Many of us have come to that moment in our lives when we realize we have been presented with an unprecedented gift; quality time. We women of a certain age today will live healthier and longer than any time in history.
Interestingly just as we are armed with a collection of more or less half ... Views: 1015
There comes a point in life when we begin to feel different; not good different and not necessarily bad different - just different. The hard ‘stuff’ is over and now we are freer and wiser than ever before. It’s that precious time we waited for, worked towards, time for those things we postponed ... Views: 1085
The pursuit of happiness always starts with a dream and a decision doesn’t it? Making that decision is a process and likely one that doesn’t come overnight. Once a seed is planted it needs to germinate before it gets to the point of blossoming into an actual decision for most of us. For me, it ... Views: 1547
Gail Sheehy wrote the book Passages several years ago about how the body goes through ‘passages’ every 7 seven years or so. As it matures it evolves from infant to child, teenager and young adult to adult, crone and so on. With each of these life transitions changes are made and difficulties ... Views: 1300
Recently we’ve been talking about changes and transformation for the second or third part of our lives. We’ve talked about the reality of having an extra 20 to 30 years of quality living to do and we’ve looked at the exciting choices and opportunities a new perspective on the outdated term ... Views: 1212
Could you do it? Have you ever thought or fantasized about it? Tell the truth have you ever sat and imagined what your life would be like if you sold all your belongings and moved to a brand new life? Where would you go; to live near a beach, to the desert, to a small quiet town from the city or ... Views: 4947
Change…difficult or at least a little scary at any age but for the midlife woman this time in our lives can be very unsettling. The truth is by the time we reach this part of our lives we have become so accustomed to living for other people’s benefit that it can be downright disquieting when ... Views: 2405
Every once in a while you run into someone who has mastered the art of living, someone who doesn’t just move through life waiting for a certain time or place or person to make his or her time here a life of consequence, someone who doesn’t just live on the surface but really soaks it in; the ... Views: 1204
It’s not enough to want change, you have to take risks. You have to be prepared and motivated enough to leave the comfort of what you know and move willingly into that very scary place… the unknown.
Yikes! That sounds ominous doesn’t it? It really isn’t all that scary but there are some very ... Views: 1289
When I was young my mother used to repeat a familiar saying… “Birds of a feather all flock together.” Generally she used this saying when she did not want me to date a certain person. Someone she felt was too old for me, or too wild, or too whatever! Of course I thought she was just being ... Views: 1316
There is a great deal of talk and sound evidence that boomer women today have exciting new opportunities available to us as we approach the remaining chapters of our lives. Many of us whether by circumstance or design are coming to realize how precious this time is and are eager to embrace these ... Views: 1573
Ever wonder why some people always appear to be genuinely cheerful and happy and others don’t? Of course we all have our moments but when we meet these perpetually sunny individuals while we are experiencing a bit of a drought for those positive vibes the clash of energy almost serves to further ... Views: 1485
We all come to a point in our life when we sense that things haven’t turned out quite like we expected. That moment in time when we look up and realize that many of the things we thought we would do or have or try or be “when the time was right” have not occurred and don’t seem to be anywhere on ... Views: 1417
One of the things that can be drummed out us as we age is our ability to dream. When we were younger they came so easily. Somewhere along the way this ability, those delicious ever changing desires, ambitions and dreams become so deeply buried we seem to be unable to find them. Where did they ... Views: 1557
OK. You’ve taken the time to examine your life as it is today and discovered the small hidden joy within; the want not should of what you really want to do!
Exciting isn’t it? But after following all the steps and making a plan you still find yourself procrastinating and several of the ... Views: 1751
We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential. - Ellen Goodman
I love this quote. This ... Views: 1436
Do you know what you really want in life? Have you taken the time to really slow down long enough to take stock of just where you are and where you want to go? What do you think of your life as it is?
As the years tick by and the roller coaster we call life continues on its nonstop ride it ... Views: 849
Is your dream machine stuck in a holding pattern? If you’ve been living on auto pilot; moving through one circumstance to another and doing only what you thought you should or had to do, you might want to spend a little time and effort on changing your routine. If you don’t find the time to ... Views: 1014
If I asked who you are how would you answer?
Would you say; I am a stay at home mother, I am a real estate agent, I am a banker, I am a doctor, I am a massage therapist, wife, retired or “whatever”? Is that who you really are or is it the role you are currently playing? How many roles have you ... Views: 925
We have all heard this line a thousand times. My mother meted out this wisdom on any occasion when wise counsel or gentle consoling was needed. It was dispensed with love and affection and was the moral of the story she told of a similar survived event in her life. It was intended to assure me ... Views: 1503