Ready to say goodbye to your “bat wings” or “bingo arms”? Want to tone up your arms before tank top season finally arrives?
You’re not alone!
The triceps area or the back of the arm is an area that many people struggle with and it’s something I get asked about often – especially by my ... Views: 707
It’s about time that Canada updated its Food Guide. Since its creation in 1942, the food guide has only been revised seven times with the last revision done in 2007.
When Canada’s Official Food Rules were first introduced the intention behind them was to fatten up Canadian soldiers ... Views: 1099
Despite the amazing advancements in emergency care, when it comes to chronic health conditions and longevity, our current system very often falls short in improving the status of our vitality and long-term health. We are now facing epidemic levels of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and ... Views: 719
Do you remember the last time you ran barefoot through a field, or laid in the grass to look up at the clouds? What about the last time you slipped off your sandals and got sand between your toes?
In the field of health, this type of activity is known as “earthing”. Earthing involves placing ... Views: 921
Chocolate milk has become many gym-goers favorite post workout drink, but is it really as beneficial as it is advertised to be? I don’t think so!
The Myth: Recent Studies have shown that drinking chocolate milk after exercising is advantageous because of its protein content. Compared to plain ... Views: 4425
The phrase “gluten-free” seems to be everywhere these days. There are books, blogs, websites, gluten-free bakeries, menu items, and so on. Gluten-free foods are even being placed on the shelves of chain grocery stores! With all the talk, you may be wondering if living gluten-free could benefit ... Views: 2197
In my 15 years in practice, I have encountered my fair share of patients having hot flashes right there on my table while getting adjusted. They are usually embarrassed and apologize profusely for being so damp. I smile and tell them that a little sweat never made me nervous as I have been going ... Views: 1301
Outdoor allergies are often debilitating for a lot of people in the spring and summer. The environments we subject ourselves to on a daily basis does have a great impact on our health. Believe it or not, poor air quality exposure may be having a negative affect on your health. North ... Views: 1726
There are 208 bones in the human body and 143 joints. If any of these weaken, your body’s mechanics can be thrown out of balance, affecting your overall physical health. For this reason, it is important that you pay as much attention to your bone health as you do to the rest of your ... Views: 1505
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important. Unfortunately, it can also be confusing! The other day, while grocery shopping, I noticed something alarming: A Health Check symbol on a frozen chicken dinner. At first, I thought my eyes had deceived me. They couldn’t possibly endorse such a food; ... Views: 1288
What would you say if I told you that not only is Type 2 diabetes preventable, it is by and large curable if you are willing to make some simple, inexpensive lifestyle changes? Believe it!
Diabetes rates for both adults and children are climbing out of control! Currently, one in four ... Views: 1181
Hypertension has become the reality for many who are leading stressful lifestyles, coupled with an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise. The global prevalence of hypertension is currently estimated at 1 billion. That translates into 1 in 3 adults having high blood pressure. Often dubbed the ... Views: 1219
Are you feeling tired, irritable or simply just, “down in the dumps?” If so, it is likely that you are suffering from the dreaded condition, Winter Blues. The official name for it is Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.), interesting acronym, isn’t it?
Now, I am not generally one for labels, ... Views: 2266
““He (or she) who fails to plan, plans to fail.” ~ Winston Churchill
Do you know what you want for 2011?
It sounds like a simple enough question but, do you REALLY know? Or, are you going about life on autopilot and not really thinking about what you want out of life?
When I lecture at ... Views: 1259
Do you need more time? One of the number one complaints I hear on a daily basis is “I just don’t have the time.” That is the excuse for so many things from diet and exercise to business endeavours and quality family time.
If you are one of those “there’s never enough time” people, don’t ... Views: 1097
Wow, can you believe the holidays are almost here? From time constraints and shopping headaches to holiday feasts and financial worries, everyone is dealing with a huge array of stressors this time of year.
Are you worrying too much right now? Are you so busy taking care of everyone and ... Views: 1109
As we head into the holiday season we are faced with one of the biggest health challenges of the entire year. Dinner parties, family gatherings, and business events all seem to focus on one thing during this time…Food.
