Achieving the Highest Career Heights
"Career Development is a continuous process. At every stage of your career, you need a bit of extra push to go further," says Hammad Siddiqui in his latest book Bootstrapping Your Career.
Here is how to take your career higher.
Are you getting the ... Views: 1788
If you truly want love then you have to consider how you approach love. Make your relationship last with these 10 loving tips.
1. Find a way never to criticize – even the type that is believed to be constructive. Instead think of ways to help and support and just do it. Always have the ... Views: 2633
Seek Knowledge
I was not born Muslim, but the one piece of Muslim philosophy my mother imparted to me was if the mountain would not come to Muhammad, Muhammad would go the mountain.
This Muslim philosophy had such an impact that I have wanted to know about the man who is so revered by ... Views: 1355
Will you pay for a professional resume writing services? 7 points to bear in mind.
1. Call in the Professionals Not the Clown
One of the things I learnt as a lawyer was: A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client. This proverb means that if you represent yourself in court things ... Views: 2676
Here are five good reasons to put more care into your English expression.
1. Positive Care
If you could not speak, you might still be able to communicate through sign language and written language. We often take for granted our ability to communicate, but we should care more about how we ... Views: 1561
Mega Movement
A new movement is developing and it has an acronym: MOOC.
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. How big it becomes is anyone’s guess but if it is free then it will attract legions.
Think Again
One of my friends encouraged me to get involved. He said he was taking ... Views: 2276
Beautiful Blessing
As a parent, you are in the greatest position to bestow blessings upon your child. Many will just wish for a healthy baby while some are more ambitious: the child must get to a good university and make millions.
Your Wish
Whatever your wish for your child and there ... Views: 3979
Impressive CV
The irony of life is that we need an impressive CV but its impressiveness is not what bags the job. It is a good intro but then …
A Leg in the Door
No more than a leg in the door, resumes get you in front of the hiring people, but it will be a compelling story that will get ... Views: 1385
Into the Future
Have you ever been asked the question: Where do you see yourself in five years time?
Whenever I have asked myself that question I have not really had a good answer. Actually my first consideration is money. I hope I will be earning more money. I also hope I will be with the ... Views: 1592
Lament of Loss
“The time we had spent with someone.
The time we know, we are never going to get back.” (Muhammad Mohsan Zaki)
May the Blessings Be
Oh this is sad and so true - I wonder why we spend so much time hoping when the other has made it so clear that they don't want you. And yet ... Views: 1641
How do I improve my English is a question I regularly get and I would like to share with you the secret of improving your English.
Boring Secret
It is a boring secret which a lot of people don’t like when I give them that advice. It is to read every day.
Practice Propels you Towards ... Views: 1793
Spur for Greater Life
No one gets out alive. Indeed people such as Steve Jobs used the inevitability of death as a spur for greater life. If you are going to die anyway what is holding you back? That was the lifestyle approach of Steve Jobs.
Lifetime of Success
Think about how you ... Views: 1361
Raining Down Blessings Upon You
B: Beliefs are at the core of our being, so be prepared to go deep to brighten up your thinking.
L: Learn to think in bigger and better ways. Let your imagination run riot and imagine your mind is overflowing with wisdom. Look harder and deeper at the universe ... Views: 1377
B: Blessed beyond compare are we when we have beautiful friends. Beside me, I feel so blessed, loved and cared for. Friends certainly bless our lives and are a blessing.
L: Loving thoughts are all I feel for my friends. Loving ways are the hallmarks of great ... Views: 1813
I wish someone had told me this when I was in my 20s:
Do not grow old, just grow.
Whatever age you currently are, there is still time to just grow.
As you get older you will not look the same. In fact, if you look at your parents and grandparents you will know in ... Views: 1373
Spurts of Growth Blessing
B: Believe your ideas can grow to be great things, that your mind can achieve great things when you let yourself grow. Blast yourself with brimming ideas that you are growing and growing.
L: Life from the growing point of view lets you become more: experienced, ... Views: 1521
Call to Success
The caller from the Mosque calls people to come for prayer, to come to success.
