It has to be stated that if you suffer from lack of self-esteem is the difference between feeling all- powerful and feeling like a little frightened rabbit that is powerless in how it controls its emotions. It's the awareness of yourself that has a massive influence on how other individuals see ... Views: 1340
In this article I will give you some tips on how to reveal your true self and break out of your shell to improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is how you estimate, and respect yourself. How do you estimate, and respect yourself?
Ask yourself these five questions:
1. Do I like who I am?
2. ... Views: 1386
Being confident in our own skin is important to our happiness. There are many causes for lack of confidence and low self-esteem, ranging from recurrent disapproval from adults in your formative years, being demeaned in front of others, and not to mention your own internal critic routinely ... Views: 1094
Your absence of self-esteem probably comes from the attitudes of other people towards you. Your parents, brothers and sisters, etc. are all contributors of how your self-esteem is formed during your early years. If you come from a loving and caring family, have lots of friends and you did well ... Views: 1346
The ability to be self-confident is tremendously vital in every feature of our existence; however so many of us find it hard to obtain it. Basically, persons who have non-existent self-confidence will find it problematic to become the successful individual they want to be. The point is how many ... Views: 2010
Customarily, a lot of faiths have viewed spirituality as an essential feature of religious practice. They believe if you believe in God you will automatically become spiritual and happy. In midst of this common belief a growing number of people are going toward secularism and have agreed to a ... Views: 903
There was a time in our lives when we all believed in the existence of guardian angels. Did your parents tell you that if you are a good child you will have a beautiful guardian angel looking after you and keeping you out of any danger? This method is a popular way for parents to tell their ... Views: 659
Do you believe in the existence of guardian angels? What do you believe they are? Well, many people have different ideas on what guardian angels are. Some believe they are actually angels from the Bible sent to help humans in trouble. While others believe they are your higher-self/subconscious ... Views: 1538
What is self-esteem? Well, self-esteem is the contrast between the sensation of being very confident and powerful in all you do, and the emotion of being scared witless. How you perceive yourself has a huge bearing on how others observe you. The fact is, the more self-esteem you have, the more ... Views: 980
The present-day world tenets, successes and results, which is why, maybe, that more and more individuals are turning to meditation. In our noisy contemporary world, many people feel an ultimate need for quiet and reflection.
Below are Five Reasons why daily meditation can benefit your hectic ... Views: 792
The fundamental question is – who you really are? This question is repeatedly asked by those who want a new way of life. You may be a bus driver, a fireman, a rich man, a poor man, etc. that is your occupation but not who you really are. It is not your essence; the celestial you. The question ... Views: 685
Apart from the self-realization you get from having a spiritual awakening, there are other benefits that you can get out of experience. Personality awakening and self-transformation leads to a well-adjusted existence. Ultimately, the same stable life will lead you to a blissful and content life. ... Views: 6672
I would like to talk about the idea of positive change. It is vital to your personal growth goals. It is in human nature to be an ever-changing species. If you wrote down a list today of all the things you believe you are, you bet it'll be wrong by tomorrow. The fact is that each day your body's ... Views: 1039
What is rapport? Rapport is when you find you have established a friendly relationship with someone. It is like when you meet someone for the first time and you both instantly bond. For example you can be at a party and you meet someone and you both find that you have many things in common, i.e. ... Views: 2718
Open your eyes and start looking around your surroundings. All appears to be in the same situation as you left it a while ago or is it? For example you are meditating and you have just finished stretching your arms and legs; you are feeling relaxed and calm. You are feeling rested, invigorated, ... Views: 921
Open your eyes and start looking around your surroundings. All appears to be in the same situation as you left it a while ago or is it? For example you are meditating and you have just finished stretching your arms and legs; you are feeling relaxed and calm. You are feeling rested, invigorated, ... Views: 685
If you are dealing with discomfort - in the flesh or emotionally - it is no surprise that you are incapable of thinking clearly. A troubled mind means that you are having difficulty in getting in touch with your internal being, and climbing to enlightenment. Inevitably, deprived of spiritual ... Views: 858
Transcendent enlightenment is part of religious observations. The path to spiritual awakening is an extremely holy understanding because the enlightened individual has interaction with the celestial and paranormal. This enlightening experience has been part of diverse societies and practices, ... Views: 1462
Most people think of mediation as an Eastern tradition where the person sits in a circle in the lotus position and chanting mantras or humming. Apart from the soothing effect that it can bring, meditation is often said to be a path to rouse the life-force and start the passage towards spiritual ... Views: 776
Hypnosis can be used to undergo past life regression, though hypnosis is not an essential tool to use for past life regression. It is important to understand that hypnosis, like any other therapy, should be practised by a skilled person because if you are not qualified in the field you practise ... Views: 2053
Hypnosis can be used to undergo past life regression, though hypnosis is not an essential tool to use for past life regression. It is important to understand that hypnosis, like any other therapy, should be practised by a skilled person because if you are not qualified in the field you practise ... Views: 921
It is sometimes referred to as a state of enlightenment. The state of true spiritual awakening is a state that most mankind would like to gain. There are guidelines and steps that you can take towards the path to spiritual awakening.
