We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Whether it is a powerful career, financial abundance, better health or a fabulous relationship, what is most important in achieving what you desire? Many of us look to the how as the most important component to creating the life of our dreams. I’d like to offer another perspective.
Get clear. ... Views: 1511
Have you ever thought to yourself...
"50% of my marketing is doing absolutely nothing...the trouble is, I don't know which 50%!"
The trouble is more likely, that your marketing plan is lacking some structure... which by the way, happens frequently.
Your expertise should be in the ... Views: 1056
10 Top Secrets to Help You Move Forward
That place of feeling stuck is not just uncomfortable but frustrating. You may organize your thoughts and all you come up with is want to get unstuck. Sometimes you may have tried some thing with little to no lasting success. Following are some steps to ... Views: 1232
How are those monthly or annual goals progressing? Are you celebrating some, feeling guilt over others?
Instead of merely checking "got it" or "failed" how about looking at the goal as a process? Sometimes we want a particular item or habit in our life. In the case of items, it might seem as ... Views: 1242
How is your goal setting progressing? Are you celebrating some, feeling guilt over others?
If there are goals you set a month or few weeks ago and haven't made progress on, then it's a great time to explore what's going on. As clients work with me and learn to set themselves up for success, ... Views: 1465
A rubber covering, typically inflated or surrounding an inflated inner tube, placed around a wheel to form a soft contact with the road. Rubber tires were one of the important discoveries, as previously people use metal which was not that much of efficient. Rubber tires have the certain ... Views: 818
When you start a home fitness plan you need to set some goals. Without any goal setting you will not accomplish your fitness goals.
Questions to Ask Yourself
Why are you starting your exercise program? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to increase your strength? Do you want to ... Views: 1376
"I'm going to exercise three times per week." How often has that statement, or something similar, been on your To Do List? I see this a lot with clients. They usually tell me that it requires tremendous discipline or willpower or scheduling.
What if it was easy? Can you believe that adding ... Views: 1306
To be successful at achieving your self-improvement goals you need to plan for your success. You need to take steps to map out what you must do to achieve your success.
Success does not happen by chance, well not for most of us anyway. Success happens because you believe it will happen and ... Views: 1155
Do you know the four laws for goal setting? Are you currently goal setting not understanding these primary and critical rules for goal setting? To be able to be a high-performance goal-setting champion, there are several fundamentals you need to grasp. Irrespective of where you are in your ... Views: 1243
We’ve hit June, six months into 2011, and am wondering how you are going? It’s been a big six months for some of you, whilst others are struggling to meet the targets set at the start of the year.
Stepping back and taking time to assess where you currently are, is such an important business ... Views: 654
Goals often fall into one of two camps – they focus on doing something or they focus on changing feelings. We might not exactly recognize it as such and often times we don’t word the goals in a productive manner. This prevents us from changing the parts we have control over and not wasting ... Views: 2943
"Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself." -Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)
In addtion to astrology I've talked a bit about my other business- Pure Pooch all natural grooming products for dogs. Earlier this year we launched Pure Pooch shampoo at the Global Pet Expo. Now in the ensuing months ... Views: 1812
You’ve got a great idea for a business. You need to lose 10 lbs. You have a major report to write. But it’s not getting done.
You’re not alone and it’s not your fault.
For most people, the major challenge in life is not handling a crisis. No…it’s the daily demand to stay with the program. ... Views: 2234
I have used goal setting worksheets for a number of years to accomplish goals. Today I want to review with you how I have used goal setting worksheets successfully in my life.
You Need to Have a Target or Goal
Yes this is very basic, picking a goal to start, but you have to start somewhere. ... Views: 2515
How many times have you heard “Life is a game?”
Do YOU believe life is just a game?
I do.
Does my response surprise you? If so, keep the question hovering in your mind for a bit as I explain.
I believe life is a mind game. Winning the mind game of life is all about perspectives and ... Views: 1270
With today’s pressure to outperform, grow and provide value to shareholders, organizations struggle to meet and exceed expectations. Many companies invest significant resources in annual planning and articulating yearly strategic initiatives… and then don’t deliver on them. Despite all of the ... Views: 1465
The problem most companies have with their competition is their attitude. By viewing themselves as victims, companies justify many of their destructive behaviors, such as rampant discounting.
