There are so many ways you can be rejected in and there are too many reasons for you to be rejected. You can be rejected socially for your ideas or you can be rejected by the girl you are going to ask out. You can be rejected at work because you don't have a specific skill or you can be rejected ... Views: 2351
If there is one devastating thing that any artist could receive it would be absolute negative criticism. Criticism is criticism no matter how sweet tongued it is. Criticism always hurts the artist unless they are quite fond of their work and rarely an artist likes their own work because the find ... Views: 1681
While a girl is watching a romantic movie, she usually takes the role of female heroine and masters it so that she becomes to heroine herself and instead of watching a movie, she becomes a part of it, interacts and thinks of solutions to the problem; comparing it with her life and measuring ... Views: 2311
In order to sleep well with no worries, there are things that you might consider doing before laying your head to sleep. Things which you should do and things which you might be doing already, but all of them are in order to make you feel better when you close your eyes at night and lay your ... Views: 1994
Before jumping into conclusions and piling up problems over yourself, you should first reach an understanding of what is the reason behind all of your troubles.
When it comes to troubles, there are so many solutions to solve them, some people might prefer running away from them, others would ... Views: 1728
There are things we learn before going to school that fade away with time and become habits that we are too used to that we do not let go of them when we grow up. But sometimes the teachings of the house become too traditional that they might seem like punishment that once we grow, we start to ... Views: 1684
How to earn someone's trust
Many of us do not trust people right away. Even when the first impression imposes their trustworthiness; we choose to take our time and slowly open up for them to the limit we can handle.
While we are put in the same situation, we might ask, "Did I do something ... Views: 2940
In one study women were shown profile pictures of men on Facebook and were told that those men had rated their attractiveness earlier.
A group of women were told that the men rated them as very attractive, The second group of women were told that the men rated them as averagely attractive ... Views: 1740
99% of the human population never fall in love with someone unless they know that he is reachable and attainable. Why do you think people (most of them) don’t fall in love with the celebrities they see on the television? Surely those celebrities meet the subconscious criteria of many people, so ... Views: 2888
Men get attracted to women who have a low waist to hip ratio. The optimum waist to hip ratio that was found to be most attractive for men is 0.8.
The good news I have for women here is that many men can sacrifice facial attractiveness for a good looking body. While its very hard to change ... Views: 5399
Suppose that a guy failed to establish good relationships with his classmates when he was a small kid. The subconscious mind of this person never forgets what happened and it desperately tries to correct the situation, but since the child has grown up already the subconscious mind tries to fix ... Views: 2034
If you play any sport then I am sure that you find yourself energetic on some days and completely down on other days. Why do you sometimes manage to break your old records and why do you in other times find it very hard to do what you did the last time?
What many people don’t know is that there ... Views: 1537
We all have important goals that we want to reach but because life is full of events that distracts us many of us forget about their goals after some time or at least procrastinate so much and the result in both cases is not reaching them before their deadlines.
I have thought for days and days ... Views: 1507
The 5 most effective self confidence building methods
The presence of hundreds of methods for building self confidence and the information overload we are all experiencing in this era have left many people confused about the best ways to build self confidence.
While lots of methods can work ... Views: 1808
Everyone wants to live a happy life but sadly most people never manage to achieve that important goal. Some people claim that happiness can be found through meditation while others claim that happens can be reached through certain religious practices.
Some people claim that money can bring ... Views: 1652
We all know the famous story of Thomas Edison who kept trying and trying to invent the lamp even though everybody was against him until he succeeded.
The story of Thomas Edison is no different than the story of any other successful person. In the beginning he finds something that he believes in ... Views: 1504
Excessive anger wont only damage your health but it might force you to do things that you will regret later on.
its not uncommon that a person loses a friend or says something that annoys a close person during anger bouts. That’s why each and every person must learn how to control his anger ... Views: 1618
So why is that useful?
Simply by learning about these money making mistakes and avoiding them you will be able to make money in a fast and easy way.
Here are the ways not to make money
Don’t follow new trends: If you don’t follow the new trends, if you don’t always check what’s new and ... Views: 1360
Depression results from chemical imbalance in the brain. This fact is known to almost everybody but ask any person what causes this imbalance and you will find that he doesn’t know the answer.
Depression happens when a person loses hope in getting something that he wanted to get badly. This ... Views: 1376
Long ago I used to think that persuading people is a hard task but as I learned more and more I discovered that people find it hard to persuade others because they do the wrong things not because its hard to persuade someone.
After working as a sales person for years and after running my own ... Views: 1814
Positive thinkers and dreamers
Being a positive thinker is one among the most popular advice people give everywhere for dealing with bad moods. From amateur bogglers to PHD holders, everyone tends to talk about the benefits of positive thinking in a way or another.
I do agree that positive ... Views: 1704
I am sure you have been in that situation before where you found that everything is collapsing and that you are totally helpless.
Because life is full of ups and downs and because no one can hardly stay on the top for a long period of time without being knocked down at least once it makes a lot ... Views: 1826
5 effective time management tips
Do you know what’s the most precious asset you own? Its your time!
Just think about it, if you used your time wisely you will be able to acquire whatever asset you are after. If you want money then you need to use your time wisely, if you want fame then you ... Views: 1664
Some people define happiness as the absence of bad emotions. Its that relaxed moment where you are worried about nothing and where you are not feeling bad because of any major problem that can make you feel really happy.
Luckily most bad moods and even mild depression attacks can be dealt with ... Views: 1698
If you have a bad car then you have a hard time for about 2 hours everyday. If you have a bad job then you will have a hard time for about 8 hours a day, if you have a bad relationship then you will have a hard time all day long!
