All high achieving, successful people possess successful habits.
One of the most basic reasons why successful people are successful is because of their consistent habits and behaviors.
The margin between success and failure can often be fine, but what often proves the difference is having ... Views: 1713
The pressures of modern-day life place all of us under increasing amounts of stress and strain. Finding ways of relieving stress is essential if we are to have any chance of improving our happiness and the general quality of our lives.
As I've said, stress is becoming more and more prevalent ... Views: 1765
Despite all the doom and gloom in the world, I feel there has never been a better time to chase down your desires and realize your dreams.
Challenging, difficult times bring about opportunity.
Opportunities to grow, improve, and build strength and character.
"Opportunity often comes ... Views: 2405
To begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment.” James Allen
Overcoming FailureOvercoming failure can be challenging, but it is something you have to develop if you are to have any chance of ... Views: 1378
Self talk is the dialogue or 'inner chatter' that plays out in our mind. Whether it's positive self-talk or negative self-talk this is a behavior that's ever-present in all our lives.
We all talk to ourselves constantly throughout the day.
Everything that goes on our life is usually ... Views: 5325
Perseverance in life is an essential quality if one is to realize their goals and achieve success.
In a nutshell, perseverance is the act of persisting to do something in spite of challenges, obstacles and disappointments.
Whatever endeavors you pursue, when armed with the virtue of ... Views: 16342
Whatever goal you set out to achieve, staying motivated is not always easy.
It's sometimes claimed that if the goal is big enough and important enough than that is all the motivation needed to getting out there and achieving it. This theory does have merits. However, regardless of what kind ... Views: 1766
Would you like to discover the secret of how to manifest what you want? Well read on and everything will be revealed.
Have you come across someone who always seems to get whatever they want? They have the perfect partner and relationship, the dream job, the luxury house, the expensive cars, ... Views: 4109
The universe is made up completely of energy... energy that is either positive or negative in nature.
As you may expect positive energy brings about many benefits, however negative energy is a different matter.
Removing negative energy in your everyday life is vitally important.
Before ... Views: 5416
Over the years the traits of successful people has been a topic of much discussion.
All the great pioneers, entrepreneurs and entertainers of the world possess certain characteristics that have seen them achieve incredible success. But the good news is, these are success traits not just ... Views: 5313
Mastering public speaking is a fear that every individual has to overcome.
When I first started out on the speaking circuit, the public speaking fear was a constant companion of mine.
The very thought of speaking in front a large audience that are waiting in anticipation for what you're ... Views: 1987
If I asked you whatinner beliefs you hold deep within your mind will you be able to answer with any accuracy?
If you couldn't, then don't worry, this is a question that many people have difficulty knowing the real answer to.
To find out what are the true inner beliefs you have stored away ... Views: 2648
"Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force."
Tom Blandi
Maintaining a positive attitude is important for you to achieve success in ... Views: 2841
Becoming an effective public speaker is certainly not something that happens overnight.
There are no shortcuts to becoming a great public speaker.
It's a journey that takes time, patience and effort.
Since my professional rugby career came to an end back in 2001, public speaking now ... Views: 3262
Do you know you possess an unlimited source of power to create your own reality… a reality that can exceed your wildest dreams?
Before we go any further it’s important to point out that ‘your reality’ is not controlled by governments, your boss, your parents or your friends… but solely by ... Views: 1148
We spend so much time and energy at work, that it would be a waste if we didn’t at least make the effort to set out achieving career goals.
The following are some simple tips to help you determine and achieve your career goals.
1. Write Out Your Career Plan.
The first step to setting ... Views: 1960
In my opinion, belief and success go hand in hand.
Without belief I personally feel that success is impossible.
Whenever you set out to achieve any goals or any success, believing you CAN do it is THE KEY!!!!
Earlier in my life, and especially during my rugby career, there were child ... Views: 1317
Developing self-discipline is something many of us struggle with.
Breaking bad habits from the past, and replacing with them with new, healthy habits for the future can be a constant battle.
We as humans are all creatures of habit. Living in ways that are normal and comfortable to us are ... Views: 1261
Manifesting meditation is the process of materializing our desires into the physical world. This is done through increasing the vibration within the body and visualizing our desired outcomes and experiences.
This can only be effective when we are fully able to stay connected to the feeling ... Views: 2195
It's only since the making of 'The Secret' that people from around the world first got exposed to information on the power of thought and some of the natural laws of our universe.
For the vast majority of people ( and I used to include myself in this), thoughts are just these harmless things ... Views: 1310
Are you looking for ways on how to improve your power of imagination? Continue reading to know more on the creative power of imagination.
First, you have to know the meaning of imagination.
It is the ability for you to create a mental picture of something that cannot be perceived by your ... Views: 9176
Success means something different for each and every person. However, regardless of what it may mean to you, the secrets to success tend to remain the same.
Today, we live in such a fast-paced world where everyone is trying to get ahead of the other, trying to beat out the competition and ... Views: 988
Negative thoughts can have serious and damaging effects on our life. To get the most out of life you must find ways to overcome negative thinking.
We have all at some time or other harbored self-defeating, limiting thoughts when embarking on a new goal, challenge, venture or ... Views: 1704
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Each and every one of us has experienced important life lessons that have provided us with power and wisdom to alter the course of our lives.
When I look book, there are many, many situations ... Views: 2037
Creating a vision board is one of the most creative ways to help you achieve your goals in life. This brief article will teach you the steps in creating a vision board to help you realize the life you've always dreamed of. But before you know these steps, know first the purpose of a vision board ... Views: 3211
Intuition is that deep inner feeling or hunch we have about something that we often can't explain with any reason or logic.
