Would You Change?
If you had an unlimited source of money, what would you change in your life? While we are on the subject, imagine what you could achieve, not just for yourself and your family, but also for other people.
Now before you get carried away with dreams of being a ... Views: 744
Among all human emotions hatred is the one that, in most cases, produces the most destructive consequences. However, if you really think about it, hatred is just a knee-jerk reaction caused by ignorance. You cannot truly hate a person if you have an understanding of the story behind that ... Views: 731
Who are you?
Who are you?
If you are one of the many people out there who feels under constant attack, you might just need to re-examine yourself. Who are you really? Take a moment to think about that. Are you the person others think you are? That may not necessarily be the real you. Your ... Views: 689
Everyone goes through the experience of being in a bad mood. There are
just times when we might feel that negativity – perhaps due to
the weather, feeling sick or just coming out of an unhappy situation
– and it certainly affects our frame of mind and subsequently
how we perform at work or ... Views: 1618
Making goals for yourself is one thing; making your goals actually happen is another thing entirely. Many people get frustrated for not being able to hit their goals. Here’s one way of making sure you achieve your goals: Take your realistic target and double it.
For example, if you aim to ... Views: 3982
The act of breathing is so essential to life but we mostly take it for granted. It is the first thing we do at birth and it will be our final act upon death. Breathing is a vital part of us. At times when we are caught up in our daily toils and troubles, remembering the importance and simplistic ... Views: 974
Be Kind
I often hear people talk about the importance of how we should be kind to others. Indeed, this is the expected norm for how people should relate to other people. It has been taught and preached so many times that the act of kindness has always been focused on giving to others. This is ... Views: 651
If you are interested in getting contact lenses, you’ll need to let your eye care practitioner know at the beginning of your appointment that that is something you are considering. A contact lens exam will generally take longer than a regular exam because you have to be properly fitted for the ... Views: 820
When you were growing up, you were probably told to eat your carrots so that your eyes would be strong. While this may not be completely true, carrots do contain provitamin A carotenoids which are pigments in some plants that the body converts into Vitamin A. And Vitamin A is definitely ... Views: 729
So, you’ve finally chosen to do something about your vision. Now that you’ve made that first step, you may want to consider talking to your optician about a contact lens fitting. The following is some basic information about what to expect during a lens fitting as well as some of the top ... Views: 653
Why do so many of us feel like we are under constant attack?
It is because we have forgotten who we are.
Our real, true, genuine self is always one with Source Energy and is unbreakable linked to it- that is who we are.
Who we think we are is the self that we portray in our daily lives- ... Views: 746
Every moment of our lives is made up of choices. Deciding whether to have a meal or not, is a choice. With choices come consequences: deciding to eat is a choice and being full afterwards is the consequence. Or perhaps you’ll decide to eat out, and at the restaurant, you meet a friend and you ... Views: 882
Today we’re going to look at the things that make us the person we are, the essence of what we really are. Is it possible to get in touch with with our essence, and if so, how can we do it? How can we tap into the quiet place between our thoughts, which is where the connection lies?
According ... Views: 936
Today we’re going to look at the things that make us the person we are, the essence of what we really are. Is it possible to get in touch with with our essence, and if so, how can we do it? How can we tap into the quiet place between our thoughts, which is where the connection lies?
According ... Views: 926
Ladies and Gentlemen. Are you looking for happiness?
Do you need someone or something to make you happy? Do you feel that it eludes you all the time?
Do you find that just when you get into a happy state something or someone always finds a way to bring it to an abrupt end?
I used to think like ... Views: 958
Hi Friends
when you wake up in the morning what mood are you in? Are you in a happy mood?
Or are you one of those people who wake up in apprehension of what the day might bring? We tend to forget that our thoughts lead us to feel a certain way...this makes us behave in a certain way...and that ... Views: 742
Attitude is best defined as a state of mind or perception. It has often been said: We never see the world the way it is, we see the world the way we are. Things in life often have the meanings we give them. Right now, we are encountering times of uncertainty. Our country has been hit hard by ... Views: 810
We have the sequence to success in life all wrong. Let me see if I can explain.
You see, we don't achieve success, because we are afraid of taking risks. We are afraid of taking risks because we are afraid of failure. We are afraid of failure because we are afraid of what people might think. ... Views: 844
Woke up in a pretty mood. Its 6.00 in the morning. I tell myself: I love myself ! Nothing can go wrong today. I'm Ken Onu, the master manifestor! I understand the way the Law of attraction works. I know that all I have to do is keep the energy positive and I will attract like energy. Hey I ... Views: 1315
The movie "The Secret" has become an all time bestseller! People from all walks of life are praising it and believe it or not, also criticizing it. If you haven't watched it yet..you can do so at http://www.thesecret.tv/. The experts in the movie explain the Law of attraction in such a way that ... Views: 1101
Problems are only Problems when we define them as such. They are really learning events. As the saying goes...If it doesn't kill you , then it can only make you stronger. Whenever we encounter a problem we should try to look at it indifferently. No matter how bad it may be, know for sure that ... Views: 998
As you know you cannot lift up a stick without lifting up the other end at the same time. In order to get different results you have to become a different person . The first thing you need to do is raise your self esteem. You are a wonderful person and you need to acknowledge that to yourself. ... Views: 793
1. Know what you want! What are you passionate about? What could you do 24/7 and not feel tired or upset? That’s what you should be doing.
2. Believe you can have it! Believing you can have something starts by believing in your self. Healthy self esteem is absolutely necessary to achieve ... Views: 870