Are you gathering up your passions and stuffing them into into your goodie bag? Or do your fears make you ring the bell and run away instead? All of us have passions, but some of us let fear stop us from going after our passion wholeheartedly.
As you’re getting the hang of the process of ... Views: 1637
The same thing that makes a diamond sparkle makes you sparkle, too: individuality!
Everyone leaves their unique mark on the world. Your actions have an impact on the future of your family and friends; they’ll carry the memory of you as part of their life. How do you want to be ... Views: 2797
Myths, metaphors and archetypes can be powerful tools in personal development. They spark your imagination and creativity. They add the textures of heart (sacredness, passion, dignity, inspiration, and self-love) to a process that can get stuck in your head (what your self-defeating beliefs are; ... Views: 1794
There's a famous principle used in business; you've probably heard it. The Pareto principle (aka the 80–20 rule), named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, states: for many events, roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes.
In business, it means that 80% of your profits come from ... Views: 1896
Researchers say that happiness is a result of thoughts and activities that create a sense of inner peace. Here are 21 behaviors that have been found to enhance feelings of happiness. The list is broken down into general two categories: things to do, and things to stop doing.
The first group ... Views: 1888
Newborn babies have only two fears: loud noises and falling. All of your other fears are the product of memory, the learning you glean from past experience.
Here's how I think it happens: as you get older, you extrapolate the idea of falling. Falling off a bike becomes synonymous with falling ... Views: 1855
All humans have natural cycles of feelings. It’s perfectly normal for our moods to shift several times a day, based on what’s happening.
As part of these natural cycles, sadness and fear are normal feelings. But because they hang on longer, depression and anxiety aren’t. Studies have found ... Views: 1685
There are dozens of resolutions your could set this New Year, and just as many reasons behind choosing them. The desire for a better life could push you to ask for that promotion, go back to college, stop being an emotional doormat, and be more confident.
Guilt could spur you to stick to ... Views: 1786
Humans are wired as story tellers and story listeners. Before the written word, stories were the main tool our ancestors used to transfer knowledge and culture from one generation to the next.
You carry this genetic heritage of sitting around the campfire, listening intently to stories that ... Views: 3472
Has this ever happened to you?
You chose a New Year's resolution, but you didn't know where to start, so you never got started. Your elusive desire became impossibly unattainable.
When your habit is to focus on what's missing, your process of goal setting will entail gathering up a bunch ... Views: 1630
Last week, I stood on my back porch, watching the snow fall. No matter how many times I see it, I'm always struck by how magical this act of nature feels. Peaceful. Quiet. Lovely.
Winter is a sacred time of the year. Our modern culture has collapsed the introspective potential of winter into ... Views: 1666
When Albert Einstein died, there was much anticipation about what the autopsy of his brain would reveal. Scientists speculated that his brain was significantly larger or more dense that normal. So they were confused and disappointed to discover that Einstein's brain was actually slightly smaller ... Views: 1974
Your lungs and your brain have one thing in common: they both run on autopilot unless you take conscious control of their activity.
Your breathing happens automatically. But if you decide to take a deep breath, the automation stops. As long as you're thinking about breathing, you'll have ... Views: 1554
The liver that you were born with will be essentially the same when you die. Not so for your brain. It's the only organ that evolves throughout your lifetime in ways that are unique to you, based on the thoughts you think.
Your greatest challenge is to figure out how to master it, then use ... Views: 1883
Has this ever happened to you?
You're knee deep in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, when you have a flash of inspiration: you want to start a new tradition with your beloveds. But when you share your idea, you only get scowls in response. Your vision of an evening of hot cider and ... Views: 1508
There's a fascinating relationship among Twitter, your brain and the world. Billions of tweets, texts, posts, emails, and phone calls have one thing in common: they're neural signals in the global brain. We've already seen how quickly and profoundly social networks have altered the global brain. ... Views: 2059
One gap between your capabilities and the repetitive tasks that can cause you discomfort over time relates to the placebo effect.
You’ve heard of the placebo effect: a percentage of test subjects get better when they’re given a sugar pill. The reverse can also happen. The nocebo effect causes ... Views: 1447
We've discovered that heredity is no longer synonymous with genetics. As a mere 4% of your DNA, genes are way overrated.
