It does not matter if you’re in business for yourself, high powered exec or a stay at home mom ... stress can get to you. Your understanding and personal experience help you define what stress means to you. As an entrepreneurs you may be challenged with what it means for you personally the ... Views: 1316
Time management is essential for success in any profession; however, for Human Resource (HR) people it is a matter of survival. And this is also true for those who have chosen to stay at home or pursue starting their own business. Managing your time can actually give you more time.
For one, ... Views: 1463
Your new business have begun to find it's feet and flourish - bravo! You know that to support your business's growth you will need to encourage the growth of your employees. Your employees personal wellness and growth will have a positive impacts on your business' growth. To encourage the ... Views: 1356
Got a great idea but not sure what to do with it? If you've thought about starting your own business but the idea of jumping out on your own is overwhelmingly scary, then there might just be a solution available. Not everyone is fortunate enough to award wings to her entrepreneurial dreams, and ... Views: 1446
Once you establish your own company, we have a tendency to look at our previous experience and how it has encouraged your employee's success – to notice what worked and what didn't. One of the essentials of a flourishing business is the openness to share your wisdom and enthusiasm of doing what ... Views: 1489
In the world of business there are limitations or restrictions of which you need to be aware when you want to achieve goals and ultimately succeed. There are some things that just, well, fall into place without compromise. Curious what restrictions need to be in place for you to succeed? Great! ... Views: 1492
A goal is a target on which you aim your focus and put your time and effort into the process of achieving. There are five steps essential in guiding you toward achieving and realizing your goals. Achieving a goal can take longer and require more commitment than you realize or might imagine. ... Views: 1496
The task of filing paperwork is often the most hated and avoided in any office. The same is true about our email inbox! The good news is that it's not so hard as many people think to establish and maintain your filing when you have a system.
If you start your day by sitting at your cluttered ... Views: 1362
We hear the term "empowerment" a lot these days. For those who need a reminder, empowerment refers to liberty and our ability to achieve what we desire. Motivation, on the other hand, is that what keeps your spirit and enthusiasm high. Your need for self-empowerment or self-motivation in life ... Views: 1300
As a leader, main man, top dog or any other pet name you can think of for yourself when referring to your role as decision maker, there will be times you will be faced with when to refocus, redefine or repurpose the financial resources of your organization depending on the challenges you may be ... Views: 1264
Life is full of roles, responsibilities and consequences; therefore, being able to stay focused is important when seeking balance in any overwhelming experiences life decides to throw at you. Success in life is nothing without being able to share it with others, and having the ability to focus ... Views: 1683
To a lot of people, the word competition is ugly and holds a negative connotation. When we think of the word competition, we often think of professional sports, athletes, Survivor the reality show, "others" on the dating scene, or the younger generation entering the workforce who may just beat ... Views: 1317
It may sound like an oxymoron, but entrepreneurs can be the best at two things: procrastination and motivation! Entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs for the simple reasons they are passionate about what they are doing, get a thrill or high from stepping out into the unknown, have a higher level of ... Views: 1402
For all those who strive to be successful in their professional lives, whether they work for a corporation or they are an entrepreneur, there are a few things they (or should I say you) definitely need to have in order to achieve and keep their edge.
