We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Am - bi - tion (noun) :a) An eager or strong DESIRE to achieve something such as fame or power: Aspiration, ambitiousness. b) The object, objective or GOAL desired: Her ambition is the presidency. c) The wish, power, and ability to begin and follow through with a PLAN or task: Drive, enterprise, ... Views: 1262
You can achieve all your goals is a bold statement. I know at times achieving my own goals is difficult and does not seem like I am making any progress. Do you feel this way at times? The best advice I received was to keep doing even the smallest activity each and everyday. After 30 days of ... Views: 1252
When you first start a new job, it's very beneficial to have a "first 90-days plan." Why? First, because it gives you some direction about where you want to focus your time and attention in your first three months and second, because many companies will give you a "90-day review" after your ... Views: 2291
I used to HATE marketing. In fact, I used to use four letter words in front of the word "marketing" when I thought about doing it. I just wanted coaching clients, why did I have to do this torturous act? So, I stopped marketing. My joy raised and my stress went down, down, down.
My epiphany ... Views: 1303
Do you sometimes feel that your goals are a little too conservative? Or maybe you consistently find that you have overestimated your potential and set the bar just a bit too high?
If you find that you consistently set your goals either too high or too low then this would indicate that you ... Views: 1056
Acres of Diamonds
(Earle Nightingale)
Or doing business in a hard economic downturn
We have operated a small on line business for 11 years and each year at Christmas I sit down and write my upcoming year’s business plan, after reviewing the previous years progress we can now set our ... Views: 831
Much is written today about workforce engagement, productivity, and performance yet few lay out a basic strategy for aligning the workforce with a company's expectations and long-term goals.
According to Erik Breggren, Vice President of global research and customer results, SuccessFactors, ... Views: 1228
Do you have everything in your life you ever wanted? Are you were you expected to be at this age and have the relationships, job or health you thought you would?
Join me in a new life of Self growth and how you can manifest your desires. Be part of something fulfilling.
Be part of our ... Views: 1547
Goals: Are Your Goals Challenging Enough?
Most people plan their vacations more thoroughly than they plan their lives, then they wonder why they don’t achieve everything they’re capable of.
“Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything” – Scott Read
Are you limiting yourself ... Views: 874
Take a look at the title of this article: What are you really trying to accomplish? Have you ever sat down and answered this question. Don’t we all set goals directly or indirectly during our life? We set goals to get a good job. We set goals to get married and have children. We even set ... Views: 3280
The best way to live life is to be on top of the system. If you are very serious about creating significant change and lasting legacy in the world, there are things you must do in order to make your dream a reality. Success is very easy if you know the secrets and principles. The steps below ... Views: 1285
By Lisa Christiansen
Something to think about before you invest, I have a friend who is a retired Investment Advisor; he once gave his opinion to people on investments. Since he is retired and not trying to sell you or anybody else anything, I asked for him to share his investment philosophy. ... Views: 1773
Do you pride yourself on being able to put out fires in your business faster than the best firefighters? Are you able to dodge bullets in a single leap? Is it your job to turn every no into a yes? Are you masterful at living on a shoe-string budget?
If you answer yes to any of the above, or ... Views: 1412
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right" - Henry Ford
Wise man that Mr. Ford!
The most important thing to remember when setting any goal (and many other more well-known gurus besides myself, will tell you) that success begins with the right frame of mind.
If you ... Views: 1128
As an entrepreneur we are trained to focus on results – make more money, get more clients, sell more products, and achieve more recognition. It becomes easy to let these hard numbers dictate our daily levels of success, happiness, and even survival.
In order to get more results, many of us ... Views: 1393
Most of us plan reasonably well: we easily decide what to wear in the morning, what to have for dinner in the evening, what route to take to work. We also plan without too much difficulty the tasks of our jobs: how we prioritize our to-do lists, the most efficient ways to get things done… ... Views: 901
Thomas Edison once said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”.