Source of Success
A great number of people, however, do not come because they want to come to success in their work, thinking that it is their presence in their business that provides them with ... Views: 1583
Robert the Bruce was fighting for the independence of Scotland against the English, but he lost a battle and was hiding in a cave. He was downtrodden and perhaps even contemplating that everything was hopeless. He was not alone in that cave. A spider was his companion and he watched ... Views: 1434
Nothing to Something
Muhammad Nasrullah has done something that not many people have done – take his startup from nothing to something, being recognized as a Global 100 company by Red Herring in 2012. There were over 5,000 nominees, so how did he do it? Here are 9 insights from the founder ... Views: 1563
8 secrets of speaking like a native English Speaker. Are you prepared to do what it takes?
You have to be prepared to do what native speakers do. Are you prepared to do what native speakers do?
English speakers have an English environment: radio, ... Views: 3070
Blessed Situations
People sometimes ask me to pray for them. I always do. But sometimes they wonder: why did I not pass that exam or do as well as I wanted when you were praying and blessing me.
Lessons still to be Learned
The answer is perhaps that was not to be for you at that particular ... Views: 1197
Vocabulary Prowess
People who worked for and with the late deputy prime minister of Singapore, Dr Goh Keng Swee, observed that he would hone his vocabulary in meetings, writing out synonyms and antonyms of some of the words under discussion.
Concise Clearness
He would even aim for at ... Views: 2606
Criticism is not nice. In fact, whenever we are criticized we feel it most deeply and more so if we think that criticism is unjustified. Muslims feel a personal insult whenever their beloved Prophet is insulted but Mike Ghouse says we should use such instances to learn more about our ... Views: 1985
The Tsunami of Appreciation Blessing - kick start great blessings in your life with a wave of appreciation that blesses, waters and nurtures you and your surroundings.
B: Begin with your surroundings and find one thing you can appreciate and put your appreciative focus upon it: a ... Views: 1715
There is a great power in giving thanks and Mike's tips are guaranteed to lift the spirits.
Balancing Act
The expression of gratitude is the ultimate balancing act in everyone’s life. We know whom we receive the good from and we offer our gratitude.
The absence of a simple thank ... Views: 1472
1. Words and attitudes define us.
“Challenges, challenges, challenges. Difficulties, difficulties, difficulties … Avoid repeating such words; otherwise they will become the part of your life,” says Hammad Siddiqui, Deputy Country Director of the Center of International Private Enterprise ... Views: 1822
Great Ideas
The greatest challenge to the greatest ideas is how to take your brainchild and make it real.
An idea is just a thought – a figment of the imagination.
How do we get it out there?
We need someone to talk to.
Asian Culture
In Asia, gurus are revered teachers and masters ... Views: 1629
The Yes "I am jobless" Camp by Faizan Laghari
Jobless for over 10 years
I can only speak for myself in this regard.
The fact of the matter is that I haven't had a job for 10 years now.
Definition of Job
As I always explain in my presentations, a "job" in my opinion is where I go for an ... Views: 2297
Hedging your Bets for successful entrepreneurship
Testing the Waters
Although gainfully employed, Suhail Ahmad wanted to ratchet up excitement in his life, so he decided to ride two boats in his 20s: Full-time employment but starting his entrepreneurship journey on the side.
Q Why did ... Views: 1517
Pursuing Love
A chance meeting can be a turning point in life: This is the story of entrepreneur Abid Beli from Karachi in Pakistan when he met a pretty girl in a park. Smitten, to him she was marriage material but his parents did not quite share the same level of enthusiasm. He was left with ... Views: 1555
Startups can fast track their brand by leveraging on net news outlets and by blogging. Indeed, all startups need to develop blogging expertise too - to generate a buzz of their own and to make it easier for bloggers to post news items, soundbites and articles. In other words, ensure your startup ... Views: 1744
Muhammad Nasrullah, founder of, takes obstacles in his stride. In every challenge, there is an opportunity for the entrepreneur to capitalize upon and take advantage of.
Q: How do market conditions affect the entrepreneur?
A: The economic environment has a key impact on ... Views: 2285
Cool Passion
There is a case for arranged marriages says Rehana Matri. “Arranged marriages, even if the couples get engaged and get to know each other, are not marriages of the heart but of the brain. And so they are missing that fire that love marriages bring with them from day one. Some fires ... Views: 1656
1. Entrepreneurial Excellence
In The Craft of Selling Yourself, Ashraf Chaudhry says we are all entrepreneurs. Everyone - yes you - will benefit if you develop this business-orientated mindset. Labels have a great impact on our mindset. In fact they determine our mindset, action and life.
