Having clearly defined goals are essential whether they are pertaining to your personal or your professional life. If you fail to have clear goals you would wind up confused regarding what it is you wish to achieve and you could end up simply stagnating. Such goals can provide you with the momentum and purpose in your life.

Five Tips to help you to Define Clear Goals:

1) Know what you hope to achieve. To be able to define clear goals you first need to know what it is that you want to achieve. If you are not sure about where you are heading you will not be able to figure a way of reaching your destination.

When you know where you want to be and what you wish to achieve you can then decide on the goals that will aid you in reaching your destination.

- Determine where you see youself in 5 years’ time.

- Make time to brainstorm regarding your long-term dreams and desires.

2) Set a timeline. Timelines are great in helping you stave off procrastination and to urge you forward toward your goals. A timeline for your goals will help you to make them clear because you will have identified what you want and when you want it by.

- Determine your monthly and yearly goals. Also set goals over longer time periods, for example spanning 5 or 10 years.

- Come up with a plan to keep you on the path. That being said, don’t formulate a plan that is unchangeable because sometimes changes along the way are necessary. Be flexible but keep your focus on the main goal.

3) Set realistic goals. Goals that are realistic in nature are practically guaranteed to be attained plus there is the added bonus of not having to be stressed out over trying to reach a goal that is effectively out of reach. Your goal must be realistic.

- Divide long-term goals into smaller, achievable steps. Being able to attain a series of goals along the way instils a feeling of accomplishment and so motivates you to keep striving.

4) Be specific. Make sure that your goals clearly depict what you want. Don’t settle for vague generalities. If you set a specific goal you will be more likely to accomplish it.

- Setting specific goals enables you to decide on a timeline and define the steps necessary to reaching it. It eliminates the need for guesswork.

- For instance If your goal is something like: “Make more money with my business”, this is too vague. A more specific goal would be: “I will attain $1,000 more each month, three months from now”. This last example is more specific, measurable, as well as being realistic.

5) Refine your goals. As your life changes so your goals may also. During this process you can make your goals more specific, realistic, and attainable.

- You can refine your goals many times during your lifetime. The important thing is right now! The same might not matter as much to you 6 months or even 6 years from now. You need to be prepared to accept change. Revisit your goals periodically and come up with new plans when you need to.

So many people flounder throughout their lives because they are not sure of what their purpose is or even what they want to achieve. You do not have to be one of them! If you want a life with clear meaning then it is vital to invest some thought into what matters to you, the goals you wish to attain, and the actions you need to take in order to turn your dreams into your reality.

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Are YOU Ready to Seize Control of Your Life and Progress to Success? It’s time for you to live up to your full potential. But the only way that can happen is if you take the first step, and download your free report Personal Development Power Tips so you can discover the top tips for your personal growth.