Think about the meaning of that statement for a moment. Really.
Imagine pouring hours upon hours of effort and hope into something important to you – then ... Views: 1102
In the goal setting world, there is a vast difference between the achievers and the non-achievers. The achieves turn their dreams into reality, the non achievers...well...don't!
If you have ever wondered what it takes to be a great goal setter. then this article is for you. Inside we ... Views: 1071
Life is an ever changing and continuously evolving state of existence, so periodically taking the time to revisit and adjust plans and goals, will have a significant affect on the pace at which you grow closer to achieving your dreams.
*How many of the goals you set for yourself for the year ... Views: 1233
We’ve all been afraid to try something new at one time or another. Why is that? And it seems as we age, our fear controls more and more of our willingness to try something new. We prefer to forego a new experience because we want to avoid whatever bad thing we think could happen. Or maybe ... Views: 1575
Success rewards are much greater than the risks when leadership begins with a crystal clear objective and only then creates the plan for execution with a fully engaged focused team. Once the goal is set, a good roadmap is essential before you start building the team or training the existing ... Views: 1754
Reading your written goals daily will have an uplifting effect on your vision of the future. This vision propels you into action and things start to happen. And if you take advantage of these things as they come along, you will steadily advance towards your chosen goal.
But everyone ... Views: 678
We are all capable of achieving whatever we put our mind to, if you find yourself limited by your vision or unable to believe that you can succeed at your ambition, then you can improve your mindset with a think big hypnosis mp3 (http://www.naturalhypnosis.com/think-big-hypnosis">. It can help ... Views: 1664
We all have certain goals and dreams, but we often keep them to ourselves. Here are three great reasons why you should share them out loud:
1. Feedback:
First off, when we share our goals and dreams with others we solicit their feedback about them. This isn’t always helpful, of course, ... Views: 1109
Where can you use the 80/20 rule in your work and life?
In one part of my life I work as a consultant in the public sector. In another I work as a coach; with both life coaching and corporate clients. I also have other businesses in completely unrelated fields including pet supplies, ... Views: 1574
If you know you have gifts to offer and are still in hiding, let me tell you about this story of the Golden Buddha.
In 1957, a group of Tibetan monks were informed that a highway was being built through the area of their shrine and they would have to move this very large and heavy clay ... Views: 1373
Some people are not in a position to work with a coach right now. Some are stretched financially, while some are still using the "lone ranger" method. Other people might be uncertain about trying something new.
So here is a brief, simple process I often use with clients that you can apply to ... Views: 1586
Recently, a colleague asked me how I faced my fears when I started my life coaches association and I really had to stop and think about it. I asked her what kind of fears was she thinking of. She replied, “fear of no one signing up (rejection), fear of making a mistake, fear of looking stupid, ... Views: 1348
If everything you needed for success was already available to you, how would that change things for you? Your future success is determined by your present actions. Reaching your performance goal requires partnering with the right resources. It is not a passive activity.
Instead of looking ... Views: 1909
When creating money with the Law of Attraction, many people are led to believe that if they say a few money affirmations or a particular wealth affirmation over and over again, they are building the foundation for wealth. However, many times there is a key element left out of their practice of ... Views: 1479
Talking about your dreams, goals, and aspirations is always
great fun and a piece of cake.
However, actually achieving goals, dreams and aspirations is somewhat a different matter.
For any of our goals to be realized and fulfilled they have to be built on the ... Views: 917
In the world of business there are limitations or restrictions of which you need to be aware when you want to achieve goals and ultimately succeed. There are some things that just, well, fall into place without compromise. Curious what restrictions need to be in place for you to succeed? Great! ... Views: 1492
“A man who does not think and plan long ahead will find trouble right at his door.”
