Being a Mother is hard and you may feel like you always need to take care of someone else - but who takes care of you? Learn the glory of finding your "inner mama"!
I appreciate Mother’s Day in a whole new way now that I’m a Mother myself.
I realize that it’s not just about honoring my ... Views: 1083
Congratulations! So you have finally allowed yourself to recognize (even if just a little bit, like a tiny little whisper) the deep calling of your heart - that you would like to leave your job, write a novel, create a family, start painting portraits, really expand your business in order to ... Views: 945
Has something like this ever happened to you: a friend of yours gives you a call in the evening to invite you to lunch the next day. You are very busy and have been waiting to spend some quality time with yourself, your children, your husband, and just the prospect of going out to lunch with ... Views: 1401
Do you have a challenging time with your schedule?
Well, you're not alone! Nearly everyone I know and nearly everyone I've ever coached can relate to this in some way. This includes: feeling like there is too much to do, feeling like there is not enough to do, feeling overworked, overtired, ... Views: 1125
How many times have you set out to do something, and when it doesn’t work out after the 1st or 2nd attempt, you decide that you’re a failure, you’re not good at it, you’ll never learn how to do it, or it’s not for you?
I often hear a story similar to this from women when I first meet ... Views: 1147
Delegating is so incredibly important because the more successful you become and want to be, the more responsibility there is. However, you are not supposed to be doing it all on your own! In fact, any good leader knows that the way to accomplish all that you want to accomplish is by enlisting ... Views: 1337
Let’s say Geena is your friend of many years. She is a smart, creative, go-getter and beautiful to top it off - a source of admiration for many. Yet still, she confides in you, whenever she lands a major success like getting published in a popular publication or being accepted into a competitive ... Views: 1904
Imagine you are standing at the edge of a cliff. Deep inside you have a rising desire to jump. You know in your heart that if you could get to the other side of the canyon, there would be amazing gifts and rewards waiting for you. Gifts that would make your heart sing. You just know ... Views: 1052
“When people don’t get what they want from life, usually it’s because they don’t know what they want.” - Keith Ellis
Do you know what you want out of life?
Do you really know what you want out of life?
I’m not talking about a having the perfect figure, designer handbags, or the title of ... Views: 1305
Today I want to share with you an important piece of information that may seem very obvious. The truth is, though, most people don't utilize this incredibly effective tool for moving forward and getting unstuck instantaneously!The powerful tool I'm talking about is the mini-action step, as I ... Views: 1144
Each December, many of us begin making our New Year's resolutions – lists of juicy and not-so-juicy goals we'd like to achieve over the year. We promise ourselves things like "lose 10 pounds," "create a loving relationship," "take a trip to Costa Rica," or "eat less sweets." Often we accomplish ... Views: 1331
In my coaching practice, I hear it time and time again:
"Ugh, it's wintertime. It's cold and dark...and I feel stuck!"
Entering into the winter season can bring up a lot of fear, anxiety, and struggle for you if you "fight" against it. Most of us are naturally drawn to the energy and ... Views: 1288
It's that time of the year again - holiday season! Next week, many of us will begin a dizzying six weeks of traveling, eating, partying, spending, and being with family. It can be a lot to handle, even for the most balanced and prepared individuals.
Often, by the time the New Year emerges, ... Views: 1117
I have been talking a lot lately with women who are telling me that they are working hard, quite often achieving their goals, and yet still not feeling successful, accomplished, or good about what they are doing. A typical story goes like this:
You decide that you want to accomplish a big ... Views: 4454
In our Modern World, life can get really busy and really fast. We spend a lot of time and energy running around, and also place a lot of importance on our left brains - our rational minds.
Despite all this, somewhere, deep in our souls, we know the importance of slowing down and connecting to ... Views: 1647
Autumn is the perfect time to clean out and let go of what no longer serves you in your life.
Look around and notice that the days are getting shorter and the leaves are falling from the trees. Soon, there will be less bounty and abundance being offered from the flowers and plants. Nature is ... Views: 1278
By now, you probably know that creating a solid Action Plan and Blueprint are key to envisioning and following through on any BIG project, from building your business to publishing your book to reaching your health or fitness goals.
If you plan correctly, you will have not only a juicy vision ... Views: 804
You are a daughter of the earth, a lover, a mother, an artist, a daughter, a friend, a healer....a woman.
You are complete already, whole unto yourself. Your heart is the barometer for what is right in your life.
You have choice. Choice is freedom. At any moment, you can choose to step ... Views: 782
How many times have you set out to do something, and when it doesn’t work out after the 1st or 2nd attempt, you decide that you’re not good at it, you’ll never learn how to do it, or it’s not for you?
