In the nonprofit field, the development of a new program generally begins with receiving some type of grant award. Of course, nonprofits can develop programs without being awarded a grant, but the money needed to create and implement any type of program will need to come from a philanthropist or ... Views: 1520
How many times have you seen a person and judged them strictly on their appearance? Or, how many times have you turned away or avoided someone simply because of their appearance? If you find yourself making judgments or avoiding people based on their appearance, you are missing out on ... Views: 6809
When you have a board of directors, it is always a good idea to have a Board Member Manual. A Manual is a great tool for board members to use when they need quick and easy access to critical information about the organization. It compiles important documents into one binder, so they don't waste ... Views: 1975
Today, there is quite a bit of buzz about social media, what it is, and whether or not you should develop a social media presence. And, you have probably heard about a variety of social media sites, such as MySpace, Linked In, Twitter, and Facebook. Because the number of social media sites can ... Views: 1337
Let's face it, everyone engages in an altercation or fight at some point in their life. It can be with a spouse, partner, parent, sibling, friend, or coworker. The important thing to remember is that no one wins in a fight. If people are yelling at each other, they are not listening to each ... Views: 1656
All nonprofit organizations market their services and programs in some manner. This can range from e-mailing an electronic newsletter to posting an ad on a highway bulletin board. Whatever marketing strategies nonprofits choose to employ, they must always be conscious of their marketing budget. ... Views: 2797
Financial resources play a huge part in how well nonprofits can market their programs and services. Most nonprofits don't have sufficient funds to do everything they would like to, but it is important to use what funds are available to the fullest extent. Thus, nonprofits should attempt to use ... Views: 1668
Although coaching is beginning to gain some momentum in the nonprofit field, most nonprofit professionals don't understand what coaching is or how it can be of value to them in their personal or professional life. Also, individuals often confuse coaching with therapy, counseling, or consulting. ... Views: 2408
In life, we are all survivors, whether or not we think of ourselves that way. When we experience our first love and break up, our hearts are broken and we don't think that we will ever survive. But somehow we do, and eventually we meet someone new. When we lose our first job, whether we are ... Views: 1774
We often hear people talking about whether someone's glass is half full or half empty, which is really a metaphor for how someone views their life or the world around them. If someone is negative or pessimistic, people might regard them as seeing their glass half empty. When people view their ... Views: 7059
There are three mistakes that an organization should avoid in relation to the strategic planning process. This article describes what these three mistakes are and what you should do in order to ensure you will avoid them.
The first mistake to avoid in relation to strategic planning is not ... Views: 1991
One of my favorite quotes comes from Reinhold Niebuhr. He said “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” I think that most people have seen or heard this quote at some point in their lives. ... Views: 2517
There are certain components of the strategic planning process that should be in place to develop, implement, and effectively monitor a strategic plan. This article provides a brief overview of the steps involved in strategic planning.
The first component is preparing for the strategic ... Views: 2560
Strategic planning is critical to a nonprofit organization's future direction and survival. As such, it is important to understand what strategic planning is and why it is so important. This article provides a definition of strategic planning and why it is important to nonprofit ... Views: 2017
Over the years, I have observed people who are real friends and people who claim to be friends. As I get older, I truly believe the old saying that you can count your real friends on one hand. So, you may be asking what makes a person a real friend. I have identified my top eight characteristics ... Views: 8439
Have you ever wondered why someone's words don't always match their body language? Observing the way people communicate, both verbally and nonverbally, can help you to assess what they might be feeling at the present moment. It can also help you to get to the heart of the issue, make someone ... Views: 3548
Most nonprofit organizations use volunteers to perform tasks that regular staff members lack the time to do. Also, with an unstable economy, resulting in budget cuts for many organizations, developing and maintaining a volunteer pool is critical to nonprofits. An organized and well executed ... Views: 1808
Do you get frustrated when you lack the motivation to start a project or activity and put it off so you don't have to tackle it? Do you wonder why your friends or colleagues don't appear to be motivated when you are raring to go? This article explores the origins behind a lack of motivation; ... Views: 1771
Nonprofit professionals continuously search for potential donors who believe in the organization's mission and are willing to donate money to support it. All too often, however, the organization lacks an organized system to cultivate meaningful relationships with these individuals. This article ... Views: 1858
Throughout my life, I've encountered scores of people who don't appear to love themselves. They say negative things about their appearance, their lack of success at work, not being a good parent or child, or not making the right choices in life. While it is true that we all grapple with issues ... Views: 1468
One of the items board members are responsible for is to monitor the financial situation of the organization. As such, board members should be familiar with the types of financial reports the organization uses to demonstrate its financial standing. This article identifies the types of financial ... Views: 2084
No matter how positive you are, there is probably at least one negative feeling or thought that creeps into your mind on a daily basis. Negative thoughts have many origins. They can develop from not feeling well, experiencing low self-esteem, or doubting one's self. Considering the fact that ... Views: 4709
In the nonprofit field, reference is often made to an organization’s core values, mission statement, and vision statement. I have found that there is some confusion regarding the difference between a mission and vision statement, and that some organizations have never identified their core ... Views: 3221
People often tell me that they don't know what to say when someone experiences a loss. I explain that often times the person experiencing the loss simply needs to talk. You don't need to say anything; just be there to listen and support the individual. However, most people are still ... Views: 2120
Nonprofit organizations are always looking for ways in which to raise money to support their respective operation. The following list provides some traditional methods for generating revenue but it also includes some ideas you may not have previously thought about or considered. Assess which ... Views: 4718
