I love the month of December. Many years ago, I decided to give up any aspects of the holidays that caused stress or a feeling of "I don't want to be doing this!" As a result, I gave up shopping for gifts, attending any parties or events that I truly didn't want to attend, and sitting in ... Views: 1097
There is really no such thing as time management. We all have the same 24 hours a day. What you can manage is where you put your attention. Where you spend your energy and time. And for many of you, you may not be spending your precious time doing things you love or being in environments ... Views: 1184
Big topic huh? One of the my favorite books about life meaning is “How Then Shall We Live” by Wayne Muller. In it he poses 4 questions. I share them here with you to get you thinking about the bigger picture of your life. My ultimate goal in sharing this with you is that you will be gentler with ... Views: 1116
Do you find yourself struggling between setting goals and just living in the present moment? There's a tricky line to walk between the two. If you're constantly focused on the future and your goals, you may be missing out on wonderful moments in the here and now. You may also have blinders ... Views: 1011
1. Small is better. There's been a fundamental cultural change toward small business. Many of those who became unemployed have taken control of their own destiny by creating their own work and boosting local economies. Being small allows for customized, quality customer service which ... Views: 1719
Astronomers recently discovered that there are three times as many stars in the universe than was previously thought.
Up till now, they have seriously underestimated the number of other suns in other galaxies – and that means there must be many more planets orbiting them where other life ... Views: 1014
I recently returned from a 3 week vacation in Ireland and Scotland. During that time, I changed the ordinary flow of my days. I felt like I had taken charge of my life again. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify were the words that kept ringing in my head. I checked email only once a week in order ... Views: 1024
I hope you're enjoying some of these lazy, hazy days of summer...I know I am!
Many of you ask me how to choose from all your many ideas -which one should I work on NOW?
I also hear from many of you that you're challenged by the "F" word (and I mean Focus!)
Here's a powerful, easy 8 ... Views: 1253
Now please notice I didn't ask, how intelligent are you? That's an entirely different question. Our culture puts a great deal of weight on assessments given to you when you're in school...I.Q. tests, S.A.T.s, A.C.T.s...alphabet soup. This is unfortunate. These tests only measure a portion ... Views: 1285
How are you feeling at the end of your work days? Like you've accomplished the most important things or wiped out and feeling like you're spinning your wheels?
It can be easy to spread your attention to a million things that are not even remotely related to your business goals and money ... Views: 1265
What is transformation? And more importantly, how does it happen? The dictionary tells you that transformation is a change in form, appearance, nature, or character. Peter Senge, a faculty member at MIT and an expert on learning organizations, states, "as W. Edwards Deming says, nothing ... Views: 1411
What are you convinced of? What do you hold as true for you right now? Are you convinced that work is hard? Are you convinced that you'll never be able to work from home? Are you convinced that, on some level, it's wrong to be prosperous? Or are you convinced that you are always at choice ... Views: 1396
What does authentic living mean to you? The end of the year is a great time to look inside and give some thought to the topic.
An authentic woman (or man) brings an air of assurance, calm, poise, peace to a room or situation. They are living in congruency...meaning their words and actions ... Views: 922
Do you ever wonder how those folks offering free teleseminars ever make money?
I’ll let you in on three secrets.
First, making money with teleseminars is a great goal...however, don’t overlook the importance of building your email list with teleseminars as well. Many people from all ... Views: 1242
People can think about four times faster than a person can talk so it is easy for your participants' minds to wander during your teleseminars.
In our society it is the norm to multitask even though research shows us that multitasking is not effective. When you have someone on the phone, you ... Views: 1088
Getting clients and customers is the #1 need I hear from my clients. If you don’t have your client attraction system in place, you have no business!
Strategy #1. What do you do?
You’ve got to have a short, great answer when someone asks you this question. Start by knowing who your ... Views: 1148
I can’t remember where I first heard about the 80/20 rule – Pareto’s Principle –a powerful success factor. I do remember that it sure got my attention. True to form, first I researched it to see if there was truly evidence for it. There was. Then I applied it to my business and my personal ... Views: 1072
The first book I fell in love with as a child was Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery...here’s a quote I could (and still do!) relate to: "There's such a lot of different Anne’s in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ... Views: 1210
Every self employed person needs to learn how to write successful sales copy. Sales copy is a different style of writing. Just as I had to drop the academic boring writing to the more conversational writing you’re reading now...I had to learn to spice up writing when I wanted to sell something. ... Views: 1179
I highly recommend a book called “The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles” by Steven Pressfield. In it he examines internal obstacles to success and how to unlock your creativity. Today’s tips are adapted from his book.
