Do you know anyone who suffers from social anxiety disorder? If you aren’t sure what it is, it’s a fear or apprehension of being around other people. This can be a debilitating thing for some folks, and even cause outright panic attacks in others. Mostly it causes people to become solitary and ... Views: 1146
Good day,
I would like to talk today about something I read recently concerning happiness, or better still, the lack of it. Normally when we think of pursuing happiness it’s within the context of striving for something positive in life, such as a goal, an ideal, a behavior, or something ... Views: 1076
Good day,
There is an old expression that many of you probably learned as children that goes “I will believe it when I see it!” This is the common belief that we should only believe the things we see with our eyes, and not be so gullible as to believe things blindly until proven otherwise. ... Views: 1432
Good day,
I have question for you today, one that I think may change your perspective about yourself a bit. Do you consider yourself an expert? I hope there are at least one or two subjects that you are considered quite good at, very knowledgeable at least, if not an outright expert. If not, ... Views: 1126
Something has been bothering me lately, something I saw on a news story just the other day. There was this story about how popular a certain type of plastic surgery was, and it sounded as if quite a few people are getting this procedure done nowadays. Yes, very popular. We must really value our ... Views: 1057
We all know that the common cold is contagious – most of us catch at least one or more of these nasty annoyances every year. Did you know that your moods can be contagious as well? It may not seem possible, but in a subtle way we all can “catch” another persons bad mood, or good mood, depending ... Views: 4497
Today it seems that most people are looking for a quick fix to their problems. It really doesn’t matter what the problem is, they somehow believe that someone out there has a quick, painless, and easy way to fix it. Take these steps and you will lose 20 pounds of fat in a week! Or take some ... Views: 1971
The other day I was watching a program that tried to figure out what most people
thought was the level of financial income needed for a person to feel rich. Now if you think
about it, “rich” is a pretty vague term so to some people it was in the neighborhood of a million
dollars (net worth, I ... Views: 1042
Are you one those people that are almost always happy, no matter what is happening in your life? Well me neither, but I’ve known a few people like that in my life and it never ceases to amaze me at their natural ability to maintain a smile every day. A friend of mine is like that, and I have to ... Views: 2767
Everybody you listen to these days seems to have a plan – follow my plan and you’ll make a million dollars online in a week. Follow my plan and you’ll find the ultimate job of your dreams. Follow my plan and you, well you get the idea, there’s a plan for everything! Whether you want to find the ... Views: 1270
Are you one those people that are almost always happy, no matter what is happening in your life? Well me neither, but I’ve known a few people like that in my life and it never ceases to amaze me at their natural ability to maintain a smile every day. A friend of mine is like that, and I ... Views: 929
I was thinking about how our habits seem to shape our lives, whether it's the habit of getting up on time (or late) every day, the habit of being healthy and eating right, or habits like getting really ticked off when someone cuts you off in traffic. Do you have bad habits? I guess we all do, ... Views: 853
What I’m going to say today may sound a little extreme to some of you – I don’t really care though. Sometimes you just have to say it the way you think it, no holds barred. This lesson is about making goals, or more to the point, about keeping your goals.
I’m sure ... Views: 837
Are there things that compel us to do what we do? What guides us in our choices of what we become in life, our professional choices, our educational choices, etc. Could it be our beliefs to some extent? Yes, psychologists say that we make many decisions in life based on how we see ourselves, and ... Views: 906
How good are you at making decisions? How do you know if you ar? Well, some people seem to make decisions very quickly, and others seem to take forever. Which method is the best? In general I believe being decisive is a very good thing, in other words being able to quickly weigh your options and ... Views: 864
I want to discuss a topic that is a little bit esoteric – not many people really know what I mean when I speak of “future-thinking”, but I wanted to explain because it has helped me so much that I feel I must. I’m not talking about literally predicting the future, ... Views: 974
Have you ever had one of those days when things just don’t go your way, when you just don’t get why but everything seems to be conspiring against you for no apparent reason? They happen to everybody, whether your short or tall, rich or poor, educated or not, and there’s not a ... Views: 1203
Have you ever thought what might be the most important aspects of happiness? what do you think would be the most common answers to the majority of people? Start with maybe the top three, that should make a little bit easier. For many people a belief in God (or a higher power) is their number one ... Views: 792
When we think about contemplating our happiness, there are many things that come to mind. Most of them are for the most part a little self-centered. By nature, we think of ourselves first I guess. I suppose this is based on our instinct of self-preservation, which is built into our genetic code. ... Views: 9563
Today's topic is giving back - not only to make ourselves feel better, because it's the right thing to do, or because your church says you should. Those are all valid reasons to give back - but in my mind another one is often overlooked. I feel that many people work very hard at making money, ... Views: 943
Today’s rant, I mean lesson, is about learning. More importantly the continued education that is necessary to make yourself successful and reach the happiness I know you are seeking. By the way, I know you’re seeking happiness. Not only because you signed up for my newsletter, but ... Views: 1048
I hope you’re sitting down while you read this – because I have some really mind-blowing information to cover today!
Did you know that every person in the world has the ability to become psychic? It’s true! You may not think it’s within your power, but trust me it truly ... Views: 1234
I hope you’re staying on track, getting everything you want in life, and finding happiness beyond what you ever thought possible! If not, what’s holding you back? Have you ever thought about it? If you are making progress and moving towards your goals, then you probably are doing ... Views: 1135
Today I would like to talk about something else besides learning, namely “taking steps”. Not learning to walk, literally, mind you. I’m hoping you all do that well by now as long as you’re able. The steps I’m talking about are the ones we take when first starting ... Views: 893
Today I’d like to discuss some things that may be on your mind already, the concept of spiritual growth and how it is related to (or in some peoples minds in conflict with) financial growth. Can the two coexist? Is it possible to strive for both simultaneously? Before you jump to any ... Views: 1779
With all of the bad things happening in our country right now (the stock market crashing, the banks and mortgage companies failing, jobs being lost, you know what I mean) I was thinking how many people out there are effected negatively by this? As a people, are we generally less happy when our ... Views: 1034
The past few weeks have been sort of unproductive for me, mostly because of certain distractions that for the most part were beyond my control (scheduling problems, personal things that needed attention, the usual). Now I look back and say “how could let myself do this?” I feel as if ... Views: 896
In order to really secure a happiness that will last beyond the immediate “rush” of whatever is making you smile at the moment, you must find a balance between all of the major areas in your life. These are easily identified by most people, but we tend to forget how important each ... Views: 1171
Hello again,
What does it take to keep you going in the direction of your dreams? If you have a truly powerful desire to become a new person, or to accomplish something really great in your life, is that enough to get you there? Let me put it another way. We all have things in life we want, ... Views: 1004
Today’s topic is “what direction are you going” – is it in the direction of where you wish to go due to a predetermined thought process? Or, are you just going in the direction away from what you don’t want in life? There’s a huge difference, pick the wrong ... Views: 847
Today’s topic is “what direction are you going” – is it in the direction of where you wish to go due to a predetermined thought process? Or, are you just going in the direction away from what you don’t want in life? There’s a huge difference, pick the wrong ... Views: 1054
Hello there,
I’m writing to you today about a very, very important subject – passion. Now don’t get this confused with your nighttime activities in the bedroom, that’s not what I’m talking about. We’ll discuss that later…
What is your passion? Do you have passion for life? If I asked you to ... Views: 807