One of the biggest challenges of professional life coaches is lack of self-confidence. Self-confidence is something that ultimately can only come with experience and even then it can sometimes falter. Of course it’s to be expected when you’re just starting out, but I have talked with many ... Views: 1628
You've heard about working on your business versus working in your business. Now I want to talk to you about not working on your business at all. That's right, I want to address "time off."
The one thing we are thrilled to have as a benefit of being an entrepreneur is having flexibility. ... Views: 1130
Recently I had a conversation with another coach and she said, “I don’t want to sound conceited, but I really am good at what I do.” It reminded me of the fact that so many coaches, consultants, and solopreneurs are afraid to toot their own horn, because they’re afraid of appearing conceited. ... Views: 1305
Last week I discovered the enormous value of attending a live event. I went to a live workshop in New York City that was part of a coaching program I am taking. Just being in a room of so many like-minded individuals was phenomenal. And added to that was the amazing energy of our coach, who ... Views: 1194
All entrepreneurs want to know how to attract more clients. There are a myriad of ecourses, coaching programs, and Internet services that address this issue. But here’s the real secret. We are undergoing a major paradigm shift in marketing. You want more clients because you want to make more ... Views: 1276
No matter what your product is, as a business owner, you need to market. For many solopreneurs, especially healers, coaches, and consultants, marketing is the least liked part of the business activities. Part of the problem is thinking of marketing as “sales.” It immediately brings to mind all ... Views: 1169
One thing that the New Year brings on is the desire to get organized, or reorganized, as the case may be. Managing your business depends a great deal on time management. If you are not managing your time efficiently you will tend to have lack of focus, scattered energy, projects never get ... Views: 1504
The other day I was talking to a life coach who expressed a deep fear of failure. This caused me some concern because I have run across so many life coaches who had the same fear.
Usually a coach has had a lot of experience in some area and has decided to go into business for themselves so ... Views: 1183
Energy Management may sound like a flaky New Age philosophy but if list building were strictly about mechanics then everyone would have a rapidly growing list. The truth is some online marketers build their lists rapidly and others can’t seem to get their list off the ground. Why is that? ... Views: 1338
There are so many self-help books on gaining wealth; some give you mental techniques, some give you practical skills. The biggest secret to wealth is that it starts from the inside. You can learn how to make all kinds of money, find killer investments, have multiple streams of income, but if ... Views: 1354
One of the best strategies for building a loyal following on Twitter is to share helpful tips with your own hashtag. A hashtag is just a keyword with a # before it. Twitter users read streams with hashtags that are relevant to their interests. You want to create a hashtag that is unique to ... Views: 1140
One of my heroes is Steve Jobs. He stuck to his vision even though everyone disagreed with him. In the face of defeat, he was brave enough to start over because he had something he wanted to accomplish. When he finally was allowed to continue with his vision unhampered he didn’t just create ... Views: 1461
Recently, a colleague asked me how I faced my fears when I started my life coaches association and I really had to stop and think about it. I asked her what kind of fears was she thinking of. She replied, “fear of no one signing up (rejection), fear of making a mistake, fear of looking stupid, ... Views: 1348
Most successful people admit that they are goal-setters. They consistently set and achieve their goals. You may wonder HOW they can set and achieve their goals on a consistent basis and I want to tell you about the “how.”
It’s not enough to just set a goal. You must also become who you ... Views: 1289
Have you built a website and are wondering why it’s not attracting clients like you thought it would? Getting clients from your website is an important part of your business. If it isn’t performing well enough, you need to analyze why it isn’t and take steps to make improvements.
You want to ... Views: 1114
When I returned from my vacation this year I was so grateful that I could carve out an entire month of vacation time and still pay all the bills. That’s because my husband and I both have our own businesses and we have learned how to budget our time and our income. We are able to visit the ... Views: 1019
David Neagle is a multimillion dollar coach’s coach and very widely known in the coaching world for his teachings on using the Law of Attraction to create abundance and prosperity. Having taken some of his coaching classes on money and I thought I’d pass on to you some of the things I ... Views: 2046
I knew I had made a breakthrough in my positive attitude when I went for my first hot air balloon ride. We had been told several weeks ago that my husband and I had been chosen to accompany his mother on the ride to spread his cousin ashes over the family farm.
