What is procrastination? Defined, it is: delaying, deferring, or putting off an action until a later date. This may seem innocuous and even justified in some cases, but it is really one of the biggest traps you will encounter on your path towards personal development and achievement. ... Views: 1417
There is a depressing number of people who have become so caught up in the mundane trivialities of day-to-day existence, that they’ve completely lost sight of the idea of goal setting (or perhaps they never saw it to begin with.) It’s a startling idea to me that some people live their lives ... Views: 1275
I wrote another article titled “How to be Decisive” that talks about the reasons people experience intense indecision in all areas of their lives and touched on some simple methods to employ to help overcome it. I feel that the subject of effective decision making is a complex one, and so I’ve ... Views: 1472
Few people understand the value of decisiveness. The ability to make quick decisions not only lends you an air of confidence, intelligence and authority, it can also make the difference between a positive and negative outcome in many situations. Some people believe that they are just “naturally ... Views: 5655
Everybody has a habit or personality trait that they wished they could be rid of. Smoking, nail biting and hair twirling are all good examples of these kinds of habits, which can seem difficult if not impossible to overcome. I personally believe that all behavior can be changed, however, and the ... Views: 1460
One of the biggest culprits for failure -- that is, people not doing what they set out to do -- is consistency. By “consistency” I’m simply referring to the ability to stick with a course of action once you’ve decided on it, and not getting distracted by the first shiny object that crosses your ... Views: 8224
There are about as many schools of thought on the “right” or “best” way to go about weight loss as there are people seeking to lose weight. (Ie, a lot.) Because each person is different and certain methods will mesh better with certain people’s mentalities, I believe there is no one “best” way ... Views: 897
So what is a fast? In its simplest form, a fast is simply the withholding of calories for a set period of time. Contrary to what you might think this is not the same thing as simply “starving yourself.” Fasting is a widely recognized holistic health technique that makes use of the body’s natural ... Views: 848
Whenever you read those lists “Top 10 Tips and Tricks for Cutting Calories” or “6 Easy Food Substitutions to Help you Lose Weight” they almost invariably make the suggestion to “switch from full flavor goods to their low fat or non-fat counterparts.” Of course, on the surface, the immediately ... Views: 815