My company, the Confident Solutions Coach, works with entrepreneurs to develop systems in their business. I spent the last five years learning how to do this in my own business, and it is really fun to go out there and help other people get this done.
The first thing you have to do is ... Views: 1881
The 3% Rule
Chances are your customers have 97% of the things they need in their world to get their mission accomplished, to get their dangers overcome, their opportunities achieved, and their strengths deepened. Your job is to help them by assembling your creativity and your skills ... Views: 843
In my last blog, I wrote about the importance of identifying and working with the right clients. Once you’ve identified your correct clients, you must understand what drives them.
There is a Dan Sullivan concept called DOS. DOS stands for Dangers, Opportunities, and Strengths.
D is for ... Views: 796
Are you working with the right clients? Too often, when we get started in business for ourselves, we take anybody who will throw a dollar at us and we don’t discriminate very effectively. The better you are able to discriminate and choose carefully whom you desire your customer to be, the more ... Views: 594