One of the best ways to get through a crisis, (whether it is a personal, professional or even global crisis) is through journaling your thoughts in writing. It helps bring up emotions for clearing. It surfaces creative solutions to the situation you are dealing with. And it serves as a record of ... Views: 896
Coaching is the art of guiding individuals to identifying, crystallizing and then achieving goals and dreams. The Coach helps the individual make positive changes in order to improve their life or to accomplish desired outcomes easier and faster than might otherwise be possible on their own. The ... Views: 900
Do you feel overwhelmed by all the negative information currently circulating? Are you living in fear of what will happen next? Would you like to take better control of your own situation and just don’t know how?
We are clearly living in uncertain times right now. The Chinese symbol for ... Views: 782
I just had an interesting reframe around goal achievement. Although, I pride myself in being a great goal setter and a really good goal getter too, there is more to goal achievement than the “outcome-based” approach most of us are accustomed to.
Let me explain. I just read an interesting ... Views: 878
A few years ago, I read “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman and shared it with everyone that would listen to me. It was a terrific book about communication in relationships. So, I was thrilled when Gary Chapman and Paul White came out with their book “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the ... Views: 847
Another year is here! Hooray and OMG! This is the time of year we set our intentions for the year ahead and identify any goals we wish to accomplish. Its also a time for personal reflection on all the good things that happened last year and a reminder of what we didn’t get done.
So, to start ... Views: 574
Have you lost your job after many years with the same company? Has it been more than 10 years since
you last did a job search? Do you know how to navigate a job search in this market? Are you a non-
millennial? If you answered “yes” to even one of these questions, you need to keep ... Views: 1039
Every once in a while, you come across a book that really gets you “thinking” and maybe even “changing the way you think”. “Unlocking Leadership Mind Traps: How to Thrive in Complexity” by Jennifer Garvey Berger was that book for me.
My first introduction to Jennifer was through an online ... Views: 969
Lately, many of the clients that have made their way to me are in search of uncovering their passion and in search of figuring out their life’s purpose.
And while there isn’t a magic bullet to help you figure out why you are here and what you are meant to do, it can be hugely satisfying to ... Views: 780
You may be a great manager, yet not a great leader. And if you are aspiring to elevate yourself and your career, regardless of your current job level, you need to be a great leader as well.
So, let’s begin by looking at some of the differences between “leadership” and “management”:
Management ... Views: 678
Have you been considering quitting your day job in favor of starting a business? Have you just lost your job and are currently exploring alternative ways of earning a living? Have you always dreamt of owning your own business some day?
Before you take the leap of faith into self-employment, ... Views: 676
We have an epidemic! People everywhere feel stuck in their jobs. Some feel like they have no options to get unstuck. Unhappy at work, they know they are not passionate about what they are doing. Yet, many are unsure of what would make them feel excited to get up and go to work in the morning ... Views: 884
Many people are unfulfilled and trying to get unstuck in their life or career. Often they can’t pinpoint why they feel the way they do. They just know they aren’t happy, and they may have no idea how to make themselves happy. Our work together is focused on helping them figure out their ... Views: 619
Work can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling part of your life, but when passion for the work you do becomes an obsession it can be to the detriment of a healthy work/life balance.
Ask yourself:
• Can you carry on a conversation about anything other than your job?
• Is most of ... Views: 2120
Have you ever felt uncomfortable or out of place in meetings, networking events, or even social settings? Have you ever missed out on something you really wanted because you didn’t have the confidence to put yourself out there?
Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of ... Views: 1280
I discovered NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) about 11 years ago. At the time I was looking for ways to de-stress and reduce overwhelm. I stumbled on NLP as a result of a weekend retreat I participated in, in which the facilitators were using NLP techniques. That weekend was life changing for ... Views: 3191
Is there someone in your office or workplace you just can’t seem to get along with? Do you lock heads with the same person in every meeting? Is there someone in your office that always takes the opposing argument to every point you make? Perhaps you have a conflict you simply can’t ignore any ... Views: 1845
Perhaps you are a high performing individual contributor or maybe you are terrific at inspiring and leading direct reports. But how well do you manage your boss, your boss’s boss or even your peers?
Managing up is important because your career success and advancement potential depends on it. ... Views: 1330
If you had expectations of plugging in thirty years with only ever working in one company, think again. The landscape is changing for career and business minded professionals, and it is becoming more prudent, now more than ever, to take control of your own career. Forbes Magazine coined the term ... Views: 1201
It is not easy to plan when you are in “reaction” mode. When you are organized you tend to feel more confident and in control, and much less stressed or overwhelmed. You are able to see the bigger picture in order to think strategically and assess your priorities and timelines more objectively. ... Views: 1391
So often we are up against situations we simply cannot control. We tend to focus on obstacles that get in our way, yet we have no control over. Here’s the good news. I’ve assembled a list of 10 things you can control right now, in your career and in your life that will make a huge difference to ... Views: 1430
Do you measure your personal self worth based on what others think of you? Do you work really hard to make others like or approve of you? Do you find it hard to say no to people believing that others’ priorities are more important than your own? Do you lack confidence? If you answered yes to ... Views: 2613
Did you know that we use about six metaphors per minute in the English language? Are you aware that our unconscious mind thinks and responds best to symbolic language i.e. metaphors? Did you know that all learning and change occurs at the unconscious level?
