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My Husband Hit Me And I'm Pregnant: Husband Pushed Me While Pregnant
Today my three-year-old daughter told my husband that she wants to be married. When he asked her why, she replied, "Because you get to be nice to one another".
Are you nice to your partner? Or do you find yourself ... Views: 796
My Husband Choked Me For The First Time: My Husband Choked Me Once During A Fight
This seems counter-intuitive, but a happily married couple will often tell you: "Always finish an argument before going to bed." How does that make sense? I wanted to ask, "This works?" and I am thinking, "How ... Views: 2115
My Husband Beat Me For The First Time: My Husband Beats Me With His Belt
How well are you communicating in order to save the marriage? If you do not communicate effectively about a problem, communication becomes the problem.
A course on communication would be really helpful to the newly ... Views: 2421
My Husband Beat Me Up: My Husband Beats Me What Should I Do
A happily married couple, when asked for pointers, thought a moment and then said: "don't go to sleep with a disagreement unresolved." My first reaction was, "How to Save Marriage means I have to stay up all night?"
It was a new ... Views: 1076
My Husband Beats Me but I Love Him: I Love My Husband but He Beats Me
Myths and Expectations about Fighting:
There are many myths and expectations about fighting in marriage. Couples come into my office frequently believing that fighting is a necessary part of being a couple; that all ... Views: 1028
Husband Ignores Me In Social Situations: Husband Ignores Me Around His Friends
As women when we get married we all have this vision of what the perfect man we would like to marry is like. We want someone to wine and dine us, make us feel loved, and cherish us till death do us part. Many times ... Views: 2661
My Husband Loves His Friends More Than Me: My Husband Always Wants To Hang Out With His Friends
A separation from one's spouse is a trying time for any person. Being estranged from the person who means most to you is a heart wrenching and downright painful experience. I would like to provide ... Views: 709
Husband Is Verbally Abusive When Angry: How To Stop Verbal Abuse In Marriage
Marriage, even when you are married to the right person, requires a lot of work for it to be successful. It will take everything in you to give love, express love and receive love. Nothing good comes easy. One thing ... Views: 642
My Husband Is Verbally Abusive and Blames Me: How To Deal With A Verbally Abusive Husband
Yes it's true, we can't get through the day without conflict. Phone calls are missed, e-mails aren't returned in a timely fashion, we are late for a deadline or a meeting at work. Accept this conflict as ... Views: 682
My Husband Prefers His Friends Over Me: My Husband Puts His Friends Before Me
At times relationships that we thought were steady and strong can also break without any prior notice. Perhaps you are facing a situation right now where you suddenly find that your marriage has hit rock bottom. You ... Views: 1675
My Husband Talks To His Best Friend More Than Me: Husband Talks To Male Friend Everyday
Before things get out of hand and we seek to part ways with our partners and loved ones in a marriage there are certain factors that we must address honestly to ensure we do not find ourselves reliving ... Views: 1694
My Marriage Is Making Me Depressed: Emotional Loneliness In A Marriage
Being married is one of the strongest bonds a couple can enter into. It commits each person to staying with the other person even when the going gets rough. A married couple has a better chance of getting through tough ... Views: 598
Married Pregnant and Feeling Alone: Pregnant Feeling Depressed and Alone
Couples visit my counselling practice usually when an issue seems no longer solvable on their own or when other crisis situations occur. Even though things might get rough at times there is still hope for a continuous ... Views: 650
Sad and Lonely In Marriage: I Am So Depressed and Lonely In My Marriage
Marriage is a permanent union of love between a man and a woman. It is written that God made woman from man so as to be a companion and helper to him. A companion that would encourage, support, respect, love and edify ... Views: 922
Husband And Wife Not Sleeping Together: Husband And Wife Sleeping In Separate Rooms
When the intimate side of your marriage starts to fade, there is a very good chance that your marriage is in a lot of trouble. A marriage without intimacy cannot last, and if you can accept that there is ... Views: 613
Mother In Law Controlling My Husband: Mother In Law Manipulates My Husband
When you get married, you not only get a spouse but also the in-laws! Often, problems in a marriage are created by issues relating to the spouse's parents.