According to Florence Scovel Shinn:
"Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way."
Our intuition or as it's sometimes called ... Views: 1695
Success through a positive mental attitude might be hard to understand for some, especially if you're looking for an explanation based on pure logic and science.
However, when you think of it deeply, you'll understand that developing a positive attitude can get things done for you. It works ... Views: 1933
Having difficulty on setting and achieving goals in life? You think you have planned so well but then everything goes wrong at the end? Time is running and although you're always doing your best and putting lots of effort in, you're always going back to the beginning, never accomplishing ... Views: 987
If you see yourself lacking the necessary confidence to make sufficient strides in life, then proven and effective confidence tricks will definitely do you some good.
Confidence is a very important part of a person's character but not everyone has it. Most of the time, people who fail are ... Views: 1331
Everything that happens in our life is influenced by how the subconscious mind works.
But not everyone knows how they can use this power of the mind to help themselves achieve success in about everything they do.
Some just go through life by relying on the outcomes of their plans, most of ... Views: 4323
The power of belief is the major determinant to the events, circumstances and conditions we all experience in our lives.
Our beliefs are without doubt the most powerful and creative force we will ever possess.
'He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't. This is an ... Views: 1072
Developing mental toughness is not easy. However, with the right information and a motivation to succeed, you will be able to develop this through your own efforts.
In this article I will discuss the benefits of possessing a mental toughness, and I will also provide you with some mental ... Views: 1063
Learning how to become more creative is a skill we’re all capable of developing and harnessing.
Many great and wonderful things we have in this world all originated from a creative idea.
Become More CreativeThe ‘world changing’ inventions from people like Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell all ... Views: 1226
All of us are capable of doing small acts of kindness.Acts Of Kindness
But how many acts of kindness do you carry out on a daily basis?
Sharing kindness and helping others are acts that not only make others feel good but also make you feel good.
“When we feel love and kindness toward ... Views: 1819
For any athlete playing competitive sport, confidence is a key requirement if optimum performance and success are to be accomplished.
To gain an advantage and achieve a mental edge over your competitors then using affirmations for confidence are a great starting point for anyone.
More than ... Views: 4716
Guided imagery advocates assert that the power of imagination is a forceful healer which has been overlooked by most medicine practitioners. Guided Imagery
It is often described as the biological connection between the body and the mind.
Imagery is capable of speed healing, relieving pain ... Views: 1353
Worry is something we all do at sometime or other.
Stop WorryingIt’s probably unrealistic to stop worrying completely, but there are ways to prevent worry really taking hold and seriously affecting your life.
I must confess that I’ve always been a bit of a worrier. Worrying over every ... Views: 1994
Success in anything is never easy. However the ones who really achieve in life, the ones who stretch the boundaries of possibility, have that vital and persistent habit of Thinking Successthinking success
Thinking success is the key to manifesting success
To achieve anything in life you ... Views: 1174
The power of affirmations has long been promoted by all the self-help gurus and masterminds the world over.
But what are affirmations, and how do they work?
Affirmations are simply statements that we say we say to our self that are either positive or negative in nature. We use affirmations ... Views: 3369
Every experience that each of us has impacts us, either in a positive way or a negative way.
Negative experiences can leave us troubled and disillusioned, however positive experiences can greatly improve our optimism and daily motivation.
Daily motivation is the fuel that drives us to ... Views: 1156
Are you aware that laughter and health are very closely connected?
Laughter possesses incredible healing powers which can have a profound effect on both the body and the mind
Laughter And HealthLaughter and humor have been proven on many levels to be a very effective and powerful tool for ... Views: 1049
When going after any goal or dream, developing patience is a real must.
Developing PatienceI’m very much a goal orientated kind of person, but I have to admit maintaining patience can sometimes prove a challenge.
When I set myself any goals, I go all out to achieve them, however when ... Views: 2970
Through several exercises and mental toughness training, any athlete would be able to reach his or her true potential.
There are various types of mental training techniques that are applicable for athletes.
Through rigorous mental training, any athlete would be able to keep themselves in ... Views: 1432
Managing stress is now part and parcel of our daily lives.
Stress in life is normal.
Whether it's managing stress at work, in your career or your relationships we're all prone to having it.
Experiencing some stress is good for us. It helps keep us motivated, focused, and alert in ... Views: 1471
In sport and I suppose all walks of life there are always those people who possess that mentality of a winner, the so-called winning mind that always sees them Winning Mindcome out on top despite the odds.
They have this attitude which doesn’t accept anything but victory, and we just wonder ... Views: 1110
Ever since the hit movie ‘The Secret’ was launched the universal law of attraction has really come into prominence. But what is this universal Law of Attraction.
The Universal Law of Attraction simply states: Whatever we choose to focus on and give our attention to–whether wanted or unwanted, ... Views: 1120
Do you know that you can change the way you live by simply harnessing the abundant positive energies and vibrational resonance around Using The Law Of Attractionyou?
The law of vibration states that there are many unseen vibrational resonances around us which we all can utilize by using the ... Views: 1228
Nearly everyone of us has been exposed at one time or other to information and advice on the power of the human mind.
However, the question I often ask people is whether they really understand the infinite power and potential that it possesses.
It is said that a normal person only ... Views: 1443
Time management tools are designed to help you stay focused on the tasks at hand.
Time Management ToolsWith all the distractions that are around in today’s modern world, one of the hardest aspects for many people is to stay on task.
Cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, and socializing are just ... Views: 1166
We all want to improve and become better people. We all want enjoy a better existence so that we can live a more fulfilling and happier life.
This can all be achieved when you have a proven guide to self improvement in your armory.
I developed an obsessive passion for betterment and ... Views: 1056