Whatever kind of book you’re reading or the tutor you’re ... Views: 795
How often do your peers tell you to walk tall, stand proud, keep your chin up to persuade you to make a good impact. In fact what these sayings demonstrate is how vital our manner and unspoken message is in communicating who we are to the world. For instance if you are rich your family may have ... Views: 713
I would like to talk about the idea of positive change. It is vital to your personal growth goals. It is in human nature to be an ever changing species. If you wrote down a list today of all the things you believe you are, you bet it'll be wrong by tomorrow. The fact is that each day your body's ... Views: 677
Have you ever woken up and felt that something was amiss? You can't put your finger on what exactly is wrong, you just know something is missing in your life. Have you ever thought about who you are and where are you going? These kinds of thoughts are usually to do with the fact that you are not ... Views: 1305
What is anchoring? Anchoring is an outside stimulus that activates a particular inner state or reaction within you. In 1904 it was the Russian psychologist Pavlov who discovered about anchoring by experimenting on dogs. Every time he fed the salivating dogs he would ring a bell. He did this ... Views: 1546
The human body has a natural relaxation response which is an effective solution to all kinds of negative stress and depression. All methods of relaxation techniques - deep breathing, visualization, meditation, and yoga, etc. - aids your body to trigger the relaxation response.
It is important ... Views: 696
Those who suffer from shyness or social anxiety care what others think of them. Instead of just getting on with their own lives they constantly believe that people are judging them. People who are shy believe that they are not as good as other people and that they cannot achieve what they want ... Views: 1128
What is positive self talk? Well, we all practise self talk, though, many of us tend to go for negative self talk instead of the positive approach. Negative self talk can be very detrimental to how you perceive yourself and the people around you. For example say that there is a particular person ... Views: 847
Every one from time to time has felt inadequate with the opposite sex - even Giovanni Casanova must have had his off days - but many people let this inadequacy ruin their lives. For example say a chap likes this pretty girl who works in the same building as him, but every time he sees her he has ... Views: 3708
Why is it important to set out your goals? The reason you set out your is because it will get you motivated to go out and achieve what it is you want to achieve in your life. Self help Guru Paul McKenna said: "Everything I have ever achieved in my life is the result of planning. That doesn't ... Views: 1035
What is positive perspective? Well positive perspective is just another name for re-framing. Re-framing in other words is the art of looking at a negative situation in a more positive light. An excellent and funny example of re-framing is in the film The Jerk. In the film Steve Martin's ... Views: 893
Why is it important to have self-belief? Well if you do not have self-belief how do you expect others to believe in you? For example imagine you are interviewing someone to be your children's nanny, and everything was going fine until she said that she will not hold the baby in case she drops ... Views: 1476
Do you worry what people think of you? Are you one of those people that shake and sweat if you think that someone is looking at you? Do you imagine this person is judging you on your looks, clothes, lack of hygiene or just your general 'ugliness?' Do you feel nauseous when you see good looking ... Views: 2840
What is self-worth? Well self-worth is a belief in yourself, a positive belief that you are as worthy as anybody else. You must remember that people from all walks of life might have the negative belief that they are not worth much. For example you could be as rich as Croesus, but if you don't ... Views: 1444
What is Law of Attraction? Well Law of Attraction is the belief that you completely draw everything to you - good and bad.
Remember this does not mean that if something bad happens to you that you wanted it to happen to you. What I am saying is that, for some reason, you have ingrained the ... Views: 6201
It seems that everyone's goal, in this day and age, is how to achieve spiritual enlightenment. As far back as the Paleolithic period, mankind seem to be on a mission for godly unification and awakening. Different primeval ceremonies achieved by diverse groups of people universally. Native ... Views: 684
It is inevitable that survivors of near-death experiences always tell tales of out-of-body experiences. This phenomenal experience always leaves them with a sense of spiritual awakening. Why does the out-of-body experience always result in spiritually transforming the recipient? Can the ... Views: 1290