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Goals are clearly the targets of success. You, for sure, have your own goals, which may have already been achieved, are in the process of being achieved, or are still to be achieved.
But how about if you set goals for your kids, especially if they are already teenagers? Surely, teens would ... Views: 1798
We all need to make a living and even though we may be involved in something that is not inspiring us or making us feel passionate, we must never allow that to stop us from expressing our true desire. Make a small shift in the way you think and see everything as on the way, rather than in the ... Views: 1431
Your job as a kitchen steward plays a very major role in the restaurant industry. You are, so to speak, the backbone of the industry, and without the kitchen stewards, the restaurant industry will have a hard time functioning right. However, to provide an excellent service to the restaurant ... Views: 11193
There were many battles on the field during the USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships. One of the closest contests was between Michelle Carter and Jillian Camarena-Williams in the women’s Shot Put on the opening day.
For a few moments Camarena-Williams held the No. 2 performer in U.S. ... Views: 1639
The key to fulfilling your heart’s desires is to recognize that your brain is hardwired to focus on what you want until you get it. You’re not wired to quit. In fact, giving up goes against human nature. And you possess the key skills needed to attain any desire. Skeptical?
Here’s the proof: ... Views: 1269
What was the switch that flipped in Rory McIlroy between his heart-breaking loss during the final round at The Masters and his incredible record-breaking championship win at the US Open? We want to know and he’s not sharing.
Who didn’t feel sick watching this extraordinary young man fall ... Views: 1117
Ever heard this?
“Life will give you what you ask of it?”
Modern day visionaries, such as Oprah, Bill Gates and yes, even our beloved dog, Savannah (more on her in just a minute), understand this and ASK for what they want - Big or small, knowing what you want, deciding to go for it & ... Views: 825
You’ve seen the movie, The Secret, you’ve made a vision board,your book shelves are full of motivational books, you’re a jedi-master of course correcting your inner critic. You are doing lots of the “right” things to achieve those big goals of yours.
But wait… things aren’t exactly going ... Views: 885
If you have a business, you market. Anytime you tell someone the impact of using your products or services, you’re selling. Marketing and selling may trigger resistance for you but I guarantee you’re doing it.
How would you like to do marketing that makes a huge impact on your audience, is ... Views: 1661
Have Wealth? Learn to Relax? Achieve every goal you set!
In Goal Setting books and programs there’s an underlying thread of advice that seems present in most teachings and that is the concept of being “congruent” with your goal. I want to discuss this today because I think it’s so much more ... Views: 1411
If you ask the Success Gurus, e.g. Tony Robbins, Brian Tracey, Ken Blanchard, etc. most will state that goal setting is the number one success tool. If not number one, then close to it. Back in the 1950s, Peter Drucker introduced Management by Objectives and through the 60s and 70s George ... Views: 1553
Will power what the heck is that all about anyway? Seems to me we never have enough of it and can’t seem to find more of it. The power to will reality into your own
reality is something I have worked on all my life. I have been successful at times and others not so successful. I do know that ... Views: 1082
Big decisions, by their nature, are scary. Decision making is in inexact science and the biggest decisions are usually made with incomplete information. There’s always the potential to know more but you can’t predict what’s around the corner and you want to avoid that ‘if only I had known’ ... Views: 1241
What is prosperity for you? A key element in the Positive Choices strategy is the addition of positive choices to your life that reflect your prosperity goals. Prosperity for most people is not simply money in the bank. Your health, peace of mind, and well-being all count. Think about ... Views: 5207
Whenever I ask people why they want a coach, they invariably tell me that they need someone to hold them accountable. I think that hiring a coach is the best answer to that, but suppose you aren't ready for a coach? Here's something you can do until you are ready for one (or even if you have ... Views: 1717
Goal setting quotes are a dime a dozen, but how many of them can actually play a significant role in your life? With so many wise words out there, where can you find the time to go through each one?
In this article, I'll share with you a few goal setting quotes which I have personally ... Views: 1804
Are you yearning to accomplish something amazing in your life? Do you constantly compare yourself to others who have succeeded and feel depressed or sad? Are you sick of feeling like a failure or an underdog when there are others thriving and succeeding in life?
