Even if you’ve never taken the time to articulate your company culture, you probably have some feeling of what it is. When you go to work each day, you have some general sense of what the team values, what it takes seriously, what it pursues—and what it doesn’t.
There can be comfort in ... Views: 942
It's been my experience and the experience of thousands of doctors around the world who understand that a high quality staff can affect the ultimate outcome of their patients response to treatment. I have found that many times the patients will share their experiences with the staff when they ... Views: 1455
People do business with people who they like who all are like them. Suffice to say, in order to build rapport with your patients there a couple of major steps you need to take to build a lifelong practice. It's more important than ever before that you build rapport with your patients in order ... Views: 1747
If you’re like me and I know many of you are out there, when it comes to customer service there are certain traits that stand out and can make or break a business. The three simple traits that I have noticed in businesses that deliver first-class service are the following:
1.They Listened to ... Views: 9053
If you’re like me and I know many of you are out there, when it comes to customer service there are certain traits that stand out and can make or break a business. The three simple traits that I have noticed in businesses that deliver first-class service are the following:
1.They Listened to ... Views: 9053
If you’re like me and millions of people around the world who are using social media you probably discover that your world has just gotten much smaller. Just the other day I was writing an article on my favorite site jobing.com. The article that I wrote was titled “When You Fall off the Horse ... Views: 1253
People form opinions and make judgments about us in the first 60 seconds of a meeting or when speaking with us on the phone. Statistics indicate that 87% of people's opinions are formed based on the tone of our voice while only 13% is based on the actual words we use.
The 500 most frequent ... Views: 2326
It was a beautiful day in Costa Rica, the sun was shining and I was on the back of a beautiful horse named Diablo. I had been horseback riding numerous times before with no problems, so I wasn’t prepared for what would happen next.
As Diablo and I hit full stride galloping across an open ... Views: 1516
I recently received an e-mail from a friend of mine regarding choices specifically a person's ability to choose their own attitude of mind and how one can look at any situation either positively or negatively and its direct effect on the outcome of that particular situation.
Even though we ... Views: 4109
It was 1994 when the papers were delivered to my apartment; I had just joined the ranks of 50% of the population when my wife filed for divorce. As a single father my biggest fear was that someone would come in to my ex-wife's life and that person would eventually replace me as the figurehead ... Views: 1418
As healthcare providers few people understand what we do and the people whose lives we touch including ourselves. If we are striving for excellence as providers our own personal issues become less important and something magical suddenly happens. We find out that we have the ability to change ... Views: 3037
It was once said, that “Quality is never an accident: it is the result of higher intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives”.
While studying hundreds of law practices, large and small, in the big cities and small ... Views: 1588
Have you ever had a patient that sits through a whole report of findings and looks at you with the deer in the headlights look? It's obvious that they don't really understand the treatment program that has been implemented and your communication is off target.
If your patients do not have ... Views: 1521
The quality of your office is going to be determined by the quality of the team that assists you in providing health care to your patients. There are a number of things that you can do in order to build and strengthen your health care team.
People do business with people who they like, who ... Views: 2463
In order to grow your business, you're going to have to trust that your staff members are capable of getting the job's done that you assign to them. That means you're going to have to do something that may be uncomfortable for some of you and easy for others.
You’re going to have to ... Views: 1457
It is more important than ever before that our businesses embrace technology if we want to grow during this down economic time. Many business owners and corporations look for that one key idea or system that's going to take their business to the next level.
However, it's been my experience ... Views: 4177
If I could give you the key to unlock the door to a more prosperous and healthy life would you be interested? Recently I was giving a seminar and I decided to ask the audience one of my favorite life questions. I looked at all the people in the room and asked:
What do you want to be when ... Views: 1176