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Setting a goal without boundaries is like eating a massive bowl of chocolate ice cream without a spoon, you can get to the end but it's going to get real messy! Boundaries provide the structure to hold focus. When one sets strong boundaries with a goal, they are making a bold commitment. They ... Views: 1020
How about those New Year’s Resolutions? What’s your track record of sticking to your commitments and achieving your goals? Well here’s why goals fail and what you can do about it:
What's as exciting as turning a new leaf, a clean slate, a fresh start? Motivated and hopeful, ... Views: 1158
Did you know that fewer than 10% of people who set New Years' Resolutions actually achieve them? How can you ensure YOUR success? Try using the Top 10 Tips below.
1. Write Them Down. It's a fact: writing down your goals gives you a higher chance of success.
2. Commit. Move beyond the land of ... Views: 1703
First I’d like to ask, are you a goal setter? If yes, why are you setting goals in the first place? The answer should be to attain an admirable and deserving objective. There are many advantages in defining your objectives. First, like a movie, you choose to direct your own life. You get ... Views: 584
The only New Year’s resolution you need this year is to incorporate principled and focused planning into your life and take action. Principled planning is planning your actions around the principles that are important to you. Focused planning simply means identifying and scheduling ... Views: 989
When it comes to being human I always find that it is funny how easy we think it is to resist our own destiny rather than go for it! This was something I had said to a friend during our phone conversation and I was talking about my on again off again journey with stepping forward to have my book ... Views: 810
There are many benefits of goal setting. It has been found that the ability to effectively set goals throughout life is one of the most important skills that any of us can have. Based on recent studies conducting by professionals in mental health and behavioral science, it has been estimated ... Views: 15892
The ultimate success formula begins with clarity. Now that the New Year is upon us, many of us have made resolutions or have written down what they want to attract for the year. In other words you have determined what you want and desire. The question is why do you want that? What purpose ... Views: 953
Now that you have specifically defined your blissful life, you must take the first step in the walk toward what you want. This step toward the life you desire so greatly requires making a personal commitment to achieving it. Doing this is much more than simply stating you are committed to ... Views: 1000
Success is a personal journey. It looks different for each person. It is more than money, professional titles, or higher education degrees. Planning a life of success is about mapping out the aspects of your life. It is a holistic approach to success that includes mind, body and spirit. (even ... Views: 1249
Do you ever get really excited about your New Year's resolutions, only to have your enthusiasm quickly turn into apathy or frustration? Or, are you so bummed out by the whole concept of New Year's resolutions that you've given up on them completely? If so, I'd like to offer you six tips for ... Views: 962
I offer you a gift of power. It will save you lots of heartache and wasted time and money. It will also prove to be the single most important factor in your success, not just in my business but any business! It is the silver bullet that you can use to overcome any challenge between you and ... Views: 1062
Have you ever made a New Year's resolution, only to make the same resolution the following year?
You may make these New Year goals with the best of intentions, with a desire and determination for change, only to find that a few weeks into the year you find that your determination and ... Views: 860
The start of a new year always seems to bring about a new set of resolutions. But we all know that most people struggle to stick to these within a couple of weeks of the New Year. So, whether your resolution relates to fitness, health, wellbeing, weight loss or personal development; here are ... Views: 714
1. Make it a realistic goal.
Planning to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week might not be exciting, but it is more likely to be successful than planning to lose 30 lbs in 3 weeks; and then gaining it all back. You need to break things down into small steps that you can manage.
2. Make sure the goal is ... Views: 1086
Set good goals
There is little or no point in setting goals that you simply cannot achieve, you may never run the 100 metres in under 11 seconds, but you might lose the 5 pounds you are trying to! The beauty about setting goals is that you can se short, medium and long term goals for everything ... Views: 3896
If you study the most successful and respected people in the world, you’ll find they all share a similar trait; they accept nothing but the best in everything they do. They expect the best from their employees, their friends, their family, and even themselves.