No matter how many times ... Views: 1003
Every person desires of becoming a good leader one day, though many of us don’t know the right approach to the perfect leadership.
The combination of the 5 elements of the star, when applied in your life will guide you to become the leader that can bring change to the world!
1) ... Views: 1394
Every picture is worth a thousand words, and the figure of T.Q. STAR on my blog tells you everything that you need to know about effective time management.
These 5 words on the corners of the star, represent the elements of the most powerful entity of the world, TIME and if you can control ... Views: 1205
How do you manage the aloneness that comes along with being a solo-entrepreneur? It’s a situation many solo-entrepreneurs find themselves in and even though you’re living your dream, too much alone time gets old really fast!
So what’s an entrepreneur to do? Whether you’re an introvert or ... Views: 691
Do you know a person who will do practically anything to get what they want or achieve any goals they have set? Many times, you will see people in this world who will take advantage of others and be totally dishonest just to get ahead in life. They do and say anything and everything to reach the ... Views: 879
RISK- chance, opportunity, uncertainty, possibility
We are creatures of habit for the most part. The average person likes stability and routine. It provides a level of perceived security. However, deep inside of everyone there are hopes, dreams and aspirations longing to be realized. Those ... Views: 1312
I love money. I mean I really love it. I love making it and I love spending it. I even like paying my monthly bills. Money makes me happy. And when we talk about how the Laws of Manifestation work, happiness attracts money. It’s a beautiful circle.
Not everyone feels this way. Some people ... Views: 1401
An old management adage is that you can't manage what you don't measure. The underlying meaning of that saying is that when you measure, you are better positioned to determine if your initiatives are working or if they are not. If you’re off target, then you can make adjustments to your plan. ... Views: 929
Having life goals is what keeps people moving.
Keeping that image of a destination is what motivates people to always go forward and not stagnate.
Someone with a stable income, for instance, but does not set goals for himself, will remain in the same state after ten years.
If, ... Views: 616
Most of us want to change our lives, but we find it hard to get started. Too often we have more excuses than motivation.
The good news is that you can most of the resources and tools you will need to stay focused on your goals right on the Internet, thanks to your computer and/or smartphone. ... Views: 2027
I was in San Francisco for a week of meetings with my business coach and master mind group. We were all given an assignment - and were told to come prepared to present to the whole group. I had a different task in that I am working on a new strategy/presentation style when it comes to public ... Views: 1165
"To say 'I don't have time' is like saying 'I don't want to." ~ Lao Tzu
This is a story about my dream to become a writer. For years I had put this dream on the “one day” calendar because I thought that one day I would have more time.
Have you ever experienced that time was an excuse and ... Views: 848
We've all done it. We wake up one day, feeling on top of the world, and we write out the goals we'd like to accomplish for the day/week/month/year. However, many times, these lists, while well meaning, are overly ambitious and we never get the chance to cross anything off of them. Am I telling ... Views: 809
When you make a commitment with yourself, do you generally keep all of them? Or do you continually let yourself down? There is always a price to be paid when you make a commitment or promise to yourself. The price can either be one of regret or one of accomplishment.
How do you feel when you ... Views: 1164
Goal setting is also possible with the rule of a 1000 steps. Reaching your goals is not hard, if you are trying to do it step by step.
Let us say you have a big dream and a want of a new, outstanding innovation in your field of occupation or work.
You watch out for the one and only innovation. ... Views: 1505
Motivation is one of those things everyone is looking for these days. They believe they can only accomplish their goal if they were only motivated. The problem is they look for someone to motivate them to accomplish their goals.
Unfortunately and fortunately you are the only person who can ... Views: 1212
We all want to grow. Whether that means being more successful, having more control over our lives, being more financially secure or being happier and more content. One thing we know for sure, day dreaming will not get us there.
