Are you stuck on the procrastination highway where productivity slows to a crawl and stress uncontrollably speeds up? Why, because you’d rather be doing something else, fear of failure or lack of organization? Or are you procrastinating just because you do not know how to manage your internal ... Views: 687
Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” It doesn’t matter if you are facing unfinished projects, complicated finances and debt, poor relationships with family members and co-workers, or wellness issues. If you want change and ... Views: 719
Downtime is a necessity in today’s warp-speed world. We are so busy making a living and consumed in day-to-day activities that we often do not have time to enjoy life. We tend to over-commit, never say no and turn into workaholics – always doing something or going somewhere.
Are you someone ... Views: 784
As a middle management sales team specialist, Judy didn’t have a moment to spare. She didn’t have time on her hands to worry about what tomorrow would bring; she had so many things to do within a 24 hour period that an army of six couldn’t possibly accomplish in a month.
She thought her time ... Views: 975
We all want financial stability, balanced relationships, upwardly mobile careers and peace at home. But instead of waiting for these things to come to us, we must “walk the walk and talk the talk” to actively pursue our goals.
We have truly hit a point in history where everything you think, ... Views: 838
What does your bottom line look like? Is your portfolio filled with growing stocks and bonds, balanced with other conservative investments? Have you put money away for a rainy day? Or, are you over extended?
What does your self worth look like? No, not the financial self, but the personal ... Views: 885
Are there rooms in your home you absolutely hate to go into? Do you always wince when you open the door to your office? When you are in your family room do you want to say “go away, leave me alone”. Does one room in your house make you feel too relaxed and another make you feel jittery?
It’s ... Views: 1470
I’ve had a number of clients and students ask, “Is the process any different when positively energizing an office or business versus a home?” “Are there basic principles you can follow when using Feng Shui for a business client versus a home client?” Or, “why would you even consider energizing ... Views: 902
I was asked recently about leadership. This client often heard me speak about using the
principles of Feng Shui and energy to design your office or home for success but wanted
to know if you could do the same for leadership. I answered by saying “if you can focus
positive energy on your well ... Views: 1001
Have you ever walked into your office whether at work or at home and thought, “why can’t I get anything done in here?” If you work outside of the home, do you ever wonder, “is everyone here playing on the same company team?” Do you sometimes question, “is there something I can do in my cubicle, ... Views: 1020
Does the concept of work/life balance make you cringe? Do you envision the scales of justice meeting out the exact amount of minutes you should perform work duties, spend time on social media and engage in personal life activities? Is there is a solution?
Nobody seems to get the fact that ... Views: 907
It isn’t working. Almost nothing about the way a leader led in the Nineties works today. If you need proof, just look around. Businesses are gone that should be thriving, new businesses are sprouting that weren’t even a dream back then.
Yesterday’s roadmap for success doesn’t work for today’s ... Views: 880
Logic and vision aren’t enough; you need passion and ambition to be a great leader according to Leonard Lauder, Chairman Emeritus of The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.
His mother, Estee Lauder had passion and ambition. She took risks and her philosophy on life was “beauty is an attitude, ... Views: 1043
Are you running on almost empty when it comes to encouragement, motivation and self-confidence? Has self-empowerment fled the scene leaving you drained, alone and discouraged?
You are not alone. According to a study by Gallup-Healthways, stress is spiraling upward as the economy continues its ... Views: 1045
Use Silence as a Leadership Strategy
Silence, yes, silence, is a powerful leadership tool. There are many adages about silence such as “he who speaks first loses,” or “silence is golden” which comes from a longer phrase “speech is silver, silence is golden,” placing a much greater value on ... Views: 1283
“Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. You think about it; it’s true. If you hire somebody without [integrity], you really want them to be dumb and ... Views: 1049
In today’s workplace, leaders have much to manage: inspire managers, motivate employees, connect with customers and keep profits coming. Unfortunately, with so much on their plates, leaders can sometimes feel overwhelmed, overworked, overstressed and just plain burned out.
