We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The U.S. Open has begun. Tennis fans anticipating upsets are waiting to see how it will all play out in the finals on the stadium courts.
For the first time Mardy Fish, seeded eighth, is the highest-placed American in a major championship. Renewed commitment to fitness and strength are ... Views: 1251
Inherently speaking, there is nothing that you are not capable of accomplishing. The truth is there is no such thing as can't - you only think you can't. Success is not a special privilege handed out to a selected few; success comes to applying success-oriented beliefs. Transform limiting ... Views: 1020
Confidence will improve both your personal and professional life, here you will learn how to increase it, and use it to your advantage. Some people seem as if they have all the confidence in the world, while the rest of us are left to figure out how to muster it, and if we have any reason to be ... Views: 1029
Much has been said about the importance of having an aim to give direction to your life for you to progress with your work. If you do not have an aim, nothing in your life can progress. Your aim is the engine which drives the entire vehicle.
It is not only having any aim, it is having a ... Views: 1143
Limiting beliefs refers to a belief system that is self-inhibiting. This system discourages exploration of what we understand as a “wider cognitive space.” The beliefs created and perpetuated in this type of system are strongly held, often due to heavy emotional attachment. (For example, a ... Views: 1173
Every year, we work very hard in December and January to establish our goals for the year. Many times, we hire consultants to help us create elaborate plans to make the family members and our managers say “Yes, we love it.” Then struggles begin and the day to day part of life or work takes over ... Views: 1091
When you hear the word “action” what comes to mind? Do you see someone running and moving fast or someone sitting down watching TV? Of course the person in motion is the person we see taking action. The same applies to taking action on your goals. You cannot sit around waiting for things to ... Views: 1064
Patience is key when it comes to goal setting. Unfortunately many set goals only to give up on them before they start seeing results. It is amazing how many people start a new business venture or weight loss program only to give up in the first week. The main culprit is patience. We talk to ... Views: 2818
How can you achieve success with effective goal setting?
How can you set goals that can give you the intense desire and motivation needed?
If you are interested then by all means read on.
I am truly amazed at how some business and government leaders make goals. They seem to have an ... Views: 657
Nowadays we hear about the importance of goal setting to achieve our goals. However, goal setting needs to be intelligent goal setting. What I mean by intelligent goal setting is to make sure you do not become discouraged by your goal or goals.
Too many people are overzealous with things ... Views: 1147
As I continue to re-vamp, create and co-create new systems, programs, and products, none can happen without the help of my master mind buddies, clients, colleagues, virtual assistants, team-members and amazing brainstorming sessions, that though, out of the clear they seem to appear, they come ... Views: 713
“Get busy living or get busy dying” was what Tim Robbins’ character said in Shawshank Redemption. Those words really hit home. Many people feel, at one time or another in their life, like they are waiting; waiting for something to happen. It’s an unknown anticipation which creeps in over ... Views: 833
Setting goals and then pursuing those goals with enthusiasm and joy is like learning how to fly. Taking that big leap to pursue your goals is exhilarating and scary at the same time. Imagine for a minute what a bird feels like when he makes that initial attempt at flying.
The initial flight ... Views: 1863
As I began to get this article together I realized that I don’t really know what my goals are. Yes I have goals but they are not specific so I guess that I am writing this article for myself as well as you. It is important that we have a clear picture of what our goals are and the direction that ... Views: 1267
Have you ever looked at a list of your approved deals and hoped that at least one of them would fund in the next couple weeks? It seems like some lessees play a game called “String Out The Leasing Company”. They avoid calls from both you and the vendor and use every stall tactic ... Views: 1284
We all learn we need to write down our goals as part of the goal setting process, but most miss a couple important elements. Goal setting is a process sort of like making cake or cookies from scratch. You miss any ingredients and you not have cake or cookies. Let’s find out about some missing ... Views: 1283
Sometimes it’s good to stay put and not make major changes in your business. A busy schedule, a crazy relationship, high stress, or a new pet or child in the family may be all that you can handle at the moment.