A marriage is considered to result in a new family with the ... Views: 693
How To Forgive My Husband For Hitting Me: How Many Times Do I Forgive My Husband
I talk a lot about forgiveness in marriage and relationships. Why? Because without forgiving those who have wronged us, we will never be able to forget the wrong either. And when I say, "forget", I mean in the ... Views: 664
My Husband Yells At Me In Public: How To Stop My Husband From Yelling At Me
The question of making your spouse respect you may look surprising on the face of it, since what anyone expects from their spouse is only love. So, where does respect come in a marital relationship?
To understand ... Views: 697
Husband Goes Out With Friends but Not Me: Husband Goes Out With Friends Every Weekend
If you are faced with a situation where you are continuously thinking that my husband doesn't want to spend time with me, it can be quite unnerving to put it mildly. While you take the initiative to organize ... Views: 624
My Husband Betrayed My Trust: How To Trust Your Husband Again
Did you know that trusting your spouse is one of the most important elements of marriage? Did you know that without the sacred bond of trust between a husband and a wife, the marriage will be unhappily discontented all the while it ... Views: 848
My Husband Doesn't Sleep In Bed With Me: Separate Bedrooms For Married Couples
What Husbands Can't Resist is a great resource for wives who are frustrated because their husbands not longer seem to desire physical intimacy with them.
What wife doesn't want her husband to be happy and ... Views: 616
My Husband and I Sleep In Separate Rooms: Husband and Wife Sleeping In Separate Rooms
Lack of intimacy can destroy relationships although some of you guys may think that sex is not everything in a relationship. But deep down inside you, you will feel that there is something missing without ... Views: 1356
Husband Not Interested In Me Anymore: My Husband Shows No Interest In Me Anymore
Are you in a sexless marriage? Are you willing and wanting to have sex, but your partner isn't in the mood? How can you put sex back into a sexless marriage?
In most relationships, the sex begins to wane after ... Views: 1190
My Husband Rarely Makes Love To Me: My Husband Rejects Me In Bed
Can you count the number of times you've had sex with your husband in the last year on one hand? Are you longing for those days early in your marriage when everything was exciting and new? Are you looking for ways to really ... Views: 512
Husband Sleeps On Couch Every Night: Why Husbands Stop Being Intimate
Intimacy is a part of the strong foundation a marriage is standing upon. Over the time through which a relationship matures, interactions and the kind of connection we have changes and often intimacy shrinks back to hugs ... Views: 1155
Husband and Wife Not Sleeping Together: Husband and Wife Separate Bedrooms
Love, sex, and intimacy are essential components that great marriages require for complete stability. Real love is the spiritual aspect, sex is physical and intimacy is emotional. It would be difficult to love your ... Views: 1202
My Husband Hurt Me Emotionally: My Husband Is Emotionally Abusing Me
Did you know that within the marriage relationship and marriage issues both husband and wife either bear the wholeness of the One-Mind, or instead of separation from wholeness which is what often leads to infidelity in ... Views: 679
Feeling Unloved and Unwanted By My Husband: Feeling Unloved and Unwanted In Marriage
Exactly what makes a fantastic relationship?
Exactly what are the elements for creating a content yet happy, healthy, and a permanently sort of collaboration in life?
I believe there are a few marriage ... Views: 890
Tired Of Being Married and Alone: How To Stay In Love With Your Husband and Keep Your Marriage Alive
After a few years of marriage, when the newness has worn off, you may discover that you and your husband have fallen into both good and bad habits. As a result, while there is comfort and ... Views: 614
My Husband Stopped Sleeping With Me: When Your Husband Stops Sleeping With You
Having a husband who doesn't kiss, touch and want you is one of the most painful experiences a woman can go through. A marriage is incomplete when it lacks physical intimacy.
No matter how good your marriage is, ... Views: 832
Husband Neglecting Wife: Husband Completely Ignores Me
There is no easy way to answer the question why do men neglect their wives because some of the things I am about to say will not be things that you wish or like to hear.