Why do you suppose that is? Are ... Views: 5507
Fear has a purpose -- it should not be ignored, but definitely faced head on.
Whether the fear is physical, emotional or social, it can have beneficial value to protect us from possible harm. In this respect fear can serve us well. The down side is when we allow fear to consume us or shut ... Views: 945
Would you like to make your dream life a reality, regardless of the current economic situation? Of course the answer to that question will be “Yes”! However, many people feel quite negative at the moment and have the idea that they can't achieve any of their goals in these economic ... Views: 2282
Today I would like to cover about a topic I think every one of us can relate to: Fear.
The dictionary defines fear as: noun 1. an anxiety caused by real or possible danger 2. pain, apprehension, concern.
At one time or another we have all experienced the emotion of fear.
There are so many ... Views: 2951
What’s your New Year’s Resolution? Is it to lose weight or begin an exercise program? If you’re like most of us, a fit, healthy body is something you may want to work towards this year. In fact, it’s probably something you wanted to work towards last year as well as the ... Views: 1053
Set goals
Setting goals is the start of your road to success, without realistic and achievable goals, you won't get very far. Here you can investigate some tools that will help you better explore and improve your self confidence and really see your own personal growth.
This is ... Views: 1940
Is Be Do Have What Gets Goals Achieved?
Nearly everyone will freely admit that they need to set goals in order to achieve success. However, the methods that people use for their goal achievement are vastly different. They might believe in setting achievable goals, but then they go about the ... Views: 1779
When I was asked to write an article about resolutions for January 2009, I wondered what I could write that hasn’t already been said. And then I thought, ‘I wonder how many people made resolutions last January and how many people actually achieved what they set out to do?’ ... Views: 958
Why > How
Have you ever worked for years to accomplish a specific goal only to find disappointment at its completion? I have. More than likely the disappointment was due to achieving an arbitrarily selected goal rather than our true intention. For instance, I might believe getting a better job ... Views: 626
Success, happiness and prosperity require investment in yourself first. So to support your goals the first thing you need is a great attitude. Why? Because attitude determines outcome! Also challenges will come and how you handle them and work through them is determined by your attitude ... Views: 1224
Success, happiness and prosperity requires investment in yourself first. So to support your goals the first thing you need is a great attitude. Why? Because attitude determines outcome! Challenges will come and how you handle them and work through them is determined by your attitude. ... Views: 1480
Note to Self : Learning from the 2008 Beijing Olympics on Achieving Goals
The 2008 Olympics in Beijing has come to a close. We will once again be at a loss for something to watch on TV or discuss around the water cooler at work. The 2008 Olympics stood out among those that came before it for a ... Views: 1623
Successful results occur in our personal lives and in our careers when we are proactive in setting and achieving goals. When striving to accomplish a meaningful objective, the path is much clearer and easier to pursue when it is thoroughly considered and well constructed.
The person who has ... Views: 1333
Successful goal selection stems from our inner perceptions and the congruence of our actions. If what we want and how we go about accomplishing our goals is incongruent, then we are likely to experience a degree of self-sabotage.
In order for success to be achieved, one’s intentions and ... Views: 1176
One of the best ways to tackle a problem in your life is to set powerful intentions. Many people have the desire to be different, yet they do not know how to go about making the changes they'd like to see. Lofty goals are often set and seldom achieved, because of a lack of understanding of HOW ... Views: 1069
When I say use what you have to become successful, I'm not talking about sleeping with every Tom, Dick, or Harry. What I'm referring to is recognizing your talent or what resources you have, and utilizing them to help you be successful. I've been trying to pursue my acting career for awhile now ... Views: 542
In 1974, there was a track meet held in Tennessee with some of the greatest athletes of the day. Because of the caliber of the athletes, everyone was hoping that a new world record would be set in the 100-yard dash. One of the runners was Ivory Crockett. Before the race, the television cameras ... Views: 1645
The other day, I was sitting in my bedroom faced with a decision about whether to go exercise or go to the coffee shop. I used to exercise every day. Lately, so much in my life has shifted that I somehow, without even noticing, got out of the habit of daily exercise. It's been nearly three weeks ... Views: 964
One of the great things about the movies is that the hero always manages to lift up from life’s troubles. While the rest of us mere mortals would curl up in a dark corner, the hero commits fully to the journey ahead and finds a way to restore the world’s balance.