Taking time to ... Views: 1101
Leadership is complex and exponentially evolving. There are many rules but there is no guarantee that they all work or whether one will work in circumstance A but not B. However, you cannot afford to negate the so-called rules of leadership – or can you?
In discussions about the qualities of ... Views: 1041
Self-control and focus go hand in hand. Focus is the answer to all accomplishment but only if you have mastered self-control.
For leaders, the key to accomplishment and staying focused is self-control. They get dragged and pulled in so many directions that it is easy for them to lose focus ... Views: 1193
Poor management dramatically reduces engagement but the nouveau “no management” philosophy, known as holacracy, destroys engagement.
Zappos may have discovered that employees need managers after all, according to writers, J. Brandon Rigoni and Bailey Nelson at the Gallup Business Journal, ... Views: 989
You can actually engineer your workplace environment to be more productive and to be more focused. The natural flow of that environment and the flexibility of its leader determine how engaged the people are when working there and affects the overall sustainability of the business.
The flow of ... Views: 1223
“The best places to work are those that foster an inclusive culture – one where differences are celebrated and our people can be themselves and feel at home.” This was recently tweeted by Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, which comprises more than 400 companies.
Branson ... Views: 1330
Engage - Fuel Tomorrow’s Sustainability
The importance of engagement may seem passé but in reality, it is more important than ever. It continues to be the most desirable tool in the corporate and business community in the second decade of the 21st century.
It doesn’t matter whether your ... Views: 1039
Does the concept of work/life balance make you cringe? Do you envision the scales of justice meeting out the exact amount of minutes you should perform work duties, spend time on social media and engage in personal life activities? Is there is a solution?
Nobody seems to get the fact that it ... Views: 1195
In our country, workforce engagement is at 30 percent, those not engaged is at 52 percent, and actively disengaged is at 18 percent (Gallup, 2012). Creating a multi-dimensional focused workforce environment is key to increasing engagement, buy-in and performance — for both employees and the ... Views: 1137
According to the report, Global Human Capital Trends 2015 by Deloitte University, global organizations today must navigate a “new world of work” – one that requires a dramatic change in strategies for leadership, talent and human resources.
The research went on to state that when comparing ... Views: 1290
Time is your most valuable asset. How you use it and what you focus on determines the quality of your performance and effectiveness. What is your workforce focusing on – they are always focusing on something, but is it what you want them to do?
Fueling focus is perhaps your most important ... Views: 1167
While most leaders are measured on the basis of business results, organizations must begin holding leaders accountable for building a strong and enduring culture, listening to feedback, and engaging and retaining their teams, according to a new study just released Global Human Capital Trends ... Views: 1329
Silence, yes, silence, is a powerful leadership tool. There are many adages about silence such as “he who speaks first loses,” or “silence is golden” which comes from a longer phrase “speech is silver, silence is golden,” placing a much greater value on silence, not just the spoken ... Views: 1536
Engaging employees requires more than directing them in what to do; they also need to receive credit for their accomplishments. Such recognition helps to improve the employee experience according to Ventana Research: Five Reasons to Use Social Recognition in Business, 2014.
The research ... Views: 1300
“A paycheck is what an employee lives on. Recognition and appreciation is what they live for,” according to Mac Anderson, the founder of Successories and Simple Truths. Recognition is fast becoming the buzzword of today’s modern workplace.
Does your leadership roadmap include scheduled rest ... Views: 1260
What are your leadership responsibilities – engaging the workforce, hiring, acquisitions, financial planning, visioneering, innovation? Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric, believed he had only three things to do as a leader: choose the right people, allocate the right funds ... Views: 1995
Distractions are rapidly becoming enemy No. 1 in the workplace. In fact, 45 percent of employees work only 15 minutes or less without getting interrupted, and 53 percent waste at least one hour a day due to all types of distractions according to recent research by, a provider of social ... Views: 1945
Although it was a beautiful sunny spring day outside, there was a dark cloud hanging over attorney Steve and his office reflected it. Steve was the managing partner of a multiple-city law firm spread across the state.