Relationships are a vital part of our lives, if we didn’t ... Views: 1405
One thing that is very popular about falling in love is that sometimes people confuse being in love with wanting to protect their egos and public image. How would it feel like if people knew that you were dumped? Or how would it feel like if people knew that you weren’t up to satisfying your ... Views: 8479
Positive thinkers and dreamers
Being a positive thinker is one among the most popular advice people give everywhere for dealing with bad moods. From amateur bloggers to PHD holders, everyone tends to talk about the benefits of positive thinking in a way or another.
I do agree that positive ... Views: 1654
In November 2006 I started my website ,, and as of today the site’s sales have exceeded 1 million and made me a dot com millionaire.
I know that every person who starts a website with certain financial goals in mind want to reap the most out of his site and as a result I ... Views: 3770
4 reasons positive thinking can change your life
Most people know what positive thinking is but many of them don’t have an idea about how can positive thinking help them in their lives.
While positive thinking is not magic and its not a habit that you can use alone to get your tasks done ... Views: 1885
People mistakenly think that creativity has anything to do with genes and that’s why those who believe that they are not creative remain the way they are.
In fact creativity is nothing more than a combination of your belief system and your life style. In order to become more creative you just ... Views: 2040
No this is not an article about learning how to say no when someone asks you for a favor that you don’t want to do or when someone tries to step on your rights but it’s an article about saying no to life when it tries to force you to live a life that you don’t want to live.
There are two types ... Views: 1713
As a result of low self confidence many people never see reality correctly but they just see a reflection of their own beliefs.
If a person who lacks self confidence wasn’t treated in a nice way then he might assume that one who didn’t treat him well didn’t like him while in fact reality might ... Views: 4486
Do you know how babies learn to grasp objects?
They first hold the object incorrectly so it drops from their hands
And then they hold it incorrectly the second time and it drops again
And then they hold it incorrectly for the third time and then it falls again
And then they hold incorrectly ... Views: 1321
So how to use these concepts to break habits? First you need to find some of the important values you have in life then find the connection between it and between the bad habits.
For example when a wife discovered that her binge eating habit was about to cause her a breakup she decided to ... Views: 1916
If you typed the word “Depression” in any query on the internet you will end up with the same phrase “Depression is a result of imbalance in brain chemicals” and as it appears from this statement, the only solution is find a way to balance brain chemicals, which is to live on medication forever ... Views: 1718
Joe was feeling really stressed and afraid of tomorrow’s presentation. He hasn’t experienced such overwhelming emotions before and he realized that he couldn’t bear them anymore.
When thinking of the available options he found nothing to do except to keep the bad feelings that were really ... Views: 1732
A Lot of people think that having good communication skills involves only knowing what should be said or what should be done in certain situations, and even though this is correct, still there are lots of problems that arise from not being able to do what you know you should do.
Suppose that ... Views: 1738
Self Acceptance is one of the most important life skills a person should be capable of.
However most people fail to accept themselves the right way because there is a very fine line between self acceptance and self deception.
Some people get self acceptance wrong by believing that it’s a ... Views: 1822
Each and every person living on this planet has certain unmet needs. A poor man might need more money, an ambitious man might need more success while a lonely man might need more friends.
Whether you know your goals or whether you don’t have any idea about them this won’t mean that you don’t ... Views: 1279
I was always wondering why are some people determined to reach their goals and why are others always helpless. What was confusing me even more is that the same person who was once motivated to reach his goals can suddenly turn into a helpless person who don’t know what to do in order to get what ... Views: 1303
Most people try to spend time alone when they have a fight with their spouse. As soon as they fight together everyone leaves the other and goes to their friends or relatives. Since both of them are still carrying intense anger emotions, they start mentioning each others mistakes in front of ... Views: 1338
Its feels really bad when someone steels something that you own. I still remember how bad I felt the last time my car’s rear sign was stolen and am sure you felt really bad the last time someone stole something from you too.
But if something as little a 100 dollars or a car sign can make us ... Views: 1359
When women were asked to describe their dream partners, a big number of them stated being tall is one of the very important criterions they look for when selecting a potential partner. Women prefer men who are tall or at least similar in height.
You might be thinking this section wouldn’t ... Views: 2731
Self-concept has many definitions but they all have the same meaning, which is, your perception of yourself and of your abilities. When I ask you to describe yourself in one page, you will dump all you think about yourself. The way you view your capabilities is called "Self-concept".
Examples ... Views: 1636
These days job dissatisfaction is one of the most common problems among people.
Many people are either dissatisfied with their jobs, hate the tasks they do or even find it boring.
Just ask 10 people on a Sunday night how they feel and you will discover that the majority of them are feeling ... Views: 1202
Sounds like a weird title huh?
After all, People should give advice on how to reduce worrying and not on how to worry.
In fact I am not going to tell you how to worry more but I am going to tell you about the wrong practices some people do that force them to worry more and that ruins their ... Views: 1562
Self Acceptance is one of the most important life skills a person should be capable of.
However most people fail to accept themselves the right way because there is a very fine line between self acceptance and self deception.
Some people get self acceptance wrong by believing that it’s a ... Views: 1745
Most people want more money and while the majority of them want to become rich still very few people manage to reach their financial dreams or even come close to it.
While I am not a billionaire still I consider myself financially successful when my age is taken into consideration.
For that ... Views: 1737
On Monday morning Sam went to a job interview hoping that he would get that job he was after. When Sam first stepped inside the building he started feeling afraid. As time passed and as his turn approached Sam became more and more fearful until they called out his name.
Sam went inside the ... Views: 1451
How did you feel the last time you were criticized?
Am sure you felt bad because no one likes to be criticized however the real problem with criticism is not that is hurts but the real problem is that it ruin one’s self confidence if the wrong actions were taken.
Most people do certain ... Views: 1411