I am often asked how I get so much ... Views: 1040
It’s one thing to seek out people who are ahead of you in achieving something you want. For example, if you want to reach a six figure income, working from home, it makes sense to find someone who has done that and to learn from them the systems they used. That’s smart. But what I see so many ... Views: 3522
I’m in the process of creating a new profit center for my business. And I thought it might help you to read about the four steps I’m following to create a successful (and fun) profit center.
1. Write out a vision for it. I know...I know. You don’t think this is important. I’m telling ... Views: 1261
Your creative powers are infinite. Yup...think about it. You come from the same source as all of nature around you. Look at fruit trees. How do you think those fruit push themselves up the trunk, through the branches and then hang themselves like beautiful ornaments in just the right place? ... Views: 1316
It’s not my imagination. And it’s not just anecdotal evidence from my own coaching business. I’ve recently read several research articles that find women exhibit a lack of self-confidence in their own abilities as entrepreneurs compared to men; many women do not feel comfortable calling ... Views: 1066
Why am I talking about love in the context of business? And no, I don’t mean a passionate office romance. I’m talking about the fact that loving my clients has been a key to success in my business. It hit me several years ago when someone asked me the secret to my success...without ... Views: 1672
What keeps you from staying in action towards your desired goals? I can bet it’s that four letter word...FEAR. Maybe your first few baby steps toward your goal were a breeze. And then...it’s time to make a specific request from someone or get out to a networking meeting and say “who you are and ... Views: 1084
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive -- the risk to be alive and express what we really are. Don Miguel Ruiz
When you think of your self employment dream –you may find yourself saying:
I don’t know anything about the nuts and bolts of ... Views: 1153
Are you considering a career change? Are you thinking you’d like to be self employed but don’t know where to start? Each of you may be in different stages in the change game. Let me describe the possible stages you may be in right now and what to do right now, right where you are. Wherever ... Views: 1248
Many of the solo professionals whom I coach are people who offer services. They're coaches, consultants, creatives. They’re amazing people with huge hearts and their own unique gifts and genius to share with the world.
But here's the problem: I see many of them focusing on the wrong things. ... Views: 1218
You will have the best results in business if you create your vision first. Then you can take “inspired action” consistently and persistently. Without vision you may find yourself in the same boat as many unsuccessful business owners who dash madly from one marketing effort to another –never ... Views: 1174
In a brilliant book entitled "Job-Shift: How to Prosper in a World Without Jobs,” William Bridges says we are living in a jobless society. What you ask? There are no jobs? Let me explain. In the U.S., the concept that we have of jobs has only been in existence for about the last 150 years. ... Views: 1137
One of our Success Circle members recently asked for more specific guidelines on setting goals. The members each set a 60 Day WOW Goal – an achievement that they will feel really terrific about sharing with other members at the end of 60 days.
Here are my best secrets for setting great WOW ... Views: 1338
The Dictionary definition of an Expert?: a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field. My definition of an Expert: YOU!
Trust me, this was one of my biggest stumbling blocks when starting my business…given that I came from the field of medicine where one of the most ... Views: 1168
There are several low/no cost ways to begin speaking. I would begin speaking for free –I did and it was a great way to build my database quickly. Here are my 4 favorite tips for building your reputation and becoming slightly famous with speaking.
Tip #1: Offer a class related to your ... Views: 1229
Writing articles is one of the top 5 marketing tools I used when I first started my business 10 years ago and it’s one I continue to use today. Why do I love it so much? It’s free, I can leverage the information and use it in several places, it allows me to give something of value to my ... Views: 1317
When I do workshops on marketing ...and mention that speaking is one of the most effective strategies for building a list of contacts who can’t wait to buy from them, most people in the audience look at me with that “no way in hell am I gonna do that” look.
What is it about speaking that makes ... Views: 1047
Many of the women who work with me are shy. And so was I when I first left my “job job” and began networking. When I worked in the university setting, the only networking I did was at conferences where we’d share our curriculum and research findings with others… it didn’t feel like ... Views: 1251
My current coaching clients are all in the process of becoming self employed. They’re excited (and so am I). And they’re thinking about how to creatively make money doing what they love. Are you considering becoming a “free agent?” If so, here are some questions to ask yourself:
What ... Views: 1209
The Greeks didn’t write obituaries. They asked only one question when a man died. "Did he live with passion?" (from the film "Serendipity")
Uncovering your passion allows you to tap into what makes your heart sing. When you consciously create your environments - who you surround tourself with, ... Views: 1083
Our society defines success primarily around three elements: power, money and fame. Many of you reading this may be saying, “wait a minute –those elements are not the most important things to me.” Success is often intangible. It’s certainly unique to each person. Have you considered how you ... Views: 1727
1. Know your purpose
Are you wandering through life with little direction – hoping that you’ll find happiness, health and prosperity? Identify your life purpose or mission statement and you will have your own unique compass that will lead you to your truth north every time.
2. Know your ... Views: 1248