What holds you back from your dreams?
It is usually not lack of ability or talent.
Often, what holds us back is fear.
Fear of failing.
Fear of being successful.
Fear of not knowing how to attain our goals.
If you can think of achieving your goal not as one big action but as a series ... Views: 878
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you NOT to be?
Your ... Views: 794
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you NOT to be?
Your ... Views: 794
Last week I participated in a CIRCUS YOGA class.
What drew me to the class were the words fun, community, collaboration.
Too often, we think that, in order to connect to our hearts, we have to do it alone.
Sure, there are some things we need to do alone. Silent meditation, solo ... Views: 884
It happens to all of us.
We get a great idea. We're motivated. We take the first step toward what we want and we're cruising.
We feel excited. Rejuvenated. Like this thing could really happen!
And then something doesn't turn out the way we had hoped or expected.
And we land ... Views: 1804
So many times, when I ask a client, "If you could do anything or go anywhere or be anything, what would it be?" there is a long silence. They really have to think about it because they are so far removed from their dreams.
And so I offer them this simple exercise to tap into that place where ... Views: 779
If you know me at all, you know that I don't wear makeup. Or dresses, or panty hose, or even much jewelry. I will always choose comfort over style. Always.
But for several years, I've wanted to have a girlfriend go with me to the lipstick counter and help me pick a color. I'd like my lips to ... Views: 746
Have you ever taken on a big project or a new creative endeavor and, after hours, days, weeks of working, you think you're finished. And then someone offers you a suggestion to make it even better?
Do you settle for "good enough" or do you step back, take a breath and say, YES, I want it to ... Views: 1178
We are encouraged to talk about sex with our kids, to educate them, to take the mystery out of it, to prepare them so that when they are faced with a choice, they can make sound and educated decisions.
Years ago it was taboo to talk about sex. But we see how important it is.
So why is ... Views: 700
It's too quiet to think!
This is what so many of my clients tell me when I ask them to sit in stillness.
They are uncomfortable. Fidgety. There is nothing to distract them from the silence. Even with all of the scattered thoughts running through their minds, it becomes too quiet to ... Views: 809
I received an email last week from a reader asking how she could stop regretting her life and be happy.
Regret is a sign that we are living in the past, stuck in what was, what wasn't, what might have been.
Some regrets are small. We feel bad that we forgot to send someone a birthday card. ... Views: 1827
Several months ago, my coach and I were talking about the power of our thoughts and intentions, and she shared a Prayer for Unexpected Income with me. She said that, when we open ourselves to new money, that new money will come.
So I tried it.
I read the prayer, out loud, and envisioned ... Views: 778
I have been crying a lot lately. But that's not why I'm writing this.
I'm writing this because, for years, I didn't cry.
Like most of us, I've had sorrow and trauma in my past. But instead of feeling it, sharing it and releasing it, I buried it. I tucked my sadness and grief deep and ... Views: 666
A client, Joan, recently shared that she was having a rough week. She felt she wasn't getting the "right things" done, and she felt alone in the work she had to do. Joan thought the roller coaster she was on was "normal" but she was hoping for a way to get off the ride.
Another client, ... Views: 726
Several of my clients are not happy at their jobs. They don't feel appreciated. They don't feel challenged. They don't love the work. They wish they were doing something more fulfilling, more exciting, more passionate.
And their first questions to me are, "Can you help me write my objective ... Views: 913
"Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."
~ unknown
Nothing is impossible.
An idea may seem challenging. Difficult. Hard to fathom.
But it is not ... Views: 978
You've heard the saying, "all work and no play makes Jill a dull girl." Well, last week I was in Florida to meet with my Mastermind group. It is two full days of intense coaching, talking, brainstorming, releasing, planning, growing work.
For past meetings I've always arrived a day early to ... Views: 877
I was never one for having a long-term plan. When people asked "what are your goals for 5 years, 10 years?" I'd look at them blankly. I had no idea.
I would tell myself, I live in the moment, I can't possibly know what I'll be doing in 10 years.
And yet, in the deep of my heart, I DID ... Views: 679
We take about 28,000 breaths a day, inhaling and exhaling, bringing oxygen into our bodies, and releasing toxins and waste we don't need.
Most of us are shallow breathers. We breathe high into our chests, not deep into the lower lobes of our lungs.
And yet breathing into our lower lobes ... Views: 845
As you know, last month I offered a free tele-seminar call, where I announced a new online Master Coaching program. My vision was clear and powerful: people would listen to the call, get as excited about the content as I am, feel incredibly inspired and deliriously motivated and the class would ... Views: 1914
Usually, when we are asked what we dream about, what we'd love to do, what our true passion in life might be, we stay in our heads, thinking our way to the answer.
And so we usually come up with the same responses. And we also come up against the same limiting thoughts that keep us from ... Views: 752
So many of my clients tell me that their biggest challenge is finding time for themselves. Not just finding time, but JUSTIFYING the NEED for time for themselves.
They tell me that it is so easy to do for others, to take care of everyone else, but that, when it comes to claiming any space for ... Views: 1169
Do you begin the year with a list of New Year's Resolutions? Things you swear you're going to do or not do that will make this year different than all the rest?
And then, a month or two later you realize you've abandoned your list, slacked off on all of the things you swore would be ... Views: 684
Some decisions are easy. You know you want to or don't want to do something and it's clear and simple and done.
Other decisions require more thought and contemplation because the answer isn't as clear-cut.
Maybe you take out a piece of paper and write the PROs on one list and the CONs on ... Views: 820
Several weeks ago I tweaked my back (again) and spent five days resting, moving slowly, doing virtually nothing.
I couldn't walk the dogs or do the laundry or run errands. I couldn't sit at my computer for very long. I couldn't do any of the things that I usually do to distract me from my ... Views: 744
A manifesto is a mission statement, a proclamation, an announcement. For me, it is also a declaration of what I want to manifest, or bring into reality.
A manifesto is written in present tense, as if you are already being, doing having what you are proclaiming.
A Manifestation Manifesto ... Views: 2425
"When we compare ourselves to others, we will always feel better than or less than our true selves."
That said, it's also important to surround ourselves with people who challenge us to run faster, think bigger, walk longer. But not because THEY do, but because that is what we want and need ... Views: 843