--- Confucius
The progress of the human race and of individuals depends on their ability to plan ahead, to prepare for those future moments which have the potential to further develop our lives. We lose a key ... Views: 1673
Setting goals and achieving success isn’t easy. There are many obstacles to overcome and personal habits that can hold you back. Self-awareness is crucial for you to move forward and create the life of your dreams. Here are some ideas to help you do that.
Life-Changing Goal Setting ... Views: 730
What do students need to know to want to learn?
1. First, they need to know WHY?
2. Then, WHAT it will give them. In order words, HOW will it BENEFIT them?
3. This is usually related to careers, jobs, MONEY, GRADES.
4. Followed by, WHAT TIME INVESTMENT ... Views: 1341
A goal is a target on which you aim your focus and put your time and effort into the process of achieving. There are five steps essential in guiding you toward achieving and realizing your goals. Achieving a goal can take longer and require more commitment than you realize or might imagine. ... Views: 1497
Goal Setting the Right Way
What are your goals? If the only one that comes to mind is success – we’re going to start working on that right now.
Goal Setting
Goal setting means that you need to make multiple goals. Yes, you need to have many goals set into place. When you grow a ... Views: 1903
If you know anything about the Law of Attraction, this is the one thing that is forgotten so easily. There is a delay in time, quite often, from the time you decide what you’d like to manifest until the time you experience the evidence that the Universe is about to deliver your goods.
Now ... Views: 1420
The Destiny Institute helps you to answer the age old question: What am I suppose to do with my life? Most people want to live a life of significance. They want to know that their life mattered and that they made an impact on the lives of others. The best way to live a life of significance is ... Views: 954
Setting goals works much better than not setting them. Successful people from all walks of life have always set goals, and find the process to be an integral part of their life achievements.
When the concept of goal setting was first introduced, everyone was very enthusiastic with this new ... Views: 1100
Most successful people admit that they are goal-setters. They consistently set and achieve their goals. You may wonder HOW they can set and achieve their goals on a consistent basis and I want to tell you about the “how.”
It’s not enough to just set a goal. You must also become who you ... Views: 1289
What do you think is the number one reason why most people don't get what they want? I'll tell you. It's because they are indecisive -- They don't know what they want!
Take a moment and think about how you feel when you are unclear and unfocused. Do you procrastinate? Do you go from one task ... Views: 1232
After you have invested time into creating a crystal clear picture of what you want your future to look like, you have set realistic goals that will stretch you and move you towards achieving just that in your life. You have given yourself something to aim for, success is not a destination, it ... Views: 1608
Before we begin our success journey - we have to define our Ultimate Vision and our Ultimate Purpose for what we want. Unless we are clear about the two, it will be a very difficult task to live our dreams and achieve our vision.
For a vision to be powerful, it needs to have a ... Views: 4668
Have you ever prayed for something and wished for it and worked hard to get it but it just doesn’t come? We have all been in this place where we want something so badly we can almost taste it and it’s not here. We wonder ‘why?’ and often think, “Why me?” or “Why NOT me?” It is frustrating and ... Views: 1394
Everyone has a dream. Everyone has the ability to imagine what life can be like. We all wonder or “wish I could” do things. Yet many people continue to place that dream aside and go with the flow of everyday life. If you are someone who is ready to do something different or incorporate ... Views: 938
Have you ever wondered how many people achieve their sales goals and others don’t? It’s all about preparation and developing the routines and rituals that reinforce the actions that produce the goals.
The other day I was watching a golf tournament and I noticed something that reinforced my ... Views: 2678
The experts say, “Raise your prices. Slash your prices. Follow this model. Give it away for free. Jack up your price and then put in on sale or give huge commissions to those selling it.”
When you’re a heart-centered CEO you want your customers to feel like they received great value from ... Views: 1480
As we go through life, we all remember those little voices in our head that we attached to a belief somewhere in our life. This article is about getting them under control.
We remember those beliefs as:
1. Never ask anyone about money.
2. Eat all your food. Kids are starving in the ... Views: 2282