Focusing on one highly challenging situation at a time will prevent extreme ... Views: 1178
Self development – or personal development, if you like – has become extremely popular and is considered to be a whole industry nowadays. Some people, however, have declared that people involved with self development are self centered and do not submit to the common good of all people. Is it ... Views: 1364
It may sound like an oxymoron, but entrepreneurs can be the best at two things: procrastination and motivation! Entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs for the simple reasons they are passionate about what they are doing, get a thrill or high from stepping out into the unknown, have a higher level of ... Views: 1403
I’ve always thought everyone is a little weird, or at least everyone has a weird quirk or two. I owned up to my weirdness long ago. If you don’t believe me ask my high school classmates about my white and green striped jumpsuit or my giant 85 dangle earrings.
You may think that being weird is ... Views: 1383
With college application season approaching for High School Seniors, and Juniors about to put the “pedal to the medal” and ramp up their college efforts, one of the areas where both should step-up their efforts is preparation for standardized tests!
If you are looking for college scholarships ... Views: 1075
Why is sex like learning to ride a bicycle? Well, do you know how to ride a bicycle? Not the four-wheeled type. The two-wheel ones (one front, one back) upon which the rider needs to be balanced.
If yes, how long did it take you to learn to ride one? While you were learning how to ride the ... Views: 2271
Goal Setting 201
So, you’re an achiever in life, right? You think you have pretty good goals. You’re a business owner, corporate executive, entrepreneur or someone who wants to achieve more in life. You’ve been to seminars about setting and achieving your goals and you think you’ve pretty ... Views: 1192
Developing success in life is similar to growing a garden. To have a bountiful successful garden, we must fertilize, water and continually pull weeds. To be a success in life, we also need to cultivate our personal development, build strong relationships, and continually remove barriers.
As ... Views: 1269
Never Give Up!!!!
We’ve all heard those words before, but do we believe them?
As a physician who specializes in treating patients with spinal and orthopedic pain, I often tell my patients—Never give up.
Like many of you, I enjoy watching basketball.
But what can we learn ... Views: 1368
Young girls were quite excited when the chief guest told them that he had a recipe for increasing height and was quite willing to share it with them. It was something like dream comes true for the college students to have such a nice gift on the occasion of their College Annual Day ... Views: 898
As we look around at others in our lives, we often wonder what it took for certain individuals to succeed: how they made it so far, so quickly or what motivated them to keep going even when times were difficult. There are many qualities that make a great leader or support you in becoming one; ... Views: 1165
Article Title: The Magic Of Believing (from Inspirational Books - Part One)
Category (key words): Self Help, Personal Growth, Communication, Mind Power, Success Skills, Empowerment, Positive Psychology.
Web Sites: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005GGMAW4 and ... Views: 1727
Momentum is a precious commodity when you are attempting to achieve a goal. Momentum is the jet fuel needed to reach your goal. Let’s take a look at how you get momentum and then keep momentum.
#1 Consistent Activity
Yes, consistent activity is a simple answer, but it is the best way to ... Views: 1663
Sitting on my closet floor with an intense audible cry and more tears than you could imagine, I felt the most intense sadness. My dream is waiting? What dream?
Your view of me was quite converse to my reality.