My mother once said that “The older you get, the faster time will fly.”How true that is! Perhaps this is why people try to cram as much into their day as possible. However, when you become too busy and forget to set aside adequate time for yourself, it will take its toll on you physically, ... Views: 1522
Have you ever been in a meeting where there is an agenda but it's not followed? Or, where you discuss the same issue repeatedly, with no resolution? If you answered yes, you are in the majority. Throughout my career, I have sat through hundreds of meetings that were unproductive and a waste of ... Views: 1574
Conducting a good strategic planning session is critical to the success of a solid strategic plan; one that includes specific and measurable goals and objectives, providing a clear direction for the organization. To ensure that the actual planning retreat is as productive as it can be, ground ... Views: 8699
Every nonprofit organization should conduct strategic planning on a regular basis, as strategic plans outline what action steps the organization will take in the future to sustain and grow their operation, while adhering to their mission. Many organizations focus attention on conducting the ... Views: 3618
Having managed or worked for nonprofits most of my career, I have seen effective and ineffective boards of directors. Good boards of directors are clear about their roles and responsibilities versus those of the Executive Director, and don't overstep their boundaries. I feel that the five most ... Views: 1711
Prior to developing a job description for board members, take time to determine what you expect from them. Which roles should they adopt and which tasks, projects, and activities do you want them to be responsible for? In addition, consult your by-laws as they will list board member roles and ... Views: 1510
When I was young, there was a girl who was a year younger and a foot taller than me. She bullied me for approximately two years. One day something inside of me snapped; I decided I wasn’t going to take her abuse any longer and stood up to her. Unfortunately, our confrontation ended in a fight, ... Views: 3785
As a social work and psychology student, Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs was a theory in which we focused a great deal of time. According to Maslow, there are five levels of needs, ranging from physiological to self-actualization. It is difficult to move from one level to the next without ... Views: 2290
Competition for resources in the nonprofit community is fierce, forcing nonprofit organizations to look beyond traditional fundraising strategies, such as applying for grants and contracts. Although there are a myriad of ways to raise money, this article focuses on generating revenue through ... Views: 1378
Today, as competition for resources is fierce, nonprofits have to look beyond traditional fundraising strategies, such as applying for grants and contracts. Although there are a number of ways to raise funds, the purpose of this article is to focus on generating revenue through your ... Views: 1346
Have you ever taken a careful look at the culture of your nonprofit organization? Is the culture positive or negative? Do people enjoy working there, or would they rather be somewhere else? The culture of an organization impacts staff retention, client satisfaction, and the organization's ... Views: 1731
I often wonder about whether attitude is gratitude, or if gratitude is attitude. Actually, I think it is both. If your attitude is positive, more than likely you are thankful for everything that you have. And, if you are grateful for what you have, that says a great deal about your attitude. ... Views: 1452
Collaborative efforts with other agencies are valuable and can have many advantages. However, there are some items you need to consider prior to entering into any type of collaborative relationship. You’ll want to ensure that when you enter into a collaborative relationship, it is a win-win ... Views: 2252
Collaboration is a process where two or more parties get together to work on common goals. The advantages of collaboration are numerous, and they benefit all parties involved. This article lists what I feel are the major advantages of collaborating with your colleagues.
1. Collaboration is ... Views: 4430
Nonprofit organizations have a myriad of issues they need to deal with on a daily basis, leaving them with little time to focus on branding their mission and organization. However, it is important that they allocate some time and money to branding, as good branding will establish a solid ... Views: 1498
Disciplining employees can be time consuming, difficult, and challenging. However, if you want the disciplinary action process to go as smoothly as possible, it is important to develop clear policies and procedures that will result in a strong disciplinary action program. By having a solid ... Views: 3572
Ernest Hemingway once said “When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” How true that is. How many times has someone asked you how you were, but doesn’t take the time to listen to your response? They may cut you off, start talking about themselves, or walk away. If ... Views: 3484
Once you make the decision to hire a new staff member, you’ll want to ensure that a personnel file is developed for him/her, and that it contains all required documentation and other pertinent materials. Including the appropriate paperwork in a personnel file can protect both the employer and ... Views: 2305
When you think about having a performance evaluation or review, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? For many people, however skilled and good they may be at doing their job, the thought of an upcoming performance evaluation creates anxiety. Expecting the worse, people tend to ... Views: 2308
In the nonprofit field, salaries are generally low and working with clients who have multiple needs can be challenging. Although this can make employee retention difficult, there are steps you can take to provide a work environment that is supportive and fun, one that individuals look forward ... Views: 1865
Providing appropriate initial and ongoing training for new staff members is essential, not only in terms of preparing individuals for their new position, but also in retaining them for a longer period of time. Trained staff members are more knowledgeable and possess a diverse array of skills, ... Views: 2524
Many years ago, I learned an interesting way to look at recruiting new board members. Although an organization’s bylaws may require consumers, specific types of professionals (e.g., doctors, service providers), or professionals who have certain credentials (e.g., a licensed social worker, ... Views: 2019
Whether you are developing goals and objectives for a grant application, during a strategic planning process, or for your staff members or team, there are four items you need to remember to ensure your goals and objectives are easy to understand and implement. To illustrate these items below, I ... Views: 2186
I have interviewed potential applicants for a variety of staff positions over the past 20 years. In the nonprofit field, I have found there are certain steps supervisors should take when interviewing potential candidates. My top seven items to consider during the interview process, to ensure ... Views: 1689
I have recruited potential applicants for a variety of staff positions over the past 20 years. In the nonprofit field, organizations generally have limited budgets. This can result in lower salaries and a high turnover in staff members. If you want to attract qualified individuals whose ... Views: 2350