Now, I’m not here to lecture you on how much you eat during the holidays. ... Views: 1160
How would you like to be more efficient with your cardio exercise while exercising for shorter time and burning more calories? You may not need to exercise as long as you think! A while back I came across the work of Dr. Al Sears who has been in the field of exercise for over 25 years. His PACE™ ... Views: 2486
Here are the most common chemicals used in deodorants that you should avoid buying:
Aluminum – One main concern with deodorants is related to their high levels of aluminum salts. Aluminum chloride, aluminum carbohydrate and aluminum zirconium chlorhydrate glycine complexes can make up 25 ... Views: 2723
Here are some general suggestions about what fruits and vegetables to eat organic. Remember that pesticides are very harmful to humans, still a leading debate in the produce world.
Because of pesticides, the average farm land yields 200 percent more than it did before they were introduced 70 ... Views: 1395
I was just talking to a patient yesterday about his work-outs. He mentioned how he had plateaued with his results. I so often hear that comment. I started asking him questions – how often did he worked out? What did he do for his routine? Not surprisingly, he has been doing the exact same ... Views: 1236
1. Break your fast(breakfast)- increase metabolism; non-acid producing, low-sugar/glycemic fruits and green/fruit juices; or light, alkalizing foods only.
2. Grazing-eating 5-6 smaller meals per day vs. 3 large meals (a portion is the size of your fist, not what you can get on your ... Views: 1601
The Glycemic Index (GI) of a carbohydrate source is an important factor to take into consideration. Entire books have been written on the subject and I will not attempt to go into great detail, but here is the “gist” of it.
The Glycemic Index shows the various rates at which a carbohydrate ... Views: 1557
Nutrients can be divided into two major groups:
1) Macronutrients – protein, carbohydrates and fat
2) Micronutrients – vitamins, minerals and water
Macronutrients – Protein
“I don’t work out so I don’t need a lot of protein!” If only I had a dime for every time I’ve ... Views: 1334
Macro-nutrients – Fat
Have you noticed that we are, as a population, eating less fat but are fatter than ever? How is that!? We need certain fats for our bodies to function properly. Fats are needed to help form cell membranes, carry fat-soluble vitamins, build tissue, produce hormones, ... Views: 1389
The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep
Do you have trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. An estimated 3.3 million Canadians aged 15 and older, or about one in every seven people, have problems getting to sleep or staying asleep – contributing to insomnia. Part of the problem is 80 percent of ... Views: 1493
Have you ever been to France, Italy, or Greece? One thing you will notice right away is that their diets are loaded with fat, olive oil and wine at almost every meal. For decades, scientists and nutritional experts have wondered why these Mediterranean cultures live so long with such low ... Views: 1400
With Fall, we brace ourselves for many changes – leaves change color, kids are back at school, and the carefree way of life we’ve been living all summer falls victim to the fears associated with flu season which has come knocking at our door. Naturally, trying to protect yourself and your family ... Views: 1337
I often start my Wellness On The Go™ workshops with information about the importance of setting goals. By a show of hands, I ask the audience to demonstrate how many of them have goals, and whether or not these goals have been documented. Throughout the course of my workshops I have come to ... Views: 3255
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are considered “new age” terminology for the practice of positive thinking. The principle is to surround yourself with positive statements and ideas about what you want in life, and you will be more likely to achieve your goals. Affirmations are positive ... Views: 1704
I don’t know about you but the word meditation by it self used to intimate me like crazy. I had this picture of a yoga master “humming” away and I was thinking I can’t do that! I can’t sit still for more then 1 minute before my mind takes over with 1000 thoughts (I have to pick up the dry ... Views: 1451
For many of us, the smell of sunscreen triggers memories of hot summer days, and trips to the beach—we wear it at the cottage, on the boat, in the water, and while weeding the garden . But when was the last time we stopped, and asked ourselves—what exactly is sunscreen, and how does it protect ... Views: 1446
Who is on your Wellness Team or, your “W-team”, as I like to call it. First of all, you should be the biggest player on your team and your biggest fan! All that said, I love the following quote:
“Professionals have coaches – amateurs don’t.” Anonymous
You don’t have to do it alone, ... Views: 1444
What Is Magnetism?
