Learn to Walk on Water
If you have lived to see adulthood you probably know that sometimes life can throw some real serious curveballs our way. There is no such word as fair because life will do whatever it pleases whenever it pleases to whoever it wants to do it to. Sometimes the good suffer ... Views: 1331
Tips to Overcoming Anxiety
Anxiety can rob us of much of the pleasure that life entitles us to. In most cases it can be helped by combining a few changes in your daily routine. Anxiety can be handled like any sickness or disease although I wouldn’t classify it as a mental illness. There are ... Views: 1554
This is an article that I can write with some authority because I have been there and done that. I used to have a serious anger management problem. It was so serious that it encompassed all areas of my life and had serious negative effects on my friendships. This problem was not natural and not ... Views: 1715
The biggest hindrance that most of us face in not achieving our goals and objectives is that we don’t act aggressively enough to accomplish them. I used to think that if God is on my side every accomplishment would be easy. There is nothing further from the truth and I have learned better now. I ... Views: 1513
Military discipline can be administered in many ways and it is normally a harsh discipline when administered by the military. The military administers discipline as a make or break type proposition. The troop who makes it through military training has learned to adhere to and embrace this new ... Views: 5368
Learning to Control your Emotions
Our emotions sometimes are the thing which can make or break us in life. If you can control your emotions you can sometimes turn a bad situation into a good one. I have learned that emotional control is key to most of the interactions that we have with other ... Views: 1565
The Development of Communication Skills
Communication is nothing more than getting people to understand what’s on your mind or understanding exactly what they are thinking. The successful communicator is also able to get people to follow because they understand how to motivate people to do ... Views: 3566
As I began to get this article together I realized that I don’t really know what my goals are. Yes I have goals but they are not specific so I guess that I am writing this article for myself as well as you. It is important that we have a clear picture of what our goals are and the direction that ... Views: 1266
I really enjoy what I do for a living but there just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. I am self employed but I have to figure out ways to get more productive and squeeze more work into my day so that I can make a better living. I honestly need to add a full time ... Views: 1269
I have noticed as I have grown older that there just doesn’t seem to be enough time. Time flies by so quickly and once it’s gone it won’t come back again. I have developed a very low tolerance in my latter years for people or activities which waste time. I grow irritated when I deal with people ... Views: 1403
Anger is a natural emotion. It occurs as a defensive response to an unlawful aggression, threat, force, violence and intimidation to your well-being. Sometimes being angry is fine and warranted because it is a natural emotion. The benefit of anger is that it spurs us to action. The problem ... Views: 1361
The single most important factor in any type of successful relationship between any two people is trust. People can have professional or business relationships where they don't trust each other but those relationships are for convenience only and are not personally satisfying to either party. ... Views: 1655
For the purpose of this article let me give you my definition of situational stress. Situational stress is the stress associated with being near or around a particular person, place, or thing. There will always be a negative event associated with this type of stress. One example for me was an ... Views: 2906
Even if you are late in the last period of the game you can still win. Never give up on the possibility of scoring no matter how bad things may seem to be. Sometimes all it takes is a good bounce of the proverbial ball to turn things around. If you are in the right position you can be the one ... Views: 1260
As I write this article I write it knowing that setting and keeping goals is my own personal weakness. I have a definite sense of direction and work diligently but I know that if I wrote my goals down and followed a systematic plan to accomplish them I would do much better. When you break your ... Views: 1246
It’s best to be a Peacemaker
The bible says blessed be the peacemakers which is so true. Now the peacemaker may be blessed because he or she attempts to smooth over things which are not right but I believe that they are blessed because of their state of mind. The peacemaker has to be an ... Views: 1567
One thing that I believe many of us forget about is the fact that in order to be successful we need to have people to support us in our cause. In the military a paratrooper needs to have people who are specialists in packing parachutes to pack their chutes for them. The trooper does not have the ... Views: 2053
Self control is a conscious choice that we have to make. It has to be a definite choice because sometimes control is very difficult to maintain. In other words when you choose to be in control you have to have a made up mind and determination. If you don’t learn how to exercise control and do it ... Views: 1330
Be Quick to Listen and Slow to Speak
One of the hard lessons that I have learned in life is that it is good most of the time to just keep your mouth shut. That was a hard lesson for me because of my temperament. I used to feel that I had to have the last word in every conversation or ... Views: 3375
We will always suffer from setbacks in life. Some of them will be drastic and some will be minor but they will occur. The true measure of a man or woman’s grit lies in the amount of resolve that they will show in order to recover from a setback. A setback will cause you to miss your dream or ... Views: 1291
The Importance of Maintaining Self Control
Self control is important to each of us. The controlled person seems to sit above a situation or circumstance of life. He or she does not allow the circumstance to dictate to them. They dictate to the situation. The person who exercises self control ... Views: 3324
One thing that I believe that all successful people have in common is that they have established a daily routine of good habits which serves to keep them on top. We are trained at a young age to do our homework after school. If you ask me this is the most basic building block to success. Those ... Views: 1398
Excuse me while I Kiss the Sky
The words of the title of this article are words which were made famous by the late Rock musician named Jimmi Hendrix. He was talking about a totally different type of experience than I am but I like the wording so excuse me while I kiss the sky.
This has got ... Views: 1568
Success is not something that is haphazard or that happens quickly in life. People who are successful generally find success after they have worked hard and persevered through many trying times. The thing that makes people successful is when opportunity meets hard work.