Epigenetics, one of the hottest trends in scientific research, is trying to figure out what the other 96% is doing. Epigenetics studies how your genetic expression is ... Views: 2398
It's 2012. In the past hundred years, we've figured out a lot of what makes the world tick. We've nearly snuffed out diseases that wiped out millions in the past. We've learned how to fly. We're feeling pretty smart.
But there's so much we don't know yet. For instance, only 4% of the universe ... Views: 1402
There's an exciting new field of scientific study. It's called contemplative neuroscience, or self-directed evolution. In a nutshell, it looks at how your thoughts affect the size and functioning of various brain structures. It's one more way science is proving that the thoughts you're choosing ... Views: 3851
Would you like to feel more calm, focused and balanced this holiday season?
The holidays start in 90 days. That's plenty of time to pre-create what you want to experience during the time of year that celebrates loving connections. How would you like your holidays to be?
Are the holidays ... Views: 1540
Fun Fact: Your brain accounts for roughly 2% of your body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen you breathe and the calories you burn.
Given the proportionally large percentage of resources that are dedicated to your brain, it makes sense that it would economize its use of energy ... Views: 1424
You know that yawning is contagious. And have you ever noticed that when someone nods their head, you'll nod, too?
It's because your brain is wired to watch someone move, then mimic that movement as if you were making it. You have special neurons in your brain dedicated to monkey see, monkey ... Views: 1474
In numerous famous surveys, the majority of people say that their only fear greater than death is public speaking.
It's understandable that the idea of speaking in front of a group will expose the holes in your self-confidence. In my observation, most people have confidence issues in several ... Views: 3197
Because it taxes your physical resources, your body's built-in stress response is intended to be brief. You've heard that chronic stress experienced in relationships or jobs is linked to serious illness like heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity. Indeed, unchecked stress can cut up to ... Views: 3295
I recently heard a famous self-help guru insist that balance is impossible, so we must give up the idea that we can have it. With all due respect to my esteemed colleague, I couldn't disagree more.
He defines balance as a state where nothing is happening. He's referring to the motionlessness ... Views: 1442
I recently ran across a word I haven't heard for a while: irrational.
Like so many terms coined by psychiatry, it's been misunderstood and misapplied. I used to think that someone who behaved irrationally was crazy. Not so.
A thought is irrational when it's illogical or unreasonable AND ... Views: 2234
Three hundred years ago, Isaac Newton proposed a radical new theory: the human body is a biological machine that responds solely to physical stimuli. Thus, the health of your physical machine is improved with nutrition, exercise and drugs.
Accordingly, the mechanistic Central Dogma of ... Views: 1655
Did you know that chronic stress causes physical changes in the size and activity of many of your brain structures? When they're swimming in the stress neurochemical cortisol, the prefrontal cortex (the CEO of the brain), and the hippocampus (houses long term memory) actually shrink in size. ... Views: 1782
Success is a quality, not a quantity. The quality you call success is a feeling. Totally separate from the stuff you accumulate. You could have 10 cars and a great title, but if the feeling of success is missing, you're not successful.
You feel successful when you attain anything you deem ... Views: 1385
As my never-ending quest continues for more understanding of how the human brain works, I'm sharing my discoveries with you. This week, the topic is two brain structures that are, well, a little nutty.
• The amygdala is actually a pair (amygdalae) of tiny, almond-shaped structures perched on ... Views: 1371
As a human being, you're a walking contradiction. Sure, success sounds good. But you're pulled between the opposing forces of security and stimulation. Freedom and commitment.
However, you don't know how to balance them. And your brain fights your attempts to make your life better. So you ... Views: 1502
Human beings have survived for 2.5 million years because we are the most highly adaptable species on the planet. We adapt to both subtle and extreme shifts in our environment quickly. And for the most part, I believe, gracefully.