2. ... Views: 1573
Founder and CTO of, Muhammad Nasrullah shares how he has kept his high tech start-up afloat and booming. Good ideas might seem to be the most challenging aspect of start-up success but getting it up and running and revving up to booming depends on attracting and building up the right ... Views: 2029
Princess Party
Every weekend I teach more than 10 classes at different levels. One of my classes is an all-girls class at Primary 2 level (they are 8 years of age going on 9). They love princesses and wanted to have a princess party. After getting the parents permission we finally had our ... Views: 1776
Sloppy Speech?
Rehana Matri sparked a response when she expressed: I wish Muslims would stop speaking English sprinkled with Arabic terminology because every word that is in Arabic can also be said in English. Why this mix of language, it does not help anyone who is not learned in the Arabic ... Views: 2156
Pillars of Success
Action, right direction and creation are the drivers underpinning many of the entrepreneurial success stories. For Rehan Allahwalla and Muhammad Nasurallah, vision, passion, garnering experience and service have been the main supports of their entrepreneurial ... Views: 1659
Early Environment
It is the dream of many Pakistanis to be doctors, engineers and accountants, a similar dream of legions across the Indian Subcontinent.
Faizan Largari was no different – he dreamed of accountancy, but Muhammad Nasrullah was fascinated by the idea that you could create ... Views: 1870
Entrepreneurial Enterprise
As an employee at Ericsson Muhammad Nasrullah was creating massive telecom networks but he felt there weren't enough services, so he left and “came up with a mobile social network which would be a gateway into other services.” He became an entrepreneur and one of his ... Views: 2165
Gentleman Sportsman
Imran Khan is Asia’s most successful cricket captain and in the top ten of most well-known sportsmen in this continent.
Gentle Giant
Blessed with more than his fair share of charisma, charm, affability, eloquence and powerful, driven passion, Imran is a legend in the ... Views: 4487
1. Fear is natural
It is natural to have some fears, so face your fears and consider whether your fear has a good source or is actually irrational (a fear that we should dismiss or conquer).
How to be fearless is one of the hardest things for most people to do. Recognizing and facing the ... Views: 1924
The Island of Utopia
Freedom – the most misunderstood word in the English language
If there was a poll to decide what is the most misunderstood word in the English language I think freedom might be high in the voting stakes. When there are millions of people how can we all live together ... Views: 3680
See the Light
Rights and Wrongs
We grow up as vulnerable kids in this world, not knowing any better, thinking our families, our society will teach us everything we need to know about what is right and what is wrong.
Not Knowing Right from Wrong!
We think they will teach us everything ... Views: 1694
1. Head Start
According to their daughter, first prime minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew and his wife Kwa Geok Choo said “Languages were best learnt young, when the brain is most plastic.”
2. Get Ready, Go!
Earlier is better than later when it comes to language learning. As soon as ... Views: 1557
The Best Place in the World
Imagine the most idyllic place your imagination can savor and luxuriate in?
Creating Utopia
Imagine this place where people are always so fair, honest, kind, nice, helpful, sweet and generous. This is what Utopia is.
A Man For All Seasons
Have you heard of ... Views: 1800
If I had had a vote as to whether there should be an Iraq invasion or war, I would have voted against such a war. I have a number of reasons for this and these include my view that if a person truly practices their religion they experience a degree of freedom of ... Views: 1503
Behind every successful man is a team of people – past, present and future.
You probably have heard that “Behind every successful man is a woman.” It is certainly true that a good woman can really help a man to be successful, but the truth is that behind every ... Views: 4369
1. Insurance man logic
Rejection is a fact of life but the more people you ask the more likely you will get a yes. This is the approach of top insurance salespeople.
Look for the yeses in life and accept that nos, also known as rejection is just the right of another to say no. Their no is ... Views: 1946
A World of Meaning
Idioms are phrases with special meanings. Straightforward idioms are usually ones all speakers of English can understand. Clichés are said to be overused phrases – but some so-called clichés are so apt (suitable) that they convey a world of meaning to us and more importantly ... Views: 3536