Choose the way you want to invest your most valuable possession every day, is one of the simplest decisions, yet it is the one thing, which will have the most profound effect on the way your future will turn out. The choices you make about how you invest your time each day, is arguably one of ... Views: 1081
When you examine your world today you will discover how many times you are involved in some kind of negotiation, where you are selling someone on accepting your idea at work, selling your son on the importance of taking a shower after sports practice, selling the airhostess on changing your seat ... Views: 1082
Did you know that your drive or inner motivation is effectively just a contraction of motive and action? It is the inner driving force, which compels you to take action and if it is to be effective, must come from within. When your motive to take action comes from within and is driven by a ... Views: 1457
It is incredible to be alive today and to have the freedom to choose, how your life will unfold in the future. You can either choose to continue spinning your wheels, where you just keep getting more of the same, disappointment, regret or where you get to experience no meaning in your life at ... Views: 1322
You don’t even need to be very observant to notice that everything around you operates in cycles. There are four seasons every year, we see both day and night every 24 hours and extensive research has shown that we operate best when we work in sync with the ultradian rhythm, which means that we ... Views: 2736
The two most valuable assets, you possess are your time and your health, can never be locked away in a vault for safekeeping. In fact in most cases their true value rarely gets appreciated, until they are depleted. Remember that both your health and your time are the raw materials, which create ... Views: 1399
There is only one person keeping you trapped in a life, which you do not enjoy. That person is no one other than you. Get out of your own way and everything will immediately begin to change for the better. You are not born with courage or the drive to succeed, but at the same time, neither are ... Views: 1379
It is time to Evolve or Dissolve
Change is inevitable, before there were only two certainties in life, namely death and taxes. Now the ever changing and evolving world we live in, where the rate of change is accelerating daily, has seen a third certainty appear, namely “CHANGE”. This leaves you ... Views: 3864
Do you have a clear picture of what success actually means to you and are you serious and committed about achieving that success? Are you content to continue to just leave it all up to the winds of chance? Or are you committed to build a plan for your future, where you keep a record of your ... Views: 1650
Daily Discipline Breeds Self-worth
When you keep the commitments you make with yourself, one of the greatest benefits, which will flow to you, as a result of acting on great ideas when they come to you, is a feeling of contentment and satisfaction.. How great do you feel when you keep ... Views: 1211
Action Idea: Set aside some quiet time today, to allow you to walk into the future, where you can invest some time to explore and discover, exactly what you would like to experience when you get there, one day? After uncovering all you desire, pack a suitcase filled with all these pictures of ... Views: 1068
I have written extensively around the need to have clarity of purpose, and if you have read any of my articles, you will know that I am a firm believer in the need for a crystal clear vision, a very strong self-belief, having a deep understanding around why you want to succeed, showing a ... Views: 1665
Unless you have been hiding under a rock somewhere, I am certain that you must have heard this old cliché repeated many time over. “It is not your aptitude, but your attitude, which determines your altitude”.
As you can see from this cliché above, which is based on more truth than you think, ... Views: 1229
I have spent the past few years, observing how people behave, both when they are at work, where they should be investing their time as productively as possible, earning a living and also whilst they are at home, where they are meant to be relaxing and recharging their batteries. It astounds me ... Views: 1359
Have you explained your value proposition?
Any sales professional, who views objections as bad things, is missing the point. Objections are just your customer or prospects way of telling you that they do not completely understand and appreciate the value both you and your product or service ... Views: 1341
Know what you sell and the value you bring
There is no substitute for completely knowing your value proposition and what it is you really sell. This understanding is crucial to effortlessly closing virtually any sale. When you are clear on what you sell, communicating this to your qualified ... Views: 1553
There is so much opportunity out there and abundance all around that even if you are only equipped with a pen to sign contracts, you have a heart filled with determination and a commitment to excel; you can invite great financial well-being into your experience. Yes, of course money or the ... Views: 1225
Selling or the ability to positively influence the people around you is a crucial life skill needed by everyone on this planet. The ability to sell is most certainly not limited to only those select few, who have sales professional printed on their business cards. Anyone who wants to succeed in ... Views: 1122
Yes, I know it is not politically correct for you to want to want to be a winner. The truth though, is that inside; we all have a desire to be one. I believe that we are all engineered for accomplishment, designed for success and that we are all endowed with incredible potential to be great. If ... Views: 1078
Before any motor race, the drivers of the various cars compete with one another to try to be the fastest during the qualifying rounds, so that they can earn pole position at the start of the race. The driver in pole position starts in the front of the race and does not need to work to try to ... Views: 1045
The time to take action on any new idea, which comes into your head, is now. The sooner you take action, while the idea is still hot and the emotion is strong, the greater the level of inspiration and the better your drive will be to succeed.