Companies are urged to change their attitude of powerlessness and replace it with one of confidence. ... Views: 1986
Well, I left my happy home
to see what I could find out.
I left my folk and friends
with the aim to clear my mind out.
Well I hit the rowdy road
and many kinds I met there,
many stories told me
of the way to get there.
So on and on I go,
the seconds tick the time out,
there's so ... Views: 1195
At some point in your life you’ve felt down, probably more than once. Somebody you cared about may have had a misfortune, your heart was broken, a health issue stopped you cold in your tracks or you had a financial disaster. Nobody is immune to feeling blue.
But the problem is when you get ... Views: 1253
1. Choice: Goals separate beneficial choices from counter-productive choices. I.E. Drinking beer the night before a 10K run is counter-productive, therefore the choice is easier to make NOT to drink beer.
2. Effort: If you are focussed on a goal, the ... Views: 2204
Get motivated and get serious and start doing some things that you may not want to do, and you will soon find yourself developing some new and better habits! They say that you can break any bad habit within 30 days, and they also say that you can "develop" a new, Good Habit, in 30 days!
Start ... Views: 3388
Action, or better yet, “Taking Action,” is critical for a successful life. We know that sometimes we just need to get off our butts.
Dr. Phil on his TV show says that “LIFE REWARDS ACTION.” That’s actually one of his life rules.
Tony Robbins frequently says that we should “TAKE MASSIVE ... Views: 11898
Whether you are aware of them or not, you do have a set of rules when it comes to attracting, spending and relating to money. Most likely you have objectives, too. So why not leverage these two things that you already have going on and make it a game?
Before we move into the details of the ... Views: 1546
Attract Success By The person You Become
Inspirational Speakers
We have an incredible ability to do whatever it takes to get exactly what we “MUST” have. The challenge is to ensure that what we are attempting to achieve is a must have verse a mere want. Search within yourself and uncover ... Views: 1705
When Beethoven was young, he was told by his music teacher that he was hopeless as a composer. Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper because he had "no good ideas." Henry Ford's first two automobile businesses failed. Michael Jordan was cut from his High School varsity ... Views: 1427
The Magic behind Goal Achievement
Inspirational Speakers
After setting your goals and writing them down. The first thought that comes into our minds is “OK! Now what must I do, to turn my goal setting into goal achieving”? Working to discover what you must do is only half right. You must ... Views: 1111
"Time Mapping goes inside the goal setter, to where the many gears and fascinating inner workings are all busy moving and engaging with one another. It makes sense of the chaos and slows down the panic long enough to put together a clear picture of what really matters." From the Time Mapping ... Views: 1677
MBA Scholarships Helps Meritorious Students Into The Top MBA Colleges And Their Choice Courses
As the craze of management education keeps on rising, the cost of studying MBA courses in the top MBA colleges is also escalating. In spite of the fact that management education has become costly, ... Views: 1211
Concentrating all of your energy towards a common goal is the best way to succeed, however, distractions and other self destructive thoughts can get in the way and steal your focus away from your objective. Listening to an improve concentration hypnosis MP3 download will help you to become less ... Views: 1777
I'm not entirely sure about the rest of society, because maybe it's just me noticing this... but there are just too many people who walk around with a constant scowl on their faces these days! I hope that this has not been the case for very long, because if what appears to be the majority of ... Views: 906
Set your goals and keep on moving toward them. Take time from your busy schedule and go for a walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Watch less tv and enjoy the wii.
You can bowl or learn new dance steps from your wii.
