Amid the endless piles of laundry, dishes, forgotten bills, and overdue library books, you have a house. A house you would desperately love to show off with pride. It makes you depressed even to think about how to get this mess organized. You feel your only hope now lies in the chance that one ... Views: 775 is a non-profit organization designed to help stops your junk mail and catalogs — protecting the environment. Junk mail wastes an incredible amount of natural resources and contributes to global warming. Our nonprofit service covers your entire household for five years, ... Views: 863
Be Prepared
- Check the Weather
You may be going to a tropical island, but is it rainy season? Check the weather a day or two in advance and pack accordingly.
- Bring Comfortable Shoes
So, you look like a tourist. Well, you are a tourist! And you'll be a much happier tourist if your feet ... Views: 885