In the present day business world, business leaders face more pressures than ever. And the dynamics of today’s business world requires that multinational CEOs remain on top of their game in every stratum of their jobs so as to stay ahead of contemporaries and competitors. Ideally, modern ... Views: 1091
Training and certification differentiate a doctor from a quack; the same reality applies to coaching. Just anyone can call themselves a coach, but not anyone has the coaching skills to back up the title. It is true everyone who aspires to be a life or business coach expects to enjoy the ... Views: 1127
All of us know how a small stone thrown into a pond can stir up ripples all around it. This imagery is a good way of showing how a single person can make a big impact on his surroundings and the people around him. It shows how a person and his attitude can affect so much even without his notice ... Views: 994
Some people say that anyone can be a leader. Which is wholly true, but the fact is that not everyone is a leader. Being a leader is a conscious choice that people will have to make. Everyone may be born with the potential to become a leader but only a few actually explore it and become one. ... Views: 1127
A thought leader is often someone within a specific industry that’s known for having innovative ideas and solutions. These leaders are considered as experts in their field of specialisation and would often have their opinions sought by others in the same industry.
You might wonder what makes ... Views: 1261
The word ‘coach’ can either signify a means of transport or a tutor or person who provides guidance and instruction.(Although we know that real Coaches do not advise or dictate). While different meanings entirely, they still have something in common and that is to help and encourage people to ... Views: 1049
The Manager and Leader
The difference between management and leadership has often been discussed. Though the two have distinct differences, each of them go together to make a cohesive whole that makes a person more effective both as a manager and as a leader. However, a person can be a leader ... Views: 1334
Executives are normal people and they need coaching too. The leaders in each organization who have proven over time that they can do a lot for the company can get bogged down. Those ideas that seemed so revolutionary before can become a thing of the past. The truth is that anyone can reach a ... Views: 877
At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, the leader of The Energy Project, Tony Schwartz asked some of the world's leading Nobel Laureates during dinner what are the biggest challenges humanity is facing. Each of the Laureates called out challenges that we’ve been familiar with for the past ... Views: 1410
Dealing with e-mail can certainly take up a lot of time and energy and will usually occupy people for the first few hours of every day. Most of you out there can certainly relate to this, when you come in to work or when you open your laptop the first thing that you do is to check your e-mail ... Views: 868
Outsourcing has certainly increased in popularity to the point where instead of being an option that companies can explore, it’s becoming the norm. Instead of outsourcing being used mainly by large companies, small to medium business have started to embrace this concept and are really beginning ... Views: 909
Often, people look back on their day and wonder where the time has gone and why they were not able to accomplish the things that they needed and really wanted to. While it’s certainly true that there are only a limited number of hours within a day that people can use to accomplish the things ... Views: 1013
With such an increasing competition in the market sector, an individual has to be competitive enough to cope up with his targets and get through his goals. Thus, there is an urgent need of professional and expert coaching in each and every type of business, and in each and every sector. No ... Views: 1276
How can you stay on top of things in such a fast changing and progressing environment? How will you manage to attain both personal and organisational goals? How will you maintain your levels of performance in the fast paced fast moving and ever-changing world of work and how will you ever be ... Views: 940
Effective managerial skills are very important for the development of any organisation. Managers should be capable enough to control the team. Coaching is significantly said to be the most helpful tool in order to be a good manager. Coaching helps improve the performance of managers in every ... Views: 1264
This is the first stage in a coaching session. The topic/subject of discussion should be established. The ideas presented for discussion should be taken note of and in a situation whereby the client does not have ideas of what to discuss or is reluctant to open up, the coach through ... Views: 2059
One of the most universal traits of us women is in caring for our beauty, not all, but in the majority of cases, we will do whatever it takes just to be beautiful in so many ways. Cosmetic products are considered anything that is used to enhance our face and body. Many women today are in the ... Views: 6264
Women Empowerment does not only come from working in large companies, wearing fancy clothes, managing a team, having your name plate on a desk with your position carved on it. Right now, it is also manifested by women who wish to get more out of life, the work life balance and who work from the ... Views: 1023
Understanding how and why seasonal color analysis can enhance your life through helping you to make the best color choices is worth finding out about! Without it, even the simplest task of choosing what clothes to wear can sometimes take you forever, and even then you are not sure that they ... Views: 1719
Getting married is the most enjoyable feeling ever and now that I have a son, I feel so fulfilled. But changes will always happen, some will make you happy and others will haunt you… And there is one change that is starting to haunt me now!