I often hear a story similar to this from women just before I start coaching with them. Some ... Views: 917
Over the years, I have noticed that some of the most common, most painful, and most challenging blocks stem from thinking patterns. Often, it's not our outside circumstances, our luck, our families or our businesses that keep us stuck. Instead, what tends to hold us back and hurt us the most ... Views: 3212
As we reach the end of June, we are coming upon the half-year mark. This is a wonderful time to take stock of how far you've come with your goals for 2009 and plan how to leverage your time and align your actions to follow through on all your goals with joy and confidence by the end of the ... Views: 1022
Imagine this: You are standing at the edge of a cliff. Deep inside there is a rising desire to jump. You know in your heart that if you can get to the other side of the canyon, there are amazing gifts and rewards waiting for you. Gifts that will make your heart sing. You just know it. ... Views: 1123
In my last article, I discussed the role that fear plays in our lives and introduced the idea that we can transform it into a positive force that works for us. Fear often creeps up when we are ready to pursue a compelling, juicy goal. Sometimes our fear is so big that it rears its head before ... Views: 1072
We all know the feeling. You have just set an exciting, compelling goal for yourself. Maybe the goal is to climb Machupichu or to create a new career or to begin dating again or to finally tell that less-than-supportive friend how she has hurt you. Whatever the goal is, it is something you know ... Views: 1052
As life gets faster and faster, workloads get bigger and longer. Many professionals - whether they work for an employer or for themselves - are finding that there are too many projects to do and not enough time to complete it all. Feeling the time crunch and not accomplishing everything that you ... Views: 1053
I find that many of the women I coach enlist my services because they aren’t living the life that they really want to live. When we begin to look into that together, we often find that their priorities do not match how they spend their actual time. If you are not spending your time and your days ... Views: 6422
Our bodies contain treasures of important and valuable information about our lives and our careers. This body wisdom is called intuition, calling our intuition to action can help us navigate our lives with more ease and confidence.
Many of us, however, aren’t in practice of hearing and ... Views: 844
I’m so excited to share this process with you! I’ve developed a unique method to help you create your own personal guide of instructions and inspiration for 2009….all based on what’s most important to you!
Step 1: Create a Personal Theme Power Page - Now that you’ve got your Personal Theme for ... Views: 938
How often do you find yourself in an anxiety tizzy because of something you’re worrying about? In fact, you’re so upset or anxiety-ridden or regretful that you’ve forgotten to pay attention to the POTENTIAL for growth, opportunity, and joy that is unfolding at that very moment.
I am a strong ... Views: 1761
I am a firm believer that each of us, no matter who we are, has a deep and sacred desire to be BIG and be seen for the positive impact we are making on our families, friends, communities and the world. Even if you know yourself to be the most modest person out there, you still have, somewhere ... Views: 1171
Have you ever noticed that it’s often times the small things that occupy and drain much of our time and energy? It’s those subtle things that unassumingly pile up - the lightbulb that needs to be replaced or the dress that needs to be returned or the parking ticket that needs to be paid or the ... Views: 922
How often do you find yourself in an anxiety tizzy because of something you're worrying about? In fact, you're so upset or anxiety-ridden or regretful that you've forgotten to pay attention to the POTENTIAL for growth, opportunity, and joy that is unfolding at that very moment.
I am a strong ... Views: 889
Have you ever noticed that it's often times the small things that occupy and drain much of our time and energy? It's those subtle things that unassumingly pile up - the lightbulb that needs to be replaced or the dress that needs to be returned or the parking ticket that needs to be paid or the ... Views: 814
It happens to so many of us – the holiday season passes, and we find ourselves in January feeling tired, moody, overwhelmed, and maybe even antisocial.
Here are some common experiences of the winter months:
- You feel unusually tired or irritable
- The holiday season has left you ... Views: 1337
Our bodies contain treasures of important and valuable information about our lives – everything from what types of food are good for us to eat, to what our ideal bedtime is, to knowing who our mates should be or what career to choose, to making a decision about a home we are thinking about ... Views: 1026
How often do you find yourself operating from a place of scarcity. The internal voice of scarcity sounds something like this; “There isn’t enough for me….I don’t have enough….Everyone else gets or accomplishes things and I don’t….I’ll never have ... Views: 1438
In my last article, I discussed the role that fear plays in our lives and introduced the idea that we can transform it into a positive force that works for us. Fear often creeps up when we are ready to pursue a compelling, juicy goal. Sometimes our fear is so big that it rears its head before ... Views: 952
We all know the feeling. You have just set an exciting, compelling goal for yourself. Maybe the goal is to climb Machupichu or to create a new career or to begin dating again or to finally tell that less-than-supportive friend how she has hurt you. Whatever the goal is, it is something you know ... Views: 816
In Harold Kushner’s book "Living a Life That Matters," the author thoughtfully explores the questions –
-How can we live a life where we know we are contributing to the well being of the world?
-How can we really feel like we matter (to ourselves and to others)?
(I’d say these questions ... Views: 865