What example have you set? What is your legacy? Will others who stand where you once stood be able to follow your path to success? The chronicle of you is more important than you could ever imagine. To give the gift of hope and inspiration to another is priceless. To empower another person ... Views: 2129
If you feel as though your constant work and effort are to no avail, you may not possess a clear enough vision for yourself. Do you take inspired action or have you merely busied yourself with tasks seemingly related to your dreams? Do you know what has prompted you to take action and pursue ... Views: 1985
An immovable will is something that we must possess in order to achieve the things of our greatest desires and fantasies. To have an immovable will does not mean that you are simply a stubborn person, it mean that you have a determination that is so deeply rooted to your core that it has become ... Views: 1711
It is imperative that we understand our internal reasons for wanting to help another person. Many talk about the building of relationships through the volunteering of time or resources. If it is your intention to help another because of the potentially fruitful relationship that may result you ... Views: 1451
We all have influence over our options and in turn, our options give us influence. It is not others who give us options, it is ourselves. We have the power to enable possibilities within our minds. “Practical” and “rational” are the enemies of this type of internal empowerment. They are self ... Views: 1486
What are the things you see in yourself that you wish others could see? Do they see your potential and all that you are capable of? Consider for a moment the means by which you choose to express yourself. The things that you use as your outlets are clues to the best and brightest parts within ... Views: 1524
Two common phrases used to describe the impact a person has are “your words speak volumes” and “your silence is deafening”. However, the opposite is true as well. Silence speaks volumes. Inaction and the unspoken evoke results in the same ways as spoken words and actions. It is often more ... Views: 1610
Every cause or mission is unique. It is in its unique character that its strength is found. However, every great idea must be supported and built up to its ultimate potential. This process requires a team. A team will support you by bringing new ideas, resources and techniques to you and ... Views: 1527
The first and most important step to attaining elusive dreams is to know and believe that they are indeed attainable. A shift in your mindset must take place in order to have and hold the things you want most, but feel are out of reach. The key to this shift in mindset is to remove self ... Views: 1893
Use your passion to simplify your life. Knowing what you want out of life and intending your success in achieving it is the best way to simplify your life. Follow your passion every day. By first identifying that which you are passionate about, you will be able to categorize the other items ... Views: 1696
What types of goals have you set for yourself? Do your goals serve you and bring you happiness? Your goals should advance you towards your dreams. Set goals that are in alignment with what you truly want in life. Intend that the achievement of each goal will allow you to receive a bit of ... Views: 1337
Never attempt to re-evaluate a decision until you have first acted upon it. If you change your mind, opinion or decision before you have acted upon it you may be falling victim to your own internal conflict. When we re-evaluate a decision it is most likely in an attempt to validate a change of ... Views: 3489
What do you need to do to achieve your dream? How do you reach something so far away from your current condition? In order to achieve your dreams you must break down your vision into achievable milestones and goals. This is a method that has been taught for many years, but is only half the ... Views: 1297
To change your current reality requires action. Continuously stating your disappointment or discontentment with your life only adds fuel to the fire. If you are unhappy with your life, change it. No one can change it but you and no one is responsible for placing you into your current ... Views: 884
The definition of a person is not what he or she does for a living or even what they do in their leisure time. We are multi dimensional beings and no one thing defines us. I am not my job and my job is not my life. When is the last time you sat down to ask yourself, who am I? Does what I do ... Views: 5159
Gratitude and commitment are the keys to success. To be successful you must commit yourself to your dream. You must do so wholly and without doubt. When your conscious and subconscious mind are in alignment with your desires, magical things will begin to happen. You will be propelled into a ... Views: 1222