connection to Source, personal traits and ... Views: 1440
You have a spiritual self and a material self that operates in the world. Which do you nurture first? How’s that working for you?
You have a “foot in two worlds.” One foot is in the spiritual world, which is where you come from, where you return to, though, that world stays with you through ... Views: 1241
Mark Twain said, “The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.” Whatever you pursue in your outer life will never fill the inner void created by feeling inauthentic; you have to fill it yourself, and first.
“Sam” was so distressed and confused that he’d pretty much shut down; ... Views: 2251
Where do you experience most of your life? Is the majority of activity outside of you or inside your mind?
I was with a person who, as other times before, talked about what’s perceived as wrong in her life, wrong with others, and recounted past events shared from a negative perspective. Yet, ... Views: 1358
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to point at and click a Delete button at what clutters your inner space? Our days would be so different if we could.
When I turn on my computer each morning, I go through a 3-step ritual. First, I use a program (which interestingly has the word Aware in its ... Views: 2039
When you feel disempowered, you engage in struggle. What’s the way back to personal strength and power when this happens?
Based on how you feel in your life right now, you know if it’s effort or struggle you’re engaging at this time. Here’s a bit more information to help you gain greater ... Views: 1641
Trees don’t try to keep their leaves when autumn arrives, nor do they resist new growth in the spring. But, that’s how we sometimes approach our lives.
Life asks, insists really, that we engage a continuous shedding and new growth aspect. Maybe you’re trying to hang onto something it’s time ... Views: 1466
Trying to be positive when that’s not how you feel is kind of like being hungry with a plate of food in front of you, but allowing yourself only a few or no bites. And then there’s the guilt, right?
Sometimes it can feel frustrating to me to practice what I preach: Look for and aim at the ... Views: 1385
You may use some of the usual ways to increase energy like rest, diet, supplements, etc., but finding a way to remove or shift this energy zapper will make a huge difference in every area of your life. It’s so commonly practiced that we hardly see it for what it is.
Imagine you’re in the ... Views: 1231
Do your days feel ordinary? Do you feel there are too few blessings in your life? Maybe you’d like to shift this.
Let’s look at the second part of the article title first. We tend to put a lot of energy into naming what we want (often stated as “don’t haves”) and not a lot of energy into ... Views: 1375
Are you traveling through life or are you on a journey? Are you looking forward or at the past? Your answers reveal a lot about the direction you’re going in and what kind of experiences you’ll have.
Maybe you can relate… It was a major life change for me to move from New York City to my ... Views: 1609
This particular reason keeps the same problem or problems around far longer than you ever imagined they would be. It’s also what contributes to your feeling stressed, exhausted, frustrated, and why little to no lasting progress is made, no matter what you do.
Think of one issue you’ve been ... Views: 1586
Do you carry the feeling of not being your authentic self or living authentically, and a fear of doing so? If your answer is yes, here are two significant causes for this you need to be aware of.
What I consider the first cause—a genuinely significant one—is that we, for the most part have ... Views: 1594
Whatever you believe is involved in improvement or success, the power of a decision is key. It will help if you understand what this really means.
A firm decision is one without discord, or one that transmutes any discord that makes an appearance. A firm decision is made and a knowing ... Views: 3756
When you feel you lack direction in life, business, or retirement, it’s frustrating. It doesn’t have to be this way, if you have two things clear in your mind.
You feel you lack direction if you don’t have a destination point envisioned in your mind. A destination point, in this context, is a ... Views: 2871
Could a lesson from Super Nanny apply to you and your personal and professional life? If you feel stressed and overwhelmed… yeah.
The parents Super Nanny Jo Frost went to help were well-meaning—they wanted to give their children the best head start in life. Unfortunately, this meant not only ... Views: 1285
Do you ever feel inauthentic, like you wear a mask over what you believe you know, or fear, about who you really are? The trinity can help you follow the path to your authentic-self destination.
I read Flip the S.W.I.T.C.H. (How to Turn On and Turn Up Your Mindset) by PJ McClure, The Mindset ... Views: 1301
Self-sabotage is not about lack of willpower; so, you can stop beating yourself up about that one. What it is about may surprise you… and empower you.
Self-sabotage happens when you confront the need to move out of your comfort zone to improve your life experience or make a dream or goal ... Views: 1530