Having a vision is critical to being able ... Views: 1157
As we look around at others in our lives, we often wonder what it took for certain individuals to succeed: how they made it so far, so quickly or what motivated them to keep going even when times were difficult. There are many qualities that make a great leader or support you in becoming one; ... Views: 1165
Motivation is a key ingredient to success. This is not a news flash by any means, and all managers and good leaders embrace some degree of motivational program for their employees; whether they do this consciously or subconsciously, they all do it. Motivation is not some secret society either, ... Views: 2758
Over the last several years that I've been working with business owners, entrepreneurs and those seeking to begin their own businesses, there seems to have been an underlying theme revolving around leadership. I recently wrote an article ("The Meaning and Essence of Business Leadership") and ... Views: 1376
"The very core of leadership is that you need to have vision. You can’t blow a hesitant trumpet." This is what well-known scholar Theodore M. Hesburgh said about leadership. Leadership is a very desirable attribute among successful people no matter what type of business they are in. And if you ... Views: 1238
Change is the only unchanging features in this changing world. Everything surrounding us changes with the passage of time to be in line with modernization. The ongoing business environment is no exception when it comes to this trend. Modern business is on a triumphant march through tracking ... Views: 1693
When the objectives we set are large or complex, we often need a plan of some sort to ensure we reach them. However, planning is just half of the story: you also need to take action. Before implementation of any plan, it's useful to check where you are both physically and mentally. Achieving our ... Views: 1285
Something for which we all strive yet so few achieve and even fewer keep: a good skin care regimen. Oh yes, there are times we look in the mirror and think "Wow! Not a blemish!" or "Eek, not now!" The second, of course, always happens before a big event or special intimate dinner, whereas the ... Views: 1877
What do these people have in common?
~A three-year-old girl running awkwardly to her mother across the lawn while smiling.
~A housewife, age 43, trotting in the park with her colorful running shoes.
~A skinny boy of 15 trying to keep up with the pack in a cross-country race, hoping to be ... Views: 2268
I recently watched a video on YouTube and realized it was a perfect way to illustrate a resource I’ve been wanting to share with my readers. The video features two self-made multimillionaires asking self-help guru and motivational speaker Tony Robbins why some people follow through while others ... Views: 1993
Eating healthy is critical whether your goal is weight loss, fitness or a healthier lifestyle in general. However, you don’t have to meticulously count calories or starve yourself to be healthy; rather, you need to provide your body with ample nourishment. While junk food and sugary treats might ... Views: 1699
What we commonly refer to as our "sixth sense" goes by many different names: gut feeling, inner voice, instinct, intuition, subconscious. Regardless of which term you prefer to use, this sixth sense is not some magical or mystical power that only a few people are blessed enough to possess; ... Views: 1627
While it's undeniable that being in a loving relationship can be incredibly fulfilling and full of positives, it's also undeniable that finding relationships like that can be difficult. We've all experienced the defeated and heartbreaking feeling of rejection or an otherwise failed relationship, ... Views: 1320
Regardless of their personal belief systems (spiritual focus, formalized religion, or a combination thereof), people tend to like the comfort of feeling connected to those beings that support us from the other side, whether we believe "the other side" to be an alternate universe, a heavenly ... Views: 1347
Obesity is blamed on many things related to our physical health: food cravings, metabolism rate, thyroid issues, lack of exercise, binge eating, etc. Yet examining obesity from a psychological perspective reveals that there’s far more to obesity than just the physical causes and effects.
A ... Views: 1955
My husband and I took our son for his first official haircut when he was 15 months old. The trauma of the event was not significant, but the energy exchange during the event was decidedly intense. My son went from sitting on my lap and enjoying the process while my husband entertained him to the ... Views: 1553
Both emotional specialists and psychologists generally agree that eating disorders are generally rooted in negative body image. When this happens, sufferers usually see distorted body images when they gaze in a mirror – and as such, feel "fat" or otherwise imperfect regardless of whether these ... Views: 1687
Energy is a word from which most people draw the definition of electricity, gas or some other form of power to produce movement or change. In the context in which we use it here, these definitions really aren't that far off from how practitioners like me would describe or explain energy. But ... Views: 3664
It’s been almost a decade since I read the infamous self-help book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey, but it’s such a helpful tool that it came as no real surprise when I recently felt compelled to re-read it. As I did so, I found myself wondering if I had addressed or ... Views: 1197
"A couple of months ago things were so stressful at work that everyone – including me – was tense all the time. By the time I got home I was completely drained and wanted nothing more than go straight to bed."
Does the above scenario sound at least a little familiar? Can you identify with the ... Views: 1513
Serving as a mentor for someone brings with it much responsibility and pride. The former is true because you fill a much-needed position in the lives and careers of those whom you mentor, and the latter is true because you attain a position from which you assist others by drawing on your own ... Views: 1317
Are You Commitment-Phobic?