We need to have goals and we need to work towards achieving them. ... Views: 2336
In Goal Setting, there are variables. Some variables are out of your control and so it is best to identify them as such. Then, the goal setter can go about the business of planning their control over the influence they have on these ... Views: 1851
“What do the simple folk do, to help them escape when they’re blue”, sang the King in the Broadway musical, Camelot. He felt someone had the secret, but he did not.
It’s difficult to force yourself to laugh, and annoying if someone else urges you to do so when you don’t feel like it. But ... Views: 1096
Who are you With
If you have an allegiance anywhere in life where does that allegiance happen to be? In other words who are you with? True allegiance is the closest thing possible to guaranteed success. When you are close to a person or thing that thing becomes the very fabric of your own ... Views: 1300
Money, love, promotion, fitness, organization, relaxation, education… these are some great reasons to apply a solid goal setting system to your life. You just need a clear and proven goal setting plan. Here's the 6 step goal setting system that I use myself and that my clients use. This is ... Views: 1846
Happy New Year!
Well, no. Unless you are following the fiscal calendars as some organizations and corporations do.
But it is now a little over six months since the new year began which means – unless I got my math wrong, which is always a possibility – the year is half over. O, my gosh! ... Views: 1065
I do not have time for dreams, reality is waiting…
We all need some time just for ourselves. You need some space to be only who you are, to do what you want to do. You need to take off the costumes of your roles in life. Only you, not a husband or wife, son or daughter, mother or ... Views: 1509
Goal setting is a term commonly given for the process of setting and working toward clearly defined goals. By acquiring the skill of goal setting, you will develop successful habits that will guide you to the achievement of all the goals you desire and deserve.
The following acronym is a ... Views: 1273
For all that has been written and said about goal setting, I have met very few people who are sure of what their goals are. And, with the proliferation of self improvement books and personal development websites, you could be forgiven for thinking that, with so many people wanting to change ... Views: 1680
Recently, Kara (my wife) surprised me by having a copy of Howard Wasdin’s new book “Seal Team Six’ sent to me from Amazon. I put the book on my “wish list” at Amazon right after the successful Bin Laden operation and Kara was “sweet” enough to have it sent to me. Howard Wasdin (a former Navy ... Views: 2105
Create a very specific order and send it to the Universe for Delivery
Your goals must be very specific and detailed, vivid detail will act as a blueprint for the universe and allow for delivery of your specific dream. Vague goals will only deliver vague results and will hold you from living in ... Views: 1268
Are you one of those people who frequently set new goals but lose sight of them over the next few days or maybe even the next few hours ?
A goal is an extremely powerful self development tool if used the right way.
Think of a goal like a GPS devise in your car. It can help you with ... Views: 1215
Goal Setting Tips
From the time you were a child and were capable of advanced thought, you have been thinking. Throughout the span of your life you've continued thinking, on a second-to-second basis, and you have never had the exact same thought twice. Mind rattling, right? OK, to complicate ... Views: 1850
After the success of "The Journey To Your Second Life" ,I've released my second book "The Power Inside Me".It awakens you from your daily habitual lifestyle,where you complain about the way life is going,but cannot avoid it.
This book helps awaken the true YOU,who is himself a superhero ... Views: 1160
I'd like to share with you a few quotes on reaching goals that have helped many people find success in their life. I hope that you read them with an open mind and heart. Let these words flow through you and inspire you to reach all your goals successfully.
Quote # 1 On Reaching Goals: "If ... Views: 2770
The key to a good college admissions strategy is your message. What one or two things do you want the colleges to know about you? You will continually drive this specific message home throughout your application process–in your essay, during an interview, in the short answers, and in your ... Views: 959
When your head spins with To-Do lists, your In Box is overflowing and your desk is cluttered with stuff that needs to be handled it can trigger a feeling that is anything but empowering. Cocktail, anyone?
Feeling overwhelmed by your work and life is a fast way to kill your emotional ... Views: 790
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions way back in January this year?
Did you achieve any of them?
Don’t worry - for most people their New Year’s resolutions have been thrown out, forgotten, shrugged off. There is always next year is a common rationale.
Why do most New Year’s ... Views: 1312