5 Great Phoning Tips Everyone Can Use!
With e-mails, tweets, blogs, texts and other easy electronic forms of communication becoming more mainstream, I couldn’t help but think now might be a great time for some old-fashioned, back to the basics, and tried and true tips for PHONING! Everyone ... Views: 2273
First Impressions Aren’t Everything
Have you ever heard this phrase?
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression”
If you lived through the 80s,
You may remember the Head and Shoulders ads that drilled this into our heads.
(No pun intended)
It is SO ... Views: 2708
Authentic Accountability
Accountability is the backbone of success. Without accountability, dreams, and ambitions will almost always fall by the wayside. With accountability, motivation levels go up, things get done even when the effort doesn’t seem worth it, and goals get accomplished. So ... Views: 5129
Goals & Commitments
Don’t confuse a commitment with a goal!
Commitments are things that you WILL do.
Goals are things that you WOULD LIKE TO do.
I would say that anything that is not in your control would NOT be something you could make a COMMITMENT to.
IE: “I’ll make a ... Views: 3243
On Stage…Off Stage
It’s time for the big meeting.
Straighten your tie.
Check your hair.
Take a deep breath.
On goes the biggest smile and…
“Hello there! How are you today…”
And you’re off and running.
Ever seen this before?
Ever been this before?
It’s like ... Views: 1071
Change Can Be Good!
Now more than ever,
Things change in our world more and more every day.
And the people that work to adapt to that change are the ones that become successful.
It’s the people that see the change,
Recognize that they are not going to be able to stop it,
And ... Views: 1156