In Classical Feng Shui directions are key to setting up your feng shui correctly because unlike Black Hat/BTB/Western/New Age feng shui Classical Feng Shui is not based upon your front door. You will need to know where North, South, East, West, NE, etc. are for Classical Feng Shui.
Now when ... Views: 3909
You’ll often see articles on the web, tips on Twitter and YouTube videos telling you how to set up your feng shui in your home or your office. This advice ranges from how to de-clutter to where to set up the Love & Romance area in your home to attract a partner.
What you won’t find is feng ... Views: 2656
Feng shui is becoming more and more popular, particularly since it is about the easiest way to “green” up your building. The front of your building is called the Face of Ch’i (pronounced chee). You can attract more Sheng ch’i (positive energy) by putting your home or office buildings’ best ... Views: 3391
At least once a week I get a call or e-mail from someone who tells me they bought a book to set up the feng shui in their home but that instead of being helpful these books have left them feeling confused and frustrated. Just when they think they understand what the author is saying they read ... Views: 2649
It’s official. The Donald tells Carrie Prejean, “You’re fired!” for not fulfilling her duties as Miss California 20009 and now Tami Farrell is the new reigning queen.
Not having been a beauty queen myself I have no idea what’s required of a job like this but for Carrie Prejean the requirements ... Views: 2441
It’s summer and that means inviting friends and family over for bar-b-que, beer and parties around the pool. Start your summer celebration off right by creating the ideal feng shui atmosphere so everyone has a great time.
The Setting: The water in the pool will likely dominate your party ... Views: 2430
This week John Edwards dropped the bombshell that he has been lying about an affair he had over a year ago. Now everyone's waiting with baited breath to see if he's also the father of his mistress' baby, which he also denies.
It's not surprising that this news would land in the press this ... Views: 1765
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***Olympics And 08.08.08 - by Chriss Barr, Feng Shui & Dowsing Expert, the Official Guide to Dowsing
The opening ceremonies in Beijing take place this Friday, August 8, 2008 at 8:08 p.m. The number 8 is considered very auspicious in the Chinese culture and also in feng shui as well.
The number 8 is associated with Wealth in both China and in feng shui. Additionally, there are nine 20 year ... Views: 1982
Hillary Clinton was never a contender for the Democratic nomination because she is a West Group person. You see, in feng shui there are two types of people: West Group and East Group. Both groups have four directions that are ideal for them. For West Group people these are Northwest, West, ... Views: 2140
I was recently coaxed onto a web forum to talk about feng shui…or so I thought. It turned out that the people asking questions just wanted to ridicule the art and insult me at the expense of someone I love (my husband).
Despite the underhanded way they got me to the forum they did bring up ... Views: 2126
Last week I talked about the different layers of feng shui: Space, Time and Quantum. Another important component to an effective feng shui consultation is dowsing.
Dowsing is an art that dates back over 8,000 years and is most commonly associated with looking for water. If you've ever seen ... Views: 1516
A lot of my e-zine subscribers are managers of high rise buildings. High rises present their own set of challenges when it comes to feng shui because feng shui works with the energy of the earth so the closer to ground level your living and work spaces are the better your feng shui will work. ... Views: 4393
Feng shui can be your best friend or your worst enemy. In the case of the Yearning for Zion Ranch it was the latter. These 3 things created the ideal location for child abuse at the Texas ranch:
1. The layout of the property. The Temple sits on the West side of the compound and in feng shui ... Views: 1404
Have you ever walked into a home or a business and felt it had “bad vibes?” Although you probably couldn’t quite put your finger on it, you knew something wasn’t right. More than likely, you tried to get out of there as fast as you could because you weren’t ... Views: 8273
All of my Feng Shui consultations also include space clearing. Space clearing is a process used to 'clear the air' of unwanted, stale, stagnant and dense energy from a building, whether that be a home or an office.
The reason for using space clearing in feng shui is that it opens up the ... Views: 1311
What in the world does feng shui have to do with good health? Isn’t feng shui about interior design? Most people have this impression because feng shui hasn’t been around the United States very long. In fact, Feng shui is realtively new to the United States. It was introduced to us in the ... Views: 1960
What in the world does feng shui have to do with good health? Isn’t feng shui about interior design? Most people have this impression because feng shui hasn’t been around the United States very long. In fact, Feng shui is realtively new to the United States. It was introduced to us in the ... Views: 1708