Many people find ... Views: 3210
Why is it so hard for some of us to say that we are sorry even when we know that our actions were wrong? If you don’t know this, allow me to educate you on a fact of life. We are all human so there is not a person in this world who has never made a mistake. We are all capable of making mistakes ... Views: 1632
We are captive to the thoughts that we allow to take control of our minds. There are always different trains of thought which comes into each of our lives to influence our actions. The thought that wins is the thought that latches on and controls our actions so in that sense we are what we ... Views: 1297
I think that we can all agree that there is only one superman. I think that we can also agree that it’s definitely not me or you. So since it ain’t me I don’t have to try to pretend like it is.
One of the biggest mistakes that I have seen people in leadership or supervisory positions make is ... Views: 1352
Jealousy is the result of our feelings when we have a personal problem with a possession, or a perceived possession, or position that another person has. The jealous man or woman may feel that he or she is more deserving of the possession and has more ownership rights.
In my opinion the ... Views: 1691
We definitely live in a different day and time. The new mentality, even the new corporate mentality seems to be self preservation at all costs. It seems to me that there is no such thing as customer’s rights anymore. Business is designed to make all of the money it can possibly make regardless ... Views: 1310
I got the idea for this article one day as I watched an older sitcom on TV. In the program a man was really pouring on the charm as he sought to create a relationship with a woman who was a housemaid. He thought that her self esteem needed to be boosted because when he met her and asked her what ... Views: 1348
The first few years of a child’s development are the most important. It is extremely critical that the right values are instilled in the child at this time. Parents must realize that the values that they instill in the child are critical. The child will learn from what he or she observes. It is ... Views: 1436
Who are you With
If you have an allegiance anywhere in life where does that allegiance happen to be? In other words who are you with? True allegiance is the closest thing possible to guaranteed success. When you are close to a person or thing that thing becomes the very fabric of your own ... Views: 1300
The world is made up of different individuals. No two people are exactly the same in any respect. This is the thing which makes life so wonderful and interesting. Your personality is the way that you think and act and it is unique to you. Experience plays a big part in personality development ... Views: 5365
Do you Prepare for your Upcoming Day
The key to having as smooth a day as possible is being prepared for the challenges that it will bring. The worst thing that you can ever do is to procrastinate when you have an upcoming task. There is always something that you can and need to do in order ... Views: 1151
Growth in all Dimensions
The most effective person is the well rounded person. Being well rounded means that you are able to function on many different levels in life. You can be good at one thing but not good at others. When you have a glaring weakness in one area it effectively diminishes ... Views: 1394
I am sure that you all have heard the old adage that if you want respect you have to earn it. That saying is so true but I want to add onto it from the things that I have learned during my life experiences. You have to earn it, give it, and demand it all at the same time. If you do these things ... Views: 1729
There is a new mentality in the industrialized world which I call the microwave mentality. It is a result of the information age and will only grow with industrialization. I call it the microwave mentality.
We want everything quickly in this day and age because there is such an abundance of ... Views: 3387
Are you afraid to be the person that you really are? If so why? Most people will define themselves by the perceived reactions of others rather than their own individual accomplishments and abilities. Don't judge yourself by the actions of others. Many times other people have something to gain by ... Views: 3414
I think that people gravitate towards those who are decisive because it shows a confidence in their own knowledge and abilities. We choose a leader whom we have confidence in because we like the safety and security of being around someone who seems to be in control. We want a leader who has the ... Views: 1658
Now I’m first going to say that there is no textbook answer here. A wife who seems to be good for one husband may not in fact be good for the next one. The thing which makes any mate good whether it be a husband or wife is their compatibility to the other. My trash may be your treasure. I’m not ... Views: 3254
Make the Right Choices
Every choice that we make in life whether it is big or small has consequences attached to it. We are not in control of everything that happens in life but the overall responsibility is ours. The sum of our choices generally is the reason that we are in whatever place ... Views: 1389
The true leader is the one who is more self motivated out of the group. If you can’t motivate yourself there is no way that you will be able to motivate subordinates. Sometimes the leader motivates by actions rather than words. When you look at the leader on athletic teams you will note that ... Views: 1433
A wise man will learn from his mistakes and the mistakes of others. I once listened to a Special Forces Sergeant who related his Vietnam experiences to me. One thing that he told me is that he would never be the first to try something new. He would stand clear and see if it worked. If it did he ... Views: 1538
I don’t know how true that this saying is but I have heard that snakes can’t stand altitude. They story goes that a pilot was flying a plane only to discover that it was filled with rattlesnakes after he had taken off. When he called the control tower his instructions were to go higher because ... Views: 6566
This term has become popular within the last few years and makes a lot of sense but my question to you is this: Are you capable of thinking out of the box? We generally solve problems based on what we know to be true and what has worked or seemed to work in past experiences. Now generally this ... Views: 3322
The man or woman who wants to get more out of life strives to become more productive. When we think of productivity we normally think of a workplace contribution but productivity can apply to our hobbies and also to sport. When we talk about being more productive we are talking about getting ... Views: 1356
The man or woman who wants to get more out of life strives to become more productive. When we think of productivity we normally think of a workplace contribution but productivity can apply to our hobbies and also to sport. When we talk about being more productive we are talking about getting ... Views: 1103
The first time a person looks at you and even talks to you he or she forms an impression of who you are and what you are about. You are the one who gives credibility to what that person thinks and contrary to popular belief it is difficult to change. The first impression is a lasting impression ... Views: 1876
One thing about life is that we are constantly ageing. There is absolutely nothing that we can do about it. We can try to use products which make us look younger or we can take vitamins and supplements and spend hours at the gym but no matter what we do and how hard we try we are going to grow ... Views: 1392
Making a life change is a time consuming and difficult task. Making a change is probably the hardest thing to do because to do so requires that we change the way that we think and operate. Our habits and our outlook on life have been ingrained since birth and they are hard to change. Fundamental ... Views: 1328