Many people don’t experience committed, steady relationships, and they often assert this is so not because they are afraid of commitment but rather because they enjoy their freedom and flirtatious nature. And while this may be true for some who embrace their “forever ... Views: 1959
There’s no one on the planet who hasn’t been in a situation wherein tempers and/or emotions escalated – perhaps even dramatically – due to miscommunication or poor communication. When this has happened in your own life, you’ve likely looked back on it afterwards and wondered how things got so ... Views: 2347
Success is attainable for those who seek it with both their thoughts and their actions. Unfortunately, people tend to give significantly more attention to their actions, not remembering that their thoughts and attitudes can dramatically impact their failure and success. Too often the negative ... Views: 1418
I can hear you murmuring through the Internet already, even though you’ve read only the title of this piece. “The best laid plans…” you’re murmuring to yourself. Or perhaps you’re thinking, “There’s no such thing as a ‘perfect’ diet plan!” But some of you are saying to yourself, “Really? ... Views: 1322
It’s only human to make mistakes, and we all have done things of which we’re not proud. Although time can blur the memory and alleviate the pain of stressful incidents from our past, often it’s not a simple task to overcome the guilt that stems from ... Views: 3044
The Fool is the first card of the Tarot deck and probably the most controversial of all. In the Rider Waite deck (the most popular amongst beginners), The Fool depicts a traveler dressed in colorful (almost clown-like) clothes standing at the edge of the cliff with his eyes closed. He holds a ... Views: 6396
Measuring Motivation
When it comes to finding motivation to achieve our goals, there are some of us who just naturally have it—and then there are others who struggle to locate and embrace it. As a person who is always highly motivated, I do find there are certain days when I wonder to where my ... Views: 2114
All over the US and Canada there are millions of people celebrating Earth Day, and I often wonder what this day really means to people. For me Earth Day is a reminder to be kind to Mother Earth and remember that as much as we have renewable resources, it doesn’t mean we have unlimited ... Views: 1257
Crystal healing pendants can help you measure the flow of electromagnetic energy around the body. Healers often use crystal pendants to detect energy blocks in the chakras. The movement of the pendulum indicates whether or not a chakra is functioning properly.
In a typical crystal healing ... Views: 1775
When we journey through life in a state of consciousness that is more awake and more aware, we begin to see the power behind the questions we ask. When we are able to ask not just the right questions but powerful questions, we open ourselves to achieving greater results and success.
I ... Views: 1772
We hear the buzz word “thrive” all over media outlets these days, but can you spot the difference in your own life between when you’re thriving and just surviving? One medical organization has been embracing the buzz word “thrive” for the last two or three years, and every time I hear or see its ... Views: 3447
Part of my own personal philosophy is that we carry the energy of both “student” and “teacher” within us, and depending on the experience or situation in which we find ourselves, one of these two energies becomes primary. We invoke our inner teacher when we have the need to pass along our ... Views: 2536
When working with the supportive properties of Tarot, the concept of “reading” comes from viewing which cards are put into which position in a layout or spread. Spreads, simply put, are methods of laying down oracle cards; in this particular discussion we are referring to Angel Cards. Every card ... Views: 1446
There are several ways or techniques you can use to harness the power of crystals, the simplest being placing them in your environment. However, if you want to use crystals to heal specific problems, it’s better to employ more refined crystal healing techniques like those listed below.
~Trace ... Views: 1821
This week it seems my work week will be rearranged so I can support son while he is working through an ear infection and teething fevers. Am I happy about it? Not really, but ultimately my first priority beyond any reasonable doubt is my son's health and well-being.
It is somewhat out of my ... Views: 1229
Last week the world paid respects to Elizabeth Taylor, and I was reminded that in death we begin to view an individual from the eyes of goodness and greatness. But why is it during life we view these same individuals from a completely different perspective? I am generalizing here, but in many ... Views: 1265