I was so excited I could hardly ... Views: 1297
One morning I was writing out a grateful list and I couldn't stop writing. I just kept thinking of more and more things to be grateful for. It made me realize that I loved my life. That wasn't always true for me. But here's what I know now.
You have everything you need to be happy. Yes, it's ... Views: 1882
The other day my husband informed me that he was going to fix our screen door. I was a little surprised because he usually doesn’t like to fix things and he is really busy these days. So I asked him if maybe we should have our regular handyman do it. And he said an emphatic no. When I asked ... Views: 1786
Self-talk is what you are saying to yourself all day long and you may be wondering how it is an important factor in your wealth attracting efforts.
* Are you aware that what you say to yourself affects what you attract?
* Do you know how your self-talk affects your bank account?
... Views: 1388
Do you ever feel like you are doing all the right things and yet the money you want to attract into your life just isn't coming to you?
Most folks aren't even aware that they are repelling money. HOW are they repelling money?
By harboring false beliefs and fears about money.
When I ... Views: 1444
Getting in touch with your inner guidance lays a firm foundation for self-empowerment. When you get in touch with your inner guidance, you are no longer working alone. You have “inside” help. You are opening up to being guided to your highest good. This is important because part of the ... Views: 1479
It seems like I always had a goal I was working for but it always took a long time. Sometimes I would get distracted and not even complete it. Then I would start something else. And it went the same way.
What was the problem?
My problem was that I didn't know how to set dynamic goals. What ... Views: 1755
When it comes to manners, I am always finding myself wishing others would use more of them. This most often happens when I am talking to someone and someone else, who I don’t know, comes up and joins in the conversation, and the conversation continues and ends with no introductions. Besides ... Views: 1219
A new car was way down on my list of desires because I was happy with what I had. When I bought my Toyota Tercel 15 years ago, it was one of the most economic cars on the road. It was inexpensive, got great mileage, and never gave me any problems. Being thrifty and “Green” at heart, I decided ... Views: 2970
Many times I am in conversation with a potential client or struggling solopreneur and when I ask them what the biggest obstacle is that they feel is preventing them from succeeding, they say “money.” I know at that point that they need to work on their relationship with money. That’s because ... Views: 1569
What is the Law of Energy Attraction? And how can you use it to create more energy?
Most people have heard of the "Law of Attraction" from seeing the DVD, "The Secret" or reading authors such as Abraham-Hicks, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, and Sandy Forster. But how many have heard of the "Law of ... Views: 1349
When practicing the Laws of Attraction, most people know that a big part of it is being grateful for what they have as well as what they want to happen in the future. Recently something happened to me that reminded me of another aspect of the gratitude principle, and that is, being grateful for ... Views: 1650
One of my favorite authors and teachers, Sandy Forster, told me her story about how she went from being a single parent of two children and living on welfare, to becoming a multi-millionaire. A few years into her career, she was earning lots of money but was unable to keep it for very long. She ... Views: 3640
One day during a group coaching session the topic of list making came up. It was interesting to see that some of the people made to-do lists daily and others never worked off of a list. It occurred to me that perhaps I should write a post about how to make a to-do list that works for ... Views: 1192
Happiness is a state of mind not a set of circumstances. It is the natural feeling that is present in a healthy psychologically functioning person. Inner happiness is something inside every one of us and we have access to it 24/7. The implications of this are rather profound because it means ... Views: 2786
One of the fastest growing career fields is business coaching. Why do so many people want to hire a business coach? The top 3 reasons are motivation, inspiration, and the accountability.
When you are an entrepreneur you tend to work by yourself and that's not always in your best ... Views: 1220
In Napoleon Hill's great book "Laws of Success" he talks about self-control as being one of the most important qualities any successful person can possess. His premise is that when you can control your emotions you can control any situation. But in order to control your emotions, you first have ... Views: 1372
What does it take to keep persistent with your goals in life? Motivation and Inspiration.