When I used to visit my grandmother in Indiana, I’d fly in and ... Views: 1329
There are many confusing and false messages bouncing around in cyberspace about life coaching. After coaching 600 people over the past 13 years, talking with dozens of coaches and surfing the websites of about 100 more, I'm sharing my take on what coaching is—and isn't. I'd like to say upfront ... Views: 2718
We all like to be appreciated. Everyone understands the value of acknowledging others, too. And yet, I observe others passing up hundreds of opportunities to appreciate every day. At this point in my life, I actively look for and pounce on chances to groove on others. But I wasn’t always so ... Views: 2268
How was your day?
We utter this question blithely every day, not realizing how monumental it is. Indeed, it’s the single most important question you’ll ever ask.
We talk about life being short, but 80 years is really a long time. Life’s too long to fight evolution. When you have the ... Views: 1513
Over the past 12 years, as I have been coaching more than 600 people, I’ve discovered that there are 4 fundamental Powers that lead to a fulfilling, balanced life. When you have fully developed all of these powers, you’ll have the greatest opportunity to experience life as joyful, free and ... Views: 2045
My growing-up experience was common in our society. I learned to put up walls as the only way to keep others from taking too much from me too often. The implication is that I can’t trust you, so I have to protect myself from you.
The downside is, walls keep everyone out all the time. The ... Views: 6385
A commenter on my blog recently wrote: With my partner's layoff and my salary reductions at work, our household income is down 80%! I feel like I'm getting no where at work, and my remaining income after expenses is now supporting my partners start up business and her share of our bills....How ... Views: 1242
As human beings, one of our primary needs is to cultivate healthy self-love. But at the same time, we have a strong drive to connect with others. Relating and loving are innate.
The more people we have who love us, the more secure we feel, and the sweeter our lives are. The pleasures we ... Views: 2165
While you’re on this earth, you have the opportunity to express your distinctive passion and talents in a way that you find worthwhile.
Your career is one mode for expressing your passion. While the rest of you evolves, your career will, too. Your choices will naturally shift over time as ... Views: 1301
Until recently, IQ tests were considered the Holy Grail for predicting career success. But the traditional definition of intelligence is just too narrow to reflect all of the ways we think, learn and express our talents and skills.
It’s inaccurate to state that mastering science is more ... Views: 1781
Your emotional needs must be filled in order for you to feel truly fulfilled. But do you know what an emotional need is?
Some emotional needs have a physical component. For instance, your need for physical shelter contributes to your need to feel safe.
Other emotional needs require an ... Views: 1397
When you want something, your imagination will show you five dozen ways you can get it. The next thing your fertile creativity does is open up a clear, wide channel to your intuitive gut feelings—your built-in guide to choosing the best option.
Here’s where things get tricky. You may have ... Views: 1392
It’s interesting that the Founding Fathers didn’t describe our inalienable rights as life, liberty and happiness, but the pursuit of happiness. They were onto something.
It’s while you’re in the process of getting what you want that you have the most profound experience of life flowing ... Views: 1232
The key to fulfilling your heart’s desires is to recognize that your brain is hardwired to focus on what you want until you get it. You’re not wired to quit. In fact, giving up goes against human nature. And you possess the key skills needed to attain any desire. Skeptical?
Here’s the proof: ... Views: 1268
It's common to watch as others become successful, then beat ourselves up because we're not getting as far as fast as they are. It's hard not to fall into the trap comparing ourselves to others. So how do we avoid it?
First, let's explore the concept of success. What does the word success mean ... Views: 1268
Two of the issues I often hear from my clients are: what’s the process for figuring out what values I feel accurately reflect what’s most important to me, and how can I pass them along to my children in a way that will make them more powerful?
Our values define our character—the code of ... Views: 2142
Well, it's been a month since you made your New Year’s resolutions. How's it going? Are you making steady progress? Or, like most of us, have you given up on them?
When you made your New Year’s resolutions for this year, you might have used the formula that is very popular these days among ... Views: 1237
Well, it's been a month since you made your New Year’s resolutions. How's it going? Are you making steady progress? Or, like most of us, have you given up on them?
When you made your New Year’s resolutions for this year, you might have used the formula that is very popular these days among ... Views: 1237
The pace of change in today’s world can leave us all feeling a bit shell-shocked, insecure and fearful of losing what we’ve worked so hard to accumulate. If you’re feeling trapped by the trappings of modern life, forced to choose between spending precious time with the people you love or earning ... Views: 3971