The brain and nervous system is the main conduit for the natural electrical energy that flows through the neurons through to the tiniest pathways. Injury is the greatest source of interference in the spines messaging system that may cause damaged nerves and or interference with the firing of ... Views: 2766
In the dance of the observation of the flow of life that each observer has occurring during the course of the day there are moves that are so fast that really are the light review. Where a person gets stuck in an actual light review is the whoring of the consciousness as seeking acceptance by ... Views: 1978
In the moments when you are asleep and lucid in the mind allow the place of your days accomplishments to fruition from the mind of your creation to come forth from your subconscious that is the executor of your creative projects when you are tuned away from the immediate five senses. When the ... Views: 3099
So much has been written about the aura or human energy field and no two descriptions are ever completely the same in various sources and teachings available today. I believe the reason for this is that perceiving these fields is a subjective experience as we all see things from our own unique ... Views: 4623
In Blue Matrix Energetics the practitioner learns to understand and process the variety of the spectrums of ultra violet, x-ray, gamma and the zero point field; the quiet, radiant fields. These frequencies are known in sciences like astronomy but rarely discussed in the realm of energy based ... Views: 3340
In observing the drinking habits of the common person there is evidence in many about the loss of connectedness of the consciousness to the knowledge of the potency and origins of the beverage. A body does not process the beverage in the same manner as a person who knows what the symbol of the ... Views: 1930
Blue Matrix Energetics I Merkaba Technique
This technique is taught in Blue Matrix Module I. It involves focusing energetically to detach from the past and to create a new calibration of mind in the present. The number one obstacle in manifesting the new health state ... Views: 3957
All people are plugged into the binary computer technology by virtue of the presence of that system on the planet. How does this affect the world? Well in order to understand the consciousness necessary for the invention of quantum computing and the information highway the observer must ... Views: 2184
If you wear a gray alien masque on Halloween you might become an astrologer. Artifacts of Mesopotamia point to the meaning of the eye that houses the stars; if you have eyes then you will know your destiny. In the skirt symbolism of early tablets that are from the continent of Africa and other ... Views: 2946
In any situation where an agreement is formed to share a reality there is then made a commitment between the parties to do that. Legally the words ‘in trust’ mean and that there is something left to an appointed trustee lets say to care for and to dispense to another that may be a minor. So ... Views: 1759
Where did insecurity, jealousy and competitiveness among women that is still seen either subtly or blatantly in society originate from? Here is a possible contributing factor: the sex trade and pornography industries. A male may purchase a woman who is all made up, with a gorgeous body for a ... Views: 1701
Chariots of fire in the sky written about in the Old Testament. How did Moses get the Ten Commandments? A radio wave beam of information hitting a tablet is able to carry and produce an anomaly that could be interpreted as a phenomenon. How would this be interpreted by a person ages ago that ... Views: 2324
In my healing and personal development work I am on a constant journey into understanding myself as a multi dimensional being and all the frequency levels that our mind functions in. I would like to address something that is vitally important to understand in moving forward with the blue Matrix ... Views: 1817
Removing oneself from conflict, arguing and emotional blame or blight from a blamee is simple and one hundred percent vital to ending the aging process and reducing the chances of your eventual death from genetic deterioration. Upon an emotional reaction occurring in you stop and allow the ... Views: 1957
So we have the crop circles and the Ziggurat symbols of hyperspace math given again in successive generations that have been forgotten and then re described by history in increasingly inaccurate forms of information from the original accounts beam projected onto fields with beautiful intricacy ... Views: 3045
A being dies goes to the light realm and has a light review for example where there is a judgment and persecution of people in that life. Upon experiencing the split second moment where the individual experienced the perspective of what it was to be on the receiving end of the entity’s actions ... Views: 1594
A single most desolate land is the state of impoverished people sitting on street corners. I once passed such a crouched woman while working at a wealthy jeweler on a break and decided to pick up an extra coffee for that individual. On my way back the woman was no longer there and I learned ... Views: 1695
How sad the soul must be in a moment that has forgotten inspiration that alights the eyes while the DNA sings replicating immortality. Such a clean moment is then destroyed with self consciousness, gossip, fear and demented emotionalism in an individual who has not climbed out of the pit. Fear ... Views: 1862
Study of ancient papyrus, tablets and the depiction of beauty had some of the same mystery as advertisements that have beautifully painted eyes with one difference; the families painted were great pharaohs and their families who revered the body as sacred servants of propagation of genetics ... Views: 4127
In the homes of the abused children of the past we have an underground present today of the S&M and Domination and Submission scenes. A parent is a role model for a child at an early age as loving authority. If this relationship is tainted with over discipline at an early age then the bonding ... Views: 2247
Definition of a Techno Freak: anyone who uses technology that they have researched and are an informed consumer. How else would a very cool person exercise his or her right to push the market place and demand the products that are supplied by compliant companies? Why would they comply with what ... Views: 2938
In order to have children who are sovereign and well adjusted it is vital for non co dependent relationships to be present between parents especially during the phase of the child’s life when the individual is maturing dating and beginning to engage sexually.
What is over protection? Is it ... Views: 1766
A football quarterback running for the touch down either makes it through the tackles unscathed and scoring or gets ploughed out of the touch down. Two very different sets of wiring are possible for such an athlete. One is the adrenalin rush of the job the other is a completely different ... Views: 1690
A couple happy and excited about the birth of their first child is a lovely reality however there are hidden traps that will no longer be hidden if they are examined ahead of time. This question will open that Pandora's box: If you had to choose between the life of your wife or the baby which ... Views: 1743
Trees are one of the largest landmarks on our Earth about the information highway that humanity is a part of. Our brain, spinal cord, lungs, veins and arteries all show a similar construct that actually exists in all parts of our anatomy like branches growing outward and touching one another. ... Views: 1512
Any parent that is aware of the effects of stress from a number of factors and why upon taking a vacation it may be difficult to relax if a person is used to the stress load draining their adrenal function. If the adrenals area used to a certain output of the cortisol hormone and others then ... Views: 2635
In the haystack of 'Ascension' information that is available on the internet and through seminars there is a question that arises regarding where people are at with the understanding of what that means. The average person is not ready to glow so powerfully that their flesh is squeezed with ... Views: 1634
Cigarette smoking has an odd mind around it in society that I would like to address. If we look at why people are trying to quit then we understand that there is an addiction associated with the activity. It is not necessary for anyone to consume cigarettes in any larger quantities than coffee, ... Views: 2131
So many women have had the hidden aspect of the desire to have beautiful intimate experiences that not enough literature has supported knowledge to be available to them to form the concepts necessary for the evolution of mind that knows freedom in ... Views: 8975