As we celebrate this Veterans Day to honor our country’s heroes and pay respect to their service and sacrifice, it’s difficult not to get caught up with the emotions and controversy surrounding the recent massacre at Fort Hood Army base in TX. What happened was indeed a tragedy and the families ... Views: 945
We're each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing each other" Luciano De Crecenzo
"Mayday!" is the universally recognized call of distress. It means - "I Need Help...NOW!!"
It's a call you never want to make, but it could very well be the most important of your ... Views: 812
I love being flawless. It puts a big smile on my face. Whether giving a speech, making a cold call, or bluffing at poker, it's nice to have a perfect mission.
Ok...let's get real almost NEVER happens!!
So many companies have a mission of 'flawless execution' for their ... Views: 2998
It's Friday night and you're stressed our perusing the web searching for job leads. In just two weeks you will be on terminal leave from the military and you're nervous. The economy is in shambles, jobless rates are at an all time high, and you have zero experience in the corporate world. To ... Views: 792
We've all been there! Trying to get a noteworthy prospect to return our calls and take our value added proposal, product, or service seriously. No matter how many times it happens, it's never easy getting used to the fact that some folks simply will not return our calls or take the next step in ... Views: 827
Picture a crisp, clear spring day. You're flying 550 knots at 22,000 feet, with your wingman two miles off and exactly ninety degrees to your right, on a combat mission in southern Iraq's no-fly zone. You both are scanning for enemy aircraft, surface-to-air missiles (SAMS), and radar activity. ... Views: 843
It's extremely rare for the squadron commander to meet you at your jet after a training mission, so when I saw Lt. Col. Dodson approaching my jet with a stern look on his face, I knew something was up.
"Waldo, we need to talk," he said as he headed for the aircraft hangar. "Yes, sir!" I ... Views: 1093
Arlete is my cleaning lady. She is the most positive, loving person I know. And I love her for it.
I have to admit I just don’t like to vacuum and mop my floors so I would rather pay someone to do it. So, Arlete comes by when I need her and she creates a space happiness in my life by giving ... Views: 1062
Have you ever wondered what it takes before a fighter pilot can strap on a $30 million dollar jet and fly a mission for their country?
Well, before fighter pilots ever get to fly, we have to demonstrate expertise in tactics, technology, threats, systems, etc. Extensive hours of study, ... Views: 736
December 21st, 1998 – a brisk winter day in Saudi Arabia. I was stationed on my first combat deployment, flying missions enforcing the Iraqi southern no-fly zone.
I was scheduled to take off on only the fourth combat sortie of my career, inexperienced and quite nervous. It ... Views: 1127
The air conditioned briefing room felt as cold as ice as I waited for the arrival of my instructor. I was a bundle of nerves. One more ‘busted’ check ride would put me one flight away from washing out of Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT). My dream of becoming a fighter pilot hung by a ... Views: 744
As I write this article at my favorite Starbucks, I can't help but hear the conversation next to me. A middle-aged woman is having a coffee meeting with a peer discussing job opportunities, the market, and their personal networks. It's obvious that she's lost her job due to cutbacks and is ... Views: 774
I remember the first time I was deployed to Iraq during Operation Southern Watch. I sat in an intelligence mission briefing with 50 of my fellow fighter pilots (my wingmen) where we were briefed on the multiple threats that scattered the enemy terrain in Iraq. The SAM’s (surface to sir ... Views: 745