Yes sir (or ma’am), you are not doing it right. You are running around in circles; never coming to a point where you understand where you are or where you are going. You are not doing it right. What is it that you are NOT doing? You are not setting concrete goals that will take you from one step to another. You are not looking at the logistics of writing things done in this face paced internet driven world.

Let us take a minute to get you on the right track to doing it right.

Why is goal setting so important?

Setting goals is not new. Setting concrete goals and accomplishing them IS new. Why? Some people think they can write down goals from major to minor, and try to obtain them their way. That is NOT enough. You are not doing it right if that is the only way you see yourself achieving! Developing a plan of action; a diagram or table that will help you see your achievements day to day, is the road of success the right way. The importance of setting goals is to always have a plan of action that helps you see the vision clearly. Goals are works in progress. That means if you don’t work towards something you will always work HARD towards NOTHING. Goal setting is important and you must do it right!

What do you need to do it right?

You need motivation. Yes! Yes! You need motivation. The only way to get started is to have excitement. I love this gospel song entitled Encourage Yourself; sometimes you have to have motivation and encourage yourself! There is nothing wrong with pushing yourself forward especially when you are alone. It is not being prideful; it is setting a tone to keep the ball rolling for business and life.

You need focus. When the time is right, and actually the time is now, to get life together and set goals, you need focus. Focus is seeing the vision to the finish line even if you have not started yet. The focus is essential or you will not be able to share your vision with others.

You need to grab the essentials. What are the essentials? Well, if you only use your laptop, you only use your black berry, you only use your email, and the essentials are going to look prehistoric to you. You need a notebook; you need pens, and white out. You need a marketing calendar, and a purse sized planner. You need a mini-tape recorder (or your phone is fine). These essentials will make you accountable for all the goals, setting the goals and achieving the goals for your life.

You need faith and prayer. Yes, I have to say this; you cannot assume that everything you do, you are doing on your own. This is essential to doing it right! Your faith and spiritual walk show who you are and who’s you are, which also means that you know there is a higher power at work that gave you the vision. Prayer gives the time to connect and get direction. It’s the same with setting goals; start your day with prayer to understand how to apply and work your goals. Faith is KNOWING and TRUSTING that your prayers are being answered and you are going in the right direction for achieving the best in your life.

You have to do it right in order to stay on the road of success. There will be roadblocks or forks in the road, but with motivation, faith, and the essentials to get you started you will bypass everything that is put in your way.

Author's Bio: 

Dana Marie is a motivational speaker, poet and writer. As a coach, she is touching the inner most parts of a persons life to build them higher in the things that are purposed by God. Building You was established to focus on the needs of the individual where speaking is on the needs of a group.