Eat more than less, you have to eat in proportions and a little ... Views: 1048
In the sphere of self improvement, much lip service is paid to the idea of goal setting. Chances are, if you are trying to enrich your life and find more success, these steps have been hammered into your brain:
- Set a goal
- Develop a plan
- Take action
- Follow through
- Measure your ... Views: 9493
Designing the Future you Desire
Business Speakers South Africa
Are you ready to finally write (RIGHT) your future? When you think it that is the time to ink it. After you commit to write everything down relating to your perfect future, you are beginning the process to (RIGHT) your future. ... Views: 1282
Goal Setting Basics
Do you set goals then fail to achieve them? Ask this question to a group of people and the majority of them will probably say "yes". This is due to how we determine what goals to set and what we aim to achieve by the goals. To understand better how to set goals, we need to ... Views: 606
Getting from Here to There Requires??? Gravel???
Boy, how's that for a title that leaves room for thought!! This blog post is not really just a cleverly disguised attempt at increasing my gravel sales...(even though, if that is one of the end results, then that is good too!)
I have been ... Views: 679
Someone once said, "If you strive for nothing, you'll hit it every time." In other words, setting goals prevents you wondering aimlessly through life.
Goal setting = Success
Goal setting is the process of deciding where you want to get in life, and then plotting out a number of steps to lead ... Views: 1285
It intrigues me – there is so much written on goal setting – and so little written on the much more important subject of goal getting. A client, Mike, recently told me that he’d been told, by his first mentor in business, that success comes from constantly setting goals. However, Mike soon ... Views: 1771
Have you ever chickened out from pursuing a dream? Some of my coaching students are having some fears about blogging. They asked if I had any fears when I began.
It brought back some funny memories.
I started my own blog when I was in training to be a coach. I had no idea what I was ... Views: 704
A functioning hospital or clinic requires not just doctors and nurses, but also administrative staff who helps in running them. This includes the job of a medical biller who is responsible for recording retrieving the information related to the bills paid for services rendered in the hospitals. ... Views: 1366
”People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals – that is, goals that do not inspire them.” - Anthony Robbins
There is no question about it. Just having a goal is not enough. It’s like a motor without the fuel – it just won’t run.
The fuel to keep your motor running is your purpose, ... Views: 1643
1. What is the underlying purpose of this workshop? –
To facilitate your focus. What we focus on we move toward … the sharper our focus, the quicker our progress.
2. Why are we here? … What is the purpose of life? … What is success? –
To develop our full (unlimited) potential by ... Views: 617
If you want to know how to achieve your personal goals in life, but you feel overwhelmed about knowing where to start, know this: Reaching goals in life can be achieved if you have a plan. A very effective way to develop and succeed in your personal goals is to engage a life coach. A life coach ... Views: 830
The eCommerce host which you choose, determines an impression and the impact of your site and the response of your site users as well. It is crucial to offer a user friendly yet a highly secure eCommerce website to clients. Dont be surprized to know that, your website design can either build or ... Views: 547
Eason Jordan said, “With the benefit of hindsight, had more care been taken, maybe this could have been avoided.”
And TheFreeDictionary.com says this about hindsight, “Perfect understanding of an event after it has happened; - a term usually used with sarcasm in response to criticism of ... Views: 1330
We looooove excuses, but they hold us back.
"No, I DON'T love excuses," you say? Think about the last time you said, "I can't". It's not fair to yourself to say those words until you've actually committed to making something happen.
Once you have committed to moving forward, the rules of ... Views: 1006
When people live their lives on cruise control – as so many people do – it reminds me of a broken record. (I’m really showing my age here. This example wouldn’t work so well if I said on a CD or mp3.)
These days it seems like people wake up in the morning, get dressed, and drive to work ... Views: 1298
Throughout the entire college process, colleges are trying to figure out whether or not a prospective student is a good fit for their campus. They are constantly asking interested students questions – at college fairs, informational sessions, on their websites, in the applications themselves, ... Views: 777
“Letting go of our suffering is the hardest work we will ever do. It is also the most fruitful. To heal means to meet ourselves in a new way -- in the newness of each moment where all is possible and nothing is limited to the old.” -- Stephen Levine
“Fear of the pain blinds us to the goal of ... Views: 1107
Who hasn’t set a New Year’s resolution or declared a commitment to change some small aspect of who they are—only to disappoint themselves a few days later? We promise ourselves we will be more patient, positive, or forgiving. We vow to work out or show up on time, but still find ourselves with a ... Views: 1259