If we look ... Views: 1199
Setting goals sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Why is that? What makes it an effective practice, and when does it fail? It's all about how you do it, and later in this article you'll find six or seven tips on how to properly set goals. But first lets take a deeper look at the "motivation ... Views: 957
One of the most common reasons that people don't get to accomplish their goals is that we tend to get distracted, and we lose track of important things that need to be done consistently in order to move forward towards our goals. Maybe you have set a perfectly achievable goal and planned every ... Views: 598
Have you ever wanted to, or dreamed of running a marathon. Well, I did it once and only once. It is one of those, and I hesitate to use this word, monumental goals. Running a marathon is not an undertaking to pursue lightly. However, the approach is that of any other goal you may choose to ... Views: 1403
I constantly talk about coaching. Yes, this is in part because it is what I am professionally. But more importantly, it is because what coaching is and what it can bring to a clients life is not clearly understood. To those in self-help programs, coaching IS NOT sponsorship.
The essence of ... Views: 623
For many, and unfortunately this is an overwhelming majority, setting goals is as unfathomable to them as horses walking on their hind legs. Why is that? Highly successful motivational speaker Jim Rohn shed some light on the answer when he said, "I find it fascinating that most people plan their ... Views: 942
During the course of my career, I have heard this question hundreds of times, "Where's the dust?" Once you have realized what your goals are, have written them down and made your vision board and have given effort into achieving them, you may experience a time where you are not getting the ... Views: 882
Today’s topic is “what direction are you going” – is it in the direction of where you wish to go due to a predetermined thought process? Or, are you just going in the direction away from what you don’t want in life? There’s a huge difference, pick the wrong ... Views: 847
Would you like to lead a life that is complete and fulfilling? Do you want to live the rest of your life with few regrets, knowing you are doing the best you can to make something of your life? You can get a good idea of how to accomplish these goals by incorporating the goals I have set for ... Views: 1485
In order to attain your goal(s) in life there are definite steps that one needs to follow for sure success. Granted, you may reach your goals any other way but be mindful that it can be a painful process at best or at worst the goal becomes pretty elusive. Here are suggested steps for reaching ... Views: 1008
Today’s topic is “what direction are you going” – is it in the direction of where you wish to go due to a predetermined thought process? Or, are you just going in the direction away from what you don’t want in life? There’s a huge difference, pick the wrong ... Views: 1054
Goals are just that: goals to be achieved in the distance, in the future in the making. Goals are our desires, our wants, and sometimes our needs. They are something intangible, unable to be magically manifested without human powers added to those goals. Our powers can be one tiny thing and ... Views: 1018
I don't know a thing about you, and I'll bet that there are goals that you have set for yourself that you are having trouble achieving. You set the same goals year after year. A prime example of this is the New Year's resolution. It is generally excepted that these resolutions are to be made to ... Views: 731
I seem to lost count on how many times I've read and heard of celebrity marriages failing almost left and right. Not that I care (and personally I don't), it seems strange that we often see movie and TV stars as flawless people, living the fairytale life of riches and glamour. I suppose we all ... Views: 760
If you feel frustrated, concerned, or challenged when it comes to both setting your goals and achieving results, you are certainly not alone. Especially in our American Dream-driven society, people often feel a pressure to arrive at their goals “ASAP.” While this may seem to be a ... Views: 1037
The ease and speed at which you get from point A to B depends on the distance between point A and B. So, what is the distance between you and success in whatever field you choose? What is the distance between you and success in your marketing, financial, relationship, happiness or health ... Views: 1428