Example: As you know a commitment towards lifelong ... Views: 1219
Accept that nothing ever happens to you, know and believe in your heart that things happen because of you and you have taken the first step towards living the life you desire and deserve. Once you make this crucial realisation and you accept that the only thing standing between you and the ... Views: 1008
The three secrets to sales success are simple – “PREPARATION, Preparation, preparation”. I believe that the more prepared you are before any sales call, the more likely you will be able to, help your customers and prospects, understand their specific needs, see how your product or service can ... Views: 1343
Do you believe that leaders like change and followers resist it? This was the misconception I used to live under for a number of years. I believed that leaders were out there with a machete, cutting a path through the jungle of life and business, encouraging change, whilst their followers were ... Views: 1300
I am certain that if you constantly focus your energy on all the things, that are wrong in your environment, you are not placing yourself in the best frame of mind to achieve anything meaningful with your life. You are surrounded by negativity all the time, in the form of newspapers and news ... Views: 1107
re you and your company still doing business the same way you did 12 months ago or worse still, are you still operating your business the same way you did 5 or 10 years ago? Our grandfathers could afford to keep doing business the same way they had for decades, as the business cycle in the ... Views: 1053
I have not ever met anyone, who did not want to achieve the best possible outcome or results in their lives. The challenge as I see it is that there is only a very low percentile of people, who are satisfied with their achievements and who are living the life of meaning and fulfilment they want. ... Views: 1195
What are your beliefs around, what you deserve to achieve financially in your life? Is inviting financial abundance into your experience, seen as a gift and a way to increase your philanthropic activities or do you view money as “The Root of all Evil”. Holding onto either of these two ... Views: 1119
When you focus your energy on what is wrong, asking a poor quality question like “How can I get through my day”, you are learning nothing and are left in a bubble of overwhelm. Learn the art of no longer thinking about how bad things are and instead try to focus on how good they will be, in the ... Views: 1121
As part of my research towards my PHD, I have had the incredible privilege of studying a number of super achievers, from around the world. It has been an excellent opportunity, amazing experience and very fascinating time, during which I have learned much and made a number of very interesting ... Views: 995
Achieving success in sales is all about knowing who actually wields the hammer when it comes to making buying decisions. In some cases it is the purchasing manager, but in essence he or she may only be following purchasing specifications handed down from someone higher up the food chain. So if ... Views: 1349
When do you think the right time to do anything is? As they say in the classics the best time to have planted a tree is 20 years ago. Well what do you do, if you did not plant the tree 20 years ago? Then the second best time to plant it would be right now. Procrastination is the thief of ... Views: 1136
Look around your world; do you sincerely show appreciation to everyone around you? When last did you flash a smile at the lady at the checkout counter at the grocery store and thank her for her time? It costs nothing to be gracious and show appreciation to those around you. Not only does the ... Views: 1353
I am sure that you are like most people out there and you are feeling like you are working really hard every day, yet you just seem to remain trapped in a place where you are feeling overextended, overcommitted and even overwhelmed. I hope some of the tips contained in this article will finally ... Views: 1162
Much of the research I have read from many renowned Psychologists shows that people miss out on upward of 68 % of all opportunities around them, simply because they are unaware of them or rather because they have not programmed their brain to be on the lookout for opportunity. Most people are ... Views: 1842
Is happiness something out there over which you exert no control at all? Can it be that happiness is something elusive and difficult to find or is it just that you just don’t know how easy it actually is to be happy. Could it be that you don’t accept that happiness is a choice, instead you ... Views: 1108
At one stage of my life I was so good at procrastinating, I was even able to fool myself into believing that I was not procrastinating. I was so adept, in fact, that I was even attempted to write a book, detailing how to look busy and productive, whilst still managing to procrastinate the most ... Views: 1364
It cannot be disputed that certain people have specific strengths, which will certainly support them to be better at what we would traditionally call sales, than other people. I do however believe that, as we are all in sales, for our entire lives, from the moment we utter our first cry, where ... Views: 1424
Many university studies have shown that people who have achieved above average levels of meaning and fulfilment in their lives, all have two major things in common. They firstly have a crystal clear vision, which defines exactly what they want to achieve in the future and secondly they have an ... Views: 996
The one thing, I believe sets, super achievers apart from average achievers, is their ability to very accurately predict the consequences of either doing something or not doing it. The more apt you are at exploring and discovering the consequences any task or activity, will have on your life in ... Views: 1149
There are so many definitions around the word success; so many in fact that I feel the word has really become extremely overused. The traditional understanding society has associated with success, refers to how much money someone earns or how much wealth they have managed to accumulate. Is that ... Views: 1087
Research shows that we are talking to ourselves every waking moment and even during some of the time, when we are sleeping. It shows that there is an on-going dialogue, which we hold with ourselves, about everything going on. I am sure that you are no different and that you are also conducting a ... Views: 1019
Unfortunately your brain does not come with an operator’s manual. So understanding how to use it optimally may seem very difficult and in some cases even overwhelming. Trying to understand that your body creates some really powerful chemicals, which can affect your mood and how you feel, can be ... Views: 1044
Self-knowledge has and always will remain the key to becoming the type of person you need to become, to attract the type of success you desire. So the greater your commitment towards your life long “Personal Development”. The greater will be the success you will be able to attract into your ... Views: 1024
Most people believe that there is something lacking in their lives, they either have a lack of money, romance, success or joy that is holding them away from discovering true happiness, meaning and fulfillment. The key to changing this is to accept that greatness exists in all of us and that all ... Views: 1093
Knowing as much as possible about your prospects and customers, is as important as knowing everything about your own product or service. When you have as much information as possible about your prospects and customers, you are equipped to explore and discover, how well your product or service ... Views: 1115
You are so privileged to be alive at the best time ever. You have so much abundance around you and in you. Are you truly grateful for all you have? I believe that, when you can look around your world and see all the things, which are working and then identify with all these positive experiences. ... Views: 1160
Imagine, what it would be like, if you were forced to watch a continuously repeating vivid movie, at the end of your life. Depicting the life you could have lived, had you, believed in your dreams and had the vitality and foresight to take the daily action you needed to take to succeed? I could ... Views: 1139
As a sales professional, you know that all that what really matters in the end are the results you are able to achieve. So if you want to be successful in sales, it is not about how much effort you put in every day or how much activity you perform daily. It is about the results you are able to ... Views: 1393
If you want to excel at sales, you can no longer afford to blunder blindly into meetings with your customers and prospects, where you sit with your feet braced firmly against the desk. Maintaining a one sided perspective, where you are looking to get as much as possible from every individual ... Views: 1329