I agree that Law of Attraction can be applied within any religion, as it points to a universal truth that all the primary spiritual teachers have been pointing to since the dawn of man's ability to wonder about such things.
At the same time, I think that exactly BECAUSE it is a universal ... Views: 1486
Dealing with idiots is hard. Its one of the hardest areas of my life. Now, before we go any further, yes I realize that seeing someone as an idiot is part of the problem. I am using my phrasing the way I am just because we can all identify with the sentiment. Its has more a draw than “dealing ... Views: 5121
We Have A Purpose
There is something inside you that craves fulfillment-inside all of us. Most of us were not taught nor encouraged to pursue a career that was meaningful to us. When the time came, we were most often pushed to pick something that would earn a good income, that we could stand. ... Views: 1267
Several years ago I was torn. I was going through a period where I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but I knew it wasn’t the life that I had. I was unhappy in my work. My love life wasn’t what I wanted it to be (as I was single). And there were more experiences, and even toys that I wanted in my life. ... Views: 9745
Brainwashing is typically looked at as a negative thing. At the same time, we sort of innately know (plus we have science to prove) that our lives consist of what we think about all day. So, truth is, we are sort of brainwashing ourselves anyway. It’s just a matter of how conscious we are about ... Views: 1454
If you listen closely you can almost hear it-the clank of the “golden handcuffs” hitting the ground.
What are the “golden handcuffs”? They are that thing that keeps people from leaving a job they really aren’t fulfilled by, but which makes them too much money for them to walk away. Thus, they ... Views: 1393