The first reason why men neglect their wives is because they are ... Views: 1191
Feeling Lost and Alone In Marriage: Feeling Alone and Unloved In Marriage
We've all been through times in our lives when it was so busy we would rarely have time to ourselves let alone time to contact our family and friends. With every day life moving as quickly as it is, there just seems to ... Views: 679
I Want To Leave My Husband But I Have No Money: How To Get Out Of A Bad Marriage With No Money
Are you in a marriage that is smothering you? Do you feel there is no way out? Do you feel trapped? You are not alone. There are millions of married people who feel stuck in their situation and that ... Views: 792
I Think My Husband Is Hiding Something: When Your Husband Hides Things From You
We human beings have the most complex thing in the physical universe between our ears: the human brain. Together, the brain, body and soul make us up as human beings. Given the complexity of our minds, it is no ... Views: 1059
Husband Works Too Much Lonely: How To Get Rid Of Loneliness When Your Hubby Is At Work
Busy married couples sometimes find themselves struggling with finding time to be together at home. When one spouse works during the day and the other one is left at home, loneliness can set in. This is ... Views: 583
Manage Living With A Difficult Husband: How To Deal With A Difficult Husband
Doing a review of complaints by women suffering emotional isolation because their husbands don't know how to communicate with them and prefer instead to retreat into emotional silence, we can see this as a growing ... Views: 1764
Marriage Problems Due To Stepchildren: Step Children Ruining My Marriage
Having a marriage with children from a previous marriage can be an added stress to the marriage.
Having a marriage with an extended family can also include nieces and nephews, or any child that is not biologically ... Views: 1482
Divorce is one of the bad times of your life when you unintentionally move out of your partner’s life and put an end to your relationship. If you are well prepared to separate from your partner, it’s a bit easy, but still many of you need proper guidance to healthy divorce with their life ... Views: 713
Well, Thanksgiving is done and we’ve survived Black Friday.
But we’re not through the holiday abyss yet.
Which means we’ll most likely be dreading the stress, craziness and visions of perfection shoved down our throats.
For many of us, the holidays can feel dark, lonely, and ... Views: 1108
A child custody case could be more disheartening than expected. Until the final date, both the mother and the father stay at the edge of their seats because the thought of not being able to see the child every day is in itself, depressing.
Some shocking custody facts about the U.S. over the ... Views: 1784
My Husband Steals My Joy: How To Make Myself Happy In My Marriage
There are 4 rules for a happy marriage that must be followed if you are to experience success in your relationship and rekindle the love and bring the passion back. If you want to do everything you can to avoid divorce ... Views: 2503
Feel Like A Stranger In My Marriage: Feeling Disconnected In Marriage
Knowing your partners weakness is vital to saving your marriage before it's too late. When you step back and take a look at the patterns that develop around conflict in your marriage, you are given essential clues to combat ... Views: 1259
Bored With My Life and Marriage: Things to Do With Your Husband When You Are Bored
You want to explore the excitement of playing sex games to spice up your relationship. But there's only one problem. How do you bring up the idea of playing couples games to your partner? Will they want to play ... Views: 683
My Husband Texts His Female Coworker: My Husband Is Texting A Female Coworker
Emotional affairs in the workplace are very likely to happen because this is where a person spends at least 5 days in a week. He also works with people who have the same interests and passion with him. In fact, ... Views: 2496
Fun Things For Married Couples To Do Together: How Family Bonding Is Necessary For Happiness In Life
You wouldn't want to wait until all emotions are dry before you ignite it again would you? A little bit of fun refreshes both of you. Many people develop heart problems and other stress ... Views: 628
Ways To Let Your Wife Know You Love Her: How To Show Affection To Your Wife
Saving your marriage after an affair can be a challenge many husbands aren't interested in undertaking, especially if they're the ones who've been cheated on! Despite what's going on, you realize your wife cheated on ... Views: 847
Who To Talk To About Marriage Problems: Will Talking About Your Problems Help Save Your Marriage
Talking about your problems may appear to be the most natural thing to do. I have heard many people suggesting that the best way a problem can be solved is by talking about it. The idea behind ... Views: 637
How To Fix A Troubled Marriage: Challenges In Marriage And How To Overcome Them
If your marriage is on the brink of divorce, you will probably find that everyone has advice for you on how to save your marriage. Most of them mean well but for the most part, they have no idea what they are ... Views: 1156
Working On Your Marriage: How To Help A Failing Marriage
Although we experience many challenges in life, one of the most challenging experiences you can ever go through is a marriage at the brink of collapse. Chances are that you will be thinking of ways of saving your marriage from breaking ... Views: 570
My Husband Makes Me Nervous Wreck: Feel Uncomfortable Around My Husband
In my years in practice and as a social being I've come across a number of marriages that were, shall we say, to put it tactfully, not functioning optimally. Over time I came to see that such marriages fell into several ... Views: 3995