After I gave birth, I gained weight and I lost that ... Views: 1956
Have you ever sat down to watch TV with a bowl of popcorn on your lap, then suddenly realized twenty minutes later the bowl was empty? Have you ever driven somewhere and arrived safely, only to realize you didn’t really remember the trip?
These kinds of experiences happen to everyone. Today, ... Views: 1421
As children we grow up with dreams and as adults it is important that we continue them as it is when we stop dreaming that we start to whither and die. Man was born to dream; he was also born to achieve. The more dreams we have the more alive we are, although we don’t always have to achieve ... Views: 1455
No matter whether you are an individual or a large corporate body, you will always strive to make profit by boosting your sales. No business can do without profit as profit proves to be the most important motivational factor for any individual and business. Today we discuss more on coaching for ... Views: 1363
The question that is the gateway to spiritual enlightenment
Having been a coach for many years, in addition to having been involved in the training of at least 1400 coaches worldwide, I have come to the conclusion that one of the greatest skills that we, as coaches, possess and need to ... Views: 1148
For many people, much of life consists of trying to keep a balance, as though they are fighting to keep on their feet amidst a vast crowd of people who are pushing and shoving them around. It seems that life demands we become professional jugglers. We want to do our jobs well, to bring up our ... Views: 1241
If IFAs and Life Assurance Companies are to compete effectively with the direct sales channels that are trading today and with the many more about to appear in the next 24 months then they must first realise exactly what they have to do.
If they want to keep, never mind increase, their ... Views: 1286
Today organizations employ life coaches in the workplace so that the employees can achieve the desired results through proper guidance and training and therefore achieve increased efficiency at work. Hence whether it involves completing deadlines, attending meetings or planning out the next ... Views: 5574
Are you keeping your life in balance? Are you tired of the frenzied, highly demanding age we live in – the constant pressures brought about by the wish to succeed, be financially secure, fit and healthy, sociable, a good partner and parent.
As self-employed, freelance writers and ... Views: 1299
There is a new phenomenon sweeping the U.K. which is helping people not only to achieve, earn, and do more but also to lead a more balanced and holistic life. It’s called ‘Personal Life Coaching’ and it really does help individuals be all that they want to be.
As with so many things this ... Views: 1049
Coaching proves to be one of the most essential components of our lives right from the day that we become aware of the environment surrounding us. Coaching is very essential for the normal growth of the child. Coaching for growth will also apply to an individual who wants to grow in his career ... Views: 1026
The manager of an organization is one of the most important people within the organization as he is responsible for managing the human resources as well as the other resources in the company.
Today the manager has to take the responsibility of being a coach to his people. He has to see that ... Views: 1013
The world has become very competitive and all of us are striving day and night to achieve our goals in our personal lives as well as our professional lives. We have to remember that if we are not able to keep pace with the world’s progress we will soon be left far behind. Hence, receiving ... Views: 2349
Having been a self-development trainer for many years I have come to the conclusion that when looking at the many life skills that humans need to master in order to mould for themselves a joyous, fulfilling and creative life, accelerated learning skills are probably the most important of all. ... Views: 1655
More and more professionals today are tired of the frenzied, highly demanding age we live in and the constant pressures brought about by the wish to succeed, be financially secure, fit and healthy, sociable, a good wife and parent.
Career women, in particular, have to cope with the sometimes ... Views: 1005
Essentially it is about helping you to reach self-actualisation - a point at which you not only truly know yourself but within this knowledge possess a feeling of comfort with and understanding of the person you discover.
Your coach engages in a collaborative alliance with you to establish and ... Views: 992