Since the advent of 401k plans in 1981 making mistakes in 401k plans have become commonplace. Let's take a look at four common mistakes we can avoid.
#1 Chasing Returns
Chasing returns is as common as trying to keep up with the Jones’. Chasing returns means looking at your yearend ... Views: 1397
When I worked as a financial advisor one common question always came up, what I call the "Home Mortgage Myth." Should I pay off my home mortgage? The main reason they would ask was due to fact their accountant told them not to pay off their home mortgage.
The main reason an accountant ... Views: 1109
How can someone create their own retirement plan? When I say create your own retirement plan I mean making use of all the retirement options available to all people. It is time to depend on your own resources instead of just the government or your employer for your retirement income.
Use ... Views: 1208
We all hear about the great benefits of having a home mortgage. Banks and many financial advisors and accountants tell clients to keep their home mortgage even during retirement. Let’s dispel some common home mortgage myths.
#1 Owning a Home is Better than Renting
Now I do agree with the ... Views: 1140
We all know we need to save for retirement. The question becomes: Where should I save my money? The simple answer for many will be their work 401k plan. I want to give you five advantages of a 401k plan. Most people have a 401k plan, but they do not know how to take full advantages of a 401k ... Views: 1134
Goal setting can be overwhelming and difficult for many people. We read stories about all the steps to make sure you are setting goals properly. If you find goal setting difficult then I want to give you a surefire three-step goal setting process.
Step #1 Write What You Want
Writing down ... Views: 2198
You can achieve all your goals is a bold statement. I know at times achieving my own goals is difficult and does not seem like I am making any progress. Do you feel this way at times? The best advice I received was to keep doing even the smallest activity each and everyday. After 30 days of ... Views: 1252
I have a challenge for you today. Go down to your local grocery store and take a look at all the BBQ sauces. Here is what I want you to look for: High Fructose Corn Syrup. See how many do not have High Fructose Corn Syrup.
I know when I checked out my local grocery store I found only 1 ... Views: 1369
Take a look at the title of this article: What are you really trying to accomplish? Have you ever sat down and answered this question. Don’t we all set goals directly or indirectly during our life? We set goals to get a good job. We set goals to get married and have children. We even set ... Views: 3280
To become a great leader or even an average leader you have to develop the ability to lead yourself. Today I want to give you three important reasons how you can start leading yourself. Over the centuries people have looked to leaders to inspire them to do great things, but why do we follow ... Views: 1115
Is it time to revamp your exercise program from summer to fall? Summer is such a great time to start a workout program with the great weather and green grass. Now we are heading into the fall here in Ohio and many parts of the U.S. So how can we keep up with our fitness program throughout the ... Views: 2004
When you hear the word “action” what comes to mind? Do you see someone running and moving fast or someone sitting down watching TV? Of course the person in motion is the person we see taking action. The same applies to taking action on your goals. You cannot sit around waiting for things to ... Views: 1064
Patience is key when it comes to goal setting. Unfortunately many set goals only to give up on them before they start seeing results. It is amazing how many people start a new business venture or weight loss program only to give up in the first week. The main culprit is patience. We talk to ... Views: 2818
We are now in the last month of summer and people have given up on their weight loss goals. Well it is not too late because you can always start a new home fitness plan. Many people give up because the weather is turning and decide to wait until next year. They are already giving up on the ... Views: 1014
Is your workout routine getting stale and boring? Are you dreading going to the gym? If this is the case then you probably need to change your workout routine.
We all have our exercise habits. We warm up for 10 minutes before we workout. We then go to our stepping class or aerobics class ... Views: 1201
Nowadays we hear about the importance of goal setting to achieve our goals. However, goal setting needs to be intelligent goal setting. What I mean by intelligent goal setting is to make sure you do not become discouraged by your goal or goals.
Too many people are overzealous with things ... Views: 1147
Setting goals and then pursuing those goals with enthusiasm and joy is like learning how to fly. Taking that big leap to pursue your goals is exhilarating and scary at the same time. Imagine for a minute what a bird feels like when he makes that initial attempt at flying.
The initial flight ... Views: 1863
We all learn we need to write down our goals as part of the goal setting process, but most miss a couple important elements. Goal setting is a process sort of like making cake or cookies from scratch. You miss any ingredients and you not have cake or cookies. Let’s find out about some missing ... Views: 1283
Momentum is a precious commodity when you are attempting to achieve a goal. Momentum is the jet fuel needed to reach your goal. Let’s take a look at how you get momentum and then keep momentum.
#1 Consistent Activity
Yes, consistent activity is a simple answer, but it is the best way to ... Views: 1663
When is the last time you just sat down and wrote out a list of things you wanted to do? Dare to dream a little again. Where do you want to travel? Where would you stay? Make your dreams something grand. People talk about being passionate about their jobs or career, but not about activities ... Views: 2515
One of the best books anyone can read is David Schwartz’ “The Magic of Thinking Big.” David Schwartz wrote the book back in the early 1960s, but it still applies to today’s life. Magic of Thinking Big talks about core principle in goal setting and principles do not change.