Magnetism is a force of attraction (or repulsion) that acts at a distance. Any time a charged particle moves, it creates a magnetic field around its path of travel. The term magnetism refers to the phenomenon associated with a magnetic field, and the magnetic force that it ... Views: 4916
Vitamin Water
Is Vitamin Water worth your money? Glaceau Vitaminwater with added vitamins and electrolytes has become one of the most popular water beverages on the market. Oh, and its hip-packaging and quirky product names don’t seem to hurt sales either. But is paying the extra two or three ... Views: 1653
Not all fiber is created equally; however, many people are unaware of this fact. By eating whole wheat toast or a bowl of cereal in the morning, many of my patients believe that they are getting the right kind of fiber for their diet. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.
There are different ... Views: 5337
In 2009, it was estimated that more than 50% of North Americans consumed nearly half a pound of sugar PER DAY! Sugar is in almost everything we consume – from pretzels to soda, yet consuming it has proven to be very detrimental to our health. Several years ago we all went on low fat diet: low ... Views: 1979
Stretching can be overrated! Now don’t get me wrong, it is essential, but even if you are flexible enough to touch your toes, without the core strength to support your spine, you may be risking injury. My point is simply this; without core strength training, you are missing a significant ... Views: 2566
We often hear of core values for companies or corporations, but what are your core values? Whether we know it or not, each of us has our own set of values. They are what determine which aspects of life we regard as important, and greatly affect how we deal with day-to-day situations. Our social, ... Views: 2781
Are you putting the right type of fuel into your body? Regular or diesel? Do you know what happens to a diesel car if you put regular octane gas into it? The result depends upon how much of the wrong fuel you put into the gas tank. If you filled the tank with the wrong fuel, the car may run ... Views: 1597
Familiarizing oneself with the various means to detect and diagnosis breast cancer is incredibly important, and will hopefully enable you, or the women in your life, to make more informed decisions when deciding how to go about breast cancer prevention and protection. Though I do not wish to ... Views: 1253
The media and healthcare professionals have highlighted the harms and consequences of exposure to sunlight, however, there are many important benefits to sun exposure as well, which are often overlooked. Furthermore, sunscreen is often seen as the healthy choice for sun protection, but this ... Views: 1305
Do you remember when you were young and your parents forced you to take ?sh oil by the teaspoon, saying that it was good for you? Guess what? They were right!
Omega-3 and Omega-6 are called essential fatty acids (EFAs) and are poly-unsaturated fats. Since your body cannot manufacture EFAs, ... Views: 2005
Stretching can be overrated! Now don’t get me wrong, it is essential, but even if you are ?exible enough to touch your toes, without the core strength to support your spine, you may be risking injury. My point is simply this; without core strength training, you are missing a signi?cant component ... Views: 1496
Do you have trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. An estimated 3.3 million Canadians aged 15 and older, or about one in every seven people, have problems getting to sleep or staying asleep – contributing to insomnia. Part of the problem is 80 percent of North Americans say they believe it’s not ... Views: 1413
The media and healthcare professionals have highlighted the harms and consequences of exposure to sunlight, however, there are many important benefits to sun exposure as well, which are often overlooked. Furthermore, sunscreen is often seen as the healthy choice for sun protection, but this ... Views: 1013
Did you know that the number one role of your skin is to act as a barrier? Even so, everything we put on our skin is absorbed and goes into our bloodstream. As a result, we shouldn’t put anything on our skin that we wouldn’t eat! According to research, the average person absorbs about ?ve ... Views: 3369
Do you ever notice yourself feeling bloated, tired or gassy after a meal? Chances are you may have a sensitivity or intolerance to gluten. Gluten is a protein found in all forms of wheat, rye, oats, barley and related hybrids. It is used in food processing because it binds, stabilizes and ... Views: 1444
We all sweat, so it’s not surprising that 90 percent of us regularly use antiperspirants and deodorants. In fact, only one other bathroom staple – toothpaste, exceeds sales of these products!
You likely use deodorant to mask underarm odor or use antiperspirants to reduce sweating. ... Views: 1884