A metaphor is a story told with a ... Views: 2523
There are many ways NLP has helped me, and it can assist you too in your career, business or in your personal life. NLP has helped me grow personally and professionally, and has been invaluable to me in growing my business from a start up to a thriving professional coaching business. NLP has ... Views: 2586
I used to define success only in the context of career – how far up the corporate ladder I could climb and how much money or bonus I could earn. I think years of business and life experience have taught me to take a much broader perspective on success. To be truly successful is to have balance ... Views: 1474
Years ago I read a great book called “How to be a Star at Work” by Robert E. Kelley. This book became and continues to be one of the “100 Best Business Books of All Time” and the “#1 Career Book” ranked by The New York Daily News. The author makes the argument that “stars are made, not born”. ... Views: 2090
A really good friend of mine is always saying “when you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life”. It’s a mantra and quote that has stuck with me for many years now and words of wisdom I live by and have imparted to my kids and clients alike. The way I see it is you have at ... Views: 1752
We may have lost some face to face connection, but in today’s world of social media communication, we have moved to faster, more frequent communication than ever before. Now, more than ever, what you say and how you say it is critical to the person on the other end of your communication message. ... Views: 2714
This is a great time to reflect on the past year as well as a time to think about what you want to create this year. What did you accomplish that you are most proud of? How were you successful? What lessons did you learn?
If you were to make this year the best year of your career or your ... Views: 1334
Why is it that some speakers captivate an audience from the very start of their presentation while other speakers don’t?
Great presenters have structure to their presentations and a consistent format they use to ensure fabulous presentations every time they speak to a group. Great presenters ... Views: 1727
I believe that everything happens to us in our lives on some level as a result of our own making. On some level, either knowingly or unknowingly, we attract our destiny to ourselves.
While I believe we can’t always control what happens to us, I believe we can control how we choose to respond ... Views: 1287
Whether you are coaching an employee or making a business decision you are probably tapping into your intuition. Intuition is sometimes referred to as “gut feeling”, “sixth sense” or “knowing”. Regardless of what you call it, we all use our intuition everyday in multiple ways. Often we don’t ... Views: 1399
Why is it that two people watching the same accident have two totally different accounts of what just occurred? They both saw the same accident-yet, they processed two very different versions.
According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the book Flow: The Psychology Of Optimal Experience, we take ... Views: 1412
Ever wonder why goals seem so impossible to reach at times?
Last month I travelled to Peru to hike the Inca Trail and visit Machu Picchu. It has been a personal goal of mine for some time to visit the ruins, hike the trail and to fully experience the country and its people.
To hike the ... Views: 1481
Over the past 5 years, since I began my professional coaching practice, I have seen a dramatic increase in the number of people experiencing overwhelm. This heightened feeling of being stretched to the limit can contribute to increased sleepless nights, increased levels of stress, a sense of ... Views: 1276
We're all in sales whether we want to believe it or not. When was the last time you had to sell your boss or colleagues on an idea you had, or put together a proposal to increase your project budget? When was the last time you had to convince your kids to do something they should have been doing ... Views: 1340
The ability to impact and influence others is a key competency frequently identified in top performers. While we assume salespeople are good at impacting and influencing, the ability to impact and influence others is often the number one competency in helping, service, managerial and leadership ... Views: 1628
Here you are in the interview you have been dreaming about. Now what? Will you nail the interview by making a great impression mastering artful responses to behavioral questions being asked? Or will this be another unsuccessful attempt at getting to your dream job.
The following S.O.A.R. ... Views: 1480
Here you are face to face with your interviewer. It's the moment you've been waiting for, preparing for. Will you nail the interview or will you be stumped by the interviewer's questions. Anticipating the potential questions you might be asked and ensuring you have concise, well thought out ... Views: 1528
Why is negative language and negative self talk so disempowering?
Only 10% of our mind is conscious while 90% is unconscious. The conscious mind is our analytical, rational and logical mind and is said to hold our temporary memory. The unconscious mind on the other hand is irrational; it is ... Views: 2010
NLP is the acronym for Neuro Linguistic Programming. The study of excellence in communication (with yourself and others) in order to create the results you want!
NLP started in California in the early 1970's at the University of Santa Cruz. The founders were Richard Bandler, a master's level ... Views: 4457
NLP is the acronym for Neuro Linguistic Programming. The study of excellence in communication (with yourself and others) in order to create the results you want!
Why is NLP important to know about?
• If you are looking to make positive changes and improvements in your life or in the lives ... Views: 2143
So you’ve finally landed an interview for that dream job you’ve always wanted. Now what? Do you go into panic mode as you try and figure out how to best prepare for the interview or do you remain calm, cool and collected as you review your interviewing basics checklist.
Consider for a moment ... Views: 1317
Many people are not able to articulate what they really want in life in clear and concise language. Oddly enough, people are generally pretty good at articulating what they don’t want. So it’s no wonder that a large percentage of the population go through life getting what they don’t want and ... Views: 1232