So here are three ... Views: 1275
We all know goals take time to become reality. The problem is we do not know how long they take to become reality. We know babies take 9 months to be born. After 9 months the baby is ready to be born. No one says we should wait another two or three months before the baby born. No, the baby ... Views: 1184
Everyday we can decide to do something or not to do something. Goal setting is a great way to develop more of "easy to do" than "not to do" habit. Right now take out a sheet of paper and write down one goal for today. The goal can be basic like say "hi" to the next person you meet. Here is ... Views: 1162
The hardest part of any home fitness program or even going to the gym is to schedule time. The important words here are "schedule time." At work you schedule a time to meet a client or you schedule a meeting with co-workers. You must sit down and schedule time for your home fitness ... Views: 1064
How can I flatten my stomach and get six pack abs? This is common question men and women ask all the time. I want to give you six abs workouts to get six pack abs. Caution: Getting a flat stomach and six pack abs will take time. You cannot do these exercises an expect to have a flat stomach ... Views: 1833
Motivation needs goal setting to accomplish anything in life. You cannot have one without the other. You can be really motivated, but if you do not know why you are motivated then you not accomplish anything.
Goal setting needs motivation too because you cannot set a goal and stop at that ... Views: 1575
Many people enjoy a morning workout. First thing in the morning people start doing some type of home fitness plan. The home fitness plan can be as basic as going for a morning walk around the neighborhood.
I want to give you three morning workouts you can do right from home without having ... Views: 2107
If you do not use a daily planner then you are losing time and not accomplishing your goals.
A daily planner can be as simple a lined sheet of paper with each hour broken down starting at 6am to 9pm. During these hours write down what you did or plan to do.
The power of writing ... Views: 1643
The summer is one of the best times to motivate all of us women to get into better fitness shape. The reason is we do not have as many excuses during the summer as the winter.
During the winter womens fitness can be difficult because of the weather, holiday parties with all the food and it ... Views: 1072
A necessary ingredient to leadership is integrity. Without integrity your leadership capabilities will be handicapped. In fact you may never regain your leadership if you lose the integrity of your co-workers, employees or customers. Yes all three you need to demonstrate your leadership and ... Views: 2756
We all have tried various fitness plans to lose weight, build muscle or increase endurance. The problem with most fitness plans is they were designed by someone else for their needs, not yours.
Let’s take a look at how you can develop your very own fitness plan using other fitness ... Views: 2048
Developing and staying motivated with your fitness program can be difficult. Let’s take a look at 7 ways to keep your motivation up and stay on your fitness program.
1. Write your goals down – For any type of goal whether it be fitness, career or money writing down your goals has proven to ... Views: 1103
Motivation is one of those things everyone is looking for these days. They believe they can only accomplish their goal if they were only motivated. The problem is they look for someone to motivate them to accomplish their goals.
Unfortunately and fortunately you are the only person who can ... Views: 1212
Setting up your own home fitness gym is awesome, but can be difficult if you do not plan properly. Take the time to review these five common mistakes people overlook or do not consider when setting up a home gym. Learning from other people's mistakes is one of the best ways to learn what not to ... Views: 1415
n the busy world of today we seem to have too much to do and too little time. This is especially true about fitting time into our schedule for a workout. Not making time is one of the reasons we have so many men and women are overweight today. We either make time today or are forced to make ... Views: 2248
Getting out into the great outdoors should be part of your fitness plan. Going to your area park to walk or run the trails is a great way to get into shape. The fresh air just does something I cannot get at the gym. The air truly refreshing and feels like better oxygen when I am running ... Views: 958
When you start a home fitness plan you need to set some goals. Without any goal setting you will not accomplish your fitness goals.
Questions to Ask Yourself
Why are you starting your exercise program? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to increase your strength? Do you want to ... Views: 1376
What is your personal development plan? Are you becoming a better person everyday?
These are simple, but often difficult questions to answer. Most people have not picked up a non-fiction book since graduating from either high school or college. If you are asking yourself: What is a ... Views: 1448
We all have started new fitness programs only to fall off track about a couple weeks into the program. Let’s take a look at ways to stay on track and achieve our fitness goals.
#1 Make The Decision to Stick with Fitness Plan
Before you even develop any kind of fitness plan you need to ... Views: 1914
I have used goal setting worksheets for a number of years to accomplish goals. Today I want to review with you how I have used goal setting worksheets successfully in my life.
You Need to Have a Target or Goal
Yes this is very basic, picking a goal to start, but you have to start somewhere. ... Views: 2515
Summer is finally here and time to start doing new type of fitness program. If you are like me living in the Northern US being stuck indoors all winter is zero fun. During the summer I can really start doing home fitness instead of visiting the gym.
Gym Difficult in Summertime
I have ... Views: 1110
When I go the gym I always see ladies on an elliptical training machines working at same speed for 30 to 60 minutes. They believe doing this type of fitness program will help them lose weight. A steady workout may burn calories, but it is not making you healthier or increasing ... Views: 1315
We have them swim in the shallow end first to build up their courage and swimming habits. I know initially my kids were scared to jump into the pool, but after a couple tries they were fine. Now they are doing twirls and jumping high in the air to make bigger splashes.
Your New Fitness ... Views: 953
For the stay at home moms and working moms getting to the gym can be a hassle. Between work meetings, school meeting and everyday chores the gym is the last thing we want to do at the end of the day.
We all know physical fitness is important to stay healthy. The question I will attempt to ... Views: 1545
If you're overweight and you are trying to lose weight, you may be thinking that you will be able to lose a lot of weight really fast. The truth of the matter is that it takes time to lose weight and you have to be patient as you're trying to lose weight. There are no overnight solutions and ... Views: 1214
The vast majority of our population is overweight, at least a little. To determine 'how overweight' someone is, we commonly use a body mass index, or BMI. Anyone who has a BMI of over 39% is considered morbidly, or extremely, obese.
Everyone knows that having excess body fat can cause a ... Views: 1108