Handsome husband and two healthy girls
Big home with ... Views: 1115
This is the second part in the series on how to achieve great results, by doing less of the unimportant things, so that you can free up time to focus on the important tasks that deliver the best results. This strategy is most certainly not about activity, it aims to help you to focus all your ... Views: 1149
Before long, autumn will be upon us. In the northern Hemisphere autumn is easily recognizable by a spectacular display of vibrant colors as the changing weather heralds in the season of harvest. Here in Florida, the change from one season to the next is much more subtle – to say the least. I ... Views: 1179
Here is a plan to multiply your effectiveness and efficiency that at first glance seems very simple and just plain common sense. Unfortunately just because something is common sense, it is not often common practice. The reason I present this plan to you, is to help you to multiply your ... Views: 1227
The reason most people don’t practice the simple plan for super achievement, that I have described in the previous two articles, is that as simple as these routines are to learn and apply in your life, so easy are they not to use. There are constant distractions, temptations and noise going on ... Views: 1251
When is the last time you just sat down and wrote out a list of things you wanted to do? Dare to dream a little again. Where do you want to travel? Where would you stay? Make your dreams something grand. People talk about being passionate about their jobs or career, but not about activities ... Views: 2515
LocalNet360-According to a recent article on Online PR News, the increasing popularity of the social media site Twitter makes it a growing medium that can be used to market your business out to potential consumers. While it’s still early for most small businesses to buy into the concept of ... Views: 845
LocalNet360-According to a recent article on Online PR News, the increasing popularity of the social media site Twitter makes it a growing medium that can be used to market your business out to potential consumers. Also, Using TwitPic can make your efforts to market on Twitter more productive. ... Views: 817
LocalNet360-As we continue our series on helping small companies expand onto the Internet as a means of improving business, it’s now the time to discuss how to raise money for your business and its uses to get discovered on the web. Today we will focus on the TV program Shark Tank. While it’s ... Views: 879
I’ve heard many tales of things gone wrong in a business, like…
• Partners stealing
• Outrageous debt
• Employees that disappear when needed most
• Stacks of bills and no new customers
• Overwhelming amounts of work and not enough time to get it done
• Computers crashing and no ... Views: 1308
One of the best books anyone can read is David Schwartz’ “The Magic of Thinking Big.” David Schwartz wrote the book back in the early 1960s, but it still applies to today’s life. Magic of Thinking Big talks about core principle in goal setting and principles do not change.
So here are three ... Views: 1275
“Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast -- you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.” -- Eddie Cantor
For many of us, our days typically overflow with busywork. We’re running on habit and reacting to the influences around us. If we want to ... Views: 1309
Staying focused is a key ingredient to staying motivated and getting great results, whatever you do.
Let me give you the 3 most important keys to staying focused:
1. Sense of purpose – while the world is throwing an infinite array of distractions at you, if you hope to stay focused on a ... Views: 1902
As I was sitting in my room having some quiet time this weekend this came to me.
I am listening to construction that is happening right next door and down the block. As I sat thinking about the process of building the house spirit moved in and began speaking to me. Having been married to a ... Views: 1113
We all know goals take time to become reality. The problem is we do not know how long they take to become reality. We know babies take 9 months to be born. After 9 months the baby is ready to be born. No one says we should wait another two or three months before the baby born. No, the baby ... Views: 1184
Overwhelm blocks productivity, creativity, enjoyment… and even income! You can begin to improve this starting today.
In my article, “What Does Feeling Overwhelmed Really Mean?”, I mentioned I’d created a mind map. Since then, I revisited my mind map and removed a few things listed there. ... Views: 1439
I’ve been doing joint ventures (JV) for over a decade. Last week I had a major aha moment that will change the future of every JV I do.
"A joint venture is a strategic alliance where two or more parties, usually businesses, form a partnership to share markets, intellectual property, assets, ... Views: 1055
Everyday we can decide to do something or not to do something. Goal setting is a great way to develop more of "easy to do" than "not to do" habit. Right now take out a sheet of paper and write down one goal for today. The goal can be basic like say "hi" to the next person you meet. Here is ... Views: 1162
Your strengths are the heart and soul of your applications. They can help you refine your goals. I want to make sure that the possible careers you are aiming for are in alignment with your strengths.
Throughout the entire process – through the application, the essays, interviews, even ... Views: 837
Even if you are late in the last period of the game you can still win. Never give up on the possibility of scoring no matter how bad things may seem to be. Sometimes all it takes is a good bounce of the proverbial ball to turn things around. If you are in the right position you can be the one ... Views: 1260