What is confidence? You can't see it, touch it or buy it; however, you can feel in with in and see it in other people. It's an energy and a belief system about yourself that is similar to a muscle, growing and getting stronger or shrinking and weakening.
What would you try if you had more ... Views: 863
Where you are today is directly related to the choices you’ve made up to this point; one month, two weeks, last year and even a decade ago.
There are so many choices that we make everyday, some big, some small, conscious or subconscious. However, in our lives the choices we make dictate the ... Views: 1172
We are living in a tough working market, where unemployment rates are creeping up to all time highs. Many people have found their positions cut, companies once strong in the market are now closing their doors; others are beginning to get nervous and their fear levels are rising. People are ... Views: 1094
Relationships are all around us, from our family members to fellow colleagues to customers and to our friends. There are three easy things you can do today to instantly change the relationships in your life.
When was the last time you really felt you were heard? Many of us do not ... Views: 1061
Goals or achievements are clearly defined destinations. In order to get there, you need to know and decide where you’re going. So, where do you want to go? What is it you’d like to achieve in your personal and professional life?
Why set goals?
Setting goals allows for personal achievement, ... Views: 1306
Stress and problems are just a natural part of life. How you react and interpret stressful situations can have a great impact on you and your life. Here are five ways to handle life’s curve balls.
1. Don’t get “sucked” in.
Whose crisis is this? Is this self imposed, are you taking on too ... Views: 1230