He complained about how unfocused, distracted and disorganized he felt. He ... Views: 1187
Although it was a beautiful sunny spring day outside, there was a dark cloud hanging over attorney Steve and his office reflected it. Steve was the managing partner of a multiple-city law firm spread across the state.
He complained about how unfocused, distracted and disorganized he felt. He ... Views: 1274
With 105 million strong in the US, the Millennial generation is now larger than the number of Baby Boomers and Generation X combined. Their presence is felt in the workplace and is creating great diversity in age, work ethic, interpersonal social and communication skills.
Instead of silver ... Views: 1407
“Research evidence clearly shows that groups led by transformational leaders have higher levels of performance and satisfaction than groups led by other types of leaders. Why? Because transformational leaders hold positive expectations for followers, believing that they can do their best,” ... Views: 1720
Maximizing the productivity of workforce talent is the greatest leadership challenge in today’s marketplace. Increased efficiency and productivity means increasing razor-thin profitability. The answer lies in connecting the communication dots by tying workforce productivity to the company’s ... Views: 1925
Your success or failure is created by what you focus on. What you focused on five years, five months or five days ago is what you have in your life today. What you focus on today is what you will reap in the future.
Dementia usually describes deterioration in cognitive abilities that are ... Views: 1295
Change occurs constantly and your business must learn to adapt. From the telegraph to the cell phone, the personal computer to the Internet, companies have access to newer and better tools to do business in the 21st century.
However, many organizations find success, even moderate success, yet ... Views: 1185
Spring cleaning is a phrase that is usually relegated to the home, but it is just as relevant to the well-being, productivity and future of a small business or a large corporation.
Spring cleaning is the practice of cleaning a home from top to bottom, especially after long hard winters in ... Views: 3088
Spring cleaning is a phrase that is usually relegated to the home, but it is just as relevant to the well-being, productivity and future of a small business or a large corporation.
Spring cleaning is the practice of cleaning a home from top to bottom, especially after long hard winters in ... Views: 3088
Research shows that a three second distraction doubles errors and a four-and-a-half second interruption triples errors. Are numerous daily distractions wreaking havoc on your productivity and efficiency?
When was the last time you placed a “do not disturb” sign on your door? If the answer ... Views: 1414
“People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily,” said Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker and author of See You at the Top.
Leaders are always susceptible to personal motivation and inspiration-drain because they are constantly motivating ... Views: 1259
Leadership accountability isn’t just evaluated by the marker of profitability. There are many components to accountability but the most strikingly overlooked one is buried deep within the relationship of a leader and the workforce: the truth.
According to Sergeant Friday from the Dragnet ... Views: 1549
There are many ways for a leader to train and develop a workforce: teaching, coaching, encouraging and nurturing. However the one form that speaks loudest and is rarely considered a strategy are a leader’s actions.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the actions of a leader are ... Views: 1355
Nothing improves by accident. Being a real or Intentional leader is making a conscious choice to transform the way you think. It isn’t just about creating balance but about changing your perspective about the way your approach your personal life and professional life. It’s about how you approach ... Views: 1182
Spirituality is the new frontier for integrity-driven leadership. Employees, the workplace environment and economics used to drive the operation of a business; today the workforce and their consumers or clients are looking for something more.
A number of years ago Vince Lombardi, past head ... Views: 2183
“Say what you mean and mean what you say,” says Frank Luntz, communications researcher and author of several books including What Americans Really Want…Really.
Today’s workforce craves truthful comprehensive communications and aligned action from leadership in all aspects. They want to know ... Views: 2305
“Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. You think about it; it’s true. If you hire somebody without [integrity], you really want them to be dumb and ... Views: 2501
Dramatic change has descended upon leaders and the workforce due to the social media revolution. The warp speed shift of workplace communications, interaction and information exchange is causing chaos, mistrust and poor face-to-face communications. This change is forcing leadership to think and ... Views: 1505