A number of years ago I had a friend who was making a lot of money with a network marketing business. She and her husband built their business to one of the highest income levels in the company. Then ... Views: 1433
Whenever I ask people why they want a coach, they invariably tell me that they need someone to hold them accountable. I think that hiring a coach is the best answer to that, but suppose you aren't ready for a coach? Here's something you can do until you are ready for one (or even if you have ... Views: 1717
You can create a wealthy money mindset even during a recession. It involves two simple things, attention and imagination. By using attention and imagination you can change your brain patterns to reflect that of a wealthy person.
Here are 5 ways you can create a wealthy money mindset:
1) ... Views: 2516
We working entrepreneurs need to remember to take some time off and do something fun. You don't even have to go far to find fun. It can be something close by that you never had time to explore.
Recently, my mother-in-law came to visit for 5 days and I wanted to make it memorable for both her ... Views: 1317
Do you feel like a wealthy person?
How you feel about yourself or your self-image makes a huge difference in your ability to attract prosperity. You have a certain way that you think about yourself and it's amazing how much influence your own thoughts can have on your life ... Views: 1975
When you start a new business, what kind of self-image do you have? Do you see yourself as just starting out---a newbie? Or do you see yourself as already successfully running a thriving business? Most people would have to admit to the first scenario.
But if you can shift your self-image to ... Views: 1366
Most entrepreneurs enjoy their work and don't mind working because they consider it play. If that's true for you, you probably don't think much about taking breaks. But sometimes we need to be reminded to take them.
Studies show that people who take breaks more frequently are actually more ... Views: 1181
One of the biggest causes of business failures is the lack of a positive attitude. I have a friend who is always struggling as a self-employed sale person. Whenever I talk to her and ask how she is doing, she tells me what a horrible day she is having. I bet her continual financial woes would ... Views: 3459
One of the biggest causes of business failures is the lack of a positive attitude. I have a friend who is always struggling as a self-employed sale person. Whenever I talk to her and ask how she is doing, she tells me what a horrible day she is having. I bet her continual financial woes would ... Views: 3459
Many solopreneurs who are right-brain oriented such as artists, healers, intuitives, struggle with being super-focused. They get so super-focused working on a project in their right-brain that they lose track of time, miss appointments, forget other projects, and end up not getting everything ... Views: 1822
Often I run across solopreneurs who are overworked and overwhelmed because they don’t feel comfortable raising their fees. As a consequence, they are working really hard with clients who are demanding, fussy, and non-appreciative, and they feel stuck in the lower fee range.
I have found that ... Views: 1140
Neutralizing negative energy surrounding negative situations is a business success strategy that helps to reduce the day-to-day stress of running a business. Many times we get stuck in a rut or uncomfortable situation, because we are tangled in negative energy…or we get triggered by an event ... Views: 2908
Most of the entrepreneurs that I have met who are not having the kind of success that they desire have a problem with their mindset. I can sense it when I hear them talk about their business. Unfortunately, they aren’t aware of their mindset so they don’t know that it is the problem. Their ... Views: 1364
One of my teachers once told me that the key to education is repetition and Wallace Wattles must have known that when he wrote his book, “The Science of Getting Rich” because he repeats his method of thinking over and over again. Here is a version of his formula the “Certain Way”.
1. Make a ... Views: 1366
I hear so many people refer to the recession as the cause of their business slump. “No one is buying anything!” they cry. The only thing you shouldn’t be buying is the notion that the economy is responsible for your decrease in business. There are many people who are earning more money than ... Views: 1181
One of the biggest fears entrepreneurs have is the actual selling or marketing process and this prompts me to offer another small business marketing solution.
Recently I was talking to a business owner about how to take the fear out of selling. And when we talk about selling, we are talking ... Views: 1416
The journey of attracting wealth begins by improving your self-esteem. It’s of utmost importance that you feel deserving of the wealth you want to attract. The only way you can feel worthy of the riches you want, is to think highly enough of yourself to feel that you deserve them.
What you ... Views: 3312